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Blondie, What's Your Problem
Dramatis Personae

Allison, Paige


"It's like some kind of sick freak orgy palace."


<NYC> Lower East Side

Historically characterized by crime and immigrant families crammed into cramped tenement buildings, the Lower East Side is often identified with its working-class roots. Today, it plays host to many of New York's mutant poor, although even here they are still often forced into hiding.

It may be mid-evening, but the sun has been blotted out by dark clouds pregnant with the threat of rain. People walk at different paces along the sidewalks, some hurrying with coats and bag pulled up over their heads as a few drops begin to sprinkle and others walking at a regular gait. One of the latter is Paige and she carries a pair of filled plastic grocery bags in each hand, head down and ears flicking at the errant drizzle. She is dressed simply, a black pleated skirt cuts off at her knees and a white blouse with short shoulder sleeves covers her top. Separating themselves from the side of a building where they were loitering, a triad of people begin to follow her.

"Look at what a /freak/ that one is," says the young woman to the two men, ostensibly loudly enough to be overheard by the horned mutant. "Where do you think it's going? I bet it /stole/ that food. They're such animals - like a pestilence swarming the corner stores." One of the guys throws his arm around the other's shoulders. "Dude, I bet she wants some. Why the fuck else would it dress like that?" The respondent has an expression of amusement on his face as he retorts, "That's fucking /nasty/, dude. I didn't know you were into that furry shit." Rolling his eyes, the first male pulls away from his companion. "She looks like one of those Greek satyrs, man - I /bet/ she wants some. Watch this," the last part is said in a small whisper before he hastens his stride to close the gap between himself and Paige. Coming up next to her, he stretches his arm over her shoulders, an course of action that causes the furred young woman to tense immediately - a few seconds before shrugging out of his grasp. Seeing his attempt to make her uncomfortable fail, he grabs at her arm and succeeds in snatching it. The mutant stumbles forwards a step before turning around to face her assaulter. "Why don't yo --" But his words are cut off as a cloven hoof swiftly stomps down on his toes, producing a stream of curses. Unfortunately, it's not enough for him to loosen his grip and he grasps her more tightly. "What the /fuck/, you little bitch!?"

Sitting in her bright white Tesla with the music on is Allison. She has been parked down the street, going back and forth in her head on whether or not she is going to the club tonight. To dance. To hear music. To see mutants. After her talk with Flicker earlier, who's name she never did get, she wonders if going back is a good idea. Maybe he's right. It could be bad PR. Someone could reveal her. Maybe they'd never accept her as one of them? A thousand questions has gone through her mind over the last half hour of cowardice. Drumming her fingers along the steering wheel as she closes her eyes, she listens to the tunes of Melano, a song called On Fire. As she softly sings the words of the song, swaying side to side, her concentration is broken by the loud voices of the trio engaging with the goat girl. Turning the music down, she cracks the dark tinted windows down to peer out to the street. Recognizing her from the other night, she chews on her bottom lip, then pushes the door open after tapping the engine button off on the glowing LCD dashboard

"Hey!" The crystal clear voice of the popstarlet can be heard as she heads across the street towards them. Today, she is dressed in a sparkling silver dress that cuts just above the knees, complete with knee high black boots. Club wear for the 70's. Back when Disco was the 'rage' at night. "Leave her alone, she's not bothering you guys."

It's not that hard of a choice to make - keep ahold of your groceries or try to save yourself - and Paige makes it, dropping one bag of canned goods again on her assailant's foot. "Let /go/ of me," she asserts, though her tone isn't very confident. When the cans hit the boy's foot, he howls in pain and finally lets go, but his friends are there to help him out. "You're not getting away with attacking us like /that/," the girl asserts as she uses her hands to first grab hold and pull on one of Paige's ears and the other to then grip her horn and shove her head towards the ground. Though she manages to mostly keep her balance, the furred mutant cries out in pain. "Jesus /Christ/, let me /go/! /Holy shit/, I just want to get home for fuck's sake! Just let me go home!"

As the Tesla pulls up and Allison steps out to make her demands, the two boys are up again as their friend grapples with Paige. "What, are you some kind of sick mutant-lover?" one of them sneers. "She's a disgusting /freak/ and deserves to know her place. Just because she's born different doesn't mean she gets to live the high life. Have you /seen/ the place where they all live? It's like some kind of sick freak orgy palace. That fag Jackson Holland lives there with his pathetic Captain America boytoy. They've got that great icon wrapped around their little fingers. What do /you/ care what happens to them?" Suddenly his friend taps him in the chest with the back of his hand. "Oh, /dduuuude/, she's that singer! Holy shit, blondie, what the fuck's your problem? Shouldn't you be banging your manager?"

