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Revision as of 04:16, 22 March 2013

Birthday Presents
Dramatis Personae

Eric, Sebastian, Shelby, Shane




<NYC> Howard Johnson Express Inn - Bronx

The Howard Johnson Express Inn in the Bronx is... not the nicest place to stay in the city. In fact, it is probably down near the bottom of the list. All the classic warning signs are there: bulletproof glass in front of the clerk, small rooms with rickety beds, shabby, cigarette-smoke yellowed walls, and their rental prices - cheap, and by the hour. Still, for those with no money to stay someone better, and for those who want to stay out of the eye of the police, it is a frequent destination.

It takes Eric some time to get over to the address he had been given by Jax earlier. He is wearing rather different clothing than before: his uniform, complete with badge and gun. A particularly observant person might notice, however, that the badge is not /his/ badge - the serial number on it is quite different, and the police cruiser parked at the curb does not belong to either of the two precincts he has worked at. He steps up to the door of the address and knocks on the door, firmly, authoritatively.

It takes a while for the door to open, but eventually the locks rattle to open on a pudgy face surrounded by a wispy mess of greying hair. The woman doesn't open the door /far/, looking out at Eric's badge warily. "What'chu want?" she demands of him, glaring at the uniform. And the cruiser outside. "S'been no trouble here."

Eric's expression is firm as he looks over the woman. "I'm here to see two of your foster children. He's to be brought in to speak with a member of OCFS and a detective in regards to an incident at a previous placement. Shane and Sebastian Nguyen." He raises an eyebrow slightly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Can I see them?" This is not a request, but an order disguised as one.

The woman huffs, like this is an irritation to her. But she stares at the badge, lips turning downwards. "I heard about that," she grumbles, "They pull any of that nonsense here and they ain't gonna last. You wait here." She doesn't invite Eric in. She closes the door, in fact, as she turns to go -- presumably fetch the boys. Although a few minutes later when she returns she is teenager-free. "I only got the one. Other's at the library. You still want it?"

Eric frowns at the door closed in his face. "Yes." Eric says, reaching around behind him to tug the handcuffs out of their leather pouch. "They both need to come down to the station. I'll go pick up the other one, and an officer will bring them home when OCFS is done with them." he says, taking a step forward, as if to enter the house.

The woman still doesn't invite him into the house, still standing in the doorway with a frown fixed to her face. She just turns to yell over her shoulder, "Shane! C'mon. Cop wants you now."

Shane is slow to answer this, steps scuffing-dragging as he slouches towards the door. There's a moment, though -- when he gets close enough to catch Eric's scent -- that he glances up, brightening slightly. And then goes back to slouching. "The fuck now?" he asks, when he arrives.

Eric takes a quick step forward, grabbing Shane's shoulder. He squeezes it, almost imperceptibly, pausing for just a moment before he expertly spins the teenager around and slips the handcuffs around his wrists. "Shane Ngyuen, you are being detained under orders by the New York Office of Children and Families. You have the right to remain silent; anything you do say can, and will, be used against you in a court of law." He says, with a stiff nod to the woman. "I'll bring him back later." This, to the foster mother. "You have the right to an attorney," he continues, as he marches Shane towards the waiting squad car. "Happy birthday," he murmurs under his breath, as he opens the door to put the teenager in the back seat.

Under Eric's hand Shane's shoulder is bony-thin, and warm -- unusual given the twins' normal cooler-than-average body temperature. His eyes open wide, abruptly, as he's spun, his gills flaring rapidly open and closed. The woman just watches this with an unsurprised expression, and closes the door on them even before Eric has promised to return him. Shane /exercises/ his right to remain silent, up until the point he's scooting into the car. "Shit, man. You busted out the cuffs and everything. /Tell/ me you're leaving these on long enough to have some fun with 'em?"

Eric grins as he looks in the mirror. "Well, I was goin' to pick up your brother and take you out on a happy birthday, but..." He trails off as he belts himself in and smirks. "If you want, we could make a pit-stop along the way." he suggests. "And I can leave them on you...."

