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Somebody called for a molotov pigeon? Anette fits part of that description. Less pigeon and more owl, she uses the darkness to her advantage by watching the situation from far above. Owl like sight and hearing comes in handy sometimes. Not that it's hard to miss a 'kinda on fire' squad car.  
Somebody called for a molotov pigeon? Anette fits part of that description. Less pigeon and more owl, she uses the darkness to her advantage by watching the situation from far above. Owl like sight and hearing comes in handy sometimes. Not that it's hard to miss a 'kinda on fire' squad car.  

She suddenly nose dives, swooping in to join the fun. She flies just in front of one of the cops, timeing her flight so she is merely inches away from his windshield. There, that should give him a bit of a scare. Stretching her wings out, she flies up and performs the maneuver again to the other cop car. This time, she reaches down and drags her fingers across the windshield and hood. Well...they're not so much fingers anymore. It seems in the last year her powers have taken to evolving. Besides larger, more powerful wings, she's also acquired talons. Oh, and her eyes are now permanently bright yellow and currently the only easily visible part of her right now. She bats her wings and looks around for the talking pigeon, coasting beside hir. "Hey Pidgey, what's the plan now?"
She suddenly nose dives, swooping in to join the fun. She flies just in front of one of the cops, timeing her flight so she is merely inches away from his windshield. There, that should give him a bit of a scare. Stretching her wings out, she flies up and performs the maneuver again to the other cop car. This time, she reaches down and drags her fingers across the windshield and hood. Well...they're not so much fingers anymore. It seems in the last year her powers have taken to evolving. Besides larger, more powerful wings, she's also acquired talons. Oh, and her eyes are now permanently bright yellow and currently the only easily visible part of her right now. She bats her wings and looks around for the talking pigeon, coasting beside hir. "Hey Pidgey, what's the plan now?"

"{Yeah, over there,}" Ash gestures with his head to a vehicle parked across the street, pointed away from the direction Ion came from. He heads over to the now open vehicle, eyes narrowing to see through the smoke. "{Breathe, Hermano. You want to run now, or reduce the number of followers before bolting?}" He hangs back a step, letting Ion be the face the kid sees - providing that continuity someone in trouble may need. "{Hey, firebug, feel up to running, or do you need a carry?}"
"{Yeah, over there,}" Ash gestures with his head to a vehicle parked across the street, pointed away from the direction Ion came from. He heads over to the now open vehicle, eyes narrowing to see through the smoke. "{Breathe, Hermano. You want to run now, or reduce the number of followers before bolting?}" He hangs back a step, letting Ion be the face the kid sees - providing that continuity someone in trouble may need. "{Hey, firebug, feel up to running, or do you need a carry?}"

Latest revision as of 05:06, 9 May 2014

Dramatis Personae

Anette, Ash, Ion, Rasputin, COPS

In Absentia

Friday, May 8, 2015

Brotherhood vs. Cops. Part of the Future Past TP.


<NYC> Brooklyn

The most populous of the boroughs, Brooklyn has nothing if not character. With a thriving music and arts scene, and a distinctive New York slant to its stereotypical gritty accents, Brooklyn ranges from the high-cultured to the very much working class. From botanical gardens to beachfronts, Manhattanites might like to think their borough is the only one that matters, but Brooklyn has a lot to offer of its own.

So, things might have gotten a little out of hand. See, it all started when...

...well, y'see, what happened was...

...yeah okay look we're just going to level with you here: Ion's currently driving a stolen cop car. A stolen cop car that's a little bit on fire.

Just a little bit, mind you, and it isn't even Ion's fault! He didn't set the cop car on fire! The half-dead mutant in the backseat who's been recently beat to all fuck by the cops -- the one that Ion's trying to save -- it's all his fault. He's a dark-skinned teenager who's hair is currently *burning*, wheezing bloodily as he shuffles and squeals and whimpers.

Meanwhile, somewhere behind Ion -- two police cars are in pursuit, lights flashing, brightly spinning through the night as the cars rumble through the streets. Luckily for Ion, they haven't called in the police chopper.


The lights on Ion's car are flashing, too! This is probably unnecessary but /fuck it/, he stole a cop car and he is damn well turning on the flashers. Also helps to clear cars off the road in front of him though -- with the crazy way he's sort of /careening/ through the streets he might not be as overly concerned about this as he should be. "{It's okay, hermano, we'll get you to help, yeah. I got this under control.}" His Spanish is oddly /exuberant/, his manic grin -- admittedly not /entirely/ the smile of a man who has things Under Control. He might be /ignoring/ the part where his car is on fire, aiming for -- well, /hopefully/ he has backup coming up ahead, he's made a few calls to /whoever/ might be in the area.

Hopefully his backup will not be on fire.

Fingers crossed.

