Logs:Shiny and Kinda Morbid: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = [[Horus}], Spencer, Lumin | mentions = Jax | summary = I found it and it's a very good present and you can go all over the WORLD to get presents you could get shinies ANYWHERE you're being a liiiittle selfish I think your dad already likes YOU so much anyway. | gamedate = 2024-08-25 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <NYC> Tompkins Square Park - East Village | categories = Horus, Spencer, Lumin, Tompkins Square Park, Mutants | log =...")
No edit summary
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| categories = Horus, Spencer, Lumin, Tompkins Square Park, Mutants
| categories = Horus, Spencer, Lumin, Tompkins Square Park, Mutants
| log =  
| log =  
Small but popular, this tree-lined park is a perfect centerpiece to the eclectic neighborhood it resides in. Home to a number of playgrounds and courts from handball to basketball, it also houses a dog park and chess tables, providing excellent space for people watching -- especially during its frequent and often eccentric festivals, from Wigstock to its yearly Allen Ginsberg tribute Howl festival.
Small but popular, this tree-lined park is a perfect centerpiece to the eclectic neighborhood it resides in. Home to a number of playgrounds and courts from handball to basketball, it also houses a dog park and chess tables, providing excellent space for people watching -- especially during its frequent and often eccentric festivals, from Wigstock to its yearly Allen Ginsberg tribute Howl festival.

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"Ohmygod!" Spence blurts as Lumin's ear breaks off, and he doesn't manage much more than a flailing stammer at Horus flies away. "Oh no are you okay?" he asks Lumin. "Do you need...first...aid?" He's peering at the jagged but decided not-bleeding wound. And ''then'' he's fumbling his phone from his pocket as it emits a long string of chattery, chirpy bird calls. Stares at the screen. Drags one hand over his face even as he starts swiping furiously with the other.
"Ohmygod!" Spence blurts as Lumin's ear breaks off, and he doesn't manage much more than a flailing stammer at Horus flies away. "Oh no are you okay?" he asks Lumin. "Do you need...first...aid?" He's peering at the jagged but decided not-bleeding wound. And ''then'' he's fumbling his phone from his pocket as it emits a long string of chattery, chirpy bird calls. Stares at the screen. Drags one hand over his face even as he starts swiping furiously with the other.

\''(Spence --> Horus): You can't do that!
*(Spence --> Horus): You can't do that!
\''(Spence --> Horus): Ok obviously you can
*(Spence --> Horus): Ok obviously you can
\''(Spence --> Horus): But that's someone's ear
*(Spence --> Horus): But that's someone's ear
\''(Spence --> Horus): Like, a living person!
*(Spence --> Horus): Like, a living person!

"I'm ''so'' sorry," he's telling Lumin even as he texts. "That wasn't a bird -- I mean yes but -- I'll get him to bring it back? You want it back right?"
"I'm ''so'' sorry," he's telling Lumin even as he texts. "That wasn't a bird -- I mean yes but -- I'll get him to bring it back? You want it back right?"
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They look back to Spence at his apology, scanning him, and their shoulders drop, posture softening slightly, "It's alright- it didn't hurt." They reassure, and they're glancing back up towards Horus, "''Can'' you get.. him to bring it back?" They're asking stilted, confusion ringing in their tone.
They look back to Spence at his apology, scanning him, and their shoulders drop, posture softening slightly, "It's alright- it didn't hurt." They reassure, and they're glancing back up towards Horus, "''Can'' you get.. him to bring it back?" They're asking stilted, confusion ringing in their tone.

