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Revision as of 04:45, 2 November 2015

Dramatis Personae

Kole and Anette


"The urge to fawn is overwhelming." (Part of Flu Plot)


<NYC> IHOP - Bronx

It's late at night and even in New York, there aren't a lot of places open, especially if you're craving sugar and carbs. Right now, it's that twilight between the dinner rush and the drunk rush where it's not so busy. A few people are scattered about the restaurant, eating a late dinner of pancakes and waffles, including Anette. Seated near the entrance, she has a pile of blueberry pancakes in front of her that she's munching on while she casually watches the people lurking around.

Approaching a table near the entrance of the pancake flinging establishment, Kole removes his beaten up leather bomber, and black wool knit gloves as he takes his seat and waits on his order of coffee and his feast of unlimited pancakes to begin. His cheeks look a little more hollow than they usually are and he seems to be missing his natural luster. As he removes his aqua and orange hat with a dolphin on the bill, he just seems tired as he looks over at the woman munching her food and nods, "Please tell me that they atleast taste good before they bring my order out." His red and black thermal shirt has a ridiculous name tag embellished on it that says 'Hi my name is: Shhh! No names.'

Anette suddenly looks up, bright yellow eyes staring at him. Apparently she was not expecting anyone to approach her. It takes a moment for her to respond. "Yeah, they're pretty good...good, yeah." She blinks a couple more times as she finishes her sentence, before giving a quick shake of her head and grabbing another forkful of her pancakes. "Nothing special but they're cheap and I'm starving." She herself wears a leather coat and gloves, hiding her wings and talons from view.

Kole chuckles a bit as he plants his elbows on the table, sliding one hand up to place against the side of his face, the other hand resting in the crook of that arm, "That's awesome, the cheap and the good. I can understand starving, I haven't eaten in the past seventy two hours." Having his cup of decaf coffee placed in front of him with extra sugar and cream, he takes a sip before gesturing with the hand that had been resting against the side of his face, "I'm just glad for pleasant company."

Anette pauses mid-bite as Kole begins talking, almost as if she momentarily became lost in thought. She quickly recovers and finishes her bite before speaking again. "Seventy-two hours? Damn...damn I couldn't do that. I've been doing...doing nothing but eating lately, it feels like." Anette shrugs slightly and quickly downs another forkful of pancakes. "Just been hungry lately for some reason. No idea why. I did just get over the flu though. Might have something to do with it." Another bite of pancakes goes down. "So why aren't you eating?"

Kole leans back in his chair and watches a decently pretty young waitress walk across the room with a stack of pancakes five thick before she drops it on his table. By dropping a casual wink at her a growing blush starts to become evident across her cheeks before she walks off a little too fast. Looking back to Anette he sighs a little as he uses his fork to cut into the pancake tower, "It's my work. I'm embarassed by it, but I'm a model. Before a shoot I can't eat for 72 hours, and can't have anything to drink for a day to make sure that my body is as defined as possible. It honestly sucks really bad." Using the fork to separate a wedge from the stack to check and make sure they were fully cooked, he basically up-ends his syrup over the top of them and smothers them in the thick amber substance.

Anette watches Kole's flirting with the waitress with a playful grin, shaking her head. "Ah, to be single again..." she muses. "Though it does suck about not eating. They photoshop everything else and they can't touch up your muscles a bit? Christ the media industry is fuck-, ah...fucked up." She finishes up the last of her pancakes and waves the waitress over, motioning to her plate. "So, what's your name handsome?"

A slight chuckle at Anette's statement as his green eyes look up at her and his mouth curls in a crooked grin, "Some of us are still old school, eyeliner and fasting. Photoshop can kill your career if you aren't careful." A hint of pearly white teeth as he takes a bite of his sugary, goopy, mess of pancakes. "I'm Kole, Kole Laurentis. And you Miss?" As he sets his fork down it bumps the edge of his plate and there's a slight ripple that's barely noticeable around his fingers holding the piece of cutlery.