"Hey assholes. I'm now live with two hundred thousand people on Facebook. I'm going to show the entire world your face, so they know what kinda assholes you are to beat up on some girl who just wants to go home." She says defiantly with a glower in her eyes. "Chat, let me ask you a question." She says as if she was speaking to the phone. "I'm on the lower east side doing charity work for the battered woman's shelter a few blocks away. Someone please send the cops over and show them these guy's faces. One of them just threatened to kidnap and rape me! I'm in fear of my life." She says, her voice taking on an acting tone now of fear and trembling, despite the smirk that appears upon her face. "Let me ask you something, chat, how many years do you think these guys will get for trying to abduct a celebrity? Twenty, thirty?" She waves the phone back and forth. "You guys better get moving. That or just keep smiling for the camera. You're now trending."

The first young man /does/ smile at Allison. "Yeah, right, you dumb bimbo. Get a good angle on me. Let them see what a freak-loving wanna-be you are. We don't have anything to hide." His companions, however, look uncertain. Paige and the girl have been quite busy trying to best one another and the lapse in her attacker's attention gives her the chance to turn and shove her away. "Shit, dude," says the second male. "I think she's serious. I'm not going to jail over some furry sicko. Let's get out of here." Recovering from the push, the woman speaks up as well. "/Rape/?! Are you /serious/?! What the /fuck/, lady? Jason, let's get out of here. This prissy bitch isn't worth it!" she contends, indicating the goat mutant. "Fuck, dude," says the second as he begins backing away. "/What?!/" Jason argues with his friends. "Guys, she's /bluffing/! Don't be such idiots!" The other two shake their head and the boy says, "I'm not waiting to find out." Without the support of his accomplices, Jason appears to throw in the towel. "Fine! /Whatever/, let's just get out of this fucking freak show dump!" Giving Paige a final parting shove, he storms away with the other two not far behind.

"/Holy/ shit," Paige breathes out while holding out her arms to regain her balance. "Holy /shit/." There's a slight tremor in her body as she stares down at the displaced groceries and places her hands on her knees. Her ears press down and her face flushes beneath her short fur. "/Fuck/," she manages to say as the tears start coming. "/Fuck/." With a deep, ragged breath, she looks up towards Allison. "Y-you're that girl from -- from the other night. The one who -- you were at Evolve."

Continuing to glower, Allison's other fist is curled up tightly with nails biting into the skin of her palm. She holds her ground though, and the stare of Jason's eyes as she takes a step forward, still holding the camera up as she swivels it side to side to make sure that she catches all three of them. As they head off, she lets out the heavy breath she was holding, sliding her finger along the screen. "Shows over, synergy." She mumbles to herself as she tucks the phone back into her boot pocket, followed by a snap of a clasp to hold it in place. Fashionable and efficient. "Hey." She says as she heads over to Paige, leaning down to help gather her groceries up. "You okay? I can't believe some people are built that cruel and stupid." She tucks some of her blonde hair behind an ear after holding the bag out to her. "I'm Allison. And you're Paige, right? I think that's what the boys called you at the cafe the other day. Are you hurt?"

"Oh fuck, I'm s -- my apologies," the goat mutant replies as she accepts the bag and struggles to take control of bleary, tear-streaming, eyes. "Fuck," she says with yet another deep breath. "Fuck. Thank you. Yeah, I'm okay." Paige follows Allison's example and starts arranging the other groceries into their respective bags. "I'm Paige," agrees the young woman with a small nod as she sniffs abruptly to keep her nose from running. "You ... asked what being a mutant is like. Well, here you have it, you know?" Letting out a sigh after refilling another of the bags, she looks to Allison. "Apologies. That sounded a bit passive aggressive. It's just something that you always grateful doesn't happen, you know? I don't get attacked like that all that often, but it's always -- I try to get home before dark if I'm alone." Having completed the bags, she straightens up and wipes her hands on her skirt. "You really are a singer, though?"

"Yeah, I'm a singer. Got a song right now that's on the charts. Dazzler. I toured with Taylor and Ariana last summer after my stint on The Voice." Allison says as she smooths down her own dress for a moment with her hands, then takes another look about the street. "You live far? I can give you a ride home. My car is right there." She says as she motions to the Tesla X, the electric SUV. "I'm sorry that ... people treat you like that .. just for who you are and what you look like. I.. I get my share of .. you know .. haters .. online. People can be real assholes on Twitter, but .. this is a lot different. This is scary. I was pretty scared. I was hoping they wouldn't figure out I was bluffing. I didn't have a good back up plan."

