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Revision as of 14:30, 29 October 2020

Jam Session
Dramatis Personae

Astrid, Cassy, Naomi


In which Cassy is hogging the music room for power practice and runs into Astrid and Naomi who're both coming to play their instruments.


Music Room - Xs Second Floor

'<XAV> Music Room - Xs Second Floor' Wide and spacious, seating in this soundproofed room comes largely on the sweep of gentle risers that afford the teacher an easy view of all the budding performers, and add another dimension to the acoustics of the room. Instruments of all types are carefully stored around the room, and a grand piano, immaculately upkept, takes the position of prize near the back. In a nod to the eclectic studies of the students, digital mixing equipment and turntables rub shoulders with the classical instruments. Music stands sit in front of most of the seats, and the only windows look out out over the side of the school grounds.

According to the schedule the Xavier's music room should be unoccupied right now. A quick check will show most of the equipment that's not regularly used is packed away still. And yet from inside the room there is a whole lot of noise that's managing to leak out from the soundproofing into the corridor.

A keen ear will pick out 16 1st violins, 16 2nd violins, 12 violas, 12 cellos, 8 double basses, 4 flutes, 4 oboes, 4 clarinets, 4 bassoons, 8 horns, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, 1 tuba, 1 kettledrum player, 3 other percussionists, 2 harps and a piano. It doesn't take a genius to know this is a whole lot more people than the schools music room can usually contain!

Anyone brave enough to peek inside will find Cassy dancing around waving a conductors baton at thin air. She doesn't even have a single musical instrument out. Oddly even though she's got big sturdy looking steel toe capped boots on her own bounding footsteps don't seem to make any noise. Her outfit of choice is a tartan pleated skirt and a black t-shirt with several clashing neon mesh tops on over the top. Her hairs worn up in an anime inspired twin-tails and her fringe is held from her eyes with a cheap looking star shaped plastic hair-clip. Each wrist has a plethora of bangles and the sort of plastic jewelry you get from a dollar store. All in clashing bright colours.

And what might you ask is she playing? A little bit of Stravinsky – The Rite Of Spring

With an old and worn looking banjo strapped across her back, Astrid begins making her way down the hall to the music room. It’s been a couple weeks since she’s been able to play due to her right wrist being held firm by a cast, but with a little help from a fellow student and a quick visit to the medical lab was remedy enough. Not wanting to irritate anyone in the girls hall, the music room seemed like the perfect place to sneak in a little practice time. At least in theory it seemed like a good idea but as the scrawny teen dressed in all black nears the open door, the sound of a full orchestra immediately strikes her as odd.

She peeks her head through the slight opening and the sight of a single teen in the room just doesn’t correlate to the sounds she is hearing. With squinted eyes she searches for a PA system blasting the classical music but to no avail. Stepping fully into the room, she moves just to the left of the door and sits down with her back pressed firmly against the wall and banjo slid around to her front as she watches the conductor .

She’s practically being swallowed by an oversized black hoodie and loose fitting black jeans cuffed just above the ankles. Her dirty blond hair is held back by a matching black beanie, which is titled back just enough not to cover the arms of her thick, black plastic framed glasses. The only source of color comes from canvas maroon Vans on her feet.

Behind Astrid, Naomi is also making her way to the music room. In her hands, she twirls a pair of drumsticks as she makes her way down the hall, humming some tune to herself. The worn-out blue backpack sits heavy on her shoulders, over a long-sleeved "ATLANTA" print shirt and distressed jeans. On her wrist, the black snake bangle Maya gifted her is looking a little banged up, but still sits there proudly.

The noise hits her from around the corner. Naomi pops her head around the door, eyes wide. "Woah," she says, under her breath, stepping in quickly and shutting the door behind her. Her back pressed against the door, she waits for a break in the music before she starts enthusiastically clapping.

Cassy doesn't seem to notice when Astrid slips in, the music continuing to play seemingly radiating from her rather than any hidden speakers, but when Naomi starts clapping the music comes to an end. She twirls around sweeping the baton in a flourish that's paired with a curtsy. A move that, while clearly unplanned, is totally something she must have practised doing.

"Oh hey.. Sorry I was just sneaking in some power practice while the room was free," she says brightly without actually moving her mouth. The sound again seeming to generate around her. Her brow furrows with concentration for a moment and then she adds "Astrid and Naomi right?" Another grin. "Not many people play those instruments and I kinda.. you know hear pretty much everything around here." She blinks. "Because of power stuff not anything like.. you know... nefarious."

