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Revision as of 01:34, 31 August 2015

Broken Leg
Dramatis Personae

Anette and Daken


"I am /not/ a manic pixie dream girl."


<BOM> Common Room - Main Lodge - Ascension Island

The common room's rustic-lodge feel has been somewhat mitigated by the modern amenities inside its sturdy wooden walls. It has comfortable couches, several chairs, a refrigerator (stocked with snacks and drinks!), a pool table, a pinball machine (METALLICA!), an assortment of books, a television -- with several game systems! -- and a splendid view out the windows (when their lacy yellow curtains are drawn open) for the rest of the island. The pale wood floors have been covered in places -- by a pair of soft thick blue rugs, by a large squishy pair of beanbags that stand in front of the stone fireplace. There's also a board up on the wall, half corkboard, half whiteboard, with a variety of community notes (and occasional insults) to other Brotherhood members.

Large doors on the right-hand side lead off to the kitchen and dining room. In the back of the room, the council room's heavy oak door bears solid locks that are almost never actually barred. A short hall adjacent to the council room's door leads to a trio of multi-stalled bathrooms; these might once have been marked with the typical man-woman-handicapped signs, but someone has given them new plaques on the door; a stick figure with horns and a long tail, one with wings. One -- the large single-user toilet -- has instead been given a helmet and a cape.

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and it's a beautiful day. Most people with half a brain would take this opportunity to get some fresh air. Unfortunately Anette is not one of them. The cast on her left leg might be some inclination as to why. So here she is, sitting on the couch with a plate of nachos, flipping through TV channels. A blanket is draped over her though her bad leg, elevated by some pillows, is still visible.

Daken is just making his way back in. He's dressed in a pair of jogging pants and a black T-shirt. Once he notices Anette he flashes her a warm smile, until he notices her leg. "What happened?" he's obviously concerned.

Anette looks up as she hears another voice, smiling at the sight of Daken. "Hey handsome," she greets him, muting the TV for now. "Thought I'd sneak to the mainland for some fresh air and a change of scenery. Made the mistake of saving a cop's life," she responds casually as if this was no big deal and it happened every day.

"Fuck." Daken mutters. "You're always off getting into trouble without me. Gonna have to keep a better eye on you." He teases, heading over to sit next to Anette."

"God knows it would have been nice if you'd been there. Do you have idea how hard it is flying with a broken leg?" Anette says, watching as he finds a seat. It's not as if she can really make room. "Thank god the safehouse was nearby and someone was there who had some idea how to bandage wounds."

"Thankfully." Daken agrees. "What'd the medical staff here have to say about it?" He reaches over to rub between Anette's shoulders.

"Would've been alright if it didn't hit bone. I'm going to be off my feet for a while," Anette says, closing her eyes and 'mmm'ing softly as Daken massages her shoulders. "At least you can't be mad at me for drugs now," she teases, patting her pocket and rattling the pill bottle inside. "Painkillers are fun. Anyway, what about you? Where've you been?"

"Just about, running errands and taking care of the new birds." Daken leans over to press a kiss to Anette's neck, "Looks like I'm going to be helping you out some too."

"Unless you know of a way to transfer your healing power to me, there's not too much you can do. I was already pretty much under house arrest before," Anette says, her mood beginning to darken though she does smile softly as Daken kisses her neck. "Christ, how long is this going to last? I'm going to be stuck on the island forever."

"Did know a mutant that could swap people's abilities a while back, but i haven't heard from him in a while. Probably dead." Daken lifts his shoulders in a slight shrug. "But i can still run you food and all that. Or you can come watch training sessions."

"What about killing the bastard that did this?" Anette growls. "Or hell, maybe I should just embrace being called a terrorist. If you can't beat them, join them, right?" She sighs and rubs her eyes slightly. "Yeah, food runs might be useful."

"Technically we are terrorists, even though freedom fighters would be a better term." Daken leans back over to kiss Anette's temple when she becomes frustrated. "Unless you know his name and badge number, I don't really have a way of finding him."