"That's amazing," Paige offers with a soft smile and pinched brows to Allison before rubbing her arm beneath her eyes. It doesn't help much as both surfaces are covered in fur and only serves to get her arm a little wet while leaving her face mostly the same. Then she lets out a tired chuckle. "Shit. You're the /second/ celebrity to come to my rescue like that. But it's not -- it's not your fault, you know? And what you did ... you helped, right? Even if you were bluffing. Which I am actually glad you were because, to be honest, the police are not all that much better. Especially with the robots from June. And, no, I don't. I like a few blocks from here at the Commons. I ... wouldn't say no to the ride though. Were you really just doing charity work, though? I thought that was all for show from celebrities. I mean, not that celebrities aren't real normal people, but sometimes ... " The horned girl scrunches her face before shaking her head and saying, "-Thank- you. I don't really want to think about where that could have gone if you hadn't shown up."

"No, I wasn't doing charity work. Figured I'd throw out the shelter to put pressure on them. Let them think I'm really into this cause you know? I mean, I am, just... I was .. um... I mean... look at what I'm wearing?" Allison says with a laugh as she glances down at her sparkling dress. "I .. actually was hoping to go dancing .. upstairs at the Evolve tonight. Meet some new people.. maybe make some friends." She motions towards the car as she heads across the street. "My dad is a lawyer. He's not the nicest guy ... or very open minded... pretty sure he hates mutants too, but I think if it came down to it, if I asked him to help you, he'd do it. So.. you can call me if you get into a situation." At the mention of charity, she says, "I'm normal. I was born in Long Island. I'm not a big deal. I have one song and I got lucky. That's all. But I do plan on doing charity because I want to. I want to help children. Fund performing arts for lower income schools. Art is the first thing that poor schools cut." She opens the door to her car and climbs in, then taps the screen on the dash a few times to rev the engine and to lower the volume of the music.

"I think my parents once taught me something about getting into cars with strangers, so we can say that we're friends," Paige jokes to the other girl with a grin. "So, there's that done - you've made at least one new friend, right?" Her grin fades a bit as she reaches to open the opposite door and ducks her head to step into the car. "I /know/ my parents hate mutants, but I don't know what they would do if I asked them for help." Placing her bags of groceries in the well in front of the passenger seat, she sits down. "I don't hope to find myself, you know, in legal trouble, but ... " She reaches a hand back to rub at her neck. "I'm sure it would come in handy sometime. For what it's worth," this as she puts on her seatbelt. "I also want to help kids at some point. With ... being mutants, you know? I'm still adjusting; I only starting manifesting June of last year. And, for what else it is worse, /I/ am up for dancing. I might want to change, but, if you needed a partner or a friend to go with you ... I can. Also this is, like, a really, really nice car. Holy crap."

"Yeah, this is like an eighty thousand dollar car. Just came off production. I wanted something super eco-friendly. No gas. Sorta blew my first big check on it. I was driving an old beat up piece of crap until my single came out and I always wanted a Tesla. In hindsight I probably should have saved the money." Allison says as she pulls off the curb once they are buckled in. "And yeah, I'd love to have you as a friend. You're cool." She gives her a warm smile. "And you'd really go dancing with me? That'd be so awesome. Is there any cute guys that go there by the way?" She asks with a raise of a brow.

There's a somewhat amused, albeit slightly tired grin, on Paige's face as she replies. "Didn't you just scare away my would-be attackers? Besides, I've been getting better on my hooves and I need to, you know, do more than just walking and jogging to really get used to them, right? So, yeah, I'm up for dancing." Allison's question has the goat mutant leaning her head back and closing her eyes. "Yes. Yes, there are. Sometimes Eric shows up," she obliges, cracking an eye open to glance at the other young woman. "He's Sergeant of the MID. I ... I mean, yeah, fuck the police, but ... he's actually really kind of cute. But, seriously, police are shit. I don't know if you Taylor from the cafe - he's certainly got a winning smile. He's also a really guy. I know Steve Rogers sometimes goes to Evolve. Don't know if I've seen him dancing, though. He's cute. I mean, he's with someone and they're awesome together and super nice and everything, but he /is/ cute. And there are others. Cute girls, too -- You know what, I think we're just about here. Thank you so much for the ride, Allison. I'll be back in like fifteen minutes. I'd let you in, but I'd have to go in through the check-in process and I feel like it'd be quicker if I just went up and changed. My roommate is really swift at putting away groceries."