"Doesn't sound healthy," Anette responds as Kole calls himself 'oldschool'. "I think I'd rather have the photoshop. And I'm Anette, pleasure," she adds, just in time for the waitress to return with a stack of five pancakes. She really is hungry. She grabs the bottle of syrup and drizzles it on, creating a goopy mess before going at it with her fork. She does catch the ripple and her head tilts slightly as her yellow eyes focus on it. It's only for a brief moment before she looks away. "So what makes someone go into modeling besides masochism?"

Kole shrugs for a second, takes another bite of his pancakes and then looks back to her, "Old school means job security, mostly. And it really isn't healthy, but one bad pic outside of a studio if you use photo shop kills your paper. I don't want to risk that." At her next question he looks a bit uncomfortable, "I've got three skills, I can kick ass with a black belt, I could kick Gordon Ramsey out of my kitchen, and I'm pretty. My dad died, my mom is sick, and it was the easiest way to get cash to cover everything. Trust me, I hate it." Motioning back to her with his syrupy fork he returns with his own question, "What about you Miss Anette? What do you do? I'm suspecting a hint of modeling somewhere in your back ground too," this he says with a half smile and a quick wink.

"Oh...I'm sorry," Anette says, fading off into a distracted gaze for a few seconds before she snaps out of it. "Hey, if it pays the bills, it pays the bills. Though maybe a job as a cook might be healthier?" As Kole asks her what she does, she can't help but laugh, taking a forkful of pancakes before responding. "If you're going to flirt with me, you're going to have to do better than that. I've heard and said it all. Nope, never modeled and have no desire to. I'm between jobs at the moment."

"Well damn, normally I just wink the right way and the ladies just /fawn/ all over me," Kole says jokingly. "I do some part time work as a cook, but the pay isn't enough to put a dent in my mom's bills let alone mine. Getting my picture is a big enough pay off that I can cover the bigger stuff, only pay I get to keep is from my part time work." Taking a few more bite his plate has been almost emptied, "Sometimes in between jobs isn't a bad thing. Can't really think too often when you're running the rat race to get ahead." Looking around for a second to spot the pretty(ish) blonde waitress he motions her over for his bill. Getting the slip of paper he notices blue pen scribbles on the back. As she walks away he shows Anette the phone number written on the back, "Digits!"

"Oh, I don't doubt it. The urge to fawn is overwhelming," Anette says with a grin. "Well, at least you've got your life figured out a little bit. A lot of people don't even have that much." She takes a few more bites of her pancakes as Kole goes to collect his bill. As he holds up the paper, she looks up and grins. "Ha, nice!" She stares absent-mindedly at the paper for a moment before chuckling. "Gonna call her?" He out right laughs, "I barely make it day to day, life will eventually figure me out. I'm way to self destructive and egotistical to try to figure it out." Looking at the paper for a second he gets this extremely animated pondering look on his face, "Nah, not too into blondes and waitresses are out of style. You keep it easy though, yeah, miss candle eyes? I'm sure it'll all work out for you somewhere 'round the bend." As he goes for the door he stops for a second and comes back, "If your dude pisses you off show him this, works every time to make them get some act right," he says as he pulls a folded up upper body shot out of his jacket pocket and drops it on her table.

"Ha, we have a lot in common," Anette says, smirking slightly as he rises. "Not into blondes? For shame. Though I suppose as a model, you've probably been spoiled regarding women." She watches him walk towards the door and back, raising an eyebrow as he hands her a photo. "Just how do you know whether I have a 'dude'?" she asks, taking the photo and setting it in her lap. "I'm pretty sure seeing this photo will do the opposite of getting him to act right. Take care."

Shrugging, he grins, "Dude, chick, you said something about not being single," a haphazard wink as he starts to put his hat and jacket on, "The sexy beast in that picture works regardless of gender. Anyway, see ya' around!" he's heading out the door with a huge grin on his face. The receipt with the phone number left on the floor.