Anette sighs and pats the side of Daken's head as he leans in for the kiss. "It's nice to know you would," she says quietly. "Besides, I think if I did go all out, they wouldn't believe me when I said I was drunk during the Sentinel thing and I wasn't attacking the officers." Daken nods slightly. "Unfortunately i don't think the future dreams would hold up in court unless we could get other people to attest to it. Then we'd still have to break you out of prison." "Well, this really doesn't have to do much with the future dreams. Just me being stupid. Twice." Anette pops a cheese coated tortilla chip in her mouth before holding the plate up to Daken, offering him some. " am I getting out of this? The entire city thinks I'm an evil mutant out to murder their loved ones? I can't stay on this island forever."

"You might have to for a while, unfortunately." Daken swipes one of the more cheese coated chips and tosses the floppy thing into his mouth. "Safer here anyway."

"Yeah, I know," Anette says, glancing down at her leg with pursed lips, though she suddenly develops a smirk. "Afraid the leg is going to limit our late night activities, too. Not sure I trust you not to accidentally break it more."

"Oh we can work around that." Daken says with a grin, pressing a kiss to Anette's shoulder. "Besides, a broke leg is enough to deal with, you'd die without junk food and late night activities."

"Junk food, yes. Late night activities, though?" Anette raises a brow playfully. "Do I need to worry about you looking for fun elsewhere?"

"I didn't look for it anywhere else while we were just fuck buddies. Don't have to worry now." Daken assures, leaning back and running a hand through his hair. "We should see about a cabin though, since we can't hang out at your apartment anymore."

"I'll never understand why you didn't," Anette says, grabbing another chip off her plate before she suddenly freezes in place. "Did you...did you really just suggest moving in together?"

"No, I'll still mostly sleep on the couch here, only really with you until your leg is better. Then it's back to like it was before." Daken swipes another chip while Anette's frozen. "More like a roommate that ensures you don't piss yourself at night."

"Alright. That might be plausible," Anette says, popping the chip in her mouth and swatting Daken's hand away too late. "And why am I pissing myself at night?"

Daken lifts his shoulders in a shrug. "You shouldn't be, in just there to make sure you don't bust your ass if you have to get up."

Anette rolls her eyes. "Thank you for being so thoughtful. What would I do without you?" she says with only a touch of sarcasm to her voice. "Not as if I have many options either way. A cabin here would be nice, even after all this business is cleared up."

"City life is interesting and all, but think about waking up where it's green. Where everyone is like you. Maybe even next to me." Daken wraps an arm around Anette. "Beats the shit out of waking up and wondering when you might get shot, or what you'll get blamed for."

"That is true. It would be a lot easier for me to immerse myself in the going ons around here," Anette adds. "I do like the city and I've had that apartment for years though."

"That's life. Sometimes you end up places you never could have imagined." Daken shifts enough to finally kiss Anette's lips. "I mean, neither of us ever really considered a real relationship. Now we're trying to figure it all out. Maybe things will get better. It'll be rough soon, but it'll be better after all this."

Anette smiles after Daken kisses her. "For someone who never considered a real relationship, you really pushed the whole relationship thing. I still don't know whether this is really for the best but..." Anette shrugs slightly, brushing hair away from her face. "I suppose it could be better."

"Had a lot of time to think about it. And you've been the only person I've actually considered." Daken kicks his shoes off and tucks his feet under himself. "Could be partying at Soho or enjoying the Cafe Wha? band. Still might have to go see the band once you can go to the city again."

"By the time I get off this island, you could take me to a Justin Bieber concert and I'd be happy," Anette says, turning to face Daken and narrowing her eyes. "I swear to god if tell me I'm the reason for you turning your life around. I am /not/ a manic pixie dream girl."

Daken can't help but grin. "My dream girl can hold her liquor and throw a punch. So you kinda are. But I turned my life around because it wasn't a good fit for living here."

Anette grins and leans over to kiss Daken. "I can live with that. So, at risk of ruining our relationship again, have you heard anything about your father yet?"

"The only Xavier graduate that talks to me is you. Everyone else thinks I'm creepy." Daken flashes a sharp grin, "I'm not that bad. But I figure I'll meet Logan some day.

"Well, you can be kinda creepy," Anette says, flashing him a quick grin. "I'd say break in but the last I heard is there is a wall of reporters and media outside the gates. Might not go over well or be easy. But yeah, you'll meet him some day. You both have all the time in the world."

