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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Aerin, Ghost, Shane | summary = ... oops. | gamedate = 2014-03-26 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <XS> Lake | categories = Xavier...")
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< Borg > Someone's thoughts run wet with blood. Warm-slick. /Juicy/. Rending flesh and a dying heartbeat and beneath all that only a /fierce/-hot glee. Mmmm. /Mmm/.
< Borg > Someone's thoughts run wet with blood. Warm-slick. /Juicy/. Rending flesh and a dying heartbeat and beneath all that only a /fierce/-hot glee. Mmmm. /Mmm/.
< Borg > Someone has been deeply ensconced in lines and lines of code. /Suddenly/ inexplicably is hungry, though. Orderly-neat rows of Perl are growing rather more blood-tinged.
< Borg > Someone has been deeply ensconced in lines and lines of code. /Suddenly/ inexplicably is hungry, though. Orderly-neat rows of Perl are growing rather more blood-tinged.
< Borg > Someone (else) is vague-muzzy, muted all around the edges and touched with 1) ick and 2) irritation, neither of which directly correlates to the other.
< Borg > Someone (else) is vague-muzzy, muted all around the edges and touched with 1) ick and 2) irritation, neither of which directly correlates to the other.
< Borg > Someone feels vaguely nauseated by the thoughts of blood, a metallic taste in mouth, against the tongue.
< Borg > Someone feels vaguely nauseated by the thoughts of blood, a metallic taste in mouth, against the tongue.
< Borg > Someone stirs with a primal-strong flare of excitement at the thoughts of blood and tearing flesh. Subsides back down into puzzled discomfort at the unexpected nausea dampening the initial joyful rush.
< Borg > Someone stirs with a primal-strong flare of excitement at the thoughts of blood and tearing flesh. Subsides back down into puzzled discomfort at the unexpected nausea dampening the initial joyful rush.
< Borg > Someone's stomach has been sensitive lately, please pay it no mind.
< Borg > Someone's stomach has been sensitive lately, please pay it no mind.

Latest revision as of 23:35, 26 March 2014

Fish Fillet
Dramatis Personae

Aerin, Ghost, Shane

In Absentia


... oops.


<XS> Lake

Bright, bright, bright; the lake glitters wide and expansive here, stretching off into the distance. Sunlight, moonlight, starlight, it catches them all. Lapping at the rocky shore, its deep waters are frigid in winter and cool even in summer. A stone pier stretches out a ways into the water, wide and smooth, though often icy in winter.

The water teems with life nevertheless, home to myriad species of fish that provide for ample fishing or just lazy watching on a slow summer day, for those who want to take a boat from the boathouse out to the center of the lake, or perhaps lounge on the pier and try their luck.

< Borg > Someone's thoughts run wet with blood. Warm-slick. /Juicy/. Rending flesh and a dying heartbeat and beneath all that only a /fierce/-hot glee. Mmmm. /Mmm/.

< Borg > Someone has been deeply ensconced in lines and lines of code. /Suddenly/ inexplicably is hungry, though. Orderly-neat rows of Perl are growing rather more blood-tinged.

< Borg > Someone (else) is vague-muzzy, muted all around the edges and touched with 1) ick and 2) irritation, neither of which directly correlates to the other.

< Borg > Someone feels vaguely nauseated by the thoughts of blood, a metallic taste in mouth, against the tongue.

< Borg > Someone stirs with a primal-strong flare of excitement at the thoughts of blood and tearing flesh. Subsides back down into puzzled discomfort at the unexpected nausea dampening the initial joyful rush.

< Borg > Someone's stomach has been sensitive lately, please pay it no mind.

It's early in the evening; this time of year the sun hasn't yet set, though it still being light out has done nothing to make it /warm/. The temperatures hover around freezing, ground frozen hard and the lake likely uninviting to most with its bitter-frigid chill. That's not stopping one tiny blue figure from making his way lakewards. Emerging from the woods, Shane looks -- not very inviting /himself/. In somewhat tattered-/bloody/ Xavier's sweatshirt, jeans, boots, he's trudging along towards the lake. There's blood on his hands, too, sharp claws slick with it where he's licking one clean. He looks -- exhausted. Steps dragging. Shoulders slumped. Sharp shark-teeth bared in faint grimace. But somehow satiated.

Aerin is on her hands and knees out on the pier. She's leaning down off the edge, and one of her arms, sleeve of her dress and all is under the water. As the wolven girl fishes, her large tail sways with every thrust, rear end stuck up in the air. "Tch...dammit...tch...yae' lil' faeker! Get...dammit, ta'e th' left...get o'er 'ere yae' lil' faek-sonna-bitch! C'mon, jus' a little...dammit! Yae' slippery lil' faek-bastard son' o' a baeitch!"

