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Revision as of 00:05, 12 January 2021

Cats About Town
Dramatis Personae

Kitty, Marinov

In Absentia


I prefer my rooms box shaped.


<NYC> A Prospective Apartment - Chelsea

While this two bedroom property has the bedrooms on the small side, and the common space is also reduced, it was priced at a relatively affordable rental price considering the cost of real estate in the surrounding area. The reason for the affordability becomes more apparent when considering the space's sharp angular layout being more at home in a cubist painting than in any architecture that is following best practices. The kitchen, due to one of these sharp angles, is shaped into an irregular trapezoid that actually (partially because of the hinges being on the wrong side) results in a couple of cupboards that could not possibly open entirely.

A couple of the walls of the living room are painted a shockingly dark blue, lending the place a darkened air even with the sun spilling in through the balcony window, and the other walls in the room are an off white colour.

Marinov's expression is rather non-plussed as they look about this space. For this expedition, they've taken on a clean cut appearance, in a blue british cut suit, altered to meet their unusual proportions, with a tie in two toned purple stripes with a pocket square. They are even wearing a pair of glasses with gold coloured rims, specially designed to fit their feline face, and they look towards Kitty when the locator is no longer about. "Well. It's certainly interesting."

Dressed in a cream and gold colour blocked sweater and maroon slacks, Kitty has also cleaned up for the excursion around town. A brown saddlebag purse is slung across her chest. Her neck is - to those that know her - conspicuously bare.

With the departure of the locator, Kitty has taken the opportunity to explore one of the dysfunctional cupboards, hand going through the laminate outer ‘door’ and patting around inside. “Interesting is right.” She seems unimpressed with the internal structure of the cupboard - the hand reemerges in short order. “I mean. Technically. Technically we could put things there.” Her expression when she turns back to Marinov is wholly unimpressed. “I like the balcony though.” This sounds more like a concession than an actual perk.

Marinov chuckles softly when Kitty's hand goes through into the otherwise inaccessible space. "Well. If anyone at all could make use of those cupboards, it'd be you. Maybe it's custom made for your benefit and they knew you were fated to come here? Locks without locks." They raise their hands and wiggle their fingers, in a sort of sarcastic enthusiasm. "It is a pretty nice balcony, yeah, I like that the sun will at least shine through sometimes in the afternoons. Could put a couple of planters out there, I guess. Maybe we can take this balcony, but affix it to another..." They gesture around. "Space."

Kitty snorts, shaking out her hand. “They forgot to make the door see-through, if they were designing it for me. I have notes for the architect.” This bubbles into a small laugh of her own. Her eyes follow Marinov’s gesture, giving the apartment one final look over before nodding. “I’ll get the Looney Toons saw. We’ll just cut off the balcony and stick it in my bag. It’ll go nice with literally any other apartment.”

"Be careful with the Looney Toons saws... I'm afraid that if you make that cut, the apartment would fall off and the balcony would just remain suspended there," says Marinov, holding their paw-like hands flat and making one appear to fall lower. "Yeah, I also have notes. The architect's aversion to rectangles set them back. I prefer my rooms box shaped." They raise a finger, "Which is not an invitation to a joke. Maybe the next one will be better... I kinda figured this would be too good to be true."

Kitty laughs again, bright and clear. “Good point.” She does not comment on the boxes, other than adding, “I, too, enjoy a rectangle. Squares are good too.” She pulled her phone from her bag with a small shrug. “As is anything reasonable in this neighbourhood, I guess.” A few quick taps and her text messages are open. “Do you want to try another place today? There are like three on East 7th that said I could just text when we were on our way.” Looks up at Marinov with a shrug. “Oooooooor we could do a coffee break. Or both.”

"After seeing an architect's fever dream, it's only right that we caffeinate to prevent being haunted from the same," says Marinov, placing a hand over their heart. "Then I'll be ready to try some more places. I feel like it's not too much to ask for a place to be affordable, spacious, stylish and functional, and yet, I fear we'll have to make some sacrifices." They sigh and look back while they head towards the door. "But not this many sacrifices."

“This place is one sacrifice too many. Possibly one angle too many,” Kitty agrees, swiping at a list on her phone and erasing Chelsea from the dwindling list of viable options. She pockets her phone again, falling in step beside Marinov as they head towards the door. She pauses in the doorway, turning and taking a final picture of the bizarrely designed space. “Onwards.”