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Signal and Noise

...and the gift of silence.

Dramatis Personae

Iztali, Felix

12 May 2013

Felix has an incredibly helpful ability, as it turns out...


<NYC> Evolve Coffeeshop - Lower East Side

Tucked down an alley, this out of the way coffeeshop is easy to miss if you don't know what you're looking for. Unassuming from the outside, its inside makes up for it -- spacious, with abundant seating and plenty of plush couches and cosy armchairs along the room's edges. The coffee is good, the prices are cheap, and there is a definitive alternative vibe to the room, from the music they play to the art that hangs on the walls. The real draw to this place, though, stems from its client base -- one of the very few businesses in the city that is welcoming to mutants, Evolve has become widely popular as a hangout with that crowd, and it is quite common to see them among clientele and employees both. At night, the thump of music can be heard from above, coming from the adjoining nightclub of the same name that sits over the coffeehouse.

Fickle Spring has decided to show her favour to the City once more. She has graciously granted a brilliantly sunny day with warmer temperatures inviting the public to trot out lighter apparel once again. Iztali has quit her bulky hoodie for an airy red peasant blouse stitched in gold and white accents, though its sleeves are still full length. Her linen pants are a charcoal grey, brushing down over black ankle boots more suited to fall. Stranger yet, she still wears a pair of thin black leather gloves. The fingers of said gloves are being used to turn the pages of a familiar book with a yellow cover, bearing an image of smoky black blocks forming a vague spiral on it.

Tali has curled herself up in precisely the same arm chair as she was found in days ago, as if she had never moved. A tall mug sits on the coffee table in front of her. The shop itself is not terribly busy on this Sunday, as it seems many people are taking advantage of the last hours of daylight to be out of doors. A few small groups of people cluster at tables here and there, but Tali’s corner is, again, empty save for her.

Entering the coffee shop, it appears that Felix is much more prepared for the weather today, wearing bluejeans and a loose fitting t-shirt. He is carrying a folder stuffed full of papers, and his mood is much improved compared to a few days ago. Heading up to the counter, he gives a quick scan of the room before ordering a cup of coffee, black.

The door opening catches Tali's attention loosely, in that half-interested way that a cat lazing in a favourite spot will lift its head to track the movement of a person coming into its space. Her posture shifts subtly, allowing her eyes to trace the path of the new arrival over her book. A brow arches slightly in recognition of the man, perhaps earning him a longer and less idle observation period. She does not immediately return her gaze to the book when he reaches the counter.

While waiting at the counter Felix notices Tali looking at him over her book and offers a friendly smile and he gestures hello with his hand. It does not take long for the person behind the counter to fill his order. Coffee in hand he heads towards the table where Tali is already sitting. "Hello again," he says with a warm smile, waiting politely as he did before to see is she desires company at her table.

Tali slips the book closed at the Felix's approach. She does not mark her place, knowing well enough how to find the appropriate page when it is needed again. "Good afternoon," she offers in combination with a half smile. One of those gloved hands waves in a gesture of invitation toward the nearest chair, the other lowering her book down to her lap. "It is a pleasure to see you again. Did your class go well?"

"Good to see you again this afternoon as well." Felix accepts the offer to join Tali and settles down into a comfortable chair himself. "Yes, class went better than expected. I was also asked to grade some exams," he adds, noting the folder he sets on the table. "I ordered a copy of that book and should have it sometime this week." Leaning back into his chair, he takes a sip of his coffee and relaxes.

Tali nods in acknowledgement of his response. "That is good." She leans forward to reach for her mug, taking a moment to breathe in the scent of chai spice before sipping from it. The book is left in her lap to allow both hands to cradle the mug. Perhaps her hands were cold? "I hope you find it enjoyable and worthwhile." One corner of her mouth twists upward slightly at some unvoiced amusement.

"Well, you made the book sound interesting enough that I thought I should read it." Felix looks curious about the little smile Tali makes. "Why do you say it with that little smile?" It is obvious he is thinking about this now, he has that look like he is trying to solve a riddle. "Did you happen to write this book?"

Chocolate eyes settle heavily on Felix with his questions, until the last one sparks a sudden peal of laughter. “No, I’m afraid that I did not manage to publish so long ago as 1956. Nor can I claim as /nom de plume/ that of the author, who died in 1984. Should I ever see such success as a writer, however, I would be quite pleased, indeed.” She spins the cup slowly around, occupying both of her hands in turning it so that the handle makes a full revolution. Turn turn turn. “It had been suggested to me that I utilise this particular book as a form of grounding myself in the familiar. It…ah. I feel like it is something akin to an inside joke now. Explanation would be difficult.” Her teeth meet with her lower lip sheepishly.

Felix leans forward in his chair, putting both of his elbows on the table, then looks into his cup of coffee for a moment. The look on his face changes to a little smile, the one you get when you realize something, but not completely. He looks up at Tali, appearing both sincere and understanding. "I can help you with that," he says softly to her. "Grounding yourself," he adds, as though he is familiar with this particular, yet unstated, problem.

Tali draws back into her chair slightly as Felix comes forward, as if responding to the lead in a dance or precisely maintaining a necessary quantity of air between them. His...offer?...if it is that, earns a furrowing of her brow. Had she a tail, its tip would be twitching with uncertain anxiety. "I'm not sure I catch your meaning." Her tone in meant to be leading, lilting almost like a question.

It is just like Felix anticipated a response such as this. "Shortly after I arrived here from Russia, I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders." The look on his face is unwavering. "Everything was very chaotic, often hard to understand and it took a lot of work to compartmentalize and regain my center." There is something in his eyes, the look of understanding, perhaps he has gone through something very similar. It is as though he knows this is uncomfortable to discuss, hence the hushed voice, and it does not seem like he intends any amount of harm, just a genuine offer to help.