"What, you wanted to get Bastian in on this too? I don't think that's /his/ idea of a happy birthday, dude. He's gone out with Shelby. To the fucking zoo." Shane sounds a little disgruntled. He leans his head against the window, shoulders slumping tiredly, but despite this dragged-down posture he still infuses his tone with a healthy dose of brash nonchalance. "Yeah? You know somewhere we can go?"

Eric laughs. "No, I had something quite else in mind." He says, as he puts the car into drive and pulls away from the curb. After he's gone about a block or so, he looks up. "If you're sure you want it, yeah, I've got a place we can go." he says, voice hungry. "Someone will think you're a pro working off a ticket, but I know a place." he says, chuckling. "Cops raid it every few months. Cheap ass motel that rents by the hour..." he says, temptingly. "You in?"

"Hey, you /are/ arresting me. I'd totally blow you in return for my freedom," Shane tells Eric. Although he's already wriggled a hand out of the cuffs -- cartilage squeezes down a good deal smaller than bone does! -- and his fingers curl at the grate between front and back as he scoots to the edge of his chair to peer over Eric's shoulder. "I didn't know you knew it was my birthday."

"I didn't either." Eric says, as he flicks his lights and sirens on and blows through an intersection, cars pulling out of his way. "Your Pa told me. Wanted me to bring you some presents. I think I'll brin' you there, and maybe out to dinner." He pauses, smirking. "I'll admit, I thought your Pa called me over for somm'at else entirely, but..." he glances in the rear-view mirror. "I bet he's less fun."

Shane sits back, head thunking against the window again. "Pa /asked/ you to -- Pa asked /you/ to --" He's considering this. With a confused frown. One corner of his mouth hooks upward, though, as he returns to kind of just staring out the window. "You don't know my Pa real well."

"Do I?" Eric says. "I mean, I was feelin' pretty put out anyway, but, now that you tell me that..." He pouts, but the sound is clear in his words as well. "Now I'm /really/ upset." He glances around and takes a sharp left, pulling up in front of a motel. "You got the cuffs off?" he says, parking on the street. It is not a valid parking space, but... parking spaces are for suckers without emergency vehicle plates. "Can't bring you through the lobby wi' them."

"I don't mean he'd sleep with /you/," Shane says, sticking his tongue out at Eric. "I mean he's less vanilla than I am. Trust me, having really keen hearing when he was with our /other/ dad was like. UH." He shrugs a shoulder. "I don't think less fun is the right word." He tugs his other hand out of the cuffs, dangling them up in front of the grate where Eric can see. "But I get 'em back, right?"

Eric turns in his seat to give Sebastian a glare that has a huge smile attached to it. "Yeah, well, you'd be surprised how many people've told me that I'd never get them into bed and were surprised the next mornin'." he says, getting out of the car. He opens the door to let Shane out, smirking. "You'll get 'em back alright." he says, voice smouldering. "Come on. Let's go." he says, tugging on Shane's hand with a hungry look in his eyes.

"-- Man, the way you phrased that sounds /really terrible/ I hope you know." Shane slides out, presses the handcuffs back into Eric's hands. He isn't actually waiting long enough for them to /get/ into the motel before he stretches up (up up up!) onto his toes to kiss the other man deeply.

Standing right in the lobby, Eric is in full police uniform, a pair of handcuffs in one hand, and a handful of Shane's butt in the other. It is, perhaps, not the best clothes in the world to be making out with an underage minor, but it does not seem to bother him. To be fair, there is really no one looking - the man behind the bulletproof glass could care less what happened on the other side, and is far more interested in the television screen than anything happening in the lobby. He does not even look up when Eric growls to rent a room for an hour.

Shane is pretty much equally shameless. He has his hands all /over/ that uniform. Eric can take care of the formalities like Getting A Room. He is taking care of more /important/ things like nipping at Eric's neck just to be amused at how fast the hickey vanishes. "-- I probably shouldn't thank Pa when we get back, right? But he does send the most thoughtful presents."