Normally, pigeons won't fly near chaotic events such as this. Most would probably fly as /far away as possible/. However, four apparently crazy pigeons are flying /straight/ for the flaming car. As they get close, three are splitting up and beginning to basically circle, two near the police, one high above, and then one is beginning to fly past the window of the flaming car, not too close to get burned..but apparently close enough to manipulate sound, an all familiar voice appearing inside the car. "Help's arrived. I'm going to go Hitchcock on them. Just..don't crash.". The last word comes with a small laugh, as the drive-by pigeon storms into the air, getting birds into position in their flight for when the time to sacrifice them comes.

A short set of words is sent in a text message to Ion's phone, simple and concise. 'I'm Here. Ready.'

In a rapidly nearing abandoned lot, a figure stands near the middle, his hand slipping a cell phone back into his pocket. He looks rather nondescript, average height, well-built frame, brownish features, a black knit hat pulled over his head and ears. He's wearing dark brown cargo pants and a flannel over a tee shirt, heavy construction boots on his feet, a serious expression on his face. He waits, eyes on the two openings to the yard, where the sidewalk dips down to street level, allowing easy access to motor vehicles. His arms are tense at his sides, fingers curled into fists.

He is not on fire. This is a plus.

The police officers don't notice the pigeons. They do notice the fact that Ion has just turned on their bright, flashy lights. This pisses them off a lot more than anything else. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Officer Wedge growls, eyebrows knitting together, grinding. "Motherfucker is--"

"Just stay on him, stay on him," his partner replies, snatching up the radio to inform dispatch of where Ion is -- where he's going -- what the situation is.

The two cars are coming up fast behind Ion; they're not going to be able to do much, here -- mostly, they're just trying to stay close, keep an eye on him, and set up something like a roadblock up ahead. Luckily for Ion, the chase has just started, so he's got a little time to work with. Unlucky for him, the mutant in the backseat is freaking the hell out, coughing and groaning and continuing to burn a large portion of the vinyl he's laying across. The windows are down, but even then -- a fuckton of smoke is pouring out of the back seat of this car.

Ion's bright flashing and SORT OF ON FIRE police car is making a mad weaving erratic dash down the wrong side of traffic, veering across lanes to rumble in a trail of smoke towards the lot Ash is standing in. "{Ohshitohshitohshit,}" Ion is swearing as he swerves around a bicyclist, "{Jesus Mary and Joseph oh /Lord/ help -- No, nope, got this so covered we are almost there little brother you hang /on/.}" Skreeeeeee, his car is swerving into the lot, continuing to disgorge smoke as he veers around /behind/ Ash to pull it to a hard brake and tumble, hacking and coughing just slightly, out of the driver's seat before moving to open the rear. "{Earthworm,}" he calls to Ash, "{Please /God/ tell me you got a vehicle I can drive and we have /so/ many incoming -- . One with a little less fire maybe.} -- RAS," he switches to English for this call, "we needa get you some tiny pigeon molotovs."

Rasputin's keeping the sound connection by remaining near the car, whilst still high up, with a laugh as ze speaks again. "Suicide Bird, coming up.". The pigeon near the car is blindly commanded to attack the cop car, as it /flies through the flames/. There's no chance of survival, but it is attempting to fight as it dies, trying to fly into the hood, possibly the windshield of the left cop car, the other two pigeons circling upwards and moving closer to Ras. "I got two more for burninating. Hoping that buys a tiny bit of time.". Rasputin circles around the lot with hir birds, the two sacrifices rather low in order to be arson'd.

Somebody called for a molotov pigeon? Anette fits part of that description. Less pigeon and more owl, she uses the darkness to her advantage by watching the situation from far above. Owl like sight and hearing comes in handy sometimes. Not that it's hard to miss a 'kinda on fire' squad car.

She suddenly nose dives, swooping in to join the fun. She flies just in front of one of the cops, timeing her flight so she is merely inches away from his windshield. There, that should give him a bit of a scare. Stretching her wings out, she flies up and performs the maneuver again to the other cop car. This time, she reaches down and drags her fingers across the windshield and hood. Well...they're not so much fingers anymore. It seems in the last year her powers have taken to evolving. Besides larger, more powerful wings, she's also acquired talons. Oh, and her eyes are now permanently bright yellow and currently the only easily visible part of her right now. She bats her wings and looks around for the talking pigeon, coasting beside hir. "Hey Pidgey, what's the plan now?"

