ArchivedLogs:In Which There Are Some Overtures Toward Friendship Set Against A Backdrop Of Brunch and Danger (Or the Discussion Thereof)

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In Which There Are Some Overtures Toward Friendship Set Against A Backdrop Of Brunch and Danger (Or the Discussion Thereof)
Dramatis Personae

Dakota, Nekara, Nic, Taylor

In Absentia


"I get the feeling you didn't have a lot of say in the matter."


<WES> Sinkers and Suds - Salem Center

Taking over the spots where a popular coffeeshop and burger joint once stood pre-zombiepocalypse, this diner, though very new, has modeled itself in the throwback style of Salem Center's main drag. Black and white checkerboard floor underfoot, steel stools cheerfully upholstered in bright red vinyl, brushed chrome tables both standalone or in the booths that line the walls. The servers are impossibly perky, the jukebox only plays oldies, and the seats at the long counter also often include conversation with the very chatty soda jerk manning the fountain there. The smells of fried food and fresh coffee generally fill the air.

Brunch is noisy, lively, crowded. There's a considerable wait for tables here in the diner -- it's packed mostly with teenagers, a popular weekend hangout for all the local high schools public and private alike. They fall into quite easily recognizable cliques, a large group over near one table laughing to themselves many still wearing their Westchester High jackets -- /they're/ occasionally side-eying more expensively dressed kids from Rye prep a few tables over. Both other groups tend to keep their distance from the occasional clusters -- sometimes obvious, sometimes less so, but everyone just /knows/ -- of kids who drift in from Xavier's down the street.

Over at the long counter, there's zero question which school Taylor hails from. The tall muscular teenager is just bidding two of his friends -- a skinny girl with frizzy red hair and a tall skinny grey-skinned youth with a head covered in sharp metal-looking spikes -- farewell. He's remaining behind, finishing up the last of his large plate of food and ordering a malted milkshake to go with. Aside from his obsidian-black skin, darker-hued than most normal melanin might achieve, the plethora of long snakey tentacley limbs coiled around and behind him give him away kind of readily. He's /dressed/ pretty normally, baggy jeans, Nike sneakers, a hoodie reading "Unapologetically Black" in bright red letters. Despite the crowded room, there's ODDLY not a huge rush to fill the vacant seats around him. Weird, that.

Its the weekend, which is as good time as it gets for Nekara to have enough free time to get a bit more familiar to the town closest to her new residence, have to do that at some point anyway. While she was initially not planning on going to visit a diner, as the food at the school is quite good, she happened to run into one of the students that she had talked with before who had a different opinion, and allowed herself to be dragged along. Nekara is looking around a bit warily seeing how packed the diner is, and her thoughts are mostly centered around being worried of how badly will all these people be affected by her mutation, which while not really visually obvious, tends to still have a noticeable effect on others, most of the time. "I am not sure if this is a good idea, Dakota." She comments on the teenager as they settle on the line towards the counter.

Nic moves into the diner alone and looking around sighs at how crowded it seems to be, he doesn't really want to sit around and wait for a free table. He's wearing baggy jeans and a white hoodie reading 'San Jose Gymnastics Club' His eyes scan the diner hoping to find someone that might not mind if he sat with them, he sees the group from Rye and lingers on them a moment << Schoolmates, they'd probably let me join... I recognize a couple of them though, stuck-up jerks, rather not. >> The teen's eyes continue spotting a black skinned youth at the counter and widening in surprise << Whoa Nelly! Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or does that guy have like a hundred arms? >> Nic's imagination runs off for a moment as he pictures Taylor as a one man band a pair of arms drumming, a pair on base, two more on guitar, and a final arm gripping a mic << This dude's bound to be more interesting than those preppy Rye jerks >> He goes to Rye himself, but that doesn't mean he has to get along with everyone there. Nicodemus makes his decision and strides on over to Taylor at the counter "Hey man, it cool if I take a seat? This place is packed."

