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Latest revision as of 04:42, 29 October 2015

Pumpkin Spice Allergy
Dramatis Personae

Liv & Sergio


"Don't tell me you've got that flu that's going around, too..." (Part of Sick TP.)


<XS> Library

Xavier's librarian might hope the library is a quiet place to sit and study, but with a school full of teenagers that is not always the case. Nevertheless, it is certainly a treasure trove of knowledge, well-stocked with a wealth of books on its high shelves. Its reference section is vast, though it’s fiction is as well (much to the delight of many of its students.) The wide octagonal tables and smaller armchairs are often crowded with students, though the whispered conversations that often take place leave some doubt as to how much work is getting done at any given hour.

'I am... ... ... worried... ...about...' Sergio makes flattened O with his hands and elongates his fingers so that his hand is almost cone-like before drawing a circle around it in the air with his other hand. The entire process just takes, way too long. But his tutor won't let him freakin' talk to her outloud. Between a case of the sniffles, and being naturally inclined against libraries, which are amongst the worst places FYI, it isn't hard to tell that Sergio is starting to feel frustrated.

Legs folded up under him comfortably in his wheelchair, he's turned it to face one of the library's comfortable arm chairs with his back to the room.

Liv sits quietly in the arm chair, watching Sergio's motions intently as he attempts to sign. She remains silent, only periodically moving her hand from her mouth to the front of her opposite hand: 'good'. She does notice Serg begin to get frustrated and gives in, making a quick karate chop motion with her right hand into her left palm: 'stop'. "It's ok, we can take a break. You're doing pretty good though," she offers, smiling brightly.

Just as he’s figuring out the sign for ‘J,’ Sergio let’s his hands flop onto his lap with a dramatic sigh, “Ugh, thank god!” Giving the girl a lopsided smile, he shakes his head. “You’re just saying that,” he presses his lips into a closed smirk and raises an eyebrow “I’m awful.” At least he isn’t that bent out of shape about it.

"No! You're really doing good! I have been struggling but you have gotten better. Just keep practicing." Liv tucks her own legs underneath her and sits cross-legged as they begin to relax. "So have you decided what you're going as for Halloween yet?"

Sergio wets his lips, eyes drifting away for a moment. He pushes back down the tangent he was about to sign.

"I'm gonna be Professor Xavier," he says quietly, glancing over his shoulder as if someone might overhear this SECRET INFORMATION that he's actually pretty much been telling everybody. His smile comes easily, "Have you? Still going as a sheet ghost?" He adds a chin tilts, "Sorry. A hot sheet ghost."

Liv's eyes widen slightly. "That is AWESOME. Oh, that's gonna be so cool!" She does chuckle and shake her head. "No, I'm not going as a sheet ghost. Decided to be something a little more creative. I think I'm gonna wait and surprise everyone though."

“Yeah? You and Jack, both,” Sergio says, leaning back with a sniffle to consider the girl. Obviously, being compared to Jack is the highest of compliments. “Yeah, I uh, cut out big circles out of cardboard and colored them all silver with X’s in paint marker. Our room had some crazy fumes in it, whoops.” Grinning, he rolls his eyes, “And I just picked up like, a bald cap.”

"You do know there's easier ways to suck up, right?" Liv teases with a wink. "But it is pretty efficient, I guess." She glances to Sergio as he sniffles, frowning slightly with concern. "Don't tell me you've got that flu that's going around, too..."

“What? No way? Wait, /me/? Yeah, no way,” Sergio puffs up his chest, shifting his weight in his chair in a macho little dance-like manner, “It’s allergies or something.” He raises his eyebrows high, “I’m allergic to pumpkin crap being everywhere. And there’s really,” he sighs, looking helpless, “Only one thing that can probably help.” Bringing an index finger up, he presses it to his cheek, which he turns in offering to Liv.

Liv can't help but chuckle a bit as he denies being sick. "Fine, you're allergic to pumpkin spice. At least the season is almost over." As he motions to his cheek, Liv raises a single eyebrow and gives a light shrug before raising her hands. I-Don't-Know-What-You're-Talking-About, she signs, making sure it's slow enough for Serg to catch at least most of the words.

“I’m gonna die,” Sergio pouts, “Look at this? Have you even seen this?” He makes a flapping gesture towards the construction paper pumpkin decorations hanging off of one of the nearby bookshelves. Raising his eyebrows even further than usual, he leans in closer, touching his cheek with the tip of his index finger again.

"Yes, tragic," Liv says as she looks up to the paper pumpkins. "It's a wonder you're even alive." As he taps his cheek again, she grins and shakes her head. "Fine," she says reluctantly, gripping the arms of her chair and leaning forward to give a quick peck to Serg's cheek.

At the last minute, Sergio turns his head on his neck to catch Liv's lips with his. With a smug little smile across his mouth as he does this, he brings up a hand to cup the green haired girl's chin. The kiss doesn't last long, of course. Because he has the sniffles. Leaning back in his chair, the boy just grins. "Sorry," he says quietly, despite being very pleased with himself.

Liv did not see that coming. When she suddenly finds herself lips-to-lips with Serg, her eyes widen slightly and she freezes in place, providing him ample opportunity to continue. Once he pulls away, she quickly clears her throat and leans back, pressing her lips together. "It', fine. Yeah," Liv stammers though the smile that suddenly won't leave her face suggests there really aren't any hard feelings. "So uh...I was thinking about going to dance as Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas."

Sniffling, Sergio continues to grin stupidly. He signs, uh, well that doesn't mean anything. But it's perfectly clear that he doesn't hate the idea. "Wait. Wha? That was wrong wasn't it?" He asks, nose crinkling as he laughs. He looks down at both of his hands confusedly, as if they've betrayed him.

Liv chuckles and shakes her head. "You'll figure it out," she says, taking his hands in her own and leaning forward again to kiss Sergio again.

Hand coming up to up the side of Liv's face again, Sergio leans in to meet her. Someone pointedly clearing their throat in the room with them causes him to jump back from her, though. Grinning as he checks over both of their shoulders, he bursts into laughter. "You're a bad influence," he jests, eyeing Liv down and up as he reaches for his ASL workbook to get back to studying. ...or at least to pretend to study for a little while longer.