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Pixie Stix and Cupcake Fairies
Codename Pixie
Birthdate 1996-04-15
Species Mutant
Affiliation Xavier's School
Alignment Goody Two-shoes
Powers Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust
Occupation School Cupcake Greeter
Intro Pending.
Megan was raised by her grandparents in the small mining town of Abergylid, in Wales. She grew up with a love of the outdoors, and would frequently spend hours at play, roaming the countryside exploring and running free. When she wasn't out roaming the fields, she was cooking, cleaning, attending school, or taking ballet lessons.

While riding her bicycle to school one morning, she was nearly run over by a fast-moving car. The fright triggered her mutation, and although her bike was ruined, she managed to fly swiftly and safely out of the way (and accidentally dust the driver in the process).

Realizing that their granddaughter's mutation was beyond their ability to cope with, her grandparents helped Megan enroll in the Xavier Institute, in New York, where she will be starting as a High School Senior in the fall of 2013.

Pixie's primary mutation consists of physical changes to her body that cause her to resemble an oversized fairy. She has pointed ears, blackened eyes that can see somewhat better in the dark than most humans. The following are her true powers:

Wings: A quartet of gossamer wings that emerge from her back like those of a dragonfly that brighten and dim with her moods. Oh, and they also let her fly. Pixie is an increidbly fast flyer, capable of reaching two hundred fifty miles an hour in an instant, and agile as a dragonfly, enabling her to fly in any direction (including backwards), and to hover.

Hallucinogenic Dust: Pixie is able to produce a sort of dust which causes visual and auditory hallucinations in those who inhale, ingest, or come into physical contact with it. Although the effects can be resisted or ignored, they are fairly powerful, and Megan has no control over what the victim sees (although it is almost invariably a positive image, such as teddy bears, bubbles, or unicorns). Being affected by the dust can be likened to the most adorable marijuana panic attack ever, typically resulting in a non-harmful incapacitation that lasts anywhere from a few seconds up to thirty minutes, depending on the amount of dust, the victim's size, and their metabolism (higher metabolisms process the dust much faster).

The wing bone's connected to the ... fairy bone?