Dakota gives a shrug in response to Nekara's concerns. "I haven't been here before, but I overheard some of the other students talking about it." The short fifteen year-old wears a dark navy blue winter coat, a pair of cold-weather gloves, and a purple peruvian hat as she squints at the line. "Thought you said you wanted to get to know the area a bit more, Ms. Kemsit." << Stupid adults always changing their minds >>. "'Sides, it's the weekend and you're a teacher, so -you- don't have homework or studying or stuff." Her attention is diverted, however, when an older boy enters the diner and makes his way over to a table. Recognition passes in her mind as she takes notice of Taylor - she's certainly seen him before at school and talked to him on occasion. A flicker of guilt comes to the forefront as she recalls her efforts to disengage and not be befriended by the multi-limbed mutant. "That's Taylor," she informs her companion bluntly, inclining her head towards the Xavier's student. "Why don't we join him?"

"It's only eight arms -- well, only eight that most people don't have." Taylor hasn't actually looked over at Nic quite yet -- only after this does he swivel on his stool, teeth flashing bright white behind jet black lips in a quick smile. "Nobody else claiming it, seat's all yours. You go to that swank-ass school?"

One rubbery arm coils around his milkshake, pulling it closer. His grey eyes slide across toward Nekara and Dakota, a slanting quirk of amusement in his smile. "Yo. Dakota. New Teacher. Sup."

Nekara is also momentarily distracted by the young man moving past them on his way to Taylor's table, << That's the jogger from other day >> seeming to recognize him, and as her gaze follows him, they naturally end up noticing Taylor, though when Dakota speaks up the name, the first thing she thinks about is Marinov, wearing a dress, though only for an instant before she makes the connection that Dakota is referring to the multi-limbed person sitting at the table. << Oh, his name is Taylor too! I can't imagine what he has had to go through, looking like that. >> "Oh you know him, Dakota? I would not mind, I should get to know the students at some point after all, might as well start now. Oh and you would be surprised, there is quite a lot of paperwork that teachers have to do also." is said out loud to Dakota as she follows along with the teen towards Taylor's table, offering apologetic looks to any other people they will move past. "Good day, Taylor was it? Thought it was a good day to get to know the town a bit, since weekend is more quiet usually... wasn't expecting this much people here though." << Hopefully I don't disturb them too much. >>

Nic blinks at Taylor confused "Eight? Oh umm the arms, right I guess you probably get a lot of questions about them..." Nic assumes that gets pretty annoying at the best of times and likely downright insulting most of the time... people are dicks. "Ahh yeah, I go to Rye, my father insisted on the best, and since it has in the high ninetyith percentile for students moving on to college and University I guess it fit the bill..." << I wanted to go to Xavier's though... father wouldn't hear of it. >> "Wait how do you know that? I walked right past those other Rye... ites? Ryeians? Rye students anyway, without a word." His attention turns as Nekara and Dakota show up "Oh Hey, it's the teacher from before, err hello Ma'am." << Yep there's that nervous feeling again... try not to let it show. >> Suppressing the urge to run from Nekara Nic spots Dakota along with her << Wow, she is super cute >> "Oh uhh are these your friends? Taylor was it? Sorry I'll get lost if I'm in the way."

Although she doesn't let Nekara see it, Dakota rolls her eyes. << Paperwork >>, the tone of her thought making it clear she does not think the teacher's responsiblities compare to those of the students. The short teenager pauses in her step for a moment when Taylor turns around, curiosity swelling in her mind regarding his knowledge of their presence before recalling that the older student is a telepath. She remains silent as Nekara takes care of initiating conversation, nodding at Taylor's greeting. She does, however, respond to Nic's question rather quickly. "I'm just a classmate," she corrects, though her thoughts reveal something different - a forced resistance to making friends, homesickness despite the months in New York, and a fear of pushing those close to her away or even hurting them.

"A lot of -- questions, yeah. Something like that." Taylor sounds a little wry. << You wanted to head to Xavier's? >> This time his voice isn't audible -- in Nic's head the curious inquiry sounds remarkably similar to his spoken tone, though. "I hear thoughts. I know a lot of things. How's Rye working out for you? They --" A hesitation. "Alright?"

He's glancing back over now that Dakota and Nekara are nearer, shoulder lifting in a very small shrug. "Classmate, teacher. You're not interrupting. Their brunch is hella good anyway, you don't want to miss it." A brighter grin. "Nervous or not. -- How you settling, Ms. Kemsit?"