"{Yeah, over there,}" Ash gestures with his head to a vehicle parked across the street, pointed away from the direction Ion came from. He heads over to the now open vehicle, eyes narrowing to see through the smoke. "{Breathe, Hermano. You want to run now, or reduce the number of followers before bolting?}" He hangs back a step, letting Ion be the face the kid sees - providing that continuity someone in trouble may need. "{Hey, firebug, feel up to running, or do you need a carry?}"

Screech. The suicide kamikaze pigeon manages to get the brakes on one cop car to engage rather suddenly, followed by a litany of curses as the car swerves through traffic -- regaining velocity a moment later, but not before briefly scraping the side of a legally parked Buick. Anette's divebomb causes a bit more chaos -- the other vehicle hits the brakes hard and proceeds to come to a full stop, its occupants cursing up a storm for a full five seconds at the brief scratch of talons that scraped over their windshield -- and the flash of yellow eyes. At least one of them is struggling to pull his pistol, already hollering in the radio that they need backup, they need backup right fucking now.

The car that didn't stop all the way is swinging up toward that empty lot, swerving a good twenty yards away from the group...

"{Oh, man, vato, we gotta take /some/ these fuckers out or they'll be on us all the way through goddamn Jersey. Bad enough /driving/ through Jersey without the pigs after, huh?}" Ion's bright grin is peering in the smoke-filled back of the car as he claps a leather-gloved hand on the overheated door to pull it open wider. "Ras, if they get out the cars go for the damn /eyes/, yeah? Plan is tear their motherfuckin' /throats/ out, we gotta get this kid to safety." He calls this upward before looking into the back seat. "Change of ride, hermano. Come, we give you hand, yeah? My friend he can carry you maybe if --" He stops kind of /abruptly/ as the second car swerves up towards their lot, turning from behind the car door to stretch a hand outward. The streetlamps at the edge of the lot are suddenly flickering and burning out -- the /car/ that's swerved towards the lot finding its battery very suddenly /dead/ as Ion's manic grin grows /just/ a hair brighter, his posture /bouncing/ a little more on the toes of his heavy boots. "Oh-ho," is in English again as he eyes the cops /in/ the now-dead car, "Come at me, bros."

The tactical pigeons are moving around the doors, flying above the air and in position to lunge if the doors open. Ras hirself speaks quietly to Anette as ze begins to move to ringmaster the pigeons. "I got two brave bird soldiers prepared to sacrifice themselves. As long as they're useful, I'm game for anything, but once they're out, I'll be useless myself.". Ras glares at the car in front, the voice moving towards Ion. "Like I said, going Hitchcock."

Anette nods slightly to Ras, turning to look back to the squad car still moving. "I'll do what I can, short of lighting myself on fire. She then quickly turns around, heading for the car as it approaches the lot. Diving once again, she elects to land on the hood this time, stretching out her wings to block his view. She stares at the driver, her eyes glowing as she screeches loudly. Her aim is pretty simple, scare the crap out of the cop. Or, at the very least, make him lose control, at which point she would immediately jump and take to the air again.

Ash nods and turns his attention toward the injured party in the back of the car, reaching a hand out. "Come on, careful, let's get you out of here." He extends a hand to the kid and gives him a good solid weight to pull himself against.

The firebug coughs and sputters and nods, moving sideways painfully before finally getting his feet out of the car. He leans against the new person heavily, his body uncomfortably hot.

"Hey, hey, don't worry. I've seen our good buddy take out more people than just the scrambling few out there right now. And he's got back up now. Don't worry. We're going to take good care of you, even if we have to take you to that God forsaken land." Oh Jersey. Ash leads the way quickly, staying low and keeping his body between the kid and the rest of the world.

The cops aren't expecting a killer screech owl to descend upon them. They hit the brakes, swerving hard -- a screech of tires heard as they swing around into the lot, briefly smashing into the side of a Dodge Spirit, cracking the windshield. And then... their batteries are dead. The officer on the radio emits a series of curses; the door on the other side of the vehicle pops open -- and both officers are clamboring out, putting a good deal of distance between them and the mutants. Guns drawn. Leveled.

Really, these guys -- they don't even bother to say 'You're under arrest', at this point. Instead, once they've stumbled their way into position... they just start opening fire. At anything -- anyone -- that looks... well, mutant-y. Luckily for the mutants, it takes them a while to get into position, forced to crawl over each other -- but once they're /in/ position? Bullet city. "Fucking HELL we need backup RIGHT NOW--"

The other car is coming in, and it's coming in hot -- the police lights are flashing as it swings in behind the other two officers, attempting to block off the most obvious exit to the lot...

Ion's vanished once Ash is moving, disappearing in a brief flicker of blue-white light though -- only as far as the /opposite/ side of the still-smouldering squad car, putting the smokey-burny vehicle between himself and the incoming officers. The flicker of light /remains/ in his eyes once he's reappeared, though, a gleaming bright spark that is starting to skitter and dance its way down along his arms, jumping from fingertip to fingertip.