\''(Horus --> Spence): Yes I know it's someone's ear it's my ear now.
*(Horus --> Spence): Yes I know it's someone's ear it's my ear now.
\''(Horus --> Spence): Well it will be your dad's ear soon.
*(Horus --> Spence): Well it will be your dad's ear soon.
\''(Horus --> Spence): I'm a very clever bird very very clever you can't trick me into giving you MY shiny.
*(Horus --> Spence): I'm a very clever bird very very clever you can't trick me into giving you MY shiny.
\''(Horus --> Spence): I found it and it's a very good present and you can go all over the WORLD to get presents you could get shinies ANYWHERE you're being a liiiittle selfish I think your dad already likes YOU so much anyway.
*(Horus --> Spence): I found it and it's a very good present and you can go all over the WORLD to get presents you could get shinies ANYWHERE you're being a liiiittle selfish I think your dad already likes YOU so much anyway.
\''(Horus --> Spence): But because I'm a very good very very generous bird I will make you some help.
*(Horus --> Spence): But because I'm a very good very very generous bird I will make you some help.
\''(Horus --> Spence): You can even tell your dad you found it I won't tell I won't tell at all.
*(Horus --> Spence): You can even tell your dad you found it I won't tell I won't tell at all.
\''(Horus --> Spence): Plus a bonus thrown in just for your weird pet statue.
*(Horus --> Spence): Plus a bonus thrown in just for your weird pet statue.
\''(Horus --> Spence): You know it's probably some weird viral ad there's always some new annoying thing like that around here!!! Do NOT be fooled. The corporations KNOW how easily the Tompkins Square gays will be hypnotized by the rainbow!
*(Horus --> Spence): You know it's probably some weird viral ad there's always some new annoying thing like that around here!!! Do NOT be fooled. The corporations KNOW how easily the Tompkins Square gays will be hypnotized by the rainbow!

A short while later, the bird is swooping back and landing with a WHUMPH. This time he is NOT attacking Lumin. He has a ''very'' ostentatious fascinator hat in his beak embellished with large peacock feathers that he drops at an angle onto Lumin's head, droopy over the missing ear. He's shaking a ring from his talon off towards Spence ''just'' a little huffily -- a sunstone ring set into a little gold blazing-sun of a setting. His feathers ruffle up somewhat self-importantly. ''There''.
A short while later, the bird is swooping back and landing with a WHUMPH. This time he is NOT attacking Lumin. He has a ''very'' ostentatious fascinator hat in his beak embellished with large peacock feathers that he drops at an angle onto Lumin's head, droopy over the missing ear. He's shaking a ring from his talon off towards Spence ''just'' a little huffily -- a sunstone ring set into a little gold blazing-sun of a setting. His feathers ruffle up somewhat self-importantly. ''There''.
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"I -- is it ''actually'' alright?" Spence sounds extremely skeptical. "I'm trying. He thinks you're a statue. Sorry." His phone continues to issue rapid-fire bird noises. He continues to swipe out replies, though he's not nearly as fast as Horus.
"I -- is it ''actually'' alright?" Spence sounds extremely skeptical. "I'm trying. He thinks you're a statue. Sorry." His phone continues to issue rapid-fire bird noises. He continues to swipe out replies, though he's not nearly as fast as Horus.

\''(Spence --> Horus): No no the statue isn't a statue!
*(Spence --> Horus): No no the statue isn't a statue!
\''(Spence --> Horus): They're a person who looks like a statue
*(Spence --> Horus): They're a person who looks like a statue
\''(Spence --> Horus): And is now missing an ear
*(Spence --> Horus): And is now missing an ear
\''(Spence --> Horus): Pa DOES like that kind of thing
*(Spence --> Horus): Pa DOES like that kind of thing
\''(Spence --> Horus): But not if it's an actual person's ear!
*(Spence --> Horus): But not if it's an actual person's ear!
\''(Spence --> Horus): Unless the person like
*(Spence --> Horus): Unless the person like
\''(Spence --> Horus): Voluntarily gave it to him?
*(Spence --> Horus): Voluntarily gave it to him?
\''(Spence --> Horus): This person did not consent to being a present!
*(Spence --> Horus): This person did not consent to being a present!

Spence breathes a sigh of relief when Horus returns, and tries very hard not to laugh at Lumin's new hat. "Wow thanks you ''are'' a really generous bird!" He turns the ring so that it sparkles in the sunlight. Not ''quite'' as sparkly as Lumin, though. "Pa would ''also'' like this. Maybe you can give this to him and give the ear back to this person?" He sounds only mildly hopeful.
Spence breathes a sigh of relief when Horus returns, and tries very hard not to laugh at Lumin's new hat. "Wow thanks you ''are'' a really generous bird!" He turns the ring so that it sparkles in the sunlight. Not ''quite'' as sparkly as Lumin, though. "Pa would ''also'' like this. Maybe you can give this to him and give the ear back to this person?" He sounds only mildly hopeful.
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They tilt their head, smile shifting amused, “Maybe I should prep some spares for trading, then. I can start a fancy hat collection.” They flick the feather of the one on their head.  
They tilt their head, smile shifting amused, “Maybe I should prep some spares for trading, then. I can start a fancy hat collection.” They flick the feather of the one on their head.  
Their eyes widen a degree at the invitation for basketball, and they glance past Spence towards it, “''Me?'' Oh I-“ they pause their instinctive denial. They look down at the time on their phone, and finally, they nod. “Ah what the hell…One round.”
Their eyes widen a degree at the invitation for basketball, and they glance past Spence towards it, “''Me?'' Oh I-“ they pause their instinctive denial. They look down at the time on their phone, and finally, they nod. “Ah what the hell…One round.”


