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Latest revision as of 18:08, 10 December 2013

Vignette - Unexpected Encounters

Of the First Kind

Dramatis Personae

Rasputin, Alicia

In Absentia


Whilst at the university campus, Rasputin spots..hir sister.


<NYC> Columbia University - Morningside Heights

Situated in the Morningside Heights neighborhood, Columbia University is one of the most prestigious universities in the nation. This Ivy League school is the oldest university in New York, and attracts students from all over the world to study in its halls. With a generous sprinkling of Greek life and a Manhattan campus, Columbia students need not sacrifice anything by way of social life for their rigorous academic pursuits.

Outside the university, a brown bird flies overhead, looking around the campus. Rasputin has found the university to be an interesting place in the past, and often visits just to take in the area. Landing near a fountain, Rasputin looks around, thinking to hirself. Today is a snow day, though, Rasputin happens to like the snow, no matter how cold it may be. As ze just sits, thinking about life in general, the campus, the Brotherhood..a young woman sits on the fountain next to hir, Rasputin not having noticed her. Alicia, the young woman, speaks to Rasputin, with a gentle voice, a bag in her lap. "Oh, little bird, it's a bit cold, isn't it? Maybe you're like me, liking the snow.". Rasputin smiles at the voice, turning to her to talk to her, but as ze turns and spots her, Rasputin freezes in hir tracks.

Alicia gets a puzzled look on her face, tilting her head. "Are you okay, bird? Did I frighten you?". She reaches into her bag for some breadcrumbs, which are inside a plastic bag, and tosses them out in front of Rasputin. Ze doesn't move. Just watching Alicia. She makes a puzzled look again at Rasputin, tilting her head again. "Are you not hungry? Don't worry, I don't want to hurt you. You see, I'm going to be a veterinarian someday. Probably won't be helping birds like you, but, eh, love animals.". Rasputin decides to take the breadcrumbs, picking at them and eating them. Alicia smiles, before getting up, slowly. "See? Delicious, aren't they? Well, I have to go now, so, goodbye, little bird.". She smiles again, before heading into the main campus building. Rasputin takes a few minutes to process what just happened, before flying off, with only one thought on hir mind. Rasputin just spotted hir own sister.