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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Mai, Fiona, Heather | summary = "Pancakes make you fat." | gamedate = 2017-01-09 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <NYC> IHOP - Bro...")
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| location = <NYC> [[IHOP]] - Bronx
| location = <NYC> [[IHOP]] - Bronx
| categories = Citizens, Mutants, Mai, Fiona, Heather, IHOP
| categories = Citizens, Mutants, Mai, Fiona, Heather, IHOP
| log = Heather has her notes on the table and, as usual, has opted to find a seat that has an outlet nearby that she can plug her phone into to get it charged. She has a cup of coffee on the table, which she has confirmed will get free refills every time that she drinks it. While the weather outside is a bit chilly, the weather in the house of pancakes is nice and cozy, and smells strongly like syrup and pancakes. For the time being, Heather is tapping away at her phone and writing in her journal, ready for any texts that might come her way after she sent an invitation that included in the body of the message, 'Pancakes,' with a time and address. It would not take a codebreaker to determine what her intentions are.
| log = Pancakes. Not the greatest pancakes, but it's two a.m., you're probably drunk, and they're available all night long.
Heather has her notes on the table and, as usual, has opted to find a seat that has an outlet nearby that she can plug her phone into to get it charged. She has a cup of coffee on the table, which she has confirmed will get free refills every time that she drinks it. While the weather outside is a bit chilly, the weather in the house of pancakes is nice and cozy, and smells strongly like syrup and pancakes. For the time being, Heather is tapping away at her phone and writing in her journal, ready for any texts that might come her way after she sent an invitation that included in the body of the message, 'Pancakes,' with a time and address. It would not take a codebreaker to determine what her intentions are.

And then suddenly there's a commotion! Fiona bursts in the door to the restaurant, dragging Mai along for the ride. Like, practically physically dragging her. It seems likely that the two were out (well, Fiona may have dragged Mai along) looking for a warehouse to... ah... 'borrow.' Upon seeing the IHOP, the dragon girl's attention was immediately refocused. Though it's not 2 am and she's not drunk (probably). She spots Heather and immediately plops herself down at the same table.
And then suddenly there's a commotion! Fiona bursts in the door to the restaurant, dragging Mai along for the ride. Like, practically physically dragging her. It seems likely that the two were out (well, Fiona may have dragged Mai along) looking for a warehouse to... ah... 'borrow.' Upon seeing the IHOP, the dragon girl's attention was immediately refocused. Though it's not 2 am and she's not drunk (probably). She spots Heather and immediately plops herself down at the same table.

Latest revision as of 05:59, 10 January 2017

Chicken and Waffles
Dramatis Personae

Mai, Fiona, Heather

In Absentia


"Pancakes make you fat."


<NYC> IHOP - Bronx

Pancakes. Not the greatest pancakes, but it's two a.m., you're probably drunk, and they're available all night long.

Heather has her notes on the table and, as usual, has opted to find a seat that has an outlet nearby that she can plug her phone into to get it charged. She has a cup of coffee on the table, which she has confirmed will get free refills every time that she drinks it. While the weather outside is a bit chilly, the weather in the house of pancakes is nice and cozy, and smells strongly like syrup and pancakes. For the time being, Heather is tapping away at her phone and writing in her journal, ready for any texts that might come her way after she sent an invitation that included in the body of the message, 'Pancakes,' with a time and address. It would not take a codebreaker to determine what her intentions are.

And then suddenly there's a commotion! Fiona bursts in the door to the restaurant, dragging Mai along for the ride. Like, practically physically dragging her. It seems likely that the two were out (well, Fiona may have dragged Mai along) looking for a warehouse to... ah... 'borrow.' Upon seeing the IHOP, the dragon girl's attention was immediately refocused. Though it's not 2 am and she's not drunk (probably). She spots Heather and immediately plops herself down at the same table.

Mai while not literally fighting against her friend, does seem rather skeptical about the merits of coming into a place like this. "Really, I am serious, pancakes make you fat." she educates the dragon-girl, though once she sees Heather ahead she does offer a wave to the girl, before following Fiona to the table and taking a seat, while eyeing the menu suspiciously.

Heather shakes her head rapidly at the insinuation that pancakes are anything but healthy and she plays on her recorder, "If you eat more than your caloric requirements in pancakes you will gain weight. But I have been eating pancakes and I am fine." Actually, she is much thinner than what is healthy, well into the underweight category, possibly just because of the enormous caloric load she needs. She moves all of her things into her corner of the table. "I am getting the all I can eat pancakes because I am going to eat all that I can."

"For the last time, I don't care!" Fiona shakes her head, and when the waitress finally comes over, "Two orders of chicken and waffles, please! And a regular Coke and ah..." She's going to splurge. "I dunno, what kinda soda do you like, anyway?" she wonders. It's not that expensive anyway, really... "Seriously, I can't believe you've never had chicken and waffles before! It's delicious. The most. Delicious, that is."