Revision as of 03:25, 30 August 2024

{{ Logs | cast = [[Horus}], Spencer, Lumin | mentions = Jax | summary = I found it and it's a very good present and you can go all over the WORLD to get presents you could get shinies ANYWHERE you're being a liiiittle selfish I think your dad already likes YOU so much anyway. | gamedate = 2024-08-25 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <NYC> Tompkins Square Park - East Village | categories = Horus, Spencer, Lumin, Tompkins Square Park, Mutants | log =

Small but popular, this tree-lined park is a perfect centerpiece to the eclectic neighborhood it resides in. Home to a number of playgrounds and courts from handball to basketball, it also houses a dog park and chess tables, providing excellent space for people watching -- especially during its frequent and often eccentric festivals, from Wigstock to its yearly Allen Ginsberg tribute Howl festival.

It’s a warm, sunny Sunday. It’s early enough in the day that the park is still frequented by a number of people playing basketball, going for a jog, some college students playing frisbee, perhaps a birdwatcher with their eye pressed up to their camera lens angled up a tree. There’s a small section of grass that most visitors are giving a wide berth, however, despite the activity throughout the park.

Lumin has drawn a few stares at this point, seated in the center of this patch of grass, a notebook propped up against their knees with a pencil (thick rubber grip to keep it from slipping in their fingers) paused against the paper in thought. They wear a thin yellowy tanktop that the sun easily shines through, and some pastel purple athletic shorts. Their sneakers are discarded beside them, next to a windex bottle and hand towel. Both Lumin and the surrounding area glitter with rainbow colored light as the sun beams through their newly cleaned glass. The only movement that might indicate they’re not a fancy new art installation is the occasional movement of their pencil, flip of a page, or quick scan of their surrounding area. Their writing pauses again, and there’s an ever so slight tilt of their head that scatters the light around them in their consideration.

There's been a large bird perched atop one of the neighboring apartment buildings for a little while now, occasionally flitting between it and another building or the trees. It's intermittently drawn some attention here and there, by people trying to identify it -- is it a hawk? A falcon? An eagle? Nobody seems particularly decided, though several people seem agreed it is Pretty Cool before going back to whatever else they were doing. They seem less sure of this decision now, though -- the bird is swooping down closer -- however large they thought it was at a distance it's clearly much bigger up close -- do city birds get that big, clearly they do, and one lady (with a very very tiny teacup yorkie) is very convinced it is definitely, absolutely going to eat her dog -- she's clutching it very close in fright and has just decided to pack up and run when the bird passes her by.

Thankfully for frightened teacup yorkie lady. Less thankfully for Lumin, because the large raptor is swooping near. Landing on the back of a bench. Tipping its head one way then another to peer at Lumin with large and curious eyes, then swooping again to -- dart! CRACK. His huge talons have perched atop Lumin's head. He's craning his head down, large sharp beak is seizing onto Lumin's oh-so-colorful shiny just-Windexed ear and crackcrackcracking at it.

Spence has been playing basketball with some other youths, the game loud and boisterous but friendly. He's wearing a blue t-shirt bearing the words "Comet me bro!" (illustrated with a cartoon comet, just so you know it's not a typo), gray shorts, and black athletic sneakers, his kippah a bright circular slice of watermelon. When he hears the commotion on the other side of the park he squints and then brightens with apparent recognition. With a quick apology to his former neighbors he's gone --

-- and appears abruptly beside Lumin as they're beset by Raptor of Unusual Size. "Dude, you can't just like, go around breaking statues." Though as soon as the word "statues" is out of his mouth he's reconsidering, taking a closer look at Lumin. "Whoa! Whoa Horus I don't think that's a statue!"