Astrid catches the door next to her closing out of the corner of her eye and momentarily flashes the newest arrival a toothy grin. She holds her clapping until the piece is done and does so with enthusiasm, arms stretched out around her instrument as she remains sitting on the floor. Her head bobs up and down in a continuous nod. “Yep, you got it. Cassy, right?” She lifts up her banjo, plucking one string as if that was needed to confirm she was in fact holding the instrument. “Oh, you can hear me play this? I am sorry.” She looks up towards Naomi before her attention falls back to Cassy. “So... you want us to riot now?” She asks bluntly..

Naomi just nods. "That was really beautiful," she says, setting her back against the wall next to Astrid. The drumsticks are no longer spinning in her hand - now she grips onto them, like a handle. "Power stuff," she echoes. "That's really cool." She sounds a little more nervous on this topic. Her eyes go wide, just staring at Astrid when she mentions rioting. "Ion need no riot. Why we need a riot?"

"That's right. At least until I decide on my stage name for when I become the worlds greatest stage magician," Cassy replies brightly to Astrid, doing a little gesture and sleight of hands the baton up her sleeve. She gives Noami a nod "Thanks it's something I've been working on for weeks now. I'll have to record it sometime and see just how well I'm remembering the score."

She turns back to Astrid "And don't be sorry I can hear.. pretty much everything around here." She makes a polite cough. "A lot of which is much worse. Actually it's probably better not to think too hard about what I hear..."

"Do you mean like play together? Like a jam session? Or was that a song request?"

“Agreed! Really beautiful.” When Naomi mentions power stuff it’s like a lightbulb goes off over Astrid’s head. Her eyes go wide and brows rise above the top rim of her glasses. “Ohhhh… yeah, that makes sense now... Way cool.”

She’s grinning and adds one quick definitive nod before looking back up at Naomi. “Oh, you know, since she was playing The Rite of Spring and I think people rioted the first time they heard it?” She sounds like she’s fishing around for an answer, not quite confident in what she is saying and looks to Cassy for confirmation. “I think I read that once while trying to wiki stuff on the old band Rites of Spring?” She leaves it with a shrug, quickly abandoning the poor attempt at a joke. “Jamming would definitely be fun, but I should probably get a little better at this first.” She taps the drum head a couple times.

Naomi is a little slackjawed at Astrid's explanation. "That's wild," she settles on saying. "You know lotta stuff like that?" Her eyes flit over to Cassy, and the relief is obvious on her face when Cassy seems to be just as confused.

"Neat to have a power you can, like, practice," Naomi says, her tone wistful. She loosens her death grip slightly on the drumsticks. "I'm not good enough for a jam, but," her eyes flit to the banjo,"wouldn't mind listening."

Cassy furrows her brow, then shrugs. "I think maaaaybe that's right? I just picked something I enjoyed. I never really knew a lot about how music works before I came here. I just listened to stuff I liked and that was it. Without my power letting me cheat I couldn't keep in tune while whistling."

She flops down in one of the music rooms chairs.

"It's a been good to practice yeah. When I first came here I was terrified that someone would startle me and I'd scream loud enough to hurt someone. It was also a nightmare just sleeping. I can hear the humming from electrical wires in the walls and stuff like that. I was exhausted all the time. Now I still hear it but I guess in time I got used to it." She bites her lip. "Sorry if you can't really use your power, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it eventually though!"

Astrid shrugs. “Yeah, I guess I do. My moms and pops are real into music, so I’ve learned a lot from them.” She looks between the other two teens, nose twitching in an attempt to push her glasses up without hands.

“No kidding.” Astrid piggybacks on the admiration of Casey’s power. “I wish I could easily practice my power without… well destroying stuff.” This time she uses her left hand to push her glasses back into place. She looks down at the banjo. “Oh, I need a little more practice before attempting any improv. How long you been playing the drums?” She glances at the sticks Naomi is holding.

It’s hard to tell what emotions are passing over Naomi’s face as Cassy talks, but her eyes narrow slightly as she walks to perch on a music chair of her own. Some envy, some frustration, some other things give way to recognition. “Oh, wayaminute, you the one who did the explosion couple weeks ago?” Naomi’s eyes are wide. “That’s was wild.”

Her gaze drops to her drumsticks. “Not long. Like a month maybe. Was coming here t’practice before band class tomorrow.” She seems embarrassed to admit it.

