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Dramatis Personae

Dusk, Ion, Rasputin




<BOM> Kitchen and Dining Room - Main Lodge - Ascension Island

Though equipped to feed and seat a few dozen people, these rooms lack an institutional feel. A large stone fireplace along one wall has a wide mantelpiece above it; the walls and floors are smooth blonde birch and darker grey stone. The solid wood tables are circular, designed to seat six apiece. The lighting overhead is soft, stained-glass hanging lamps over each table and recessed lighting studded at intervals into the walls. Though the tables all match, the chairs do not, an assortment of styles from extravagantly ornate high-backed oak to plastic-and-metal folding chairs.

The kitchen adjoins the living room through a large pair of swinging doors. Recently refurbished, its new appliances still gleam. The giant fridge and freezer to the right are generally well-stocked, as is the large cool stone walk-in pantry set alongside them. Its back door opens out onto the gardens. The center island is a long granite counter, the cabinets underneath it stocked with pots and pans and cooking dishes of all types. Three sinks are set against the left-hand wall. Overhead, numerous cabinets hold dishes and glasses and mugs for actual eating; the drawers below have utensils for the same. Hooks on the walls are available for hanging -- dishtowels, oven mitts, severed body parts, whatever is in need of hanging.

Outside the Ascension Island Lodge, it has been a cold, snowy day today. Much warmer inside the lodge, which is why Rasputin is inside, in the kitchen. Sitting upright on the center island, staring at a wall, the white cat is lost in thought. Swaying hir tail back and forth, the cat tilts hir head, before speaking to hirself. "". Rasputin looks around the room, breaking the line of sight to the wall, before turning back to the wall, tilting hir head, sighing.

The door to the back garden opens; Dusk comes in shivering, shaking a fine sheen of icy-wet droplets off his wings. "Ghhhhhh." For a time this is the only thing he says. He stomps slush off his boots by the door and then stomps his way across the kitchen, opening up the fridge to frown into it. He eventually grabs a tupperware of leftover beef stew, scooping some into a bowl to stick it in the microwave. "Found some winter out there," he says to Rasputin, opening a large oven door and turning the oven on. To TOAST his wings. "S'on your mind, dude."

Ion has been out in the common room. Playing Red Dead Redemption. But video gaming gives him a THIRST and so now he is wandering in here, in jeans, boots, a faded grey sweatshirt unzipped over a black t-shirt. "Yoooo, don't put that food away I need a lunch. And maybe a beer. You need something, gato?"

Only Rasputin's tail moves when Dusk and Ion enter, respectively. Ze is still staring at the wall, kind of entranced on it. "Okay guys, I have a hypothetical scenario for you.". Rasputin sighs again, turning towards them, before speaking. "Say, you are a mutant with the ability to possess animals, and three years ago your human body died and you gained amnesia. Hypothetical, of course. a certain Ivy League university in NYC, you run into your human sister, who, ironically, is studying to be a vet. What do you do? Hypothetical, remember.". Rasputin's tone and cat expressions don't show much hypotheticalness, as ze awaits an answer. "Also, I wouldn't mind some of that. Haven't eaten yet. Been sitting here for half an hour, really.".

"Hypothetically?" Dusk's brows raise; he gives a quiet chuckle at this, getting out two new bowls to dish up beef stew in both of /them/ as well. But then wait for the microwave. "Do I hypothetically have any indicator whether or not my sister's cool with mutants? Or did the topic never come up before I went AWOL?"

"Hypothetically I would go get in touch with my hypothetical sister, yeah?" Ion hops up to sit on the counter beside Rasputin, drumming his hands against his knees in eager impatience for /food/. But then hopping back down immediately afterwards to go grab a beer from the fridge -- two beers, really, he sets one down beside Dusk and then returns to the counter. "I mean, goes good, you have your sister back, mmm? Goes bad --" He waves his hand around the kitchen. "You are going to be surrounded still with family."

"I never actually talked to my family after death/amnesia. I only know who I am because I stalked my ambulance. And to find her again, that'd also take stalking. So basically, my only interaction with her ever has been stalking to my knowledge.". Rasputin sighs, looking around, breaking both wall stare and hypotheticals completely. "I missed my funeral, sadly. That would have been strange.". Rasputin sniffs, smelling Dusk's bowl of food as it cooks, looking over to the bowls of stew in anticipation. "Well, yeah, I'm just, there's the massive chance she won't believe me since, I know absolutely nothing about my past life. But I do know that she's a weirdo, since, you know, she was talking to a bird without the bird talking to her first. Then again, I froze up, so.".

"I dunno if that's so weird. Lots of people talk to animals." Dusk shrugs, taking a bowl of stew out of the microwave when it finishes and putting it down, steaming hot still, next to Rasputin. He cracks open the beer against the countertop once he puts in a second bowl. "So no idea at all what your family's even like? Mmmn. My roommate goes to Columbia. /Regan/ goes to Columbia. Medical, even, she might at least know some people around veterinary. Could scope her out. /I/ could scope her out that's a sure as hell way to know whether or not she's okay with mutants."