"I eat chicken a lot, its cheap, and easy to fit into many kinds of foods, waffles on the other hand..." Mai counters to Fiona's words, before giving a look towards Heather. "I knew you'd say that." she notes half-jokingly. Sighing then as she lets Fiona to do the order anyway, she can probably feed any of it over what she is comfortable eating herself to Heather anyway. "Coke is fine." is given as reply to the question about the drink.

"I used to be fatter. With chubby cheeks and everything. Now I eat more pancakes than ever. Now look at me," plays Heather on the tape recorder, with a sort of humourless tone playing through. She drinks the coffee while it plays, her eyes obscured by the tinted goggles that she is wearing, so nobody can see her glancing impatiently at the recorder while it keeps playing. Once it ends, she adds with a chirp and the click of the play button, "Coke will make you fat though."

The waitress nods, returning to the kitchen and coming back with the drinks, then disappearing again. Fiona's eyes are lit up fairly bright and she looks excited while they wait for the (extremely) unhealthy food to arrive. Fancy running into Heather though in a city of 8 million. What are the odds? "Heather! Sorry, is it okay if we sit here? I forgot to ask. Coke. I mean it might make you fat. I dunno. I mean you do enough walking around here, I doubt it'll hurt. You get fat when you sit around and watch TV. Also, my dad says beer makes you fat."

Mai gives a somewhat confused look to Fiona. "Hey, you remember she texted us and asked us to come over here." She points out to the dragon girl, taking a small sip of her coke as she listens to Heather's recording, looking down at the cup. "Well, yeah... I think everything in the menu here does that... I suppose I just have to do some extra jogging to burn all of these calories..."

"You may sit here or anywhere else that suits you," replies Heather to Fiona's question, "I do not drink beer. I think it would be irresponsible of me to compromise my senses. What if I bumped into someone?" She holds one hand flat and vertical, and the other forward at super speed so they crash and then crush together. It's a strange motion to watch in super fast forward. "Have either of you talked to Paige since yesterday?"

"I don't drink beer either! I'm not sure what it would do to me." Fiona pauses at the second question... "Well let's see... I... talked to her the other day... I mean um," she rubs the back of her neck, looking over at Mai, "I've kind've been sleeping on Mai's floor, 'n so, it's pretty hard NOT to..." she smirks just a little. At that moment, IHOP waitress lady comes to the rescue! Two large plates, stacked with a Belgian waffle cut into fourths, and 3-5 fried & breaded chicken strips, arrive at the table. "Oh man," Fiona intones, sniffing them.

Mai watches the plate a bit suspiciously before she picks up a fork and takes a small bite of the chicken, while she listens to the others talking. "I don't like beer either... I have no idea why guys drink that... its probably some guy thing, right? A few ciders every now and then is cool though." she offers her own input into the topic of drinking, before shrugging at the more serious question. "Not too much really, I spent the whole yesterday lost in Westchester, trying to find that Xavier place."

"She would like to get roommates and live in a place. She has suggested both of you as candidates for the roommates role," plays Heather, "I suggested four total roommates, her included, in a two bedroom apartment. But I need to know your minimum conditions for satisfaction with your living quarters." She opens up her notebook, where she has a grid written out with the names, Paige, Mai (who passes as human), Fiona, Heather "Timeslip" Brown in each quarter, with the number 700 beneath each name.

"I mean, I don't know. A bed to sleep in?" Fiona wonders, shrugging. "Oh! I want a place where I can play video games. So like, a TV. And stuff. Maybe a beanbag chair. That'd be greeaaat. But seriously, I mean, right now I'm sleeping on the floor... so... anything better than that, I'll take?" she smiles.

Mai gives a somewhat confused look at first at what Heather is saying. "Uhh... I already have an apartment?" Then she gets more of an idea of what the fast girl is aiming for, biting her lower lip some. "Umm... well, I think they have apartments like that in the harbor commons? I have no idea what the prices are though, but I imagine that it shouldn't be too bad if its split between four people, right?" she offers as a suggestion. "And that place has the bonus of not looking down on mutants either."

"I don't know anything about this Commons," plays Heather, "But I can look it up." When the start of her endless pancakes come, Heather moves things in order to make some room for it to be put on the table. The tape recorder keeps running while she does this. "A two bedroom apartment could give two people a single bed in close living quarters. I am fine with sleeping on a couch during the night. I only sleep an hour at a time. I put question marks next to my name," she pauses the recorder, points at her page, next to the name in her quadrant, and hits play again, "But Paige told me to cross them out."

"Hrm, I dunno about sharing a bed..." Fiona looks uncomfortable at the thought of that. "I think I'd rather just sleep on the floor..." she murmurs. "But, how would we find an apartment, anyway? I'm only sixteen - nobody would ever rent a place to a bunch of kids..." she trails off, looking over at Mai and thinking of Paige. "I guess maybe you guys are old enough?"

Mai gives a little poke at Fiona. "Hey, I managed to get an apartment too, although admittingly, Chinatown is a bit more close-knit community than the average, which had something to do with it. And I think Paige at least is over 18? I think they would rent us a place in the commons... if we can afford it. Like they even let you and Paige stay there for free for awhile, so your kind of like familiar faces there already." Then pausing as she considers the other thing Fiona said. "I don't think I have ever shared a bed with anyone... kind of embarrasing, actually." she admits with a slight blush.

