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Revision as of 05:46, 27 July 2015

Show and Tell
Dramatis Personae

Liv and Sergio


“I’m gonna end up this chick’s sidekick or somethin’.”


<XS> Gardens

From indoor gardens to outdoor, though without the protective greenhouse glass the back gardens do not last all year round. Still, the gardens out here are well-tended and well-worth spending time in, as well. The paths wending through the beds of flowers and herbs and vegetables spread out through the school's back grounds, tended by students as a credit class. Benches offer seating and a small pond is home to koi and turtles, as well as a few frogs. At the far back edges of the garden, a droning buzzing marks a few stacked white boxes as beehives.

It's a quiet evening out on the grounds. Though the day was nice and breezy, the humidity has picked up and anyone with half a brain as gone inside.

Halfway down one of the paths where the walkway stops being paved, an empty wheelchair is framed in a beam of light. No more than a yard or so from it, a young man is silhouetted carefully shuffling forward. He wears loose hospital scrubs under a letterman jacket. His hand finds a tree for balance and then, a different tree. He isn't in any rush, but teeters dangerously.

The gardens look a bit different to those who spend a lot of time in them. Some Bushes and hedges look...bushier and hedgier than usual. Flowers that shouldn't be in bloom definitely are. And some plants twist in turn in ways that defy natural order.

The reason for these changes appear to still be in here. Liv is currently standing in front of a large, hydrangea bush. Her hands are held out and, apparently under her command the shrubbery grows and takes shape. Slowly, it begins to take the general shape of a dog. Stepping back from work, she grins happily to herself as she catches sight of Sergio in the corner of her eye. She turns to watch him, her smile falling a bit with concern. "Are you alright?"

Sidestepping the question, Sergio smiles softly to reassure the green haired girl. He gestures lazily with his free hand, “Did you do that?” His voice is a bit hoarse from long term lack of use, “I dig it.” Very carefully, he keeps his other hand on the tree as he lowers himself to the ground. Leaning his back against the tree, he leaves one leg outstretched and folds the other under it.

Liv smiles and nods. "Yep. Just practicing and trying out different things." She waves her hand and suddenly the dog has his tongue sticking out, made of blue flower blossoms. "What about you? You've got a bit of born colt thing going on. Need any help?"

Sergio grins, delighted by the new addition to the dog topiary. He brings up a hand to rub the back of his neck bashfully, "I just get a little dizzy, now. Sometimes." The jock doesn't look or sound like the type of person very accustomed to requiring help, "I just pushed myself too hard, I guess." He tries to brush it off like it's nothing but he is just about ...three feet from his wheelchair.

Liv presses her lips together as she glances over Sergio. "Dizzy...alright..." she says, not quite buying that's all there is but not pushing it further. "I assume it has to do with your powers?" she asks, just trying to continue on casual conversation.

“Yeah, that’s what the professor says,” Sergio nods deeply, “You ever get anything like that? Sometimes-” He twirls a finger along his ears, “I don’t know. It’s like I’m spinning.” Absently, he wets his bottom lip, “I’m Sergio, by the way.”

"Afraid not. I get tired but it's more like...I just ran a marathon kinda tired. And only if I overuse my power." Liv smiles and holds out her hand to shake. "Liv, pleasure. Is it really Sergio? That's awesome. It's like...the cover of a romance novel." She suddenly stops talking and presses her lips shut as her face turns pink, afraid she's rambled off too much.

"Dude, that's probably where my mom got it from," Sergio teases, taking the hand firmly in his own, "So, can you? Actually, uh?" He gulps, flattening his mouth and nodding towards his wheelchair, "Help me."

Liv glances towards the wheelchair and 'ah's loudly. "Oh, right. Sorry, of course....wait!" she says, quickly backing up. "I've got an idea!" She holds her hands out in front of her like before, and suddenly three vines appear from the garden. They slither their way towards Sergio, one of them pressing against the wheelchair and pushing it closer, one wrapping itself snugly about Sergio's waist, and the other slipping itself under Sergio's legs and cradling them. They look thin but they feel incredibly sturdy, even as they begin to lift Sergio into the air. Liv's face is filled with an intense determination but the vines are gentle as they lower him into the chair and then shrink away once he's set up.