"Darkwing, boy, that is /not/ a sure way to know, you start sweettalking, flash them big-eyes, I think you could charm a Friend into bed. Still better than not-knowing, yeah." Ion cracks open his beer as well, taking a long swig. "You /want/ to get to know her, Ras? Because that's your call totally."

"Well, yeah, of course. Not only would I be able to know more about who I was, but, eh, if she knew I was alive and also wasn't freaked out that I'm mostly either a cat or a bird, that'd probably make her happy. So, yeah, if you could help me, Dusk, that'd be awesome. Just, uh, don't sleep with her. I'm pretty sure there's a code against that or something.". Rasputin sniffs the bowl, waiting for it to cool. "Name's Alicia Hendrickson. Blonde, 20s, tall.". Rasputin finally begins lapping up the stew, before revolting hir head. "Okay, I should have let that cool.".

'Blonde, 20s, tall,' Dusk mouths over to Ion. "OK, right, fine, no sisters. Just purely platonic talking. I'll see if she wants to go for coffee or if she wants to freak the fuck out and run because holy crap vampire bat. Hoping for the latter, though. If she's cool, you want me to float the idea of you, see how she reacts? Or would you prefer to approach her on that front yourself?"

"And there's no options in between, right, like, being cool with mutants but /not/ wanting a date with you?" Ion actually sounds like he's /agreeing/ with this, not mocking. "Sisters are always off limits, yo, that's family." He can't help a small smirk as Rasputin digs in to the hot stew. "Sometimes. Sometimes, there is no waiting. Only stew."

"Okay, let's stop talking about dating my sister, this is getting awkward. I just, you know, want to know whether or not she'd freak out at me. Even if she /is/ fine with mutants though, then I have to figure out how to convince her I'm her dead brother, so, yeah, I'd like to approach her on that part.". Rasputin begins lapping the stew again, resisting the heat, though it /obviously/ burns. "Stew is a food group, you know.".

Dusk takes the second bowl of stew out, sticking a spoon in this one and depositing it in Ion's lap. he puts in his own, hopping up to sit now on the counter opposite the other two. "Might be a hard thing to convince her of if /you/ don't remember your life, though," he muses with a small frown. "Like -- even if she's cool with mutants, what do you say to her to convince her it really is you?"

"Yah -- maybe it's your life you need to look back into. Read up on who are /you/ before you were Rasputin. I mean, mutants, I love us freaks. Talking cat, I'm good with talking cat. Talking cat comes and tells me they're my long-lost brother?" Ion shakes his head, scooping a spoonful of stew into his mouth. Apparently not learning at /all/ from Rasputin, since he immediately hisses, waving a hand at his burned tongue. "Tss -- that, fuck. That I would need a proof for." His words are a little more /slurred/ now around a mouthful of pained tongue.

Rasputin takes another lap from the bowl. "I don't think dead 15 year olds have Wikipedia articles. Atleast, most of them.". Rasputin says wryly, looking over to Ion. "Well, I still have my personality, though..reading up on myself first might help." Ze laughs when Ion hisses, before turning back to Dusk. "I'll just..uh..describe the exact manner of my death? That might work. Or be pretty terrifying and alienate her forever. I haven't ever thought this through before.".

"Kind of a huge thing to think through. Do you know what /your/ name was, maybe we can look into it? What school you went to, things you were active in, where you lived, /something/. Jeez is it stalking if you're stalking /yourself/?" Dusk takes a gulp of his beer, too, and promptly snorts it up his nose at Ion's hasty stew-eating. "-- shit. Guys. I think we're all failing at eating today."

"All these parts involved in eating, shit's complicated. I just want the food in me. /All/ the food in me." Ion sets down his beer bottle, scratching at Rasputin's head. "Might want to stay away from painting these -- detail-picture of probably a pretty horrifying day. Start slower. Ease into things maybe? I'm sure we can look into stuff. Find out /something/ about you you can use."

"Yeah, good idea, Ion.". Rasputin continues to eat hir soup, taking in the scritches, purring. "Clyde Hendrickson. Sounds like some kind of outlaw. Albany, New York. Also, I was thinking the same thing. I am either the worst or best stalker.". Rasputin laughs at Dusk, nodding in agreement. "Good stew, though.". Rasputin leans down, responding again, tail swerving. "I still have the same knowledge I had, atleast. I'm smart, so must have been good in school, /or/ I'm a narcissist."

"You /are/ some kinda outlaw, dude." Dusk's fangs flash in a wide grin. "Aright. Clyde Hendrickson. We'll look into it, yeah?" He slides down off the counter, bapping Ion lightly on the shoudler. "I'm stealing that TV, man, we're watching Pacific Rim. S'go."

"Not being a narcissist if you are just awesome." Ion /frowns/ at Dusk's announcement. "Oy yo I was using that -- mmn. Giant robots?" His complaints die off. He gives Rasputin one last scratch to the head, and slides down off the counter, grabbing his beer and his bowl. "Giant robots, can't really say no to that."

"Thanks guys, so much. Really, this means a lot.". Rasputin laps back at the stew, waving hir tail as they leap off the counter. "Giant robots, heh. Guess I'll join you guys, what's this movie about? Other than the giant robots?".