Lumin's eyes flick upwards only a second before they're being used as a perch. They're bowing under the sudden unexpected weight, and attempt to jerk their head away just as Horus cracks their ear clean off, fractures spidering out and the tips of which touch spread to the edges of their face. They make a strained, belated sound, and wave their hands up, trying to dislodge whatever's latched itself to their head. Tiny glass fragments from their ear vibrate and float up in the air in response to their panic, and they attempt to twist away. "Get it- Get off!" They're begging when they hear Spencer's voice, carefully attempting to keep from shouting, "I'm not a- Get off of me-"

There's a stifled sort of squawk from Horus. Then a louder CRACK as Lumin's bright colorful ear snaps off. Lumin's head twists one way; Horus flutters and tumbles, undignified, the other, flopping to the ground and then recovering with a proud fluffing of feathers. He holds the ear up triumphantly, turning it one way and then the other to watch the sparkles dance rainbowy on the grass, his large eyes gleaming bright and excited. His feathers puffpuffpuff a little bigger, and a quiet series of chirrups sound low in answer to Spencer. He struts, just a couple times, back and forth in front of the teenager, showing off his prize, and then his wings spread wide and he flutters back to his rooftop, though he can be seen in the not-so-far distance, bobbing quite happily as the ear winks brightbrightbright in the sunlight. GLEAM.

A moment later Spencer's phone dings, many times in rapid succession. Horus is a SKILLED texter.

  • (Horus --> Spence): I'm giving this to your dad you can't have it I found it FIRST.
  • (Horus --> Spence): Isn't it the coolest though?
  • (Horus --> Spence): Soooo pretty.
  • (Horus --> Spence): I wonder who made it.
  • (Horus --> Spence): Maybe he'll know. He knows a lot of artists around here. I bet he'll be happy. It's so shiny and he's kinda morbid.
  • (Horus --> Spence): Ears could be coming back in vogue.
  • (Horus --> Spence): They were all the rage once, I heard.

"Ohmygod!" Spence blurts as Lumin's ear breaks off, and he doesn't manage much more than a flailing stammer at Horus flies away. "Oh no are you okay?" he asks Lumin. "Do you need...first...aid?" He's peering at the jagged but decided not-bleeding wound. And then he's fumbling his phone from his pocket as it emits a long string of chattery, chirpy bird calls. Stares at the screen. Drags one hand over his face even as he starts swiping furiously with the other.

  • (Spence --> Horus): You can't do that!
  • (Spence --> Horus): Ok obviously you can
  • (Spence --> Horus): But that's someone's ear
  • (Spence --> Horus): Like, a living person!

"I'm so sorry," he's telling Lumin even as he texts. "That wasn't a bird -- I mean yes but -- I'll get him to bring it back? You want it back right?"

(Spence --> Horus): You have to bring it back (Spence --> Horus): Not because I want it (Spence --> Horus): But the person probably wants their ear back?! (Spence --> Horus): Please?

Lumin's eyes are wide as they watch Horus strut back and forth with their ear, and the way they're hunched frozen might give the impression they'd be breathing heavily if they still could. They barely get out a baffled "What-" before Horus flies off. They blink a few times at Spence, and numbly shake their head, "N-No. I don't need first aid. I'm fine." Their hand instinctively draws up to their ear--or where it used to be--idly tapping around it, and their eyes are drawn back up to where Horus sits, watching with wide eyes.

They look back to Spence at his apology, scanning him, and their shoulders drop, posture softening slightly, "It's alright- it didn't hurt." They reassure, and they're glancing back up towards Horus, "Can you get.. him to bring it back?" They're asking stilted, confusion ringing in their tone.

  • (Horus --> Spence): Yes I know it's someone's ear it's my ear now.
  • (Horus --> Spence): Well it will be your dad's ear soon.
  • (Horus --> Spence): I'm a very clever bird very very clever you can't trick me into giving you MY shiny.
  • (Horus --> Spence): I found it and it's a very good present and you can go all over the WORLD to get presents you could get shinies ANYWHERE you're being a liiiittle selfish I think your dad already likes YOU so much anyway.
  • (Horus --> Spence): But because I'm a very good very very generous bird I will make you some help.
  • (Horus --> Spence): You can even tell your dad you found it I won't tell I won't tell at all.
  • (Horus --> Spence): Plus a bonus thrown in just for your weird pet statue.
  • (Horus --> Spence): You know it's probably some weird viral ad there's always some new annoying thing like that around here!!! Do NOT be fooled. The corporations KNOW how easily the Tompkins Square gays will be hypnotized by the rainbow!