Nekara offers a nod of her head in greeting to Nic at first when the boy greets her. "Good to see you again, Nic. Oh and please stay, no need to leave because of me." << More than enough people do that already. >> Blinking a bit in surprise once Taylor reveals his less obvious mutation, quickly trying to think over what she might have been thinking in the last few moments, but can't at least think of anything too embarrasing being there. "Oh, for my part, quite well, everyone has been very welcoming." << Just hoping that I am not making the others feel worse. >> She gives a look towards Dakota, noticing how the girl is very quiet, though doesn't say anything. << I hope she is alright. >>

Nic jumps at the voice in his head "Whoa, that was you? So can I like..." The young man stops in mid sentence and finishes the thought simply as a thought << Talk to you with my brain? >> "Weird... that'll take some getting used to. Umm yeah Xavier's I made some friends there online and they told me how great and welcoming it is, so when I had to leave home that's where I wanted to go, Rye's fine though I guess like anywhere else there's a good mix of pretty nice people and total jerks. A higher population of... higher than thou types than I would really like... tend to be nice enough up front, but talk behind your back alot."

He offers a grin when he's invited to stay "Thanks, it's much nicer to eat with some company. It's good to see you again Ms. Nekara wasn't it?" He looks to Taylor and Dakota "Like she mentioned, I'm Nic, and I'm glad to meet you, always happy to meet some new friends... or acquaintances?" He peers at the menu asking to anyone willing to offer a response "What's good here?"

Dakota narrows her eyes in suspicion at Nic as he acts oddly to the common observer. "You're acting strange," she remarks to the boy bluntly. When he says he wanted to go to Xavier's, the though that passes through her mind is << What kind of mutant? >>, not even considering the notion that a non-mutant might have a desire to attend the boarding school. << Why does everyone always have to tower over me? >> "You should get some real friends," the teenager addends as she maneuvers herself around Nekara and Nic to climb onto one of the stools next to Taylor. << Not some silly online ones. Or jerks. >> "Dakota," she offers in response now with her attention focused on a menu held in front of her. "No clue." She then places the menu down in front of her and turns towards Taylor, but there's a hesitation before she speaks again. "Do you like the food here?" Perhaps it's a silly question, but it appears that she's trying to be social.

"S'a nice change." Taylor is squinting over his milkshake over at Nekara. "Usually I'm the one scaring everyone away. I guess we can tag-team the job." He stifles a chuckle at Nic's explanation of his schooling choices, burying half his laughter in a gulp of his drink. "Great and welcoming. Wow." His tone is -- dry, to say the least. "Guess we're selling the Kool-Aid harder than I thought."

<< Yeah. Can talk in your brain, I hear it. Takes some getting used to, I guess. >> Taylor's teeth have clamped down against his straw. "Banana nut waffles are good. Most of the omelettes. What d'you usually like?"

Nekara blinks in surprise as Nic jumps like that, giving him a somewhat questioning look. << Whats up with him? >> Nodding then in confirmation about her name. "Yes, Nekara Kemsit." she offers her full name, just in case, even though she thinks all three know it already. Then when everyones attention turn to the menu, she takes a look as well, from the same one Dakota next to her is looking at, though the teens comment to Nic about getting friends draws a somewhat amused look from Nekara. << Pot calling kettle black. >> Taylor's comment draws her attention, it taking a moment from her to realize what he is referring to, then chuckling. "Oh... right. I am sorry if I am making you nervous. It is a most inconvenient part of my mutation that I cannot really control." She apologizes, then smiling slightly at the second part of what he says. "Well, when you are used to everyone loking like they are thinking of an excuse to leave whenever you come near, it -is- very welcoming to see friendly people. Even many who did not seem to be affected at all." Then nodding and making a vague motion with her hand towards the menu. "That sounds good to me, the banana nut ones. I like pretty much anything with bananas in it."

"I am?" Nic asks in response to one of the few things the shorter girl has said to him. << Cute, but pretty cold... >> He realizes she must mean the reaction to the telepathy "Oh... yeah sorry, I'm not really used to the brain talk... kind of startled me, and with the nervousness as well." He shrugs "I'll try to be less weird." He takes the stool next to Dakota "Well Dakota I am trying to make friends, but it's tough moving clear across the country sometimes people here can be as cold as the weather. Besides the friends I have are real friends, whom I'm trying to meet up with here, but it's been harder than I expected to get a visit approved to the school." Nic sighs at Taylor's reaction to his reasons for wanting to go to Xavier's "Well like everything I guess it's relative, for Emily it was way nicer and more accommodating than other school's she'd been to."

