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Revision as of 23:37, 13 May 2013

Light on the Water

Pew pew laser

Dramatis Personae

Faelan, Aloke


Talk of travel and things


<XS> Lake

Bright, bright, bright; the lake glitters wide and expansive here, stretching off into the distance. Sunlight, moonlight, starlight, it catches them all. Lapping at the rocky shore, its deep waters are frigid in winter and cool even in summer. A stone pier stretches out a ways into the water, wide and smooth, though often icy in winter.

The water teems with life nevertheless, home to myriad species of fish that provide for ample fishing or just lazy watching on a slow summer day, for those who want to take a boat from the boathouse out to the center of the lake, or perhaps lounge on the pier and try their luck.

It's a gorgeous afternoon by the lake, just warm enough, a light breeze to blow the late spring air around, and even the bugs seem nice enough to have taken the day off. Set up on a rise above the lake is a big drawing easel with pad on it that would take two hands to carry. Aloke sits at the easel overlooking the lake, back facing the school, and is drawing what he sees in charcoal. His fingers are grubby and black, but the image taking shape has not been drawn by an amateur. And for someone just working in dark gray lines and shading, his capture of the afternoon lighting is complete. He seems nearly done, but he also looks like the type to keep picking at it for another hour if no one bothers him.

Wanting to go through the training that Kurt had proposed for him the other day, Faelan walks down to the lake from the mansion. Dressing in a long sleeved black teeshirt with tribal markings in white on it, and long cargo pants in a dark grey, he shuffles over the grass towards the big shiny lake. Though as he walks to the mass of water, he sees a figure and an easel up on the rise. He pauses as if in thought, then shrugs and makes his way towards the easel to see who it is.

Aloke has the sense of someone approaching, and turns, standing up from his folding stool. He smiles broadly, but shows his hands as if in explanation. "I'm sorry I can't shake your hand, but 'Hi there.'. I'm Aloke Suresh, the new art teacher."

Nodding at the show of hands, Faelan looks at the easel a moment with a pause. "Yes, I imagine you would be then. I am sure that Jax will enjoy having extra help in the task." He shoves his hands into his pants pockets as a place to put them, since the gesture of shaking hands is not necessary. "I am Faelan then since you are a teacher. Though I will not be taking too many more classes at least." He nodds at that, then looks around. "I was just coming out here to train."

"Ah ok, so you're close to graduation, huh?" Aloke tries to guess at the 'not many more classes' comment. "And what sort of training? I'd be happy to help, if I can." Aloke smiles in an obliging way, and almost seems relieved to be putting his easel behind him. He picks up a small packet which turns out to contain a 'handy-wipe' and starts cleaning his hands.

"That is the theory at least. I will pass all of my classes at least. I just don't want to go out into the real world." Faelan is already searching for his practicing stone, and he holds up a few of the lake rocks for Aloke to see. "I don't know how much help you can be. Professor Wagner was going to the locations that I was sending them to at least. I just figured that I would check afterwards to see if they ended up where I wanted them." He shrugs at that, and starts staring at the stone in his hand, white and broken on one side.

Aloke looks on, openly curious about what the young man might do with this rock, but he remains quiet, not wanting to disrupt his concentration. Who knows what could happen? He does walk around the easel though to get a closer look at the process.

With concentration on his face, Faelan is squinching his eyes shut to stare at it. Suddenly the rock is simply gone, nowhere to be seen. "Professor Wagner said that I was doing things kinda backwards, so he wanted me to slow things down and really concentrate and think on it." Shrugging he sighs and shakes his head though. "It hasn't helped yet, but I don't think its landed in anyone elses underwear drawer yet. But that was because I was startled anyway."

Aloke's eyebrows go up when the rock vanishes, but he doesn't comment right away. After a thoughtful moment, he asks, "So, a sender, huh? And you're having trouble getting things to go exactly where you want them... So you send something nearby and go looking for it?"

"Somewhat. I can teleport anything, but well if I teleport myself and I end up in the city, or well, another continent, it would be way worse than just losing a rock." Faelan shakes his head at that. "It was Professor Wagners idea. But he would go teleporting off to where I told him I tried to send it. I was just planning to send a few, and then go look at see. Its slow progress, but its safe, and its something I can do by myself." He looks to Aloke though with a small frown. "Its what I'm worst at. Invisibility is easy, Teleportation is hard."

"Wow, that is impressive, though. Even if you're still working at it. Have you ever... sent something somewhere dangerous? I mean, if its relatively safe, I'd be happy to help." Aloke smiles, and then realizes Faelan might not know what he means. "I mean, you could send me. I can," Aloke disappears in a flash of light to speak behind Faelan, "get back here pretty quickly," He flashes back to his place before, "And tell you where it went." He shrugs and smiles.