"True enough." Daken acknowledges with a slight nod, leaning in to kiss Anette, but also snagging the remote. "Think it's about time to catch a movie, isn't it?"

"HEY!" Anette yells, reaching out a claw for the remote but falling flat. Not as if she can go after it. "Give it back!"

Daken hands the remote back over with an easy grin, "Alright, you handle the remote this time."

"Good," Anette says, taking the remote back and turning the TV off. "I haven't seen you in long enough and I haven't seen much of anyone else. I'd rather sit and talk," she says firmly, though she quickly smirks. "Or do other things," she adds with a wink.

Daken chuckles softly, leaning over to nip at Anette's ear, "Just what'd you have in mind?" His tone is more light and playful than flirtatious.

Anette presses her lips together in thought for a moment before speaking. "Since you brought it up earlier and I've always kinda wondered, why didn't you see anyone when we first started hooking up? You knew I was and you knew you could."

"I just didn't want to, didn't really have a need for anybody else." Daken explains. "Plenty of opportunities to hang out then have a little something to eat." He shoots a quick wink.

"Really? That's all there is to it? Just...laziness?" Anette teases, picking up a pillow and playfully hitting him with it. "Glad I mean so much to you."

"If you hadn't, I'd still have been hitting up Heaven." Daken retorts teasingly. "Broke a lot of hearts when I stopped showing up. But seeing you instead made me genuinely happier. So it was worth it." Anette chuckles and shakes her head. "I still show up to Heaven occasionally, amongst other places. Collecting numbers is fun, even if I don't do anything with them. Well, as long as your good with a monotonous love life, I'm good, too," she teases with a playful smile.

"It's only monotonous if we never break out handcuffs, rope, and paddles." Daken settles into the couch, leaning his head against it. "There anything you need from your apartment before they start watching it?"

Anette shakes her head. "Thanks, but I grabbed everything important. I'm pretty sure they already started watching it. How many winged and taloned women are there in the city?" She carefully sits up, gently moving her leg onto the floor so she can lean against Daken as he sits down. "Still trying to figure out if it's a good or bad thing I'm not registered. On one hand...they'd already have me if I was. On the other's gonna be a world of hurt if they do find me."

"Just imagine if they ever find me. Killed more than a few people, not registered, and entered the country with forged credentials." Daken says, wrapping an arm around Anette. "How do you think they would feel if they knew they were harboring a seventy year old war criminal that looks like he might be thirty."

Yeah, but are you actually -wanted-? Like...does the FBI have your picture on a pack of playing cards? There aren't videos of you circling the news stations that I've seen," Anette says a bit dryly. "Besides, even if they did catch you, you could -easily- break out. What are they going to do, shoot you?"

"Actually, I don't think I left any evidence. Pretty much all of it was before any real changes in the DNA field." Daken muses, rubbing his jaw with his free hand thoughtfully. "Yeah, so I'll just stick to making sure they don't leave if they try to come take you."

"Aw, how romantic," Anette says, smiling up to Daken. "That's all any girl wants to hear from her boyfriend. But yeah, times have changed. I guess we -could- revert to bad spandex costumes and masks."

"I only recently wore a costume. Usually whatever drew the least attention. Could go pick up some colored contact lenses and ski masks." Daken suggests. "Get you a few pairs of giant mittens."

"Because there's nothing suspicious of ski-masks at /all/," Anette says, rolling her eyes. "If I'm going to be sneaking into public causing trouble, I'd like to wear something a little nicer than a ski mask. Hell, even the X-Men have nice uniforms."

"Not if we held signs that said 'Free Pussy Riot' or something." Daken lifts his left shoulder in a slight shrug. "And if I'm going out to show off it'll be in one of my leather jackets, a black tank top, and jeans loose enough I can still do what I need to do."

"Great minds dress alike. Except skinny jeans so I can wear boots." Anette says. "I've gotta find a better way to cover the wings than jackets. I keep leaving them behind whenever the shit hits the fan."

"I can't think of a way to go about doing that." Daken turns his head slightly to kiss Anette's shoulder. "I imagine it's a pain having such a visible mutation. When my claws aren't out all I have that might give me away is my teeth, but nobody ever seems to notice."

