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Revision as of 21:15, 23 January 2013

Page subtitle

xxxxxOverview of your character goes here.


xxxxxMerilyn grew up in a large family that was based around the old traditions of the Irish world. Both of her parents were from Ireland, having traveled to America for the same reason as all immigrants. They wanted to find a new opportunity in the country and be able to make their home there. Her mother was that of an old fashioned women, while her father a simple man who enjoyed simple pleasures. They weren't a very close knit family, usually separated by their own actives.

Merilyn was the youngest of six children in her family, like all Irish families who had many children. She was the blessing of her family for being the only girl that was born out of the six children her parents had. Though her brothers always teased and picked at her, they followed in what their parents wanted them to be, simple people who enjoyed being where they were. Three of her brothers going into the fishing business where they would sometimes take Merilyn on a sailing boat. Another one of her brothers ended up being a carpenter, helping around the town that they lived in in building houses and fixing them while her last brother followed in their fathers foot steps. Helping around the bakery that they owned that he would later obtain.

Living on the shores of Cape Cod, MA was a fun life, people were different in their own ways though there were a lot of tourists especially in the summer, though during that time is when her brothers would take her out on the sail boat the most. That is where she learned how to survive on a boat if need be. Teaching her all the tips and tricks on how to fish and to sail a boat if she was ever swept out into the ocean when her brothers or parents weren't around.

Though like most nation born and old fashion Irish family, Merilyns family followed the catholic religion to a T. They believe in most everything in the bible, from the commandments to the text that was held within. They did not believe there should be killing, nor lying in the family. Though Merilyn did not accept that idea of it. Wanting to follow her own path her parents had started to find a slight dislike for her individuality from them. Though that would only be the beginning of why they would not have much care for their daughter.

Her childhood was normal like most people though, her parents were strict but they did care for her deeply. She was always friendly with people, she was the type of person you would be able to open up with and someone who would accept you know matter the types of choices that you had made. Though she was also known for walking home from school and picking up stray animals off the street and hiding them under her bed in the basement she lived in. It was a small house but there were beautiful windows in the basements that you could see the ocean from and she loved the view so she had been allowed to have the basement turned into her bedroom.

There were four really close friends to Merilyn as she was growing up; James, Zach, Rebecca and David. Together they spent the days doing things such as role playing like most kids do, cops and robbers, characters from TV shows, ect. They were not the type of friends to separate easily either, when one was injured the others would step in to protect them or even emotionally, they were almost a support system for one another. This kept them to be a very tight and close bonded group of people.

The day her powers came out was something she didn't forget, while out with her friends they had been sailing out in the water but little did she know her powers had started to come in. While they were out on the water they had planned the anchor out there for a while, Merilyn being the one who loved taking care of the boat was pushing the anchor off the side of the boat when it started to get eaten away, a little at a time it seemed to be losing metal as her friends started to freak out with what was happening. By the time they got it into the water the anchor had been destroyed. Those friends she had known well flipped out, yelling and trying to figure what had happened.

Though by the time they figured out what had happened, it was starting to become more of an interest than a problem to the kids. She though she had become some sort of freak or monster, her friends though found it more interesting and tried to support her instead, thinking that this could only make their adventures more fun, when they got back, they told her parents what had happened out on the water and that's when it started to change.

Her parents disliked that their child had become this creature, thinking that maybe she had been taken over by a demon of sorts snd having the church priest use holy water to try and remove any sort of 'demon' that may be lying inside of her. Though no matter what they did nothing seemed to work to remove this creature from their daughter, finally they they gave in, alienating her from the family and her life.

Once her powers started to come out, she had been taken out of school by her parents who were ashamed of her, the basement that she once loved had become her jail cell. Only the memories of her friends who would visit in the night keeping her happy since she wasn't allowed to see them anymore and night was the only chance she had at seeing them with her parents asleep. Having to finish her schooling at home in the secluded basement room she would spend her time writing or dressing up like she used too.

Once at the age of Eighteen she had left her families care and went into college under a scholarship that she had earned since her parents refused to take care of a demon. Nothing seemed to be working, there wasn't much else her parents could do at that point. When the idea came that she could go away to college, they though that the demon would stop possessing her if she had a change of scenery in a different area.She went to Virginia College, further away from her parents though as well as the ocean she loved to get an associates degree in criminal justice so that she would be able to rise to the ranks to be a detective.

She had always spent her time pondering the life, researching criminals and different people, their Mo's and the types of people that were out in the world. During her time in college she mainly kept to herself when it came to activities with her hands. She would still hang around with the friends she made in college, though she was never as close knit with them. She wanted to be into law enforcement for a few reasons, because she'd be able to help those in need, like her friends had with her while she was locked away in her house and because it gave her a chance to be someone she wasn't when the time came as she had high hopes of going undercover.

She would date around from time to time, but it never got anywhere passed the first date since she saw herself as a freak because of how her parents had treated her. Though she never did tell them what college she went too. For the sake that they would not tell them who or what she was.She did spend a lot of her time in her room and had learned to sew, that is where she made the gloves she wears today, each finger having the initials of her close friends while on the thumb she had her nail. Each initial in a different color for her friends to represent something.

