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Happiness. Simple as a glass of chocolate or tortuous as the heart. Bitter. Sweet. Alive.

xxxxxKaylynn always has a friendly smile at the ready, but don't let her usually soft demeanor fool you. The southern belle has hidden sass and a somewhat violent side that it's best to avoid.


xxxxxKaylynn took after her grandfather and began studying under him at a young age. It's thank to him that she's now a successful chocolatier, and if it weren't for her powers manifesting she would likely have taken over his shop by now. Unfortunately, a rift grew between her and her parents and eventually she made the long move to NYC. After she had worked at Au Petit Chocolatier for some time, the owner passed it onto her. Now she spends her days selling chocolate treats and homeopathic chocolates. Who new that those odd remedies could taste so good?


xxxxxRumors always seem to float about this food being an aphrodisiac or that one boosting immune health, but when it comes to the chocolates that Kaylynn makes...the rumors are true. Her chocolates really do affect the human body, and she merely needs to think of the intended effect while creating them to make that happen. Her chocolates are mostly used to produce desirable (medicinal-type) reactions such as one that relieves pain or another that helps wounds heal faster. She can however produce a few undesirable effects with her chocolates as well. Using these less than savory chocolates she can produce pain, nausea and vomiting, and other toxic symptoms. Alternatively, Kaylynn can use her body as a conduit instead of chocolate. As a result, other living beings that come into contact with it her blood experience the effect that she is thinking of. It takes more than a few drops of blood to take effect on another being. A slash to the palm usually produces the minimal amount needed.

xxxxxUsing her power always produces side effects (nausea, vomiting, pain, etc). The more she uses her power , the more backlash she experiences. These are less severe when she is using her powers on the chocolate she makes, and more sever when she is using it on her own body. She can usually churn out 3 or 4 small batches of 'special' chocolate before she's overcome with fatigue, flu-like symptoms, and pain. Larger batches and ones that produce more potent results lead to earlier onset side effects. Kaylynn's body can only take so much before it begins to give out. Overuse of her power leads to her passing out and being left bedridden for a day or two. During this time, she is unable to use her power at all.


xxxxxKaylynn is remarkable in the kitchen...as far as sweets are concerned. She can make chocolate, candy, and almost any kind of dessert you can imagine with incredible ease. Everything else, not so much. She's hopeless at proper food items.

xxxxxAfter having lived in the south for almost entire life, it isn't surprising that Kaylynn picked up a few things. She's true to southern stereotypes in many ways...the woman excels at use of firearms and is an superb horseback rider. She's also quite good with a knife and tends to keep one on her (especially if she can't have a gun).




Kaylynn Silayev
Codename Kaylynn
Birthdate 4/4/1992
Birthplace Houston, Texas
Species Mutant
Affiliation None
Alignment Neutral Good
Powers Homeopathic Blood/Chocolate
Occupation Chocolatier
Registration Status Registered
Played By Lilly Collins

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Logs No logs have been posted yet. Mentions No logs have been posted yet.

Archived Logs
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2015-11-17)
Errands Flicker, Kaylynn, Lucien, Teague
  • (2015-10-07)
Something Sweet Flicker, Kaylynn
  • (2015-10-05)
Flower Hunt Hive, Kaylynn
  • (2015-10-05)
Five Hour Energy Kaylynn, Killian
  • (2015-10-04)
Be Our Guest Dusk, Flicker, Kaylynn
  • (2015-08-19)
Busy Jax, Kaylynn, Tag
  • (2015-08-02)
Just Dance Anole, Jack, Kaylynn
  • (2015-07-26)
Being Too Sweet Billy Kaylynn
  • (2015-07-22)
Fetch Kaylynn, B, Killian
  • (2015-07-18)
Strange Mushroom Powder Kaylynn, Rictor
  • (2015-07-18)
Blood and Chocolate Kaylynn, Ion, Isra, Gremlin
  • (2015-07-16)
Witching Hour Jack, Kaylynn, Lucien, Matt
  • (2015-07-15)
Guns and Horses Flicker, Kaylynn, Melinda