"I don't mind going up with you, and no way am I gonna sit in an expensive car by myself in the dark." Allison says with a grin to her. "I'm seventeen though, turning eighteen in December. Don't think policemen and Avengers are in my league for guys to mack on." She opens the door and hops out of it, snagging her purse as well. "Which one is Taylor? I only met tiger guy, the guy riding on a wheelchair full of skulls, the dipshit that took my picture who looks like his voice hasn't cracked yet, and um... I can't remember if there was anyone else there." She gives her an amused look. "Not all cops are bad though. I'm sure that there are a couple on New York that is mutant friendly. But, yeah, fuck most of them."

Paige narrows her eyes and frowns in Allison's direction as she steps out of the car and then bends down to collect her grocery bags. "Hey. Gaetan is a good kid. And his brother's in a rough place right now, if you couldn't tell. But I'll be damned if Matt ever lets anything get him down. Taylor ... I don't remember if he was there the other night. He's pretty memorable. He's one of the barisatas. And, no, all cops /are/ bad. Not saying that they can't do anything about it, but they are. I've been learning that the hard way. My brother is a police officer back in New Hampshire. Eric is one of the better ones. And he /is/ pretty mutant-friendly. And Marinov is not a guy. They're my best friend. I'm -- it's -- it was unfortunate that you rubbed them all the wrong way. They really are wonderful people." She bites her lip and gives Allison a once-over. "I don't think coming in with me would be the best idea. I'm sure you could wait with security, though." Hefting the bags up once the door is closed, Paige turns and inclines her heard towards the entrance of the Commons. "Come on."

"I didn't rub them the wrong way. They're the one who kinda started going on me all because I asked a question, which was honest. I didn't have any ulterior motive." Allison says as she follows after her. "Why would coming in with you not be a good idea? You a hoarder or something and don't want me to see a mess? You should see my closet. It's a train wreck right now. I don't even know if I have a floor anymore."

Shoulder slumping, Paige sighs. "Because it's the rules. And rules keep us safe. And we like being safe." She gives Allison a soft smile. "I apologize. I didn't mean to sound like I was blaming you for how things went down at Evolve. There's just some personal questions that you learn not to ask, especially when meeting people for the first time. Being a mutant isn't easy and physical mutants get it the worst. I'm not saying I don't have it better than others; I do and I am eternally grateful for that and want to get into a position where I can help others have it better than they already do. But that takes time. We could ask you the same question - what is it like to be human? There are so many different kinds of non-mutants. There isn't only one type of mutant. Everyone has it differently. And asking about how our parents took it ... it almost sounds like asking about how well your parents received a choice or decision you decided to make. 'How did you parents feel about you skipping school?' We didn't ask for this. /I/ didn't ask for this. We're treated like second-class citizens and to have a human - or, you know, if it's a mutant; a blending mutant to a physical one - ask what our lives are like while humans in general oppress us ... it's just ... uncomfortable to say the least? But I really can't take you to my place right away either way. You have to be cleared by security first."

Shifting her jaw slightly, Allison says, "I'm only asking because I want to understand better. Maybe if more humans actually cared to ask and listen, then maybe things can start to get better. I don't know. Life is uncomfortable, it's something you just gotta deal with. I get stalked all around with people flashing cameras in my face sometimes. I get asked stupid questions like if I'm sleeping with so and so, or what dress am I wearing, or what do I think about another singer in an attempt to start drama. I can't say I can relate to what you go through, but I know what it's like to be stalked and harassed and terrorized. Just differently. And maybe if you had a celebrity advocate for you, I dunno... fans are like sheep. I could post a pic of you and say you're my best friend and my couple hundred thousand followers would eat it up." She lets out a sigh, then says, "And, I want to know for .. other reasons too." She rubs the back of her neck, then gives a glance about to make sure they aren't being followed or seen. She reaches out with one hand to touch her arm, to halt her,then lifts her other hand and snaps her fingers, creating a burst of light to flicker.