Sebastian is digging his wallet out of his pocket as he heads in to the lobby, holding the door open behind him. "I'm paying," he says, "I don't want to take Parley's --" But then he's looking around the lobby kind of nervous-apprehensive. His eyes swivel abruptly towards that Very Familiar Voice, and he freezes, eyes widening huge and his gills fluttering abruptly rapid. He drops his wallet on the floor.

"What if they want ID though? I got one from Florida." That would be Shelby, slipping in behind Sebastian with an empty backpack over her shoulder. She's not really looking where she's going--prime view from the back, okay?--which means she runs right into him when he stops. "Oof, hey! You dropped your--oh shit." Having chanced to look up over his shoulder, of course she spots the pair at the counter. Her grin is immediate, and both rueful and amused. "Looks like someone else had the same birthday idea," she remarks, reaching forward with both hands to gently press her palms against flutterygills.

At the sound of Sebastian's voice, Eric breaks away from the kiss and looks down at Shane, a slightly puzzled expression on his face. You can almost see the thoughts going through his head. That wasn't Shane. He glances around the room and, when he sees Sebastian and Shelby, his smile breaks into a grin and he laughs. "Well, well, well." he drawls, eyes twinkling. "Happy birthday to /you/, too." he says, eyes flicking up and down Sebastian. He gives Shelby a wink. "Great minds think alike." he says to her, smirking.

"Holy shit." Shane just bursts into laughter when he sees Shelby and Sebastian. "Pa sent me a birthday present," Shane informs the newcomers, leaning up against Eric with one arm hooked around the older man's waist. "Glad you're getting one, too. You should keep doing that." He's watching Shelby press at Sebastian's gills and he waves fingers at his own. "He likes that. Bastian, do you even have condoms?"

Sebastian stumbles forward a step when Shelby runs into him. His cheeks have flushed a deep purple, his gills pressing up against Shelby's hand when she touches them. Still /trying/ to flutter until he remembers to calm them. "Pa -- /pa/ -- what? I -- I don't -- we were -- we were at the zoo," he answers, awkward-shy, like this somehow explains their presence /here/. "What are you -- what. Doing. What."

"Hey, eyes to yourself, musclepony, this one's /mine/," Shelby informs Eric, over poor Bastian's shoulder. Per Shane's advice, she switches from holding down the gills to lightly petting them--not really thinking this through, but definitely wanting Sebastian to go to his happy place before he has an aneurysm. "We're not here to fuck," she adds and oddly enough, it sounds like the truth. But then...she's a terrific liar.

"Did I say anything?" Eric says, grinning, as his fingers mirror Shelby's actions, stroking gently up and down Shane's just as she does. He is the most innocent. The superestly innocent. You can practically see the halo hovering above his head. "We could... split the room." he suggests, eyes twinkling. "I can keep my hands to myself, supposin' that's what you want."

"You just come for the ambiance?" Shane snorts, but then he's relaxing almost immediately as Eric's fingers move to his neck. He melts in against the larger man, his arm tightening around Eric's waist. "We /are/ here to fuck. By the way." In case that was not clear to anyone. He is helpfully clarifying. "Are you seriously inviting my /brother/ to join us?" He -- doesn't really sound like he's particularly horrified by this idea. He sounds rather amused, really. His head tilts to one side, baring his neck further to Eric's fingers. "Cops, man," he's saying this to Shelby, "they're into some kinky shit."

Sebastian's mouth opens, and then closes again. "Split the -- but what -- but you -- but you're --" His eyes scrunch closed tight. "YesShaneIknowwhyyou'rehere." His gills aren't flaring anymore, at least, lying flat against his neck as he, too, relaxes somewhat, tilting his head just slightly as well. It seems to help at least with his not /totally/ freaking out. Only... mostly freaking out. "No you can't um we're not -- you know I don't think that's even /legal/." This may or may not be true but he /is/ sounding a bit more alarmed by this suggestion than his brother.