"That's neat about the music. My Dad used to get me tickets for gigs all the time but I haven't been to one in ages... Maybe I should see if he can get enough for a whole group of us to go someplace. His agent probably has clients in New York state too." Cassys head tilts a fraction to one side. "At least I think he does. If we were closer to Vegas it'd be much easier to get something cool."

Astrid gets a wry grin. "Oh I've blown up plenty of things. Not exploded but sound can be pretty intense! If I'm not careful I can boil water or like do subsonics which cause heart problems. Which is why I tend to experiment solo when it comes to power stuff... Oh gosh that was you? When it happened I practically leapt six foot in the air with shock."

"Nothing wrong with being a beginner at something Naomi. When I was little I decided I wanted to learn escapology and I locked myself in one of my Dads trick boxes. But I never told anyone what I was doing and he was setting off for a show... Long story short they loaded the box I was in onto a truck and didn't figure out I was there until I managed to wriggle my cell phone out my pocket and call for help."

If Naomi is hard to read, then Astrid is an open book as embarrassment washes over her averted gaze. She taps the drum head on her banjo again, more out of a nervous habit than anything else. “Yeah, that was me. Sorry if I woke either of you up that morning.” She lifts her head, eyes shifting over to Cassy. “Sorry about that… but I’ll take your cue and keep all my power practice solo for now.” She pauses with an abrupt laugh, plucking another string on her banjo.

“You are already starting on the right foot.” She says to Naomi. “I’m mostly self taught, so now I need to unlearn all the things I have done wrong.” She perks up when Cassy says the word agent. “Wait… what does your dad do?”

Naomi laughs. "Nah, it was fun. Had a crazy story to tell my family that wasn't -" She cuts herself off. "It was funny. And looks like nobody got hurt, right?" Here run up and down Astrid quickly to confirm.

She shifts uncomfortably under the attention, becoming way more engaged when the conversation turns back to Cassy. "Your dad a wizard or something?"

"Oh it woke me up but that happens when the wind gets strong enough too. Maybe if you're exploding have people around, a safe distance away but still there, so they can help out if stuff goes wrong." Cassy says trying to re-assure Astrid. "Maybe shout a warning first next time though? It might seem silly but I really will hear it if I'm awake and at school."

"Oh he's a TV magician and escapologist. Then he moved onto doing shows in Las Vegas and now he's doing some online stuff. It's.. like a mix between out and about street magic, celebrity guests and tutorials for doing tricks at home." She sighs. "None of the web stuff is really all that cool. I much prefer the stage shows with the sawing people in half and all the other fun big set piece magic tricks."

As if to demonstrate she produces the baton, as if by magic, in the opposite hand to which it'd been earlier when she made it disappear with the sleight-of-hand trick.

Astrid laughs nervously. “Only me… but that was because I ate it on my skateboard and broke my wrist right before, well, blowing up.” She laughs again, but this time it’s more genuine and without any nervousness. “Harm helped by wrist out, so yeah, definitely funny.” She holds her right hand up and demonstrates with a twist. “I’ll try to remember to tell the next time I feel it coming on unexpectedly.”

Her eyes are drawn in by the sudden appearance again of the baton. “Well that is interesting…” She makes no indication if she is referring to her dad being a magician or the trick. “So you grew up with all that, then? How long have you been doing that?”

Cassy frowns and drums her fingers against the chair as she thinks back. Although her power prevents her finger-taps from making any noise. "Forever really. My parents met when Mom worked as a stage assistant to pay for law school and I've been around magic tricks since I can remember. I used to hang out backstage at shows and the other performers would teach me their tricks and... you know other fun stuff." She beams a smile. "And I think I know most of the ways to cheat at poker."

"I could never get the hang of skateboarding. I tried it a few times and always ended up face-planting if I did anything more than just coast along a flat car park. Does the school have good places to actually do all the tricks and flips?"

“I’ll remember to decline participating in any poker games around here then.” Astrid grins, eyes fixed on the soundless tapping. “Especially if you are involved. No, that’s really cool. I mean, being able to hang out backstage and meet all those different people. Did you travel around alot?”

Banjo and strap are removed and set down to lean against the wall while Astrid picks herself up off the ground. She sits down at one of the classroom chairs, getting a little closer to Cassy and Naomi. “The school grounds aren’t half bad, but no skate park. Grew up hanging out underneath the Burnside Bridge in Portland while my Pops skated, which is how I learned.” There’s a quick pause as Astrid’s face begins to screw up in a laugh. “Funny to think you were taken backstage of your Pops shows as a kid and I under a grimy bridge.”