Despite her best effort to suppress it, Dakota cannot help but giggle at Taylor's comment regarding Xavier's image, though her own feelings on the matter are unclear. She gives a nod of thanks to the older student in response to his suggestions and skims the menu briefly before settling on a western omelette. Now, if only the busy wait staff had a chance to get to them. When Nic sits next to her, the short teenager looks up at him, eyes briefly searching his face while he speaks. "I miss my home, too," she says, shoulders slumping a little bit. There's a brief moment of silence before she then says, "It's a very nice school." A flash of guilt at her attempts to not fit in again. "It's good to have friends," the short girl offers instead. "But I miss mine."

Taylor's palm scrubs up against his cheek; the motion mooshes his smile somewhat askew. "Where'd you move from?" His brows lift curiously. "It /is/ hard leaving home behind, that's for sure. Took me -- a while. Adjusting." The comments on Xavier's just earn a shrug. "It's high school. It's not really any better than any other high school. Plenty of nice people. Plenty of bullies. Among the students and teachers both. Figure that's pretty much the same at any high school pretty much ever."

Nekara stays silent for most parts as she listens to the students talking. << At least you had friends. I wish I would, too. >> When Taylor speaks about adjusting though, she does response. "I can imagine it must have been rough. I mean, people tend to shy away from me and I don't even look too unusual." << Not right now, anyway. >> Followed by mental image of a large black cat that doesn't look quite like any normal feline species. "I do not tolerate any bullying, whether in or out of class."

Nic nods to Dakota "I get it, it's not easy trying to start over in a new place... and I get the feeling you didn't have a lot of say in the matter." He sets the menu aside apparently having decided what he wants. "I doubt anyone expects you to stop missing your friends, I miss mine too. But that doesn't mean you can't make some new ones. Not that it has to be Taylor or myself, but why not?"

Looking to Taylor when he asks where they're from Nic isn't sure who he's addressing, but decides to offer up an answer either way. "California, San Jose to be exact." The teen tugs his hoodie out to more clearly show the lettering for 'San Jose Gymnastics' "Also pretty -in- to gymnastics if that wasn't clear." With a sigh and a shake of his head Nic adds "Sucks... I guess it's pretty hard to get away from bullies regardless where you go..."

Even as Dakota appears to nod in agreement with what Taylor says, her thoughts convey something else - again, a resistance, not wanting to adjust for petty, teenager reasons. The mention of bullies brings with it a memory of a physical confrontation between the girl and others, seemingly at a school setting. << New ones are fake >>. Another memory, deeply rooted in emotion, of a potential girlfriend lost due to Dakota's powers. "I don't know," she simply offers, her tone flat, in reponse to Nic's question. "Maybe nobody likes me." << At least I hope they don't. I try my best >>. Nic's answer to Taylor's question stirs interest in her and her eyes flick to the multi-limbed mutant. << Both from California? >>

"That's a really nice sentiment, Ms. Kesmit." Taylor's voice is gentle, polite. His head is slightly bowed over his milkshake, his smile faded into a more pensive look. He's quiet as the others talk, sipping slowly. When he does speak, it's light enough, a wry note of laughter in his words: "Yo, we go to Xavier's, dude. Preeeetty much none of us had any /say/ in the matter." His smile is gradual when it returns -- slow, but warm enough. "Oh, hey. S'not far from home." He's tipping his glass toward Nic's shirt in indication before slurping down another sip. Squinting at Dakota. "Maybe people just take a little bit to warm up."

Nekara nods in agreement to what Nic says. "Yes, indeed. Friends are very important to have. I would imagine that it would be fairly easy to get new ones in a boarding school, since you will be spending so much time with the other students." Adding then towards Dakota. "I think you just haven't tried hard hard enough to get to know other people. Because you seemed like a very nice girl to me, so I find it very hard to believe you could not find any friends." Some thoughts might be picked up about wanting to help others get friends at least, because she can't keep many herself.

Nic looks to Dakota and nods his head agreeing with Taylor and Nekara "I'm sure people will start to come around" << I gotta admit you don't make it real easy though. >> "But in case that wasn't clear enough. It was an offer of friendship, or at least a shot at friendship. Nicodemus turns his eyes towards Taylor hearing the wry laughter in his words Nic looks down at the counter for a time << Great job smart guy remind them they have no choice but to be here. You're totally bombing >> He looks back up when Taylor changes the subject "Oh Yeah? You're from Cali too? Sweet, where abouts?"