Shelby is watching with some interest while Shane goes melty. Interesting. Coincidence, that her own gill-efforts pick up a little after that? Probably not. It's helping, okay? "Seriously kinky," she says back to the twin she is not petting, tone of voice shaky but solemn. Must not laugh, must not... "But I mean it. B's mine, don't you get greedy, Mister Princess Thor." That's for Eric with a look that falls far short of stern. "Shane's not into girls anyway and /yeah/, that's illegal. Incest. Not foursomes...wait, are those illegal too?" Shelby sounds far too interested in this for Bastian's own good.

Eric waves this all off with a hand. "I didn't suggest a foursome." He does not sound like he would particularly object to this, however. "They do have two bed rooms. Bedrooms. Bed-rooms." He tries this out several ways, and frowns. "Rooms with more than one bed in them." This, it seems, satisfies him. "All I's suggesting was a good financial plan." he says, eyes twinkling. "And a view."

"You know, sleeping with me is /already/ a felony?" Which... admittedly, only makes Shane grin. His head tilts, neck pressing up more into Eric's touch. Insistently! Like a cat butting its head against fingers, he is kind of /demanding/ of his petting. "Well, shit, you know, if it's a case of just being /practical/ money-wise. I don't think foursomes are illegal. Not in this state anyway? Maybe in, like, Arizona. Everything's illegal there."

"I -- I don't -- does that make it /better/?" Sebastian is baffled when Shane mentions felonies. But he doesn't spare /too/ much thought for this, instead humming a soft noise almost like a purr, his head tilting, too, as he relaxes. He slips an arm around Shelby's waist, leaning in against her. His cheeks are flushed dark still, though. "I don't know if I've told you," he says to Shane and Eric, "but you guys are the /worst/."

When Bastian isn't looking, Shelby quickly wrinkles her nose at Eric and lets a hint of grin show. She is not /adverse/ to the idea, but. "Maybe if you guys ever stop being the worst," she says, to shore up his reaction--both verbally and by leaning into Sebastian in turn. "But I think we can have plenty of fun on our own. 'Sides, I still have to give him his present 'n it's /private/. Money's no big deal right now. Being /happy/ on your /birthday/ is. Right, B?" Right? Hint hint.

"Suit yourself," The police officer says, giving Shelby a playful wink of promise and agreement. "S' your cash, and your view." he raps on the glass. "Room, please, for an hour." he says, tugging out his wallet and sliding some cash underneath the tiny slot sized just for bills. The man behind the glass has not even looked up despite the conversation going on around him. None of it surprises him anymore. He merely turns to one side to grab a key and slides it back. "Number 203." the clerk says, bored.

"You better have plenty of fun on your own. S'his /birthday/." Shane keeps his arms curled around Eric as Eric secures them a room, pressing up against the other man from behind. "Guys, we're going to see Pa afterwards, k? So don't /go/ anywhere, Eric's taking us." /This/ at least he says more seriously. "So, like, uh. I guess see you in an hour." This is as far as his seriousness gets. He's practically /pushing/ Eric along towards the stairs.

Sebastian doesn't stop blushing. "We're playing hide and seek --" He explains helpfully to the others. Helpfully mumbling. He's finally stooping to pick up his dropped wallet so he can go, finally, deeply blushing, to the counter and ask for a room. In a small voice. That suggests he might at any moment keel over and die.

"Less talking, more fucking!" Shelby yells out at Shane, flapping a hand at him to shoo him along. Sure, she gives a thumbs up to show she heard the Pa talk but. She is probably not helping Bastian's nervous condition at all. Or his protestation about how they intend to spend their hour. Then, thankfully, she stops with the yelling and turns back to her companion. Fingers stray back to gills, stroking begins again and she dips in to whisper words of reassurance.

Or incitement. It /is/ his birthday, after all.