"Well dangerous depending on a number of things. Being in the middle of a large body of water is dangerous if you can't swim to shore, and being in a frozen tundra is dangerous if you aren't dressed for the cold." Faelan kinda squirms at the answer abit, before blinking at the flashes of light. "Are you a teleporter too then? Professor Wagner when he teleports has the smell and noise when he does it. I guess you have the flash?" He frowns thinking a moment, then shakes his head. "I don't really do anything like that. It just sorta goes."

Aloke glances out across the lake to divert his gaze, not wanting the make the kid even more uncomfortable. The glowing behind his eyes is even more noticeable as the afternoon wanes on and the light begins to go. "Well, not exactly, actually. I actually travel from place to place, but um, as a beam of light, apparently. I haven't been able to study myself very well before coming here, but we're making progress now." He shrugs, apparently somewhat comfortable with the unknown. "But it might help, because I can generally tell how to get back somewhere, and it doesn't take me very long to hunt around if I need to. Or I just go up and get my bearings."

"Oh. I guess if you're a beam of light that just means you are really fast then. Can you fly then? Like go up places?" Faelan asks without much concern for propriety. The school if nothing else is made for such discourse. "Do you bounce off mirrors and stuff? I bet a disco ball would be really annoying for that." He nods at that as he puts another rock in his palm to concentrate on. If nothing else it is giving him time to practice.

"Mirrors yes, but disco balls..." Aloke shudders as he considers the idea, but doesn't seem put off to discuss the topic in general. "I have /no/ idea what that would do to me. Frankly, it terrifies me." He grins to discount the terror somewhat, and continues. "And yeah, basically I can go anywhere a beam of light would. Up, down, around. I'm not sure I would call it 'flying', but I guess I'm not sure what else you'd call it. I can't just hover, if that makes a difference. I have to be going somewhere." Aloke eyes the rock, waiting to see what happens this time.

"I imagine a prism is worse. But then, there may be seven of you on the other side then." Faelan goes through the concentration, squinting and disapearing of the rock again. "I wonder if something invisible would be a problem for you. Though a photokinetic may just be dangerous." He nods abit, then shakes his head. "I like thinking about what other people can do. It makes me feel less... awkward about what I can do." He shrugs at that and lets out a sigh. "I'm good at running away. And hiding."

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with running when you need to." Aloke notes the second rock's absence and gently places his hand on Faelan's shoulder. "What do you think /I've/ been doing for the last 20 years?" He hooks a thumb over his shoulder to indicate the mansion. "I'm just glad these guys finally found me. It's nice to be around people who... get it, you know? I know Wagner's probably the best one to help you, but I'm here if you need me." Aloke steps back again, smiling, hands in his pockets, probably not wanting to press the point.

Nodding at that, Faelan picks up a twig with a smile. "I'll try and get this on the front steps of the mansion, if you want to check that is." Twirling the twig in his hands, he tries to memorize it as much by touch as sight. "Its something different to send at least. I'm sure people are tired of finding rocks all over." He breathes in slowly relaxing as he stares and stares at it before it disapears as well. "I probably wont do too many more things anyway. It takes a bit of effort to do all of it. Aiming is harder." He shakes his head at that but still has a slight smile. Aloke nods, smiling, and waits for the twig to vanish. Then there's a split second where it looks like someone is shining a straight spotlight from the lake to the front steps of the mansion, and then Aloke is standing before Faelan again. He shrugs, empty-handed. "Sorry, looks like it might have been off course. See, if you send me though, we'd know if you were /close/. That counts for a lot when you're working on a new skill."

"Its alright. I'd suggested using gps locaters myself." At the talk of him being sent again, Faelan shakes his head. "I don't want to send people to the city though," he says. "We have students going missing, and New York will give you a ticket for using your powers. Or hell, they'll give you a ticket for me using my powers on you. You could end up anywhere, though I never put anyone in something, or like really dangerous. They think its my subconscious making sure its safe." He shrugs at that then sighs. "Maybe some day I'll get the hang of it. I can't get much worse at least."

Aloke laughs good-naturedly, and claps Faelan on the back. "Well ok Faelan, its good to be careful." He glances around at the deepening gloom of dusk and nods at his easel. "Well, I ought to pack up my things and put them away before it gets dark. I'm glad we ran into each other, Faelan. Maybe you'll have time for an art class before you're done here." He grins and trudges back toward his easel.

"Perhaps sir. I should go and check if the stones made it where I wanted them to or not. I think I spend more of my time worrying about where I don't want them to go anyway." Shaking his head at that, Faelan gives the teacher a way before he starts shuffling back towards the school, a few more stones clutched in his hands. If nothing else, it was educational.