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Revision as of 09:05, 4 June 2013

Favors for Favors
Dramatis Personae

Peter, Kira




<XS> Medical Lab - B1

Gleaming and sterile, the school's medical facility is all cool science in contrast to the mansion's old-world old-fashion. All stainless steel and antiseptic tinge, the room is filled with the quiet whir-click of the various implements that comprise its medical equipment -- all state-of the art. The hospital beds are curtained off for privacy when they have patients, and in one of the alcoves there is a small operating theatre visible. More heavy-duty equipment is visible in the lab in the back, where the securely locked cabinets keep sensitive equipment out of the reach of teenage fingers.

Kira has been doing shifts at the medical lab. Not that there are that many things to worry about but she offered and has been doing the shifts and when there are no real emergencies she has spent her time mostly reading medical texts and going through medical files. Nothing confidential on students, more about general medical info. Cross-sections of human bodies and film of surgeries and that kind of thing. At the moment she's seated at one of the computers in the corner with a book in her lap, chewing on the end of a pen as she reads. Otherwise the medlab is pretty quiet right now.

"You really like all this medical stuff?" That's Peter asking, over Kira's head. He's /snuck/ in, as Peter is want to do. The chitinous teen is currently clad in a loose fitting blue collared shirt -- untucked from his dress slacks -- along with his two-toed socks. He's got that 'just-out-of-class' look to him; he's also clinging to the med-lab ceiling, palms pressed flat up against it, knees bent, toes applying a careful pressure as he crawls. Sneak, sneak.

Kira looks up, no longer startled by such things as she has had to deal with people teleporting, phasing and otherwise appearing on her quite a bit already since she arrived. So someone crawling in above her head oddly doesn't seem so.... odd already. "Hey Peter. You like stalking girls?" She asks in response as she flips a page of the book then shrugs, "More it's like class work for me. Part of figuring out how my powers work and better understanding what I'm seeing when I look at someone. Maybe with effort I could learn to do things like... oh, I don't know... tell if someone is lying based on body changes?" She suggests as a 'for example'. "But what are you doing here? You get shot or something?" She glances up to see if he's leaking bodily fluids of some kind, or would it be ichor at this point?

"/NOOoooo/," Peter exclaims, rather loudly and forcefully -- at the question of whether or not he enjoys stalking girls. "I just, um. I crawl on ceilings. S'thing I do. And no I didn't get shot I -- you know," he exclaims, releasing the ceiling -- dropping to the floor with a solid KA-WHUMP, landing on the ground behind Kira, "--I /do/ come here plenty of times when I'm /not/ injured. Dr. McCoy's my advisor." He says this with a little indignation, like he's miffed at the sleight. But in the next second, Peter's pushing onto a totally /different/ subject: "Listen I wanted to, um, ask you for. A favor. A big one. It's okay if you don't want to do it." His hand shifts, moving behind his head, /scratching/.

Kira takes a breath and closes the book and turns to face Peter, "Okay, fine, didn't mean to insult you but seriously, as far as I can tell you didn't really ask Kris out to the dance, more got Shane to do it and went as a group, still.... even though you didn't really do the favor /I/ asked you to do, shoot. And I'll consider it. I won't say yes before I hear it though. I'm not stupid." She points out, "Cheerleader persona not withstanding."

"Do you know Mr. Holland?" Peter's still scratching the back of his head, even as Kira goes on about Peter's FAILURE TO PERFORM. "He's one of the teachers here. Really colorful dude, missing one of his eyes. Lots of tattoos. Teaches art."

Kira thinks then shakes her head, "No... no I don't think I've met him yet. Met the music teacher but some how missed the art teacher. Then again, I haven't really been into art much since finger painting age." She shrugs, "Why, what's up with him?" She pauses, "Wait, you want me to heal his eye?" She blinks, jumping to that conclusion, "I mean... do you know if his eye was gone when he was born or if he lost it some how or?"

"He lost it. Long time ago. But that's not -- I don't want you to just -- look," and now both Peter's hands slip out from behind him, opening up toward Kira in a gesture of -- is this pleading? It's hard to tell! "Jax is, he. He hides a lot of things. He's got a /lot/ of injuries. A lot of scars. More than just the eye. Nobody knows. And I, just... I don't know if he /wants/ someone to heal them. But, I thought... he's saved my life. He's, um. I, I want to -- if you are okay with it. If not, I /totally/ understand. But, if you're okay with it... I want to ask him. If he wants to. He might, um, /not/, I mean..."

