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Revision as of 01:55, 8 December 2015

The Morning After
Dramatis Personae

Deltressa & Derek


"Staring is rude." (Aftermath of Monsters Dispensing Aid, part of flu season TP.)


<XS> Chimera Room - FL2

The guest rooms at Xavier's are spacious and comfortable, well-furnished suites readied for visitors. A mid-sized guest suite, its sitting room is large but its bathroom and two accompanying bedrooms -- one a queen, one holding two full beds -- snug and cozy. Its windows look out over the front yard, providing a wide view of the forests and lake in the distance.

In here the decor is subdued, tawny golds and ash-grey stone with hints of green thrown here and there to brighten it. Monstrous creatures prowl the room's artwork, amalgam in shape -- lion heads, dragon wings, scorpion tails; small glass figurines hunch on the bookshelf and hang painted on the walls.

With the curtains drawn to blot out the morning sun and the yet unnamed infant babe quietly occupied in its bassinet, the Chimera Room might be quite a peaceful place to awaken. Insistent on the unconscious boy not being removed from her care, Deltressa took it upon herself to keep up a vigil that went well through the call for breakfast.

Reclined quite regally in the sitting room's nearest available chaise lounge, Deltressa thumbs through her own notes with a long, black nail. She wears a thin, silken headscarf to conceal the finer grotesque details of her mutation -- leaving only her uniquely sculptural face and two principal eyes visible. Her gown is a patchwork of black, gray, and white fabric sewn onto the tail of a men's dress shirt that has been cinched at the waist. Every so often, she casually offers Derek a degree of her attention from where Nick so graciously laid him out on her coffee table the night before.

A small groan from the back of Derek's throat is let out before he slowly opens his eyes. They dart around the room, trying to figure out where he is. Not recognizing the room, he sits up quickly in a panic, a mistake as a wave of light-headed dizziness over comes him and a second groan is let out as a hand grips the side of his head. After a few breaths, his eyes find Deltressa and they take a while to focus on her. He relaxes a bit at the site of the woman, even with her unusual appearance. "Where am I? Who... are you?" Not remembering about the 'no speaking English' rule at the moment.

Deltressa turns to stare over at Derek, slowly closing her book. "Don't try to move," she says in a soothing, husky voice, "Your friends brought you here after your little escapade." Evidently, she isn't overly concerned with the small breaking of the rule.

Rising, the preposterously tall woman glides across the room to kneel just beside the coffee table. In her hand, she produces a small battery powered flashlight which she uses to look into Derek's eyes. While she checks him out, she speaks idly, "You were very brave, I hear. Kudos."

Derek can't help but tense a bit as she starts to look over him, but he doesn't shy away. "Brave? I jutht did what I do betht." Brave isn't a word he'd ever use to describe himself. "Are they all okay? I jutht remember a lot of zombieth, couldn't keep up and then, waking up here. Wherever here ith." He stares at Deltressa, her unusual and unique appearance causing him to stare a bit more than polite. "Thankth."

"Staring is rude," Deltressa chastises him easily, clicking off the flashlight and setting it carefully aside, "Are you very hungry?" Without needing to move from her position, she extends a long arm to retrieve a tupperware carton containing a sampling this morning's meal. "My daughter is watching her figure," she explains with the tilt of her head. "Everyone will live. The one with the-" Her free hand rises, dancing in the air as she hunts for the correct terminology, "-/tentacles/, was in the worst shape, I'd say."

Derek quickly looks away. "Thorry. And thankth." He takes the tupperware and looking inside starts to pick at it's contents. He winces hearing that Taylor is worse off but at the mention of daughter, Derek begins to panic. "My phone.. where'th my phone." He feels his pockets and looks around for his now blood stained jean jacket. "I need to let my thither know I'm okay." He seems to ignore Deltressa's earlier warning about not trying to move, as his only focus is finding his school issued phone.

Deltressa gently brings up her hand, pressing it to his to slow him. "We'll find it," she assures him smoothly while her other hand brings over a set of pre-packaged, plastic utensils. "Your coat is over there. I'll look while you get some food in your stomach," she outlines the plan before carrying it out. Her tone isn't that of someone accustomed to being disobeyed.

Derek doesn't seem to care about his injuries, only being able to somehow contact his sister. "Daithy ith more important than food." But he's stopped his frantic searching and grips the plastic silverware. He watches her go towards his jacket and after several moments, reluctantly opens the package and starts picking at his food. Though after the first few bites, Derek finds himself hungrier than he realized and starts eating a bit too quickly.

Turning back around with the school issued phone in-hand, Deltressa watches as the boy digs in. A small crease of concern forms between her hairless brow. After a pause, in which she is lost in thought, the woman returns. Flicking out her wrist, she holds out the school issued cell phone, "/Voila./"

Derek doesn't even wait to swallow his food before he takes the phone and starts to text his sister two words - I'm alright. He seems to calm as soon he's done and starts back in on his food. "Thankth again. I don't know how to repay you." He frowns a bit and looks over at his phone. "My thither ith all I have, I couldn't let her worry. Thee wathn't too happy that I went out there."

"I understand," Deltressa agrees quietly, evidently still on some other train of thought. "No need to repay me. Just next time, perhaps bring more reinforcements." She shrugs, pouting her lips some. It's reasonable advice. Sashaying back over to her former seat, she reclaims it and opens her notes.

A small smile forms on Derek's face and he nods. "And I thould learn to uthe my powerth tho they're thome uthe out there." He finishes his breakfast and places the tupperware container aside and lies back down, trying to ignore the faint lightheaded dizziness. "You never told me who you are or where I am? I'm Derek by the way."

The arachnid woman grazes her stilleto nails along the collar of her shirt-dress, "Why, you're in the guest wing of your school, dear." She looks around them at the room's decorations, "The Chimera Room." Turning back to him, her black eyes fix on the young man, "As for me, I facilitate the medical needs of the Morlocks. My name is Deltressa."

Derek looks a bit embarrassed at realizing he's at Xavier's. "Oh, never been in here. Didn't recognize it." He nods and finally seems to settle back into resting. "Nice to meet you Deltretha. The Morlockth are lucky to have you and we were lucky you were willing to help uth."

"We're at war," Deltressa deflects the compliment with a curt nod, "And we all have our roles to play." Crossing her legs, she leans back into the little couch with a sigh, "Now, you've eaten. On with you. It was bad enough you were here asleep. I don't need my girls fawning over the top-sider anymore now that he's awake." Deltressa makes a flicking motion to the door, "Tell that sister of yours that you're to get plenty of rest."

Derek gives Deltressa a confused look and nods. "Okay.... well, it wath nithe to meet you and thank you again." He says getting out of the comfortable bed and heads out of the room, with one last look back at the woman before heading off to his own dorm room. At least it's not a far way to go.

Deltressa watches him go. Filled in black, her eyes betray little of what might be going on behind them. When he looks back, she remains where he left her -- watching. A hand creeps up into the air, jerking in a small farewell gesture.