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Latest revision as of 15:06, 8 March 2014

Dramatis Personae

Faelan, Mallory


Because obviously the library will be so busy over break.


<XS> Library

Xavier's librarian might hope the library is a quiet place to sit and study, but with a school full of teenagers that is not always the case. Nevertheless, it is certainly a treasure trove of knowledge, well-stocked with a wealth of books on its high shelves. Its reference section is vast, though its fiction is as well (much to the delight of many of its students.) The wide octagonal tables and smaller armchairs are often crowded with students, though the whispered conversations that often take place leave some doubt as to how much work is getting done at any given hour.

Classes are out, and the two week break between semesters has begun, though Spring has only begun to push back against the frigidness of winter. The school is fairly empty on the first Friday of break, and the library even more so than it normally is on a Friday. The sun is setting outside the large windows of the library, casting long shadows along the rows of shelves.

At the front desk of the library has the glowing little green desk light on, illuminating a small stack of books and casting deep shadows over the features of the librarian at the desk. Mallory is dressed casually, in a pair of flared dark wash jeans and a black t-shirt, a sentence in Old English written on it in bright white, the archaeic style all but unrecognizable as English; her long hair is pulled back in a simple ponytail, which drapes limply over her shoulder. She has an elbow resting on the desk, her hand wrapped around a horn as a way to prop her head up, her attention focused on the book held open on the desk. Most of the books have been reshelved, and the carts are neatly lined up, thankfully empty for once. At some point in the day, an e-mail had been sent to Faelan, asking him to stop by when he had a chance - apparently, Mallory is just idly waiting at this point.

Making his way into the library, Faelan is dressed like he isn't sure if he was supposed to be working today. He has on a polo shirt in a light grey color, but it's tucked into a pair of black jeans and he's fiddling with his phone as he walks in. His hair looks like he quickly slicked it back with something or other to make it more presentable either way, and he glances around the place with the longer shadows. "Hrm, should check the lights," he murmurs to himself, and seeing the desk lamp on, he offers a slight wave and heads on over. "I got your email Ms Winthrop. Were we supposed to be doing some decorating for Saint Patricks day or something?" he asks with a tilt of his head.

Mallory glances up at the sound of someone approaching, blinking a few times at the comment about the lights. "Hm? Oh, apologies about that, Faelan. There weren't many people through today, so I kept the lights low. Had not realized it was getting quite that dark," Mallory offers with an apologetic grin, though in the low light of the library, the flickering fire of her eyes is quite notable, if a bit unnerving. "I had meant to talk to you earlier in the week about this, but got a bit wrapped up in trying to get my grading done in time," she chuckles, grimacing faintly at the memory of the papers she had pouring over. Faelan's attire finally seems to register with the librarian, and she chuckles, "Had I interrupted you? I do apologize, if I did. No work to do to day, just needed to talk to you about something."

Slipping a bookmark into place, Mallory leans back on her chair slightly, regarding Faelan with an easy smile. "I'm going to be out of town for the next week. Should only be a week," Mallory begins, nervously glancing at the book she had been reading, "I wanted to be sure you were okay taking over the library duties while I'm out. There are still students here who may need to borrow books, or need assistance." She leans her elbows on the table and regards her assisstant, "So I suppose it's up to you, if you would like to deocrate for Saint Patricks or not."

"Its okay, I'm pretty good at avoiding bumping into things. You get used to it when you occassionally can't see things around you," Faelan replies sheepishly. "And no, you weren't interrupting anything. I ran back to my room to get professionalish just in case. I didn't think I was on the schedule or anything, so I was just kinda taking a day to see if there are any colleges I can maybe take online that wont mind a registered mutant." He looks a little put out by the prospects on that, but nods as she describes why she asked him here. "I can do it. I had been doing it for a few weeks before you had arrived, and well, I have more experience now at least." He nods perhaps a bit more vigrorously than needed, showing he is still rather young. "I don't really expect too many students to be here, most of the ones I can think of that would be...towards the studious side would probably just get the ebooks, or already downloaded them." He thinks over the decoration matter, then shakes his head. "I probably wont. It's kinda just a drinking holiday in America more than anything, and we probably shouldn't be promoting it since really only the teachers can legally drink. Aside from the drinking, its just mainly eating pseudo Irish things and shamrock shakes. I don't think corned beef is actually Irish, I had watched a show once and they were saying it was from the jewish delis in New York."

"Fair enough. I," Mallory pauses, glancing down the dark stacks, smirking faintly, "Am never really in the dark anymore." She shakes her head and sighs, nodding in commiseration with the college worries, "I cannot believe there are /no/ universities that would accept you as a student. Online classes may be a good place to start, though, at least until the dust settles out a bit and people calm down. Things will get better." There is a moment of hesitation as she speaks, a faltering in her fanged smile, that indicates she might be saying this as much for herself as for her assisstant's benefit. His enthusiasm, however, brings back her smile, and she chuckles in amusement, "I wouldn't ask you to if I didn't believe you were capable of it. That said, it should be a fairly quiet week, so don't stress too much." On decoration, she shrugs, glancing towards the front tables, "I had intended to set out a display of relevant books, but I'm afraid I was a bit scatterbrained and did not quite finish up. If you wanted to, you're welcome to toss a few books on the display, but no need." Fidgeting idly with the book on her desk, she looks curious, "Shamrock shakes?"

"I know, its just kinda a crappy timing for it to happen. Though, bad economy, zombie apocalypses, and imagination worls all kinda make it never be a good timing," Faelan offers with a shrug. "I'm sure things will be fairly quiet. If it becomes terrible, I'll barricade the doors till someone shows up." Glancing towards the front tables, he scratches his head. "Um, what would be relevant books? I mean, there's James Joyce, but I don't think anyone actually likes his stuff. I could always Google it I guess." Frowning, he nods to himself as he makes a mental note. "Oh, Shamrock shakes. It's a thing that comes out around this time of year at the fast food joint. It's green food coloring in a mint milk shake. So not exactly very holiday like, aside from being green."

"Life never seems to happen at convenient times, unfortunately," Mallory agrees, shaking her head, "But that doesn't mean we give up. I wouldn't be here if that were the case." She snorts and grins at the plans for barricading the library, "Uh huh. If something truly terrible happens, contact me. We should be able to get back to the school pretty quickly if needed." The suggestion of authors earns a crinkle of her nose, and she shakes her head, admitting with a chuckle, "No. Not him. Ah, on second thought, perhaps we'll just skip that part. No one will be around to look at them anyway." The description of the shakes gets an amused chuckle, "Ah, huh. Can't say I've been to a fast food place stateside. May have to look into it." She glances out the window at the growing darkness, "Alright. I should likely let you go. And I should finish packing." Rising somewhat unsteadily from her perch, Mallory smiles at Faelan, "Thank you, Faelan."

"I know. It would be nice to be born another hundred years in the future, when people are hopefully less stupid. I mean, theres been all the social changes happening for just about every other group. But apparently if you have powers that doesn't qualify as needing legal protection.' Faelan shakes his head, then smiles. "Alright, and remember you have your panic button. I mean, its not like they could come out and help you fast if something goes wrong, but everybody has them for a reason," he says with a knowing nod, having used his rather often. "Yeah, we can skip out on that stuff. I could maybe find the Irish mythology books and put them out. Or maybe some of the history ones about that time frame." He shrugs a bit, not exactly having a plan yet. "The shakes are alright. There are better places to get shakes and malts though. It's more just the novelty that it's not available any other time of the year." At the dismissal, he inclines his head though and offers a smile. "Enjoy your trip, and stay safe. I'll make sure the library is nice and organized for when you get back."