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Latest revision as of 13:17, 5 July 2013

Vignette - Updates
Dramatis Personae



Peter updates Ivan.


<XS> Ivan and Peter's Dorm - FL2

Camera on. It's Peter and Ivan's dorm room; Peter is walking backwards, away from the camera. He's got on a white sleeveless t-shirt, tan khaki shorts, and a whole /network/ of plastic tubes that crawl over his shoulders, chest, and waist, looping over and down to a small gray box clipped to his pants.

"Ivan!" Peter says, hopping up on the bed's baseboard. "I wanted to send you an email about all the stuff that's happened but I figured a video would be easier and /this/," he adds, reaching down to open the gray box at his waist, "is my liquid cooling garment. It's just a really low tech prototype; I'm gonna weave it underneath the body armor I've been making -- ohyeah, I used your webs to make /bodyarmor/, Ivan."

He fishes out a plastic bag that's inside the box, full of crushed ice. "This thing is /really/ low tech," Peter continues. "S'basically just ice with a water pump. Anyway, I pour the ice in and the pump -- um, pumps." He opens the bag, tipping it over into the box. He then closes the lid. "The finished version'll be woven underneath the armor and will rapidly respond to changes in temperature--" He flips a switch on the side of the box, and--

SPARK SPARK SPARK. The box proceeds to produce a high-pitched /whine/, smoke swelling up from it. "OhGodohCRAPohGod," Peter yelps, darting forward for the camera, almost tripping over himself -- right before the camera goes off.

The camera flips back on! Peter's dressed in a blue collared shirt, sleeves rolled up; blue jeans -- and a meek grin. Stepping back from the camera, he sits on the bed. "Oo~kay," Peter informs Ivan, "so that didn't -- uh, I kind of forgot. That -- water -- conducts electricity? I guess," he adds, reaching to scratch the back of his head, "that's kind of a silly thing to forget /anyway/, the next model will be water-proof. /But/ I also wanted to show you the other thing I'm working on," he says, and now he holds up -- his wrists!

The 'thwippy' things -- Peter's webshooters -- have been replaced. There's an elastic band around each of Peter's wrists, with nothing on top -- but a small plastic pod on the bottom. "So," he explains, "I haven't redesigned the webshooters /yet/ but. I've been working on add-ons? And I thought 'oh man sometimes it'd be cool to have, like, a FLASHLIGHT', so--"

He flicks his wrists up toward the camera, exposing his palms; the pods are suddenly in-view -- there's a BRILLIANT flash of light, enough to actually send a massive pulsing cloud of /WHITE/ scorching across the viewframe. A second later, and there's a yelp -- and a loud crashing sound -- as Peter stumbles toward the camera-frame, having apparently made the mistake of LOOKING DIRECTLY INTO his wrist-mounted flashers. The camera goes off.

The camera flicks back on. Peter is dressed in a /white/ collared shirt, now; sleeves rolled up, with dress slacks. He's wearing the Kisha webshooters, now, frowning a little as he hops back to sit on the bed: "O~kay," he decides, "so um, /actually/ my flashlights are -- more of a pair of blinders? I'm gonna see if I can adjust the settings for the next -- /oh/, right, also I stopped a train with one of my newer webshooters."

Peter thrusts one of his feet up toward the camera, toes wiggling, looking a little bashful. "Kai's been helping with the bugs a lot and, I've been spending a lot of time with Shane, and -- uh -- building stuff. Also not doing /dangerous/ stuff honest. The train was -- man I have to explain it to you when you get back, but typing an email about it seems so /bizarre/. Also, ohmy/God/, Ivan, I've got a job at /STARK TOWER/ with Sebastian, we are," and here there might just be an /edge/ of gloat, "bros with TONYSTARK. He has /robots/."

"Oh man," Peter says, reaching for the camera, as if it were Ivan -- and he intended to /hug/ it. Plucking it up and shaking it. IVAN IVAN IVAN. "--are you having awesome Russian adventures without me I bet you /are/ I bet you're even eating Borscht or something--things are /kind/ of nuts here, Ivan, but I think, like -- it's okay we're all /alive/ and stuff I just wish you were here because you're kind of quiet and there's a whole lot of /loud/. But, anyway, I can't wait to see you again when you get back, and--"

Peter's face slips toward violet. "--and yeah anyway I'll probably just -- send you an email soon this is getting a little long--" CLICK. The camera turns off. This time, it stays off!