In no position to fight it, Sergio lifts his arms up as he is lifted. He subdues more laughter, fearful of breaking her concentration. He also fights the urge to look beneath him, and risk another attack of is vertigo. Once in the chair, Sergio slaps his palms against the armrests repeatedly, "What the fuck you are so powerful! You're Poison Ivy, dude!"

Liv let's out a huge breath and rubs her hands together as if they were suddenly sore. "I don't know about that. I think I just exhausted myself for the day." She looks back up, breathing a little heavier now but she suddenly grins and shakes her head. "I'm just grateful that actually worked." Because apparently, failing horribly was still an option. "I'm hoping the more I do crazy stuff like that, the easier it gets. Maybe one day it won't feel like getting hit by a truck."

Bringing his hands to the wheels of his chair, Sergio cocks his head back, “That’s some legit superhero shyyit right there.” He looks over his shoulder to one side, then the other, as if talking to a large group, “I’m gonna end up this chick’s sidekick or somethin’.” He leans his head forward, “Are you alright?”

Liv waves her hand dismissively towards Sergio, even as she slumps to the ground and stretches out, relaxing. "Yeah, no, I'm fine. I do this all the time. Just gonna relax and chill with some Netflix soon." She can't help but grin at his suggestion of being a sidekick. "Oh yeah? Depends what you do, maybe I'll be the plant sidekick to your...whatever it is."

Sergio tightens his jaw, eyeing Liv as he considers the dangers of a demonstration. In the end, it's too tempting. Leaning back in his chair, the young Hawaiian lays his head all the way back and closes his eyes.

<< Hello, Liv. >>

His shoulders slump down, and his hand falls limply into his lap.

Liv would have jumped if she weren't already on the floor. Still, she does jolt at the voice in her head that appears out of nowhere. "Wh-how? A psionic? Woah...." Yeah, having someone else in your head unexpectedly is always a weird, even scary experience but once the initial shock fades, she's left with one though: "Cool...never had a psionic in my head before. At least, not that I'm aware of. So is that what you do? Talk to people in their heads?"

Sergio doesn't move.

<<That's not even the cool part. Should I check on up on the kitchen? See if anybody's in there? Tell you what they're up to? Or the pool? ... Or the city?>>

After a pause, the boy's lashes flutter and his fingers twitch. With a deep intake of breath, he sits back up in his wheelchair and beams.

Liv can't resist the urge to twist her head and see if there's someone hiding behind her. "Woah, you can really do that? Hell, I am definitely your sidekick. I have to be in the room with what I'm doing. So you can just...mentally teleport yourself around?"

Sergio knits his brow, showing Liv the side of his face while he thinks. "No. Not teleporting, it's-" he turns back to her, "It's more like I just sort of get up and walk away," He rolls backward some in the wheelchair, giving her a goofy, lopsided smile, "Or float away?"

Liv nods as she takes it in. "Floating away. Ok, that makes sense. And your...mental you. What's that like? Can people still see you? Are you a ghost? Can you move things and pick them up? Can your mental self get hurt?"

Sergio pouts, tilting his head thoughtfully, "I don't know, could you see me?" At first, he's just messing with her. He knows full well she couldn't see him. But then, a real thought does occur to him. He touches chest, before pointing in her direction "Just now, when I was .../y'know/... I could see me in this chair. But I couldn't see you."

"No, I guess I couldn't. That's still really cool though." With a sore wince, Liv stands back up. "So...were you inside me then? Looking out through my eyes?" She thinks a moment then shrugs. "We should play around with our powers again. I'm going to go have my Netflix relax date now. I'll see you around Sergio."

Sergio blinks some, watching Liv rise with just a little disappointment. Part of him can’t help but think he made her more than a little uncomfortable. “Yeah, cool. I’ll see you around. I think I’ll stay out here for a while.” The very nature of using his powers involves his body getting a lot of rest. It should come as no surprise that he’s wide awake,