A short while later, the bird is swooping back and landing with a WHUMPH. This time he is NOT attacking Lumin. He has a very ostentatious fascinator hat in his beak embellished with large peacock feathers that he drops at an angle onto Lumin's head, droopy over the missing ear. He's shaking a ring from his talon off towards Spence just a little huffily -- a sunstone ring set into a little gold blazing-sun of a setting. His feathers ruffle up somewhat self-importantly. There.

"I -- is it actually alright?" Spence sounds extremely skeptical. "I'm trying. He thinks you're a statue. Sorry." His phone continues to issue rapid-fire bird noises. He continues to swipe out replies, though he's not nearly as fast as Horus.

  • (Spence --> Horus): No no the statue isn't a statue!
  • (Spence --> Horus): They're a person who looks like a statue
  • (Spence --> Horus): And is now missing an ear
  • (Spence --> Horus): Pa DOES like that kind of thing
  • (Spence --> Horus): But not if it's an actual person's ear!
  • (Spence --> Horus): Unless the person like
  • (Spence --> Horus): Voluntarily gave it to him?
  • (Spence --> Horus): This person did not consent to being a present!

Spence breathes a sigh of relief when Horus returns, and tries very hard not to laugh at Lumin's new hat. "Wow thanks you are a really generous bird!" He turns the ring so that it sparkles in the sunlight. Not quite as sparkly as Lumin, though. "Pa would also like this. Maybe you can give this to him and give the ear back to this person?" He sounds only mildly hopeful.

"Just a hassle." Lumin explains with a huff. Their eyes narrow at the twittering phone, and back up to Spence. They open their mouth to ask something, but then Lumin flinches when Horus swoops down, and they crush their eyes shut at against the hat plopped on their head. They reopen them, and very slowly reach up to take the hat off. They grit their teeth, “I am not a hat hanger either.” They grumble, not so much to either of the two, and slowly, gracefully push themself up to their feet. They inspect the hat, then inspect Horus now that he's up close, shaking their head in bewilderment. They take a small unconscious step back, then look back and forth between Spence and Horus. "I've never....What kind of bird...." Their non-question trails off with another shake of their head, scattering more light around, "Where did he even get this hat?" They finally land on.

Horus twitters low and pleased at the praise, head dipping briefly to preen at his wingfeathers. Just briefly, because when Lumin asks where he got the hat he is rearing back, head pulling up and chest ruffling out in a quite exaggeratedly comical look of offense. He stalks back a step or two and then his head darts out rapidly to pluck Spencer's phone from his grip in a swift deft move that would probably be quite alarming if Spence did not know him so well. From somewhere within his Very Ruffled Feathers he's produced a stylus, with which he's swiping at the phone, pulling up a google image search page: VERY FANCY HAT SHOP and then stabbing at the screen to give this lie by way of insistent answer. His head cocks to the side, one keen dark eye fixing sharp and challenging on Lumin.

Spence surrenders his phone without any argument. Maybe more impressively, without any alarm at having it snatched from his hand by a beak that is demonstrably strong enough to break body parts. Granted, Spence is not made of glass. "It's supposed to be a gift," he explains to Lumin. Darts a sidelong glance at Horus's reply. "A gift that he got from a very fancy hat shop." He does not sound in the least dubious about this. To Horus, now, "But like, this person didn't ask you for a hat. Or give you their ear. You should ask people before..." He grimaces. "...taking their body parts."

Lumin doesn’t move but their eyes follow Horus as he types, and there’s a sudden dawning understanding that seems to unfold. Their eyebrows dart up at the reply they receive, “Are you-” They’re beginning to ask Horus, excitedly, then restarting, “-My apologies.” They say with a quick nod. What they’re apologizing for exactly might not be clear, but it does sound genuine. They hold up the hat at Spence’s explanation, “This does seem like a lovely gift, and my ear is rather sharp. Would hate for someone to cut themselves on it. I could trade it back? Or I could trade a different piece? It’ll be smaller, though.” They offer, with a hint of unsureness. “I’m always happy to ah…lend an ear, but remaking a whole new one is always kind of a hassle.” They smile, now, at their own pun.

