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Revision as of 19:56, 28 December 2015

She's Not Like A Regular Teacher, She's A Cool Teacher
Dramatis Personae

Dani & Derek


"Oh. Shit."


<XS> Forest

Quiet and shady, the trees rise all around here high and thick. In stillness, woodland creatures make appearances, though sudden noises scare them back into the cover. Dappled sunlight filters down between the thick foliage, and the ground underfoot is heavily overgrown, though here and there paths have been worn, by deer or years of students wandering familiar trails.

It finally feels like December outside. The sun is barely shining through the clouds making it seem even colder out. A cold biting wind, serving as a reminder that it really is winter, rustles through the trees stirring up dead leaves. That wind cuts right through the jean jacket that Derek is wearing causing him to shiver a bit on the rock he's currently sitting on. His arms are wrapped around himself, trying to keep somewhat warm, and a lit cigarette is between two of his fingers. His gaze is focused on nothing ahead of him, not really paying attention to the area as his thoughts are a million miles away. The smell of cigarette smoke is carried on the wind, despite Derek trying to sneak a smoke.

Resident birds such as crows, ravens, and blackbirds don't usually migrate for the winter. Highly intelligent, they often adapt their diet to whatever is around and have even been known to use tools to survive.

One such bird pecks away at a speck of dirt on the ground before rearing back up indignantly. With raptorial precision, it tilts its head to the side to fully examine the clump.

Although it's attention is quite obviously taken up, it would appear as though the dark-feathered animal does not ever wander very far from Derek. When the boy moves, the bird moves. When the boy remains, the bird remains ...until he lights up the cigarette and the bad omen creature spreads its black wings and pushes up into the air, caw-caw-cawing as it flies back towards the dreary school.

By the time the sound of someone strolling down the path can be heard, a few minutes have passed and perhaps even enough time for the crow to have become something that happened in the past.

The sound of footsteps causes Derek to sit up straight and take as long of a drag of his cigarette, to finish it up, before whoever is approaching can see him. He takes a look at the cigarette that's about two third of the way smoked and begrudgingly puts it out. Exhaling, he looks around to find the source of the footsteps all while acting like he's just hanging out in the woods, not doing anything against the rules even though smell of cigarette smoke clinging to him betrays that.

Rounding the bend of the deer-trail, the fringe of Dani's moccasin boots swing and move as the Cheyenne woman slows to a sauntered stop. Her own raven hair is pulled into two tight braids that hang over her shoulders and chest. She regards Derek with a cool, amused smile, "Hey, there."

The crow circles overhead before landing fairly close to where it had been before, just in front of the Animal Empath's feet. It croons loyally.

Derek 's eyes look up at Dani and his arms fold back over his chest. If it's defensively or due to the cold, it's hard to say. "Hey." He offers back in greeting, the tone barely friendly but not rude either. The crow catches his eye and he stares at it for a bit, then shakes his head, it can't be the same crow from before. Derek shivers as a gust of wind blows through, making his already messy auburn hair even messier. He looks back up at Dani, not saying anything for the moment.

Tentatively moving closer but not /too/ close, Dani folds her arms over her own chest as well. "Nice spot," she acts the way someone would who is trying to coax an unfamiliar animal. Her eyes wander away from Derek to above them in the trees and then back, at which point she extends a hand, "Sorry, I should introduce myself. I'm Dani. Some people call me Mirage."

Derek takes the extended hand. "I'm Derek. Thome people call me Derek." He smiles ever so slightly at his attempt at a joke. He looks around the woods and shrugs. "I don't know if it'th a nithe thpot but it'th quiet. Cold though. It'th jutht hard to find quite inthide." He runs a hand through his hair, causing it to stick up in a few places before his eyes turn back to the crow, lingering on the bird.

Dani laughs, "Derek." She repeats the name right away in order to commit it to memory. "Yeah, it's getting there," faux-shivering, Dani side-steps to take in the immediate area with the eyes of a woodsman. "Only gonna get colder from here on out, right?"

Catching Derek watching the bird, Dani's smile grows a little more wry. "Oh, yeah. The bird totally ratted you out," she confirms.

Catching Derek watching the bird, Dani's smile grows a little more wry. "Oh, yeah. The bird totally ratted you out," she confirms.

"Yeah, I know and wait, what?" Derek looks at Dani quite confused, not sure what she's talking about at first. "Ratted me out, for wha.. oh. Shit." He looks down at where he put out the cigarette - his only regret not being able to finish it since he was caught anyway. "Tho, what happenth now?"

“That depends,” keeping her hands folded, the woman scuffs the ground with her boot in his direction. “Where are you supposed to be right now?” Dani asks quietly, arching an eyebrow.

Looking over towards where the school is, Derek shrugs his shoulders. "Nowhere actually. Clatheth aren't going on right now and..." And that's about it. "Yeah, tho... not like I have much going on. Probably jutht a matter of time before I got in trouble for thmoking." Though not like it's going to stop him. Nodding, Dani looks up into the corners of her eyes in thought, "Wellll, I was probably going to the shooting range to blow off some steam." She pouts, tilting her head, "You know how to use a bow?"

Derek shakes his head. "Nope. Never had the chancth. Even if it wath offered at my old thchool, not like I went to gym tho, who knowth. And if you're looking to blow of theam, teaching me might not be the betht way to go about it." He does push himself off the rock and stretches. "Though I might join you in walking back to the thchool."

The woman frowns cutely, offering an inward shrug, “We can call it a punishment, then.” With a twinkle in her eyes, she turns on her heel and begins a slow step towards the school -- she waits for Derek to come.