Dakota does seem to geniunely agree with Taylor's statement about their attendance of Xavier's. A slight blush crosses her face at Nekara's compliment, but the girl shifts in her seat to avoid drawing attention to it. When Nic rephrases his previous question as an offer of friendship, the fifteen year-old looks at him with bewilderment. << Why? >> There's a slight narrowing of her eyes at the boy, but the telepath's mention of warming up seems to have given her a push. "Do you like the beach?" The comment may come as a non-sequitor, but Taylor may pick up that she's trying to find a commonality between herself at the other teenager - she's at least making a token effort as poor as it is. And, then, "I am dangerous. I can hurt people." It's phrased oddly, as if she is administering a test.

"Just... haven't tried hard enough." Taylor echoes this, mild and faintly bemused. "Huh." His head shakes once -- as if to clear it. More cheerfully: "Santa Cruz. Relatively speaking --" He waves one slender noodly arm around their /current/ locale, "practically neighbors. I'm telling you though, your school may be posh as heck, man, but you sure didn't trade /up/ in terms of city." His expression lights at Dakota's question -- bright, even if his tone is a little wistful. "Oh man. My sister and I used to go surfing /all/ the time. There's some pretty great beaches out here, if you can get to them at times when --" He stops, briefly sweeping his gaze over the rest of his company -- then shrugs, leaving the rest of this thought unfinished. "Maybe once it's not frosted every morning I can show you where." His brows lift -- mildly -- on the last statement. "/Do/ you?" Thoughtful.

Nekara goes silent again, listening to the teens talking as she doesn't really have much to add to the topic of surfing, or beaches in general. Although when Dakota starts talking about being dangerous, she arches a brow some, tilting her head to the side some as she waits to see how Nic will respond to that. She does agree with what Taylor says about the temperature though. "I sure hope it will get warmer soon. That has been the by far hardest thing to get used to... it being so cold."

Nic offers Dakota a broad smile "Yeah I like the beach, I grew up in San Jose so the beach is like home. Wow, Santa Cruz?" He says turning his attention to Taylor "That is practically neighbours, I'd be stoked to go check out the beach with you. Both of you" He says gesturing to include Dakota "And ummm I don't mean to exclude you Ms. Nekara, but I know I wouldn't be able to relax hanging out with new friends if my teacher was tagging along." He says apologetically before continuing to Taylor "I... never really got the hang of surfing, put me on a balance beam or a pommel horse and I'm golden, but a surfboard? No chance."

Nic's blue and green eyes turn to look curiously at Dakota "Is that it? You're worried you're going to hurt me? Well wish I could reassure you there was no chance of that, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends right? I mean... I'd certainly rather not get hurt, but hell, no risk no reward or however that goes right? Besides everyone -can- hurt people, from the way you put that it doesn't sound like you'd do it on purpose."

As Taylor and Nic enthuse about the beach and mention that there are some in the area, Dakota lights up as well. The telepath's question and Nic's response, however, seem to both surprise her. "No. Not intentionally." A hesitation. "Maybe once. I got in a fight. I don't -try- to hurt people, but sometimes I also lose control." The last part is directed more towards Nic than Taylor, but it is not intended to be private. "Everyone -can-, but I -have-. Just a little." She glances down at the menu again even though she alreadys knows what she wants, gathering her thoughts, before looking up again. "I love the beach," the girl offers - it's only fair as the others answered her question after all. "And I miss it. I didn't know there were beaches around here. There are a lot of beaches where I am from on Cape Cod. They say the light's special there or something. Painters really like it, I guess. My parents explained it to me a few times, but I don't really remember. If you're not afraid of getting hurt, then I guess we could -try- to be friends."

"You've only been here a week," Taylor says, sympathetically. "You get used to the cold. Eventually. Or, well -- it gets warmer. /Eventually/." He slurps down the last of his milkshake and slides down off his stool. "Pommel horse? /That/ takes some practice." He sets his empty glass down on the counter. "World we live in -- who we /are/? Sometimes," he offers this evenly, "being able to hurt people ain't such a bad thing. See you 'round, y'all." He's pulling his wallet from his pocket as he ambles down the counter toward the cashier.

