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Revision as of 05:25, 20 May 2013

Cage meets Samuel
Dramatis Personae

Luke Cage, Samuel


Luke and Sam meet by random chance


Upper East Side

<NYC> Upper East Side One of the most affluent neighborhoods in Manhattan, the Upper East Side is home to the rich and... rich. Swanky apartments, upscale shopping, posh restaurants, this is the place to go if you have money and need somewhere to spend it. Well, one of the places to go. New York does not really have a shortage of them.

Early afternoon means lunch. And when you're obsessed businessman lunch means work. Finally leaving his workshop Samuel's been out dealing with clients. He steps out of the small upscale resturant speaking on his cell as he moves down the street at a slow pace. "No... No, I think I know what the problem is, leave it with me and I'll have it fixed by the morning." He sighs quietly to himself. "I'll need the new system checked over again though. You'll need to make a start on that now." With that he's hanging up his phone, his expression mildly annoyed.

They say 'luck' is when preparation meets opportunity. Dewey Macgillicutty's preparation was to figure out that hardly /any/ other pickpockets hang out in the Upper East Side, leaving the market WAY open for him. He got himself cleaned up, into a cheap suit, and has been casing this block for an hour. Finally, his 'opportunity' walks out of the restaurant, distracted enough for Dewey to snatch Samuel's phone right out of his hand and bolt-

Right into Luke Cage. Luke had just turned the corner onto this block, and Dewey bounces off his chest as if he had run into a lamp post. The phone pops up into the air, and Luke catches it, his face openly annoyed, "Sweet Christmas, are you out of your damn mind?! I'm /pretty/ sure this ain't yours. Snatch and grabs on 85th street. GO HOME." Apparently Cage doesn't think its even worth waiting for the cops. He just plants a foot in Dewey's behind, who is lifted into the air and hits the ground running.

Luke looks around and eyes Samuel as possibly the most interested party. He holds up the phone, "I'm guessin' this is yours?"

Samuel turned as the phone was snatched. His expression one of obvious anger as the man runs. Fortunately the man's not given a chance to get away. Instead Luke Cage is returning with his phone. He offers Cage a quick nod. "Yes, thank you. I don't know if I'd have been able to catch him if it wasn't for you."

"Well, he does look pretty quick, but yeah, no problem, man." Luke holds the phone out to the smaller man, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Dewey got the message. He's gone for good. "He definitely didn't belong here, but you look like maybe you do." Luke sticks his hand out, "Name's Luke Cage. You got any idea where this tea shop is supposed to be?" In his other hand he holds up a tatty business card advertising the Russian tea shop on this street. Luke looks like he only barely belongs in this part of town himself. His suit is expensive, but its definitely new, and his dress shirt is /painfully/ yellow under the gray suit.

Shaking the offered hand Samuel smiles to Luke. "Well, I'm glad I didn't have to find out." He nods slowly as he looks at the card. "I'm Samuel Griffith. And I've actually been to the teashop a few times myself. I can show you the way if you'd like?"

Luke's eyebrows go up. Kindness from a rich guy on the Upper East Side? Wonders never cease! "That'd be great, Sam, thanks. And here's my card, if you ever need it." Luke hands over a crisper, newer looking card proclaiming him as the proprietor of Hero for Hire, body guard and P.I. services.

Samuel takes the card with a nod. "Thank you." He then turns his attention to his phone tapping in a few buttons before placing it back in his pocket. "Still shall we?" He turns and begins down the street toward Russian Tea Time.

"Excellent, thanks again," Luke says, putting his hands in his pockets while they walk. "So what do you do for work?"

"I run a computer security firm." Samuel shrugs a shoulder. "I'm hoping to expand into more general electronic development." He chuckles quietly. "Hardly as exciting as Pee Eye work." He shakes his head, his attention turning to Luke Cage. "It's what I do best however."

"Well, momma always said 'If you're good at something, and you enjoy it, do that, and you'll never work a day in your life.'" Luke laughs out loud and adds, "I think thats why I got in so much trouble as a youngster."

Samuel chuckles with a shake of his head. "I'm afraid that as much as I love what I do and am... If it's not too presumptious of me to say, very good at it.. I can't agree with your mother. I ind a lot of what I do to be incredibly hard work." His lip twists into an almost wry grin. "But perhaps that's simply indication that I shouldn't be running my own business."

Luke grunts and grins. "Yeah, I guess she did make it sound easy, huh? Well, momma doesn't have to work anymore, so I'll ask her if she has any revisions on that." Luke detours briefly walk on the other side of Samuel so he can drop a dollar into the guitar case of a busker they pass, but doesn't offer any verbal comment on the exchange.

And before long they're standing outside the tea store. Samuel offers a nod to Luke. "Well, I suspect my trouble has been never knowing my limits." He shrugs a shoulder. "But I fear this is where I must thank you once again for your help. And take my leave. I hope you enjoy your afternoon."

"Thanks to you too, Sam," Luke smiles and offers an obvious civilian salute. "Take care!"