Ghost is walking towards the late, a brown thick coat, thick blue jeans, and a..GASP! Boots! Yes! The purple skinned mutant is surprisingly wearing footwear for once, probably because of the fact it's dangerously cold out for her to be barefoot.

As she walks through, she's spotting Shane, a small wave incase he's grown eyes on the back of his head or something, as she spots Aerin, listening to her banter from afar, before approaching. "You alright there?". A small smile comes across Ghost's face, as she speaks again. "I don't think I've seen you around. You new?"

Shane trudges towards a clump of reeds at the lakeshore, just by the edge of the long stone pier. His toe nudges at an old beaten-up XS gym bag tucked into the plants, and he's just reaching for the hem of his sweatshirt as though about to peel it off when he notes the figure on the pier. His head tilts to one side, nictating membranes blinking a second before his outer set of blue eyelids does. "Newgirl," he comments to Ghost. "Do you have any idea what the fuck she just said?" He just sounds /puzzled/ at the stream of words coming from Aerin. "YO," he calls out brighter and cheerier, "Newgirl, the fuck did you just say?" His tongue swipes against his bloody palm again, licking off some of its sticky drying coat. "Alright?" He seems puzzled, /too/, at the question. "Huh? I'm fine. I think?" Now maybe he's just slipped into all-around-confused. "... how are you?"

Aerin looks up from her hunting as she's semi-addressed. "Wha's it look like? Ah'm fishin'..wh' th' holy 'ell?" She pushes herself back up to the pier with a single lunge, taking her time to approach. "Yaer' blue..and purple." She brings her hair out from around her, about a third of it having fallen into the water. Wringing it out carefully with her fingers she comments "Damn hair..tch, it's wet.".

"Oh I uh think we..uh made a misunderstanding to her I was asking her but that's good! I'm good too!". Ghost's face..turns whatever color an embarassed purple face turns..before she looks rather flabbergasted at Aerin. "And you're a teen wolf. I am not positive that we are that weird.". A small laugh as Ghost attempts to translate Aerin for Shane. "She was..cursing or something at the fish I don't know.". A small shrug of Ghost's shoulders.

"Didn't ask what you were /doing/. Just what you --" Shane doesn't bother repeating the question when Ghost translate for him. "Ohhh. Yeah, the fish in here are smug bastards. I curse at them all the time. Any luck?"

His eyes open /huge/ and wide at the rest of Aerin's commentary, though, casual demeanour fading. "Wait, /what/? Holy fuck, I'm /blue/?" There's a sudden note of sharp panic in his voice; his gills flutter rapidly alongside his neck. "Oh shit oh /shit/. Do you think that's permanent? Could it be like -- frostbite or some shit? Should I see a doctor? Oh /crap/. Ghost what do we do?"

Aerin steps up close with a shrug "Ah'm a wolf, yae'r purple, and yae'r a'o guy. It is wha' it is.". She raises a finger, the red nail sharp and shiny, to brush the blunt side against Shane's cheek. "Why dun' we cut yae' open, fish, n' find out if it's permanant?" A soft little smile as her eyes almost seem to shine in the fading light. She releases her hair and shakes her hands a moment, her nails receeding to about 4 inches long.

< Borg > Someone flares with a sudden /sharp/ flash of red-hot anger. << -- cut /you/ open motherfucker -- >> is choked back into a quiet tight clench of restraint.

Ghost has trouble stifling her laughter when Shane panics, but quickly does so and plays along. "I heard it's a contagion. Even the doctor's got it. I'm afraid there's no hope.". Ghost tosses a small smile, before it fades fast at both Aerin's actions and words. She doesn't know about Shane, but..she's kind of creeped out by both the calling of him as a fish and the cutting open stuff. This is noticable as she closes her mouth kind of firm and just /stares/ with her yellow eyes.

Shane's feigned-panic has been dying into an easy-bright smile, but this shuts down sharp and quick with Aerin's comment, with the claw against his cheek. Lightning-rapid fast, /his/ blood-sticky hand snaps up to /smack/ Aerin's hand away from his cheek with the back of his wrist, his own black claws lengthening as hers recede. His gills still flutter fast, his eyes narrowing on her, and now his sharp teeth are bared in a snarl rather than his previous easygoing smile.