Nekara chuckles softly at Nic's words, offering a shrug. "It is quite allright, I am not really much of a beach person anyway... and I agree with you that it would look a bit odd for me to be there with group of teenagers, teacher or not." Nodding to Taylor then, she smiles. "Well, I can't imagine it getting worse, so only possible way is to get better, though I cannot say which will get better first, my tolerance for it, or the temperature." Hearing a beep coming from her pocket she digs out her phone and checks the new message that she got, frowning a bit. "Well, it looks like I need to head back to school to handle something. You kids have fun." She offers as she puts her phone back away and starts making her way to the exit, thinking about annoying class schelude overlaps that need to be sorted out today.

Nic nods to Dakota "Alright, well I can't say the possibility of unknown danger isn't frightening at all, but friends are worth a little risk, and what can I say, I've got a soft spot for a pretty girl." He looks over at Taylor as the other boy pays for his meal and heads off "Oh sure dude, catch you later, maybe we can meet up to head out to the beach sometime." Shortly Nekara announces she needs to leave as well "Alright, take care Ms. Nekara, it was good to see you again."

Nic smiles to Dakota "Well I guess it's just the two of us now, glad you decided to give me a chance, hope we can be good friends." He looks up "I guess we should probably order if we're going to, you still hungry?"

Dakota seems rather surprised when Nekara and Taylor get ready to leave within moments of each other, though she does give a small unconscious nod at the elder student's words. Her eyes narrow slightly at the teacher and she mumbles, "Never even tried the food." Nic's comment, however, appears to take her -completely- aback as a blush spreads across her face. She quickly scans his face with wide eyes before staring down at her menu, turning her head a bit to the side. "Yeah, I'm still hungry. Maybe we can be friends." The words come out rapdily in a tumble at a slightly upraised pitch. There's a pause for a few moments before she adds, more calmly and in a diffident tone, "And you probably say that to -every- girl."

"Yeah musta been important to ditch without the meal." Nicodemus agrees with the muttered comment. He smiles a bit at the blush and Dakota's eyes searching his face, when she says they can be friends he chuckles softly "I'm glad, I was worried your shell was going to be harder to crack, and pushing everyone out... that's way too lonely." At her added comment Nic shakes his head slowly "Well I'm not going to claim you're the only girl I've ever found pretty, but that doesn't make it any less true." He looks across the counter to search for a server "I guess we should probably order if we expect to eat sometime today."

Dakota still has not yet looked up from her menu. "Maybe I -want- to push people out. My shell protects me more than anyone else. I want an excuse to go home and if I tell my parents I wasn't able to make any friends, maybe they'd let me drop out." Her shoulders shrug before she looks up again and squints at Nic. "Why did you say I was pretty?" the short girl asks, managing to keep an even temperment as she does so. Soon a server comes by to take the teens' orders and Dakota places hers for a western omlette and a glass of water.

Nic orders a ham and cheese omlette with water as well when the server arrives "Oh I see... if you're miserable maybe you'll be allowed to go home... damn that's tough. Well we could be secret friends maybe? I mean... it sucks enough getting dragged out here let alone having to go through it all on your own." The teen boy looks back into the shorter girl's eyes and furrows his brow at her question "Why? Cuz I think you're pretty... why else? If it makes you uncomfortable, I'll try not to, but apologize in advance since I might slip up anyway."

Dakota maintains eye contact with Nic for a few moments as he speaks, but her gaze soon flicks away. "Secret friends," she echoes quietly, a hint of amusement in her tone. "I was expelled from my last two schools - the first one was for fighting. I didn't mean to use my powers on the other girls. They just ... wouldn't leave me alone and I can't really control them. I ended up going to a charter school in the next town over, but then I ended up blowing out the windows at the front of the school. -That- wasn't my fault either. I don't -want- to go to school anymore." Her shoulders pull inwards as she lifts her legs and places her feet on the mid-bar of the stool. "Other people have called me pretty. But the last one I let be my friend ran off."

