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Latest revision as of 02:58, 30 July 2013

Lord of Falling and Getting Crushed

Aka Lord of Incredibly Long Log Titles

Dramatis Personae

Mallory, Mya, Ross


Ross gets crushed. Hard.


<XS> Library

Xavier's librarian might hope the library is a quiet place to sit and study, but with a school full of teenagers that is not always the case. Nevertheless, it is certainly a treasure trove of knowledge, well-stocked with a wealth of books on its high shelves. Its reference section is vast, though its fiction is as well (much to the delight of many of its students.) The wide octagonal tables and smaller armchairs are often crowded with students, though the whispered conversations that often take place leave some doubt as to how much work is getting done at any given hour.

Mya is nestled quietly in the library right now. Why? Well, she loves to read, and it's SUCH a good selection. Her current curiosity? It's focused on a book on dancing. She's eager to learn. Stacked on a table next to her chair are books on chess, LGBT society, biology, mutation, oncology, and even a few teen fiction novels (including the Twilight Series).

Classes have ended for the day, and Ross is happy to be out of them. She decides to head to the library to get the second Elder Scrolls book. The girl is dressed in a long jacket and fingerless gloves, blue jeans, and boots, completely unsuited for the weather. As she passes by, she spots Mya, and stops. "Uh..hey Mya. I wanted to...apologize.". She smiles grimly, as she looks through a nearby shelf. "I was a bit rude and insensitive back at the treehouse. I hope you can forgive me.".

Mya looks up briefly, does that 'eye-smile' of hers, and then waves her hand at the girl dismissively,"It's okay. Everyone gets worked up once in a while." Just like that. As if she'd almost already forgotten it. Then again, she usually tends to be a pretty serene person. "What're you up to in here? Doing some light reading?"

Ross nods slowly, brushing her hair back with glove. "Yeah. Just finished a book, looking for the second one. Can't find it though.". She searches around, looking for it. She finds a book. "Aha, this must be it.". However, as she grabs it, she trips, causing all of the books in the shelf to fall onto her, burying her. "AAAAH!". She then looks at the book in her hand. "Nope, not it.".

Mya leans down to begin picking books off of Ross and stack them neatly after ascertaining Ross is not life-threateningly injured. "I haven't read it, I think...? What, exactly, are you looking for? Maybe I can find it for you?" She keeps picking up books, intimating, "I would help you up, but... I doubt I'm strong enough."

Ross's injuries aren't /life-threatening/, but then again, she breaks like a stick. As she gets up, she's currently screaming about her shoulder. "AAAGH FUCK. I THINK I BROKE IT.". She slowly lifts herself up. "I'll be fine, I'll be fine. Just..gah..need to go to Med-Bay later.". Hobbling slightly, she sits herself down. "This isn't the first nor the last time I've broken a bone. I'll be..gah...fine.". She turns towards Mya. "It's called the Lord of Souls, I think. Not sure. Gregory Keyes is the author, though.". She's now massaging some other sore, but not broken areas. "I wish I wasn't like, a stick. Fuck my body. No wait, I uh, didn't mean it like that...".

Mya frowns at Ross, and then informs her,"You may possibly be the most awkward human being I've ever met." She shifts and puts a hand on the uninjured shoulder, pointing to the exit,"To the medbay now. We'll get your book later. I'll bring it down to you if it's that important. Your shoulder is more important. And don't worry so much. I'm not capable of that, physically. Fucking, I mean."

Ross quickly pushes Mya off her, startled. "What? I'm fine! Just a shoulder, I swear. Like I said, I-aaagh-'ve broken enough bones in the past. It'll hurt, I'll head to the medbay later, I'm fine right now!." From her grimace, she is in physical pain, but is being stubborn. "Now, let me think...what aisle would it be in...". Brushing dust off her long sleeved jacket, she brushes her hair back with a glove, straightening her jeans as she slowly gets up. "I think it's in..-gah-...sci-fi? Maybe supernatural, I'm not sure.".

Mya points at the door imperiously, her smoke-body swelling to provide height and breadth. "No. Go to the medbay. Now. You could develop a marrow embolus that'll stop your heart. Medical care is FREELY available. Go take advantage of that. You know how much I would've envied that back when I was dying? It'll probably be in Fantasy if we're doing Dewey Decimal. Really, I can get it and bring it to you. Now GO."

The library is typically a quiet place, especially on a weeknight during the summer - as such, the commotion, crashing, and cursing has drawn the attention of the resident librarian. The sound of cloven hooves hitting the parquet floor of the library at a running pace preceeds her appearance, arriving through the main doors and making a bee-line for Ross and Mya's location. She wears a flowing black wrap dress, modified to accomodate her tapered tail, ending just below the first joint of her digitigrade legs. Skidding to a stop just beside the scene, she takes in her surroundings, asking, her voice quiet and urgent, "What happened? Did the shelf collapse on you?" There is a slight wince at Mya's statement, concern written on her features as she looks over Ross, "All right, dear. You need to head for the medlab. Now. No questions asked. You may either come with me, or I shall call Doctor McCoy, and he will come escort you."

Ross shakes her head, stubborn as always. "I assure you, I'm fine! It was just an accident!". She tries to smile, to show she is alright, but grimaces in pain. "Owowowow". She grabs her bad shoulder, to try and sooth it, but screechs in pain again as she touches it. "FUCK.". She looks back towards Mallory and mya. "I'm..fine..! I swear!".

Mya shakes her head slowly as she watches Ross sort of injure herself again,"You need to stop screwing with it. AND stop swearing. Seriously. Why are you being so difficult about this? Go get your shoulder looked at. Screaming in pain is pretty much the opposite of 'fine' and you're not proving anything by trying to be 'tough' or whatever it is you're doing. Go. Get. To. The. Lab." She makes a shooing motion,"SHOO."

Mallory narrows her eyes at Ross, drawing her wine colored lips into a thin, stern line; the scowl of a librarian who is none too pleased with the goings on in her domain is a terrifying thing, only amplified by Mallory's already sinister appearance. When she speaks, it is with the Oxford accented voice of authority, "You are not fine, Miss Bennet. I have experienced enough broken and dislocated shoulders in my lifetime to know, you need medical attention. I am escorting you to the Medical Bay this instant, and I will not accept any protestations or excuses." She points with one well manicured hand towards the door, her voice still hushed but stern, "This way, Miss Bennet. Medical Bay. Now." It is to be noted that Mallory is carefully keeping her distance from Ross, deliberately avoiding coming into physical contact with the student, the lightless void of her eyes keeping careful note of the student's motions.

Realizing she's pinned, Ross admits defeat, brushing her hair back with glove. "Fine, I'll go to the Med Bay." Stretching backwards, she brushes her hair back again. "Although I'm /fine/, I guess I'll go, if you /insist/. Lead the way, maam?". Ross's tone shows obvious displeasure, but she wades towards the door anyways. "See you, Mya. I guess!".

It's sort of a long, wavering sigh that escapes her, "God, help that wayward child make it to the age of eighteen." Then she's calling back to Mallory, "I'll put these books back up myself! I know how to shelve them properly!" As for Ross? "I'll bring your book down to you when I find it! Don't come out of there until the doctor says it's okay!" Then she looks at the pile of books and huffs a sigh. "Now I have to clean this up. Brrrr."