"You'd make one hell of a butcher though. I mean, what would I do with wings? Paper girl? Air traffic controller?" Anette stares at the claw as it's extended. "Doesn't that hurt when you do it?"

"Yeah. Only for a moment though." Daken retracts the ebony claw and shifts his attention towards the television for a moment. "A lot of things in life hurt. Doesn't mean we shouldn't give them a try."

“Jury's still out on that one," Anette adds quietly, glancing towards the TV as if debating turning it back on. "You think any of this is ever going to change? Us having to watch our backs, being hated by everyone, all the violence?"

"I was around when they thought we weren't even real, so yeah. They're just adjusting to not being top of the food chain." Daken lifts his shoulders in a slight shrug. "One day we'll outnumber them."

"Oh, that would be fantastic..." Anette says, grinning a moment before looking down at her leg, wrapped up in a cast. "This is the part where I'd suggest me and you go destroy some more Sentinels ourselves but...yeah. It's going to be a while."

"I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be a great idea. Wouldn't be stuck here on the island if we'd stuck to the small stuff." Daken teases. "Wasn't as fun, no. But safer, can't be branded a terrorist for that."

"Yeah but I'm already a terrorist, what more do I have to lose? I've already learned my lessons: don't terrorize drunk and don't try to save human lives." Anette grins. "Go big or go home, right?"

"Big would be destroying the factories were they're made, or killing the people with access to their schematics and destroying all the copies. But I'm sure enough people have them, and copies, that it would be a pointless endeavor." Daken clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth a few times. "Should talk to Regan. Set up a plan."

"Maybe. But again, I'm kinda stuck here," Anette says, her voice trailing off a bit as she stares at her cast with a frown. "Part of me wants to go find Ion and kick his ass for getting me into this position in the first place, but he also did get me out of there when he could have easily abandoned me so I suppose we're even." Anette groans and leans forward, rubbing her temples. "God, I'm going to drive myself nuts. I'm bored out of my mind, I need to do /something/."

"Not a whole lot you can actually do. I mean we can get drunk and watch movies." Daken suggests. "Well, high. Rather get high and watch movies, easier to follow." "Yeah, I think that's about it. On the plus side, this whole fiasco has pushed the dreams out of the way. Don't have them nearly as often. And you'd be pleased to know it's hard to get drugs when you can't leave the island. Though personally I'd kill for some and I almost want to play the 'if you really loved me' card." Anette mumbles the last sentence with some annoyance.

"Then you aren't asking around. Sure we could get you some cleaner stuff than you would find out on the streets." Daken says. "I'll see around, get you some pot and some less harmful shit. Unless you really want the blow."

"Cut me some slack, you've been at this a lot longer than I have, gramps," Anette teases. "Yeah, some blow would be helpful."

"I'm also completely immune to diseases, being poisoned, and chemicals. So I haven't had to worry about getting a bad batch and going belly up." Daken reaches over to rub Anette's stomach. "But we shouldn't have to worry about that out here. Hopefully."

"So you could snort rat poison and be fine? Not a bad ability at all," Anette says, mulling the thought over in her mind. "It sounds a lot more useful that flying."

Anette stares at Daken in mock offense as he criticizes her stamina. "That's rich. For someone who hasn't had eighty years of practice, I do just fine. As soon as I can move again, I will absolutely kick your ass."

"Maybe I'll let you win a spar once you're not limping around." Daken decides with a playful grin. "Or maybe you'll manage to score a solid victory. Really only one way to find out."

"Don't you date let me win," Anette warns sternly. "If I win against you, I want it to be an honest win. I will absolutely fight you once I'm not limping around anymore."

"Alright, then I'll be sure to stop fighting like when we were training, and start fighting like I was trained to fight." Daken replies with a slight shrug. "Good luck." He shoots a wink and straightens up enough to take Anette's talon into his hand.

"Just try not to kill me," Anette adds, her lips flat as she lets Daken take her 'hand' and giving his a gentle squeeze.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Daken promises, leaning over to kiss Anette. "Now lets watch some television."

Anette smiles softly as Daken kisses her 'hand'. "Alright, sounds good to me."