Listening to Dakota's story Nic nods slowly "Expelled twice because your powers went off without your control... that's pretty shitty I can understand why you wouldn't want to go to another one... Isn't Xavier's supposed to help with that kind of thing though? I mean from what I understood from Ms. Nekara people there are really trying to help right?" Nic smiles and shakes his head slowly when Dakota mentions other people calling her pretty "Well I'd be pretty amazed if I was the only one that thought so. I'm not planning to run off anywhere though, your teacher makes me feel like I need to run away, and I managed to stick around, why should I run from you?"

"Being friends with people means those people are more likely to be around me which gives me a much higher chance of accidentally killing them," Dakota remarks callously with a shrug. She swivels in her chair to face Nic to discuss the school for a brief moment. "It is and it does, but ... " Now she turns back towards the counter. "But I'm dumb, I guess. I just miss home. But maybe going to the beach would make me feel better. And maybe Ms. Kemsit isn't the one you need to run away from - she doesn't seem likely to -accidentally- -murder- anyone." A pause. "And you're not -that- bad looking yourself, even though you -are- tall."

Nicodemus rubs his chin "I would prefer to avoid being accidentally killed... anything that seems to set off your umm powers? You said some girls were attacking you the one time, and again it wasn't your fault for the windows? So like to defend yourself?" He frowns to himself "No, y'know what we can talk about something else." The young man offers a smile showing white teeth to the shorter girl sitting next to him. "Glad to hear I'm not totally repulsive, and sorry for being too tall." He shrugs his shoulders "I guess I can't really help it... though I'm actually shorter than a lot of guys in my class. Tell me about the beach, where you're from, you like to go surfing too like Taylor?"

An amused smile actually finds its way onto Dakota's face at Nic's humor and she shakes her head. "Never got the hang of surfing, but I really like to swim. I was on the swim team in middle school and now I'm on the one at Xavier's." There's a hint of pride in her voice. "My friend Dennis - his parents had a boat and he would take us out on the water sometimes. There are a -lot- of beaches where I'm from. I like the ones on the bay better than the ocean. It's calmer and quieter and there're less sharks. The birds are evil, though. They always close parts of the beaches because of them. They say they're endangered, but they like attack you if you go near them." The girl shrugs yet again and eyes the server as waters are placed in front of the teens. "And it's not about defending myself. It's when I get excited. Or angry. Or -- other things. It's dumb. What about you? You haven't really said anything about yourself. Do -you- have any powers?"

"More like me then." Nic says with a smile when Dakota talks about the bay "San Jose's on a bay as well, so despite what some might think from the name of the hockey team there's not so many sharks, and some pretty nice swimming. I was never on a swim team though... gymnastics was my sport of choice, or is my sport of choice rather. I'm not about to stop." He takes a sip of the water that's delivered in front of him while he listens to Dakota's explanation "I guess we better keep it pretty chill then." He lets out a soft chuckle when she asks about powers and shakes his head "Me? nah, I'm just a lame ol' run o' the mill non-powered joe. Not sure what to tell about me really, my father Dr. Montoya does some kind of genetic research stuff that's way over my head, mom decided to become a pilot... so with nobody home to I guess take care of me they sent me out here to live with my uncle at least until I finish school."

"That's...sad," Dakota concludes of Nic's home situation and a look of confusion passes over her face. "Am I supposed to have heard of him? I don't know much about biology. And I think it's actually kind of nice that you're not a mutant. You don't have to deal with all the ... stuff. My dad runs an engineering firm and my mom's a nurse at Cape Cod Hospital. They're both mutants." There's a moment of silence as she takes a sip of her own water. "Gymnastics is pretty cool - maybe you could teach me some of that. Could come in handy for training with my powers, I'd think. I'm so--I -apologize- --" This correction is made with care and small frown. "I -apologize- for not being -- for being mean earlier. I'm just scared of making friends. Do you really think we could friends? I'm just a little afraid is all." The girl's eyes briefly skim Nic's face, but the arrival of food shortly thereafter distracts her and she begins to work on her omlette.

"Oh it's not so bad, I miss them for sure, but they both said they'd visit whenever they're in the area, and my uncle has been pretty great." He shakes his head at her apology "Don't think about it, you weren't being mean, just closed off... I probably shouldn't have pried, but kinda glad I did in the end. I'll be happy to show you a bit about gymnastics if you're interested, we can go to the gym sometime, hmmm and the beach another time." When his food arrives he thanks the server and shifts his eyes towards Dakota again when she starts on her omlette "I think maybe we already are."