"Two people a single bed each," corrects Heather, "But small beds. In the same room. But I am eighteen-or-thirty-eight years old, and Paige is somewhere in that range." She pours syrups on the pancakes, in order to make them as sugary as possible. "But between four people we might be able to afford something like that. Easier if it is mutant friendly. Because it means Paige can negotiate. Not me. I'm not good at people stuff." Her expression changes a few times quickly and she adds, "Like I said though. I can sleep on a couch. Which frees up one room. I require very little. I have started making money. And you make money, too, Mai. Right?"

"Oh! Well that's fine then," Fiona waves her hand, "I don't really make any money, though. I mean, maybe I COULD," she ponders this, cutting off a large piece of waffle and stuffing it into her mouth. "MMf," she chews on it and then swallows it, "I could get a job! That'd help," she nods. "Hmm. I dunno about the commons though. I'm not sure they'd be down with us there. Maybe someplace LIKE that... rent is cheaper out here though. Like, a lot cheaper."

Mai gives a nod to Heather. "Commons is the only mutant friendly place I know of... but there might be others. Uhh and yes... I make -some- money, enough to pay the rent in my current apartment anyways, though probably wont be going to luxurious holiday anytime soon." she notes with a laugh. Then gives a curious look to what Fiona says. "Oh, you didn't like it there?" she asks, sounding surprised about that.

Heather hoovers up the pancakes in pretty short order while the recorder plays, "I make some money too. Not yet enough to pay rent in an apartment building. Or likely enough to cover half of the rent in a building. But I have a lot of time. Task based work is easy. And I am also smart. So smart based work is easy."

"Hrm..." Fiona trails off, thinking about what jobs she could do while stuffing her face with more deliciously awful chicken and waffles. "So I guess it's all just thought for right now... but soon? Maybe? Hrm..."

Mai gives a nod to both of them as she listens. "Well, I think that in theory at least it -could- work. But would kind of like you know want to have a bit more concrete plan before I start signing out of my current apartment." she points out, at least she has lot of the furniture already!

Heather nods towards the others and plays, "Yes, it's just thought right now. But soon it won't be. And before you know it. I will have a concrete plan. And I need everyone on board in order to plan. I will only ask you to sign out if there is a stable place for you to move. Everything needs to be upwards movement!" Heather watches as her cup of coffee is filled once more, and she starts filling it again with cream and sugar. "But It will be soon. I will work fast."

"Well, I'm in, but I can't promise that I'll actually be ABLE to get a job anywhere around here... Actually, I think people here might be MORE prejudiced than where I'm from," she frowns. Well, that and she's a 16 year old kid. "But I can be useful! I'm sure there's something I'll be able to do," she nods as she finishes her waffles, motioning for the check.

Mai gives a slight nod at Heather. "Well sure, if you can like actually make this work then I would be up to it too." she agrees as well before eating some more of the chicken from her plate, that at least is good.

"We will make it work," plays Heather, her voice taking a matter-of-fact sort of tone. "If I could bet money on my ability to be successful, I would very effectively make that money back and use it to get an apartment."

And as the waiter brings the check, Fiona quickly pulls out some cash and leaves it on the table, dashing off to... somewhere! Outside, quick flashes of flame can be seen. She will likely meet Mai back at her apartment.

Mai finishes the chicken, the waffles still pretty much untouched, giving a look at Heather. "Uhh... if your still hungry... I don't think I want to eat these, I would have to do so much work out to burn all those calories." she offers with a giggle.

Heather pulls the plate towards herself once Mai makes the offer and pours syrup onto those as well. She speaks and clicks play, "If we get a place that is not explicitly mutant friendly. Your job is to do negotiations. Paige and Fiona have horns. Any time I move I give myself away. You're the human passing one. You will increase our chances the most if that comes up. But I will look into this Commons."

Mai sips a bit more from her coke as she listens to Heather, nodding. "Yeah... I can do that human impression decently enough I suppose, but I think the commons would be by far the best place if we can afford it, since that's like actually mutant friendly place, I think most people who live there are mutants." Plus Captain America, that Mai would love to meet... because he is a living legend!

"Okay. I will look into it," plays Heather, writing down 'Commons' on the page under the Potential Solutions header. Her handwriting is so fast, it almost seems to just magic up on the page. "Fiona said they might not want us. I think I am the most undesirable. So if they want me then we can likely expect they will want all of us."

Mai nods again, taking one more sip of the coke, then makes a bit of a face as she looks at the still half-full cup, setting it down on the table, thats enough unhealthy consumables for one day! "I don't think that's true really... at least from what I have gathered its pretty friendly place. Though I think Paige knows more about it, I think she lived there the longest."

"Sounds friendly. But some things that sound friendly are not friendly. I will reserve my judgment for after my research completes," plays Heather, nodding a few times rapidly. With everything finished on the table she puts down her own cash to pay her share. "I will update you on the progress. Goodbye."