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Revision as of 18:16, 5 December 2016

Dramatis Personae

Anette and Akihiro


"You tried to seduce me but my will is good"


<BOM> Anette's Room - Ascension Island

Clean but cluttered, Anette's room lookspretty average actually. More or less. There's a double bed pressed against the wall, the majority of the blankets and pillows on the bed, even if they're a tangled mess. Her closet is stuffed with clothes, the majority of them hanging are leather coats, though a fair number of items fall across her floor and furniture. Opposite the bed, beside the dresser is a book shelf. Some casual reading material can be found but most of it seems to be practical: fighting manuals, survival skills, avian biology. Perhaps the only odd thing in her room is a safe beside the door, a silver combination lock protecting whatever lies inside. Despite being free from dirt and dust, the occasional brown feather can be found left behind.

It's late, as far as mornings go, yet Anette is still sprawled out on her bed. Still wearing yesterday's clothes, sans jeans and shoes, which have been dumped unceremoniously on the floor, she's sound asleep, on top of the blankets on her bed rather than tucked in. All morning, she's been immune to the sounds of the comings and goings of her housemates. Yet now, when it's nearly dead quiet, she suddenly jolts awake, eyes blinking wide, then quickly shutting with a groan as the light painfully enters. She groans and slowly sits up, wretching softly at the movement. She glances towards the opposite side of the bed, eyes widening again despite her splitting headache. "What the HELL?!?"

"Alka-seltzer is by the bed." Akihiro grumbles from where he's sleeping face-down next to Anette. He's dressed mostly the same as well, just without a shirt or socks. He isn't actually awake, and that becomes apparent when he rolls over, already asleep again.

Anette looks over towards Akihiro and quickly looks away, burying her face in her hands. "Wake UP!" she yells, reaching behind her to shove Akihiro awake. "Why do we...oh god. What did we do?" she groans, reaching for that alka-seltzer and dropping it in the water. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Akihiro isn't just shoved awake, he's shoved off the bed. "Uhf," a few moments pass before his head rises up over the side of the bed, "Ow. Thanks for that, yeah." He reaches up to rub at his eyes, trying to force the sleep from them. "I came over, you were drunk. We talked for a while, one thing lead to another, and I ended up carrying you in here. You spent ten minutes taking your pants off, then we went to sleep."

"You know I won't sleep with you if you're drunk." With the explaining taken care of he pulls himself back onto the bed. "But you wanted me to spend the night. So I spent the night."

Anette impatiently waits for the alka-seltzer to dissolve, listening to Akihiro's side of the story. He's finished by the time she's drunk it all down and she sets the glass next to her, falling backwards onto the bed again, her legs dangling off the edge. "Right. Sorry. I just always assume..." She reaches up and massages her eyes, taking a few seconds to try and regain herself. "I don't...remember anything. I mean, I remember drinking alone. I have fuzzy memories of you coming in. After that...nothing."

"Nothing happened. I just held you on the couch while you slept for a while." Akihiro assures Anette, reaching over to pat her stomach. "You tried to seduce me, but my will is good." his eyes drift closed once more, but he doesn't sleep this time. "Still have some tequila, when you don't feel like shit anyway."

Anette groans as her stomach is pat, quickly chasing his hand away. "Don't...don't do that," she warns, between gritted teeth as if she might be trying to keep her stomach down. When he mentions her seducing him, she groans again, rolling over and burying her face in her pillow. "At least one of us has willpower. Shit. What...what else did I say? Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid..."

"I'm just fucking with you." Akihiro chuckles quietly, cracking an eye to look at Anette. "Honestly? You asked if I thought there was a chance we could be together again. How we were miserable and were probably meant to be miserable together. But, you were drunk. Don't worry about what you said."

"I was drunk and you were here. I'd be worried if you said I /didn't/ hit on you," Anette says, turning over to lay on her side, watching Akihiro through her tangled hair. His next revelation drops the smile though. "I asked...? What did y-nevermind. I don't want to know."

"It's up to you." Akihiro answers the unasked question. "Just let you know how I feel about being a second choice." He let's his eye close once more and reaches above his head to stretch. "But all of that is in the past now."

"Well, you know how I feel at being abandoned," Anette grumbles, quickly turning over and facing the wall, her back to Akihiro. She pauses a moment and, her voice a little softer, adds, "You were never second place. But I said I didn't want to know."

Akihiro scoots up behind Anette and presses a kiss to the back of her head before backing off again. "You were with me the entire time, and you've been my only friend since I got back. Once you started talking to me again anyway."

"You weren't here with /me/," Anette says a bit bitterly, though she flashes a brief, tiny smile at the kiss. "I was going to say. I remember the first few months being rough." She gives a quiet sigh, still staring at the wall. "God, these next few months are going to be hell.

"I am now, for what that's worth." Akihiro reaches over to rest a hand on Anette's hip, mindful of her stomach. "Gonna have to try pretty hard to get rid of me now. Or ask nicely. Whichever works."

"Yeah, you are," Anette agrees, rolling over to face Akihiro again. "I've been trying so hard to keep you away, she says, cracking the faintest of smiles as she just lays on the bed, watching him.

"Well, if you want me to leave, you can say please." Akihiro scoots back up to Anette, pressing his forehead against her's. "Or I could stay if you like."

"Your warmth. I need it," is what Anette gives in reply, positioning herself so she can drape a wing over him as she closes her eyes,

"Works for me." Akihiro wraps his arms around Anette, but he doesn't close his eyes. He's content to just lie there and rub her back.