He doesn't actually entirely wait for the dead car door /to/ open before there's a flashing jolt of lightning arcing out over the distance between them; it sizzles between /his/ car and hits the other to turn /it/ into a suddenly very high-/voltage/ piece of metal as the officers climb out of it. "Earthworm, you manage some cover?" Though he's actually sounding like this is more of an /idle/ question than a seriously intent one; eyes lively and his muscles wired-tense. The car across from him is lit up, bright flickers of blue light -- /pretty/ blue light! -- dancing out in skittering sparks towards the officers crawling away from it. Ion ducks back behind the car as the bullets start to fly, teeth gritted in the face of the lightning storm behind him and his palms pressed hard against the ground.

As the officers crawl out of the cars, the birds care not about anything else going on around them. The bird closest to that door is the first to strike, flying at one of the officers, trying to, as requested, rip his throat out with no remorse or signs of stopping. The other bird quickly circles around, and lunges at the second officer, as Rasputin begins to take off, birds at their commands until either they die, or the officers die (probably the first). "Out of fodder, I should run. I'm not very useful electrocuted or full of bullets, after all.". Rasputin begins to take off, leaving just enough distance to keep the pheromonic control around for a few minutes as the birds wreak their talons on the cops.

Anette takes a hint from the kamikaze pigeons and dives back down, before the cops come to their senses and figure out what they're doing. She grabs one by the shoulders, catching him off guard as she digs her talons into his flesh. Up, up, up she goes until she's about thirty feet high. Then she...let's go! Right over the street. At which point, the cops have figured out what they're doing so she chooses to join the others, rather than attempt any more sneak attacks.

As soon as the sound of bullets split the air, the ground starts rumbling, then chunks of solid earth start sliding up in different locations - in front of where Ion was, around the burnt out car, along the path that Ash and his new friend are running. The young earthbender is less talkative when he is concentrating on getting the kid to safety, on not dying, on trying to strategically place cover where his fellow mutants could use it most, his expression emotionless and distracted. When a vehicle tries to cut them off, he raises a hand to stop them. The gesture may seem fruitless initially, but when the asphalt starts to curl up under the cop car and keeps angling upward and curling back, it achieves the desired affect.

Ash then reaches the getaway car with his cargo and opens the door, allowing the kid to crawl his way in (and hopefully not set it on fire). The rockbiter turns back, eying the scene, hands poised and at the ready, to defend their escape.

"Frigging --" Electricity swarms out from the police car as it becomes a burning, thrumming conduit of energy; both cops scream, their attempts to open fire becoming little more than chaotic blasts of bullets with no particular target in mind. One of the cops collapses, pretty much instantly -- crumpling into a smoking heap on the ground -- as the second cop stumbles back, just in time to be snatched up by Anette...

There's a brief scream, in the darkness above -- too stunned to fire his gun (which tumbles from his hands), he's carried up into the air... and dropped. The screaming promptly halts, when he hits -- with a sickening *CRACK*, followed by a wet sound.

The second car has just managed to arrive; the cops are pulling into place -- just as asphalt lifts in an ever-extending wedge that 'catches' the car, its wheels spinning fruitlessly as its forward momentum is halted -- the officers inside briefly panicking, not exactly sure what to do -- giving the mutants the out they need to get the fuck out of dodge.

"Ay. Fantástico," Ion says as Anette drops the cop from above. "I think this it might be time for our exit, no? You gonna ride or you gonna wing it, sister?" /He/, at least, is already straightening -- there's a bright /burst/ of energy that jolts out to sear into the second car, but it's thrown sort of haphazardly as Ion starts bolting from his position behind the smoking squad car towards Ash's ride. "Because we needa bounce." Regardless of whether Anette is riding with them or taking off, /he's/ sprinting, letting Ash get the injured mutant into the backseat while he dives for the driver's seat. There's enough time, at least, for her to join them -- but then he is taking the hell /off/ from the scorched lot in a /squeal/ of peeling tires.

Anette doesn't seem bothered by the sickening crash of a human being, landing beside Ion. "I feel like we might have overstayed our welcome," she agrees, watching with amusement as Ion shoots out electrical bolts. She's not far beyond, using her legs for once to catch up to the not-as-burning car, her wings pressed tightly to her body. "I'm riding with you guys," she yells, quickly yanking a backdoor open and slipping inside. She glances out the back window briefly to get an idea of who's left chasing them, a brief grin escaping. The girl's a bit of an adrenaline and danger junkie.

The second bolt of lightning sears into the car, prompting a series of screams -- and the smell of smoldering, burning plastic, intermingled with the distinctive scent of gasoline. The officers are scrambling inside the car, which has nearly fallen over on its back. In the distance, more sirens are kicking up -- but they're too far away for now to catch up with the Brotherhood as they slip into their ride and start moving away. The man that Anette dropped doesn't move; at a glance, he doesn't even seem to be breathing as the mutants peel off into the night.

Police: 0, Terrorists: 1