The touch is effective in its intent - Paige pauses to turn towards Allison in time to see her demonstration. She raises her brows in surprise and her ears flick up as her eyes widen. "Well then," she starts. "Welcome to the club." A grin spreads across her face while she regards the younger girl. "I should have guessed, you know? Popstars coming to our cafe." The goat mutant lets out a quiet sigh as her expression softens. "Look, whatever happens with your family or your life, it can get better. If you want to keep it low-key, I'm not saying a word to anyone. And that was pretty awesome." She shrugs her shoulders asymmetrically, balancing the weight of the grocery bags. "That is really cool. Thank you for showing me that. It's -- it's not easy sharing that you're, you know, not exactly human with someone else. Thank you for trusting me. But, seriously, you think life is uncomfortable and that we should just deal with it? Why the hell should we when it can be changed? We don't ask to be kicked out of stores, to have things thrown at us, to be sent death threats just for existing. And we don't ask to be viewed as exotic creatures - things to be ooo'd and aaah'd at. We just want to live our lives. But we're discriminated from housing, from jobs -- no place would hire me in the food business because my fur was 'unsanitary'. What the heck can I do about that? That's not a qualification, that's my /body/. Sure, many women face that the type of discrimination and double-standards you mentioned, but ... they're not throwing firebombs at woman now, are they? I had to give up my family. I haven't spoken to them in almost a year. Yes, I dealt with it. But that doesn't mean that I should have had to. Life isn't fair and it is even more unfair to mutants. And, /yes/, that /could/ change if humans actually listened. We've been talking for ages now." A deep breath and a long sigh. Paige inclines her head again; somehow she has retained her smile. "Shall we?"

"You're only the second person who knows. The only other is some really cute guy I met today at the cafe. Had a robo arm or something. He didn't seem to really like talking to me though. I don't think at least. Thought at first he was hitting on me, but, seems like every time I open my mouth I get a lecture." Allison says as she gives a few more snaps of her fingers, causing light to flicker about them. "My dad would freak out if he found out I was one. I mean, he'd /really/ freak out. I know I'm lucky that I can pass for normal. Unless the light builds up, then I start to glow. I gotta bleed it out every day. That and it burns under my skin if I hold it too long." She gives a nod as she moves forward along with her. "Maybe the world needs a celebrity mutant activist who can be a voice of change. I don't know if that'd be me .. but I think if people had someone to identify with, it'd help."

Paige pauses in her step and lets her body relax for a moment. Then she catches back up with Allison and lightly shoulder-bumps her. "I know who you are talking about. I'd share his name, but if he didn't tell you it, then that is up to him. I feel like I am being hard on you. You are new to all this, you know? I was ... essentially in your shoes back in November. You're willing to listen and willing to learn, that is really important and very relieving. A voice would be nice. But one who knows what she is talking about is even better." She holds up a hand, perhaps in anticipation of protest from Allison. "What I am saying is that you listen. Ugh, not, like, 'you need to listen', but you actually /do/ listen and that's important. Keep that up, keep learning. Learn what being a mutant is like for yourself. First hand. It's easy to say things at first. If you want advice on how to deal with your powers, I'm sure we could find someone for you to talk to as well. And ... if you need a place to stay if your dad freaks out ... I mean, the Commons has already been in the news a number of times. But we do have guest rooms we can lend out on occasion. So long as everything pans out. Steve did it for me when I got to New York."

"Thanks, it means a lot. I figure if shit goes sideways, I'll take my earnings and just get a small place of my own. Probably in California, where it's super hippy like out there, get a beach house on the coast and just hang out by myself." Allison offers a small smile. "And I'd like someone to help me out. I can't .. hide this forever. Also, loud sounds make my powers go crazy. I think noise is linked to my light. The louder the noise, the more brighter it burns. During concerts, I request a lot of lights to go off, pyrotechnics and what not so I can kinda cool off. So far everyone thinks it's just part of the show, a little bit more light here and there." She points her fingers in a gun like manner and goes 'pew', firing off a small blast of light to the ground.

Eyes widening a bit, Paige nods with a smile on her face. "I was -wondering- how you managed to hid your powers since you said you had to burn it off. That's a pretty neat trick. Oh, and the gun thing - that's cool, too. But yeah, we can see what we can find out, you know? Xavier's would probably be the best place to learn, but I'm guessing you might want to try to keep it a little lower-key than that. I'll ask around the Commons." As they come to Teamhaus, the horned girl offers her friend a sheepish grin. "I actually wasn't completely honest about security. We don't have to clear you with them. I mean, they /are/ watching and if someone was wrong, they would have let me know. But I didn't know you were a mutant and sometimes ... sometimes you have to be careful." Unlocking the door up with her key fob, she holds it open with a hoof. "Come on."