One of Tali’s eyebrows lofts as if it intends to introduce itself to her hairline. Her fidgeting with the mug causes her to stop spinning it suddenly as she risks sloshing hot chai over her lap. A hand darts out to deposit the mug on the table, retreating just as quickly. “I… May I assume you don’t mean to invite me to your guided meditation course or place of worship, but rather provide a more…/unique/ form of assistance?” She is, it seems, not well practiced at being coy…but thinks that bluntness might not be the best response currently.

"/Unique/ indeed." Felix responds with a slight nod. "If that is something you really want." he adds, taking another sip of his drink. He remains calm, and makes no moves from his current position aware Tali is in an uncomfortable position, but obviously leaving the choice to her.

Were Tali a cat, her ears would be perking. "I am not in a position to turn down advice. If you... I..." She finally makes a decision to broach the subject. With a furtive glance toward the room at large, she puts in visible effort to lean /toward/ Felix. Her voice lowers. "I do not have the ability to control these...abilities that have newly presented themselves to me. I fear their possible outcomes."

In a voice low enough that hopefully only those at this table can hear. Felix says "I know, for that is one of my gifts." He places his hand slowly on the table, palm up, in front of Tali, inviting her to take it. This is not a dare, and he does not seem to be afraid of what may happen.

Tali's eyes flit between his hand and her own, which rest atop the book in her lap. They finally seek to lock with Felix's eyes, terribly earnest. "Felix, I need to be certain you understand. If I touch you...your privacy is not assured. I pick up what might be called /echoes/ of past events. Typically events that have strong emotional components... Physical contact is very likely to bring this about. I cannot control it."

Felix does not remove his hand from where it rests. "I am ok with that." He continues to look Tali in the eyes, unworried about this disclaimer. "I promise this will not hurt you, and you may only get a short read from me." Obviously he trusts whatever his own ability is, and understand clearly what is about to happen.

Tali gives a single firm and silent nod. Her lips press into a determined line. One of those gloved hands reaches out timidly and slips itself into Felix’s hand with a delicate care that implies it fears to damage him. It has been some time since she has touched anyone on purpose.

As the two hands meet, Tali gets the impressions of a younger Felix struggling with his powers, there is a distracting 'noise pattern' in his head. This feels like some awful, worse than a headache, background that just will not go away. Then the noise and the impression slowly fade, as if somebody is turning down the volume and the picture, until everything goes quiet and calm. Now the feeling is just the way it was before the powers had manifested. "This is your center," he whispers.

Noise...Tali is all too familiar with. Like a constant chatter of thoughts and feelings that is occasionally interrupted by /shouting/. So the impression is not much of a change for her, just.../more/. She cringes slightly, her jaw clenching. Then...quiet. So quiet it is like a ringing in the ears after a loud sound. Tali heaves a sigh, relaxing as if it is deflating her. "How?" she finally thinks to ask. She needs to be able to reproduce this.../this/.

"This is my gift, I can help others with their powers." Felix does not appear to need concentration while doing this. "With time and practice you can compartmentalize the /noise/." After a brief pause, as though he were formulating how to say the next part, he adds. "I must tell you the noise may truly never go away like it is now, but you can learn how to live with it." He smiles as Tali appears less jumpy, as though he is extremely pleased that he could help her.

"It needn't go away entirely, I just... It can't keep jumping out at me at random. At times it is so overwhelming, I disappear into it. I can't..." Tali shakes her head, suddenly realising how much is spilling from her lips. She looks up, providing a more composed thought. "It would be preferable not to invade the privacy of others every time I am too near. As a matter of decorum." A hint of a smile dances briefly across her features.

Felix takes a pen out of his pocket and offers it to Tali. "Try this." The feeling of emotions return, but not in a sudden rush, just ever so slightly as though they are barely on. "Concentrate, and try to pick up something. Then remember what you did when you get it. It may not work this time, but eventually, and with practice, this is how I can really help you."

Tali is slow to move her hand from Felix’s. The quiet was /nice/, and she is loath to interrupt it further. She tugs the glove off by pulling at a finger, skin bared in a place that is not her apartment for the first time in… It feels nearly obscene. The pen is plucked from the table daintily, then pressed more firmly to her palm. She concentrates on the pen, as if silently asking it how its day has been. Her head shakes slowly. “It is…far away? I don’t know if it is simply difficult to hear, or if it has /come/ from far away. It feels distant.”

"Would you like to practice with it for awhile?" Felix still seems quite pleased, as though this is going well, despite the fact that Tali seems to be struggling in her attempt to glean a feeling off of the pen. "I must warn you in all fairness though that this effect is temporary and when it wears off everything will turn back on suddenly. It is best that I turn it back on slowly."

Tali’s look at this is a flash of childish, peevish disappointment. It could practically whinge, ‘Aw, do we /have/ to?’ She collects herself with a nod, as much an order to herself as a sign of assent. “If that is…the best way to go about this. I will defer to your judgement in these matters. I fear I have an awful lot to learn yet. If…” Again, the careful veneer cracks, revealing a vulnerable sliver of hope. “That is, if you do not mind instructing me?”

Felix sits back in his chair and takes another sip of his coffee, which has probably gone cold by now, but he does not seem to mind. "I can only provide this tool and a little guidance, the rest resides somewhere within, you just need to find it." He pulls a business card out of one of his pockets, places it on the table and pushes it towards Tali. "You will need this then, if I am going to help you. Whenever you are ready call me and we can work on your center." He does not appear to be in a hurry to leave, in fact it looks like he will sit here as long as Tali wishes. When the time comes he will make sure that she is prepared, and the 'noise' returns as gently as possible.