Horus is still staring hard and accusatory at Lumin, but it's starting to waver, just a little, while Spence speaks. There's a low warble, trilling soft and uncertain in his throat, that is kiiind of softening the still Very Fierce glare he's giving Lumin. His talons dig into the earth; his feathers rustle. The tip of the stylus is taptaptapping meaninglessly at the screen (which is mostly just clicking at the first VERY FANCY HAT SHOP picture he'd summoned up, a place called East Village Hats, and then continued in to explore their offerings; he's currently pulled up a red silk fascinator with leather roses that costs several hundred dollars.)

Finally he looks down and once more pulls himself up sharp and offended at the screen, tapping away that browser tab in absolute disgust. He starts to type into google: GLASS PERSON but deletes this, starts to type ARE STATUES PEOP but deletes this too, starts to type CAN STATUES HURT and deletes this too. Peers up at Lumin's cracked ear. Warbles softly, and in the search bar types: sorry sorry are you person did i hurt you i didn't know i'm sorry i thought you were a glass. which, for mystery reasons, brings up country musician Morgan Wallen's song "Thought You Should Know" and a story about the curse of Robert the Doll, which Horus almost clicks on before instead remembering to nudge the phone towards Lumin to read.

Spence lets out a relieved breath and mouths an unvoiced bracha. "Yep, we're all people here. Peopling this whole corner of the park." This corner of the park is, in fact, still mostly unpeopled besides the three of them, others having either steered clear of Lumin to begin with or fled when Giant Bird swooped down (twice). His relief is rapidly displaced by amazement. "Whoa, you can make an ear? Like. You just grow more...glass?" He looks at Lumin's hand, then tilts his head sideways to look at it front a different angle. "Sorry. Are you actually glass? Kinda?"

Lumin’s eyebrows pinch together at the warble, and their easy smile remains even as they read what Horus wrote. They quickly shake their head at the apologies, “No no- it’s ah- I barely felt a thing. It happens all the time, really.” They reassure, hands coming up placatingly. They nod along in agreement with Spence, “Right, people, not a ah- statue. I am also glass, or I’m pretty sure at the very least.” They say the latter with a back and forth tilt of their head, scattering light across the grass in a playful way. “I don’t ah- grow more glass really? But I can find more and- reattach it.” They explain patiently, “Ears are such a strange shape, take such a long time to get right.” Their shoulders slouch dramatically.

They perk back up and look to Horus, “But enough about me, I’ve spent a lot of time with freakfreaks and you have a look all your own. Your feathers are wonderful—Y’know, I might be able to give you something even better in trade for that ear, if you’re up for it?” They give a sideways tilt of their head, and raise their eyebrows slightly.

Horus's head turns one way and then another at Lumin's reassurance, large eyes peering cannily at the missing ear, and then down at the light moving across the glass. His feathers are sloooowly unpuffing themselves, and when Lumin says they're wonderful he dips his head, briefly preening at a large wing.

Then, after a pause, tucks his head somewhere beneath his wing and returns with a medium-long feather, barred in cream and a rich reddish-brown. He stretches his head forward, sharp beak tapping against Lumin with a veeeery gentle click before he sets the feather down in front of them and picks the stylus back up. This time he actually bothers to open a notes app before he types again:

oh good well this is not glass but it's very pretty maybe you can make an earring when you grow a new ear. Or put it in your hat hats are much much much better than ears they have so many styles ears are very very samey. i think you are getting a good deal here.

He's turning just a little when he writes this to show off his well-kept feathers to their best sunlit angle, even while he twitters just a little chidingly at Spence for clearly trying to undercut him here:

Spence why is that impressive anyone can make ear!!

even you made ear you made TWO most people make ear is it the glass your dad can make lots lots lots of glass ear

(Somewhere here, the feathers around his head are fluffing out, which looks almost exactly unlike ears.)

wait no I don't even have any I've never made even one ear oh no oh no oh no

VERY hastily he is deleting this last bit and replacing it with:

what is better than ear

Spence's eyes go a little wide. His smile goes a little wide, too. "Wait wait he's right! My pa is great at glass art -- are you also a glass artist is that what you mean." He considers Lumin's former ear, currently Horus's ear and potentially in future Jax's ear. "Why is it hard to get the shape right?" Then he squints into the middle distance. "Well. I wouldn't be able to get the shape right." He suddenly perks up. "Anyway I think my pa would love the ear, and will probably want to meet the person who made it. You know." He sounds very casual about this. "One glass artist to another. You're an artist, too, " he reminds Horus. "I don't know if photography is...better than ears, but it's pretty awesome."