Naomi’s eyes flicker back and forth between the other two girls. “Both o’ those sound cool as hell,” she says. It’s unclear if she’s talking about their powers of their pasts, or even their relationship with their parents. “Are your dads like... cool? About the mutation thing?” The question is very hesitant

"I guess so? Like I've been traveling around more than most people our ages do. I'd spend a lot of my Summer vacations tagging along with the tours when I was little," Cassy replies with a shrug. "There was less travel when my Dad was doing a slot in Las Vegas but he'd rent a nice house and I'd go stay there. A lot of the people working behind the scenes had been with the show for years and they'd leave all us kids to entertain ourselves."

"My folks both freaked when they came home after my power turned on. I'd boiled the fishpond with ultra-sound and every dog in the neighborhood went berserk. My Dad was kinda... he didn't really handle it very well. My Mom though she was a stone cold badass. She did this whole cover up and get me away thing. Which eventually got me sent here." She blinks a few times and then beams a smile. "That sounds bad but she works for a law firm that defends clients in this scary cartel and if they ever suspected I was overhearing confidential stuff I'm pretty sure it'd be super bad. I shit you not one of her clients goes by the nickname 'Meathook'."

She taps her foot a few times and then adds "I think they're both cool with me being a mutant now. Dad's doing this whole 'the world is full of mystery and wonders we don't understand' thing and Mom... She told me she's met plenty of real monsters and none of them had mutant powers. It's not the X-gene which makes people do bad things it's all of the bits we share with normal people."

“Yeah… I’d say mine is cool with it. Never really lived with him, spent most of my time at Moms and grandparents house, so maybe he just didn’t really have to think about it much?” She listens intently to Cassy, elbows resting squarely across her thighs leaning forward. “Oh man, that sucks about your Pops, but at least he turned around right?” Her smile is much softer. “I think my parents were just happy I was alive to worry about anything else. Power went off during class and I woke up in a morgue. Talk about weird.” She bites down on her bottom lip, leaving a short lived indentation. She turns to face Naomi. “What about yours?”

And then it suddenly hits her, “Wait, did you say Meathook? I can only imagine what that person does to get that nickname.”

During Cassy's story, Naomi pulls one foot up, then the other, onto the music chair, curling her arms around he knees. The drumsticks are held between her knees now, and Naomi fidgets with her bracelet. Her eyes are wide the whole time - she mouths 'Meathook?' at one point. "That's wild wild." She doesn't have the same reaction to Astrids, but the wistful look in her eyes returns. She's a little surprised when the question gets turned back around on her. "Uh." She pulls in a little closer to herself. "Weren't great. Better than my brother, but -" she points at the scales covering her forehead and temples. "These didn't come in until last year. They didn't love that."

"It's... yeah... Bad with a capital B. I did not enjoy being able to hear some of those calls," Cassy laments. "There are some really horrible people out there. But Mom always says even bad people deserve a fair trial. Anyway it might suck not seeing my family or friends very often but I know I lucked out compared with a lot of people here." She brushes her hair back behind her ear. "Oh I don't think Dad hated me he just.. couldn't really cope I guess?"

She gives Naomi a sympathetic nod. "I hope they come round in time," she says solemnly, then frowns as Astrid. "They took you to a morgue? They didn't like... do the autopsy did they? Gah I think I'd still be having nightmares now that's... like a terrible way to find out you have a power."

Astrid faces Naomi, but isn’t directly looking at her, more in her direction. A nervous habit when she feels a little uncomfortable, which she does now that her question has been answered. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that.” She echoes Cassy’s sympathy. “I’m sure they’ll come around.” She awkwardly smiles trying to hide her sudden bout of nervousness. “Or I could always blow up something they love for you?”

“Well… I bet you could use those calls to write a hit television show. Change just enough so no one could trace it back to you or your family?” Scratching at her head, Astrid briefly removes her black beanie and pushes back her unruly hair before replacing it. “Thankfully no autopsy, but talk about creepy. Probably not Meathook creepy, but still pretty creepy.”

Naomi looks between the two girls, tensing on the words 'creepy' and 'power'. Astrid's comment makes her snort, almost laugh, though. "Don't worry about it. I can sorta... keep 'em in check myself." A small smile. "Thanks for the offer, though."

Her gaze flits between the two, resting eventually on Cassy. "Waymin, if you hear everything - " her gaze drops to the floor. "Do you know if Harm still don't like me?" A beat. "Sorry. Never mind. Shouldn't've asked."

