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Revision as of 04:18, 15 October 2020

Glitter and Groove

cw: drug mention/usage

Dramatis Personae

Tabitha, Akihiro


"I KNOW!" Tabitha yells back amidst a giggle. "IT'S ELECTRIC!"


'<NYC> Evolve Nightclub - Lower East Side'

Accessible up a flight of stairs from the coffeeshop below, Evolve's nightclub is only open Thursday-Sunday nights. The bar stretches wide along the back wall, polished dark wood with an abundance of drinks available behind, their selection none too high-end. A balcony overlooks the dancefloor, filled with plush black and green couches and armchairs and small black-wood and glass tables between them. The stark white and black walls encourage graffiti, paint markers of all shades hung around the walls by chains.

Evolve is in it's stride, the club packed with dancing bodies in dim light. Tabitha broke away from this sea, making her way to the bar. She's wearing a white bra underneath a holographic mesh crop-top, with white jean shorts. Chunky platform sneakers give her an extra inch or two, with glitter covering her thighs, shoulders, and cheeks. "HEY!" She shouts over the crowd. "CAN I GET 2 COSMOS?" She leans over the counter, pushing past anyone else there. "2 COSMOS!" She yells again and holds up two fingers to accentuate her point.

Akihiro takes a step to the side as Tabitha pushes her way up to the bar, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye as he finishes off the glass of bourbon in his right hand. "Make that three." he shouts, pushing his glass forward and moving to fish something from his pocket.

He's wearing a tight mesh button down embroidered with golden leaves, a white pair of tailored dress pants, blue velvet Gucci loafers, and enough glitter to suggest he was recently in the mess of moving bodies himself.

"One hell of a party in here tonight, isn't it?" he aims at tabitha, speaking just loud enough to be heard over the club.

Tabitha quickly turns her attention to the voice. "YEAH!" She smiles wide and moves closer to him. Here, she examines him further, making a mental note of his outfit. "You're very... sharp." Her nails walk up the side of his arm. "I ain't ever seen you 'round before. I'd remember a... boyish face like yours." She chuckles dumbly, taking back her hand. Her eyes are wide open, staring directly into his with no consideration as to whether this was normal or not. Her pupils were wide, very wide -- dilated to the point where you almost couldn't see the blue. "Let's dance, yeah?"

"You have no idea." Akihiro's lips curl up into a grin, showing off one of his sharp canines. "Why not, I'm already covered in glitter. " He slips the bartender a bill before resting a hand on Tabitha's back and gestures back out to the floor, "I'll follow your lead."

Tabitha's pure jubilation is umatched. She takes her drinks -- one in each hand -- and weaves her way through the knots of people before stopping towards the middle of the dance floor. "HERE!" She holds out her drink to another. The woman is shorter than both of them, and happily accepts the drink. Tabitha turns to her tag-along. "THIS IS -- uhh -- SOME GUY I FOUND AT THE BAR! HE SEEMS COOL!" Before either of them can say anything, the blonde gasps loudly. "I LOVE THIS SONG!" She throws her head back and chugs her drink quick enough to give Guiness World Records a run for their money. Hands lurch out to Akihiro, pulling his body towards her as she begins to dance lively along with the beat.

Akihiro offers the smaller woman a smile and starts to introduce himself when he's drug in for a dance. "AKIHIRO. " he still offers as he presses his body against Tabitha's, collecting some more glitter as he matches her intensity. "YOU UP H-" his words stop mid-sentence as his pupils dilate and he reaches out to drag his fingertips along her arm as they dance. "I FEEL..." a slight pause as the man decides, "AMAZING!"

"I KNOW!" Tabitha yells back amidst a giggle. "IT'S ELECTRIC!" Blonde waves move wildly as she moves her head with the exuberant music. The woman dissipates into the wave of bodies, leaving Tabitha and Akihiro to dance. She does not notice this, nor does she care. Her skin is hot to the touch, sweat beginning to form as she grinds up against any body in her vicinity.

Akihiro bobs his head slightly in agreement, momentarily lost in the unholy amount of MDMA he had ingested moments before taking a break at the bar. "IT'S HOT." Quite literally, his own body heating up to an almost uncomfortable level as his healing factor tries to fight off the drug like it were poison.

Tabitha doesn't pay attention to Akihiro at first, enamored with the music and other dancers as their bodies twinkle in the light. Her song ended, and she turned to the other, clothes and hair a mess. Her face of elation fades into concern. "YOU DON'T LOOK TOO GOOD." Tabitha attempts to focus. "HOW -- HOW MUCH DID YOU TAKE?"

"Uh.. A LOT?" Akihiro's brows furrow slightly as he tries to recall what he was told the dosage was, before he gives up and waves a dismissive hand. "I'LL BE FINE THOUGH, PROBABLY. " He seems relatively fine, aside from the sweat forming on his hot skin and having paled somewhat.

Tabitha's eyes open, her face contorting from concern to panic. "YOU SHOULD LAY DOWN." This is a statement, not a suggestion. "SOME ICE TOO." She touches his hand but retracts at the heat of his skin. "LOTS OF IT."

"I'LL BE SOBER SOON. HAD TO TAKE A BUNCH TO FEEL IT." Akihiro tries to explain, but gets distracted by something off in the distance for several seconds. "What were we.." his brows furrow for a moment, "oh. IT'S MY MUTATION, I HEAL FAST. BLAME WOLVERINE. " His hands raise and fall in an approximation of a shrug, not bothering to explain what a wolverine had to do with the situation. " PROBABLY... TEN MORE MINUTES?"

She nods along slowly, puzzled as ever as he continues to speak. At the end, she nods more firmly. "COOL!" Her elation returns. She begins dancing again as if nothing had happened. Eyes closed, hands in the air, hair bouncing with her body -- it was a transendent experience for Tabitha. Her hands began to glow a soft, pulsating white.

Akihiro lets his own eyes drift closed now that things have calmed down, getting back into the groove of things, literally as he busts out The Bus Stop. If he notices the glow he's not saying anything. "YOU DO THIS OFTEN?"

"EVERY NIGHT!" Tabitha giggles, watching him dance. "SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER VIBES! I 'LOVE 'THAT!" She tries to replicate him, though it is a poor rendition. "YOU GOTTA TEACH ME THAT!"

"HOPE YOU HEAL FAST TOO THEN." Akihiro teases, cracking an eye open to watch her. "THE SEVENTIES WERE WILD, ESPECIALLY ONCE THE WAR ENDED. " There's a hint of longing in his voice, but any negative emotions are gone as quickly as they came. "I CAN SHOW YOU A FEW MOVES SOMETIME. "

Tabitha doesn't pick up on his seemingly personal connection to the 70's, biting her lower lip with a grin. "YOU BETTER! NO ONE DANCES BETTER THAN ME!"