Blinking, Kira says, "Jax? Is that Mr. Holland? He's part of the reason I'm here. Only... um, I'm not sure he wants to be healed. I mentioned it looked like he had been through a lot, but... even if I could, I am not sure he'd /want/ it.... think about how you complained when I removed your scars, right? He's had a lot longer to get them and I bet he'd be the same way, right?" She points out, "I mean, I'd be more than willing to give it a try, but you'd have to get him to agree to it first. And come to me and /tell/ me he'd agree to it. Otherwise I'm not even going to try. Plus I have no idea how hard it might be to fix something that old. Maybe I could, maybe I couldn't. But.... I'd be happy to try. If he wants it." She says, as she crosses her arms, "But you just think, think hard, how upset you got when you lost your scars. You know?"

"Yeah, I know. That's what I mean, about asking him first. I don't /know/ if he -- I mean, he /probably/ wants his eye back," Peter says, "but you can't just do -- an eye, right? He's got. Um, I mean. I don't -- dunno if I should tell you about all the stuff he's -- would his tattoos go away, too?" Peter finally asks. "If so, we can maybe get Shelby to hold them for him, so you don't delete 'em. I'd make sure, first. I mean, I want to do something -- nice for him. But I'd want to make sure he wants this, before --..." Peter just shrugs.

Kira shrugs back, "Look, I am trying to get better control but I can't promise what would or wouldn't work or what would stay and go. I just can't. It's too... I'm..." She sighs, "I'm too new at this. Okay? I've never tried to give someone an eye back. I've never... done half this stuff before. I just kinda... work by instinct. That's why I sit down here with the books and videos so I can try to figure out how to maybe be more selective or figure out how to better fix people or... I don't know, get some insight on it. But I tell you, you get him to say yes? And I'll try. But /you/ have to ask him. Not me. Cause to be honest, he scares me." She pauses, "But you better not tell him that!" She adds firmly, pre-scolding Peter.

"I wanted to ask you first," Peter responds, thoughtfully, "mostly because, it's /your/ power -- I mean, if I asked him, and he said sure, and you didn't want to -- that'd -- it'd be weird for me /not/ to ask you first. But yeah, I'll ask him. Talk to him about it. Maybe he can talk to you about it." At the mention of Jax being scary -- Peter's eyebrows shoot up. He grins, just a little. "/Jax/? Scary? He's -- man I mean, he's a badass sure but he's probably the least scary person I /know/." Then again, Peter's never seen Jax /angry/.

Kira shakes her head, "You say he's not scary, fine, but you're the boy covered in Chitin and with the buggy roomate. Me? I think he's scary." She says softly, "Anyway, that said, I would like to help him if he's willing /and/ if he understands that I might not get it all, or might remove things he might want to keep in the process.... but talk to him. Explain to him the risks. I mean, not really /risks/. I don't think I could hurt him doing this. The worst that would likely happen I /think/ is I would try and fail, and maybe pass out from the effort. But I don't think anyone getting hurt is a real chance. Still, make sure he understands what I told you. If he's still interested, have him come talk to me, okay?"

"I will. Okay. Thanks," Peter says, and then, quite suddenly -- WHUMP. His feet are attached to the ceiling. He just /backflipped/ onto it. Now hanging upside down. A moment later, and -- his palms are attached to it. "I'll tell Jackson and, um, thanks again and if you ever need anything I mean I am pretty good with SNEAKING," Peter admits, and then -- he is scuttling away!

Kira watches and shakes her head, then gets a thought, "Hey, Peter! Wait up a sec?" She calls out, trying to get his attention before he gets too far.

Peter stops! Mid-scuttle. And proceeds to /turn around/, atop of the wall. It's quite an interesting feat to behold; Peter manages to make it look easy. Just, spin, twist, CONTORT -- and now he's facing Kira, kind of perched upside down, dangling like some sort of -- well, some sort of /spider/. "Nnnm? What's up?"

Kira almost giggles as Peter stops and hangs from the ceiling like that, "You asked if I needed anything that required sneaking? I did have one thing... but not sure if you'd be up for it. Involves a playful prank on Bobby?" She ventures, the boy she went to the dance with no less. "It's... kind of a silly thing but... I had this idea... It'd involve sneaking into his room to plant something. Since he's in the boy's wing I can't really get in there without getting into trouble or being noticed." She points out.

"..." Peter just /stares/ at Kira. There is a certain -- steely hardness in his eyes; a sudden /tenseness/ to his jaw. As if Kira just asked him if he could assassinate the president. The next words out of his mouth come with a /deadly/ firmness: "You are asking me. To prank. Bobby Drake." Pause. Narrowing of eyes: "I /will/ do this thing. What am I planting."