"I have to live by a very serious code," Cassy informs, adopting an overly dramatic tone for effect. "Never to reveal the things I overhear. Because I don't want everyone to think I'm the worst gossip in the world... And also uhhh if you go too far down the 'what has Cassy heard' rabbit hole we'll all die of embarrassment."

She makes a mock stern nod.

"Writing my own crime fiction might be fun. I've been doing school paper stuff to improve my writing skills and I already read a ton of those books. Doing a true crime book would probably be.. too.. I guess cruel? To the real people involved. Besides now you mention it I have this great idea for a novel series where the main character is... I don't actually know yet but she only deals in cases where law enforcement are the criminals. And each book the web of corruption deepens until it hits a shocking revelation..."

She winces. "You know now I think about it that kinda feels way more real than some of the true crime books I've read...."

There are two quick nods as Astrid makes a fist with her left hand and punches it into her open right palm. “No problem. Offer stands... for both of you. Let me know if I ever need to… um… flex some muscle?” The last word pops out like a question, her eyes quickly dropping down to check the scrawny arms hidden by large sleeves. The wide toothy grin makes it apparent she by no means thinks she is actually though, but it’s harder to tell if she’s entirely joking.

She nods along as Cassy starts explaining an idea she has for a series of novels. “I think that would be really cool. Plus I like books where there is a main character.” She teases due to the lack of detail given. “Those are my favorite.”

Naomi half snorts, half laughs, both at the dramatic nod and at Astrid's 'flex'. "That's fair, I guess." The disappointment that her request was denied is clear in her expression, but she is doing her best to hide it.

She doesn't have much to add to this book conversation, either. "Uh, did y'all go here last year?" She scratches under her scales, aware that this is abrupt change of topic. "I'm trying to pick classes for next term, is all."

Cassy gives Naomi and apologetic shrug "If it helps I can't really tell you what anyone thinks. One thing I've found is that people say a lot of things which they don't always mean. And the things they say change depending on who they're talking to. The only person who can tell you for sure if Harm doesn't like you is Harm."

She sticks her tongue out at Astrid. "It's still a work in progress okay," she says with a giggle. "And I think I'll be good flex wise. I might not explode but I don't think anyone here would be stupid enough to try beat me up. They make me scream out even once and they end up in hospital way more hurt than me."

Astrid responds in-kind with a laugh of her own. “Nope, only been here since end of September.” She shakes her head back and forth in further confirmation. “So sorry, can’t help you there.”

“Remind me never to get in a fist fight with you then.” She chuckles, moving her attention back over to Cassy. “Seriously. This is how it could go down. One.” A finger is held up on a raised left hand. “For demonstration purposes I beat you up in this example. Then two.” Quick pause as two fingers are now held up. “You scream, because as you said, that’s what you do. I’m on my way to needing to go to the hospital because that’s what you said I’d do. And finally…” Three fingers are now raised. “Three. Boom!” She slaps her knee hard with the hand that was just raised, her smile turning almost demonic. “I explode, because that's what I do and now we are both going to the hospital. See? No good.”

Naomi's face falls a little more, uncurling from the chair. She stands and walks, trying not to catch too much attention, back to her bag by the door, where she tucks the drumsticks into. She turns around, gives both of the older girls a bit of a wave but not a better goodbye, before slipping out into the hall.

There's a few quiet moments from Cassy as Naomi heads out and then the audio-kinetic looks down at her feet and lets out a long sigh. "God I feel like such a bitch every time I say no to something like that," she murmurs. "It's like... someone gets hurt no matter what."

She looks up again. "Sorry, didn't mean to be a downer there.... Lets promise never to try fight each other. We can... resolve any conflicts with a... dance contest? Unless you've taken some secret ballet classes that is!"

Astrid responds with a little wave of her own as the younger teen quietly heads out. Her attention is then brought squarely to Cassy. “Oh, I wouldn’t take it personally. I don’t think she did to be honest.” A lazy shrug is offered up. “Besides, you’ll never know if you don’t ask, right?”

The dance contest comment causes a laugh to burst out from Astrid, hand flying to her mouth in an attempt to stifle it. “Me? Ballet? Oh hell no. You have nothing to worry there. I’m not very coordinated to be honest. Once I get my two feet planted squarely on the ground, any grace up and vanishes.” The teen offers up one curt nod. “So deal. Dance off instead of fist fight.”

Cassy glances at the door, nods and then looks back to Astrid. "Yeah I guess so. I thought about doing an advice column for the school paper but I worry I'd just screw everything up for people. Or it'd be like... she's just spying on us all and laughing behind our backs." She bites her lip. "I promise though. Nothing anyone says is juicy enough to make up for the downsides. For every heart-warming declaration of undying love there are about a million farts and burps. Or worse."