Once College was over she quickly went into the police academy, there she was careful with what she touched, knowing that the metals could be affected by her touch she wore the gloves though had been questioned about it. She advised the police academy that it was just a simple skin condition, though they were fine during her physicals she wore them for the special 'lotion' she used during the day while on duty. There at the academy she met who soon ended up being her partner, Donovan.

They were a good team, able to catch who they needed, whether it be robbers who were running off from the bank or dealing with wife beaters and child molesters. They knew how to help one another out. They had their own ways of dealing with things, and was soon admired by the police commissioners for how well they were able to bring people in.

During that time with her time while she was working to become an officer, she had gotten reaquanted with her friends who were all back at her old home. They had been able to finally get aholed of her, since her mother did not want those 'poor' kids to get wrapped up with something as a mutant. Once they had gained contact with one another it almost seemed like old times, other than the distance between them. Talking and asking about each others days, what they were doing. Thanks to this it helped her pursue her career further as it gave her more confidence.

Soon her partner had been promoted to Detective but were separated, Donovan had been sent off to special victims while she was off with narcotics and that is where she learned to go under cover, taking on different identities to bring down drug lords and small time drug dealers. Having spent a year of special training before hand. That is where she had learned to use different disguises, as well as her female charm to get where she wanted. She had told never told Donovan that she was a mutant but he always suspected something of her though never said a word.

Her undercover work would go on for days, at time she would be wrapping her arms over a drug dealer, acting like his pack mule and dowsing packets of cocaine into her stomach and going over the boarder back and forth she had never truely touched the stuff, staying clean miraculously as well as staying a virgin. Though she did have a few drinks every now and than, partaking of the festivities.

Even a little bit of breaking into places, using either her sweet girly figure to enter or pick locking that she had learned from one worker under the notorious drug lord, One, Mihaly, teaching her how to pick a simple house lock or one that was used to protect a garage that could be full of goodies. As well as learning only a few words of Italian and Spanish and even some Russian when they were making deals with some Mafias, but she was never fluent in any of it, just some words here and there.

She had never allowed herself to get to close to the people she worked with while undercover, young boys at the age of 13 killing people or buying drugs for their parents so that they would not be beaten everyday. Merilyn had learned to harden her feelings towards that, or she would be slapped for showing emotion.

Though that soon ended while she was undercover, her mutant power had been exposed. She had been attacked by one of the drug lords, she had been under a camera and mic and the gun had been pointed at her head, without her gloves on she had grabbed the gun that was slowly starting to melt in front of her and the criminal. Though she had been able to save her life, she had been fired from her job. Once Donovan had found out about this, he went to see her and talk.

He had accepted her even though she was a mutant, and that she thanked him for, they had become good friends. Over the small amount of time they had spent together, her living at his place since she no longer had a place to call her own, the two grew into a closer bond. The two's relationship was blossoming in a short amount of time, making up for the time they lost when they were separated.

Sadly though in his line of work, he had been killed in the line of duty while taking down a serial rapist. She put a D on the back of the glove to keep him in memory. Soon after dealing with the death of the person she cared about, she had been bottling up her feelings. Between the death of Donovan and her undercover work, she was known to be a little unstable at times. Mental breakdowns may occur at times as well as night terrors. Since than though she had left the place she had made her home and made her way to New York where she heard there was a mutant community where she might be able to find people who were more like her. She was able to find a job as a simple night guard for a company, hoping to get away from the past and towards a new future.


xxxxxCorrosive Sweat - Merilyn's mutant ability consists of using her sweat glands, these sweat glands are able to create a natural chemical that smell likes normal swear however that is not what it is because of it's abnormally high PH levels. It also added some unusual attributes to her which ment swear glands in her fingertips and the palms of her hands which is unusual to most humans. Whenever this 'sweat' touches any metal it can cause a reaction that vaporizes the metal in a non-toxic way. It is similar to that when using a match on lets say, a tissue where the middle will burn and the edges will burn up, showing that something had been messing with the metal. This chemical that comes from her still however acts like normal sweat so it can disappear as easily as regular swear. Though she can practice when she keeps in contact with anything that might be of metal. This however keeps her from wearing such things as necklaces and earrings.She can melt through the equivalent of six inches of automotive steel in the space of 30 seconds, or through a foot of the hull of a modern naval vessel within 5 minutes.

This can be a good and yet a bad thing, when she uses her abilities for a long amount of time, it is scene that blisters could be formed on her hands from the build up of the chemical that her body produces, a set back to the amount of liquid that she is able to produce from her palms. However it can also be stopped with a milk base which will neutralize the chemical that she is creating from her hands, because of this it has cause Merilyn to become lactose intolerant because it effects the swear in her body, diluting it.


  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

And everything in between

  • Coming soon.

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Full Name
Codename None
Birthdate None
Species None
Affiliation None
Alignment None
Powers None
Occupation None
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
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