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I am a rock, and a rock never cries.

xxxxxThe strong are supposed to protect the weak, and Hercules takes this to heart, as well as projecting a nearly unstoppable cheerfulness that belies the turmoil inside.


xxxxxHercules was conceived in Greece, during his mother's gap year. Seduced by a mysterious older man, she enjoyed a full year of fun, and wild and crazy times. As the time for her to return to New York came due, the man vanished. And during her first term on her way to becoming a doctor, she learned that she was pregnant. Despite their misgivings, her parents were understanding, and after Hercules was born, they became his foster parents. His mother visited as often as possible, but continued her schooling.

When Hercules was eight, his mother returned full time to the family home, having landed a job at Mount Sinai Hospital. With her work essentially around the corner from home, she and Hercules were able to spend a long time catching up. He became a bit of a fixture at the hospital in time.

Hercules grandfather passed away when he was ten, the older man having a heart attack in his sleep.

At fourteen, Hercules had to face the passing of his mother. While her dead was ruled "Death by Misadventure" due to the odd nature, murder was suspected. The unofficial story blames mutants, though at least one detective was working on a theory that it was tied to Friends of Humanity, made to look like a mutant attack. Since her death came in the wake of the Brotherhood of Mutants attack in 2011, and she had a growing reputation as an expert in mutant care and physiology, this theory has some ring of truth to it. Hercules has put the incident behind him, to concentrate on his studies, believing his mother would want him to succeed at being the mathematician he used to dream of being.

A few years later, Hercules' grandmother's health began to decline. He worked with a lawyer to have the family house sold, and convinced his grandmother to move west to live with her sister. Believing her safe from the danger his presence drew, and with a decent sum of money as his share of the house, Hercules began to look for a school that could both further his academic possibilities as well as teach him to control and deal with his powers. And then Xavier's went public.


xxxxxHercules' powers are few, and relatively simple. He possesses super strength, something which has been increasing as he ages. Maybe he'll be as strong as the Hulk, some day, but for now he can impress by benching many people at once, tipping cars over single handedly, and having a wicked left hook. Hercules is also super tough, blades and other sharp implements are slowed by his skin, and perhaps in future he may stop bullets. Not that he wants to actually test that, mind you. With this toughness comes a very high pain threshold, a normal fistfight won't cause him much pain at all, and the more often he is exposed to pain, the less he feels. He is unsure if this pain resistance fades, and occasionally he'll hurt himself on purpose.. to "toughen himself up". And lastly, his body is slowly starting to be able to regenerate. For now, he rarely falls ill, and the every day bashes, gashes, papercuts, nicks and dings all tend to heal very quickly. If he does get sick, he is usually better a few days later, unless it is a very serious illness. He rarely ends up with scars.

The downside to these powers is an twofold increase in calorie intake, and Hercules runs a bit hot. He'll show up more easily on heat sensors, and he can sweat quite a bit if he is exerting himself. He is also sometimes fearful of his strength. Hercules has hurt people unintentionally, and the odd fight against a bully has gone very poorly. No one died, but it was touch and go for a few of his former bullies. He cannot be careless or casual with his strength.


xxxxxHercules is a good boxer, having taken to the sport once he started experiencing growthspurts and great increases in strength. He was and is an attentive student of the sport, going at least twice a week to his regular gym, though enrolling in Xavier's will probably throw a monkey wrench in those plans. However, the school's gym and weightlifting gear are more than adequate for him to continue training. He is also a decent wrestler, though he has taken a hiatus on that sport, fearing he would hurt someone badly with a combination of strength and weight. And probably at odds with his size and the perception people have of large, musclebound lunkheads is Hercules skill at math. His mother encouraged his early aptitude with numbers, and though his enjoyment of math faded for a time after his mother's death, he has begun to warm up to it once more.



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon, probably faster than friends it seems.

And everything in between

  • Coming soon.
  • Working on it.

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Hercules Dennant
Codename None
Birthdate 1997-10-05
Birthplace Mount Sinai Hospital
Species Mutant
Affiliation Xavier's
Alignment Chaotic Cheerful
Powers Super Strength, Toughness and Robust Health/Minor Regeneration
Occupation Student
Registration Status Registered
Played By None
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
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