Slowly, he takes one step back, and then another. His hand lowers, mouth closing thin-lipped rather than snarling. It's visible the effort it takes for him to press his gills flat, take a deep breath instead. "I don't know what the fuck your problem is, motherfucker, but you do not lay a goddamn hand on me again. And you sure as fuck don't threaten me again. That shit doesn't fly here."

< Borg > Someone bristles in spiky hard protectiveness without really knowing why. Cutwhowhatno.

Aerin smiles softly "Oh? Ah' thought we were jus' playin' a game. If ah' wanted tae' eat yae', we wouldn' be bein' all civilized about it. Yae' right' fish around 'ere are sassy." Her smile grows a little more, though she doesn't bat an eye when her hand is slapped away. "Ah'm Aerin, ah'm from Keady Ireland. Ah' didn' even realize this many people were around tha' were differen' lik' mae', much less this many people in th' world. Ah've never seen sae' many people, yae' have people literally livin' on top o' people out 'ere! Far up as th' eyes can see!"

Ghost more or less expected a reaction like this from Shane, not exactly expecting /what/ would happen but that something would. She's still quiet, though slowly attempts to speak again, still a bit flabbergasted as Aerin is..noticably enjoying all of this. "We're..just people. Who look different from other people it's no big deal really.". Ghost is stepping back, still a bit nervous, as she speaks again. "I'm...Ghost.".

Shane does not go along with the rest of Aerin's talk, his eyes narrowed and his lips pressed thin. "This isn't a game, you stupid asswipe. This school is here to be a /safe/ place. You come in here and start /threatening/ people and you're fucking with that. You're not going to last very long here if you don't get yourself in order."

Aerin rests her hands on her hips "Alright, alight. With' yaer' mouth on yae' ah' didn' think that ah'd be able tae' ruffle yae'r feathers up sae' much. Figured if yae' gonna talk lik' that yae'd be able tae' have th' nerve tae' back it up. Look Look, ah'm sorry awright? Was jus' foolin'. Never intended tae' cut yae' open. Wasn' a nicey-nice play at a joke. Truce?" She holds her hand that was in the water up to her face, lappting at the digits softly with her tongue.

Ghost doesn't respond. It's not her place to respond to a truce not involving her. Her face does /not/ get any less anxious, the girl's attitude definitely bothering her still. She does speak, though, attempting to break her silence. "It's..not good to judge a book by it's..print.". She noticably does not say cover, as she furrows her lip and twists her hand through her long brown hair. She's sticking around solely so that nothing goes down between these two.

"Fuck you, you psychotic tool," is Shane's answer to this. "If you think saying /fuck/ a lot is somehow in any way equivalent to /threatening to slice someone open to see what's inside/ you are some kind of twisted fucking sociopath. Do you know how many students around here /have/ been sliced open by people? To see what's inside? Do you know how much of /my/ life I spent being -- fuck you," he says again with a sharp shake of his head, "I didn't come to /this/ fucking place to have people threaten to fillet me, I get that enough outside." He disregards Aerin's outstretched hand, turning to stalk back around the lakeshore and away from the girls by the pier.

Aerin winks at Ghost, sticking out her tongue at her a moment. "C'mon, we can' let Blue get all huffy n' get away can we? Besides, ah' haven' gotten mae' fish." As she moves she swings her hips towards the girl a second, trying to thwap her on the rear with her tail towards the water and Shane, though it's not like she's very accurate with faux-tail attacks or anything. She calls after "Sae' it's true? Everyone has a bit o' history who comes 'ere? Ah' was thrown tae' wolves tae' die. Did yae' get tae' confront yae'r tormentors?"

Shane pretty much said what Ghost had wanted to say. She was /hoping/ Aerin would walk off as well..but that wasn't the case. She takes a deep breath, before speaking. "You don't know anything, do you? What he's been through? What most of have been? I was in a fucking /lab/ for a whole year, I watched people die. It /isn't/ a joke. I would be dead if it wasn't for his father, so I'm just..not going to associate myself with you. Good day.". Ghost is visibly frustrated, as she turns around, heading away from the lake.

Shane doesn't answer the call after him. He just continues to head very much /Away/, posture unhappily tense as his slight-small figure recedes around the lakeshore into the distance.

Aerin blinks "Wha? Lab? Like..with a doctor and tha' kind o' thing? Well..Nae'..ah' don' know what tha' is like..if anything, ah' did th' killin'..probably. Ah' dun' really know...". She sighs as she gets to the water, turning around to watch Ghost walk off. She lets herself fall backwards with a loud 'splooooosh!' into the water shortly followed by a 'Aw fooooooook tha's cold!"