Kira watches Peter's reaction for a moment then tilts her head, "Um, you know this is in good fun right? I don't know if your reaction means you're really eager to prank him or if I've just asked you to do something that you hate doing but will do because you feel you owe me...." She says with a frown, "I should point out that it is... ah, not something that will really embarass him directly, more... make him go 'huh?' and be all confused. And you absolutely can not be caught doing this thing." She glances around, "So make sure you're okay with saying yes before you say it... okay?" She asks. "Because I was going to ask you to plant a pair of panties in his underwear drawer. Sort of a reverse panty-raid if you will. Stupid I know but still.... Should be amusing."

"Kira," Peter begins, his tone losing none of that sudden tenseness, "I take pranking /very/ seriously. It is a sacred, storied tradition, of which I am honored to consider myself a part. For you see," he adds, his hand unsticking from the wall long enough to touch his own chest, with great flourish, "I /am/ the Prank /King/." Then, at the mention of panties -- Peter's face goes violet. He blinks. Owlishly. "That's... That's a very strange prank," Peter informs Kira. "Are you sure you don't want to go with, something more classic? Glue his furniture on the ceiling? Fill his underwear drawer with styrofoam peanuts? Fill his socks with shaving cream?" Peter's /got/ this. "I mean, sure. I'll do it, just. I guess you gotta start /somewhere/."

Kira blinks, and... BLINKS. "Um, Peter? Wow... uh..." She shakes her head, "Yeah, I guess I'm an utter novice at this pranking stuff compared to you." She admits, "I thought it'd be cute and confusing and mildly embarassing if his roomate noticed him pulling out a pair of panties... making him try to explain where they came from. Your ideas? Sheesh... um...." She considers, looking worried that her idea might be too little or the other things might be too much. "You have to remeber I /like/ him, Peter. I don't want him to /suffer/. Plus.... might be amusing if he tried to return them.... right?" She points out, "As it'd be one of mine."

"Pfsh, I am /amazing/ at pranking, it is my secondary mutation. Actually no /chitin/ is my secondary mutation," Peter amends, briefly quirking his head (which is still upside down!), "but if I had -- um, a /tertiary/ mutation, pranking would be it. Well, okay, but I mean you know that -- I mean, uh," Peter's face turns violet /again/. "You are basically asking me to put your panties in a dude's... underwear drawer. I mean, yeah I guess it would be embarassing! But it might, I mean people might think -- you and him are, like. Uh," his hands unstick, fingers from each hand curling together. To simulate /smooching/. ", uh. Izzat okay?"

Kira tilts her head now. "Peter, we went to the dance together. People are probably thinking we are doing that already... at least the kissing bit, even if he has yet to kiss me...." She admits, "But still... anyway, yeah, but I'm not expecting /everyone/ to know, you see. This is a /private/ prank. You can't go brag about it. Got that?" She points out, "If you're up for it, I'll get a pair of my panties later and hand them off to you. Don't worry, they'll be clean and everything." She says with a laugh, "Otherwise... we can try one of your pranks, but I like the personal touch of my idea."

"Oh, s'okay," Peter says, "I mean sure I can do that. I know how to pick /locks/ too I'm basically /awesome/ at this kind of stuff. Uh, okay, but like, -- /make sure/ you wash them first?" Peter says, SCRUNCHING HIS NOSE. As if in fear of. COOTIES. "But uh, yeah, sure. I can do that."

Kira thinks for a moment then laughs, "Or would it be more comical if I just bought a new pack, still in the plastic and had you replace all his normal underwear with it?" She asks, "I mean, that would be more prankish, wouldn't it?" She ventures, thoughtfully, "And then you wouldn't have to worry about them being clean as they would be still in the plastic."

"Sure, /that/ works," Peter agrees, and -- he looks relieved! At the subject of not having to handle some girl's panties is rectified. Although he's still blushing a fleeting bit of violet! "So, just uh, hand them off to me, uh. Whenever. And I'll -- plant the /evidence/."

Kira nods and laughs then shakes her head, "Got it. Sure, give me some time to get them and all. Then I'll let you know. Anyway, in the mean time let me know if Jax says yes?" She adds, returning to the previous topic.

"Will do," Peter responds. Then, /just/ as he is about to scuttle away again -- he pauses, glancing back at Kira. "Er," he adds, "anything else?" WANTING TO MAKE SURE. This time!

Kira waves a hand, "No no, head on out. Talk to you later!"