She glances left & right, lowers her voice again for dramatic effect, and says "So... confession time. I've taken like three different dance classes but I never really stuck with any for more than a few months," she admits. "So I promise you'll get to pick the music to make it fair. That way you know what genre to prepare for and the best moves to work on."

Astrid is suddenly overcome by a strong urge to crawl away and hide in some deep, dark hole. “Oh gawd, I didn’t think about everything you could hear.” Her cheeks start turning a little flush. “I mean, is there anything I can do to stop it? So much happens that I am sure you do not want to know about.” She shakes her head slowly. “Yeah… I think I’d hold off on the gossip column. Maybe don’t do like a police blotter style write up on people’s bodily functions either.”

As Cassy lowers her voice, Astrid leans in. She most definitely does not have super sensitive hearing. “Oh, letting me pick the music might be your first mistake. Thought that will probably be the last mistake. You might as well be a professional dancer compared to me.” She pauses, pressing a finger into her bottom lip. “Oh, unless we have like a running man off or something. Might not be awful at that.”

Cassy tilts her head for a moment. "Stop it?" Then giggles. "Oh you mean.. for... personal stuff. Don't worry about it really.. I might hear stuff but I can't see through walls to know for sure who is doing what. Cross my heart." She promises. "And mostly I just hear the wind outside. Which... you might not think it's loud most days but if you want I can shift what it sounds like to me into normal hearing range? It's not quite the same 'coz I get this on top of the regular wind sounds."

If Astrid gives the okay she's shift up the low frequency roar of a typical windy Westchester day. The sort of wind which might shake a few trees but wouldn't keep anyone awake. Unless they had Cassy hearing that is. It's a sound so big it's like being a Mouse in the mouth of a roaring Lion. Causing some of the chairs and loose objects to rattle.

"Maybe we could start a dancercise club. Keep in shape, listen to music and have some laughs? Being here can really impact your waistline with all the excellent baked goods."

Astrid enthusiastically nods her head at the suggestion of Cassy shifting what she hears into her own hearing range. She closes her eyes, and imagines a wind storm so large that it starts uprooting the trees surrounding the school. “Damn… Don’t let anyone tell you that is not intense. I can’t fathom what a full blown storm sounds like to you.” She smiles as an idea starts to take hold. “You know what? We should record that and it could be your noise band. People would go crazy for that type of avant-garde music. Well, a small group of people would, but go crazy none-the-less.”

The mention of the dancercise club gets an outstretched hand for a shake. “Deal. We could swap off on the music or have songs submitted to be added to a playlist. Don’t need any growing waistline just yet.” She jokingly pats at her stomach.

While making that wind sound Cassys outline seems to faintly blur with the vibrations she's generating and it makes all the little plastic bangles and bracelets bounce around clicky-clacking excitedly. And then it stops. "I've got something I call 'The Voice of God' too. But I can't really do that one safely in here." She considers the suggestion, then nods "I'd be up for giving it a shot. I don't really know anything about recording and mixing music though. I can make pretty much any sound I imagine." She shifts her voice to match Astrids and adds "Like this." before swapping back to her own voice. "But it'd be cool to use my power for something I can share with the world."

"Deal," she agrees returning the hi-five. Her hand feels a little strange thanks to the vibrations from using her power to talk. "Sounds like I plan. I figure we make the ground rules nice and simple like... Bring anyone you like along. It's all about fun and being healthy, no pressure to diet or actually be any good. Everyone gets to submit music and.... I can't think of anything else."

Astrid smiles as Cassy momentarily copies her voice. She’s impressed through and through and it shows. “Well now that could be very useful.” She trails off, tapping her bottom lip with her left index finger, thinking. It’s fleeting as she pulls her concentration back to the other teen.

“Perfect. Do we get fliers together or something? Post this somewhere?” She stands up suddenly, giving the room a quick once over before she settles on her banjo. “I guess we could figure that out later.” She says with a nod and begins to move around her chair. “Sadly, I think it might be that time for me to hit the books. It was great meeting you in the official sense.” She moves towards the door, picking the banjo just below the head stock. She’s halfway through the door before pausing to look back.

“Let’s hangout again soon.” She whispers. The toothy grin cracked across her face spells out the amusement she’s experiencing knowing full well that Cassy can hear here. “I’ll just whisper you when from my room.” And then she disappears back onto the school hall.