Lumin ducks their head somewhat, instinctively, when Horus taps their head, crunching one of their eyes shut. They smile, and their eyes light up when they lean in to read Horus’ message. “Oh- For me?” They gently pick up the feather, oh so careful. They curiously run a a glass finger along it, tracing the way the fibers run across their finger with their eyes. “Thank you, It is very pretty.” They duck their head once again, in thanks. “I’ll be sure to take care of it.”

Their eyebrow quirks upwards towards Spencer, attempting to keep up with him. “Ah- well, they’re an odd shape and- meet your Pa? Does he have a thing for severed ears?” Their smile shifts a little crooked in amusement. They hum in consideration, low and ringing metallic in their chest, “Y’know, I know a different glass art guy who apparently has a thing with severed hands. Maybe it’s a trend.”

They study the feather and spin it slowly in their fingers, and sigh, face softening in acceptance, “Yes, this is well worth the trade. You may keep my ear.” They say, keeping up the pretense that they had much of a choice in the matter. They slap the hat back on, allowing it to sit lopsided over the broken ear. “I do hope your Pa enjoys it. Maybe I will meet him at some point—Would love to see some of that photography too, I’m sure you catch some splendid views.”

Horus's wings give a small fluffing shake, his chest puffing out proudly, and his beak clacks together twice as he looks -- kind of *haughtily* -- over at Spence, somewhat impressive in the way he manages to tip his head to give the very clear impression of looking proudly down his beak at the boy despite being several feet shorter. *Yessss* worth the trade. He's bobbing his head in a slow ducking weave, side to side, low pleased crooning sounds accompanying the movement, and then plucks up his stylus again before strutting off. He takes off in an abrupt powerful flap, circles the park twice, and then is gone.

A moment later Spence's phone chatter-chirps again, this time with a pretty neat aerial shot of the lawn at Tompkins Square -- there's a stark shadow of a raptor that looks like it is dramatically haloed in glittering rainbow.

  • (Horus --> Spencer): even prettier from up up up high!

"Not severed ears in particular," Spence hedges. "He just...has a certain aesthetic." He tries valiantly not to smile while Horus struts. "Okay, you were right. But I was a little right, too." He doesn't seem very fussed about being looked down on, though. Maybe that's just an experience you get used to when you know a guy who's a giant bird. As he retrieves his phone he does a double take at Lumin. "Did you say severed hands?" He chews on his lower lip. "My pa doesn't exactly have a thing for severed hands, either, but..." He doesn't bother opening his photo album. Just googles "Jackson Holland" and shows Lumin the header photo from his wikipedia page. "Is this the glass art guy you're talking about?"

His text app pings just then, and he embiggenates Horus's photo for Lumin to see, too. "He really is a pretty great photographer."

Lumin is unable to stop the soft laughter that rises up at Horus’ strutting, and watches as he take off, unable to hide the impressed shake of their head. Their attention is drawn back to Spence, and they tilt their head. They lean in when he’s showing the photo, and their eyes light up in recognition, “Oh! Yes that’s him! He helped me reattach my hand.” They reveal excitedly, showing off their wrist with a hand clearly attached, “Wait- he’s your Pa? And your-…” they trail off, scanning Spence briefly, and then tracking their eyes upwards where they’re guessing where Horus is. They laugh shortly again, “Well. He might recognize that ear, then.” Their eyebrows rise as their tone rings in amusement, “If he does, you can tell him he has my permission to make something cool out of it, if he wants.” At the ping, they’re looking back to the offered up phone to look at the photo, “That really is a fantastic photo. Glad he’s getting some use out of it already.” They lean back away from the phone, “Do you take after your Pa or friend in the artistic department at all?”

"Yep!" Spence beams with pride. Then cocks his head slightly. "And my what? I mean if you give me your contact info, I'll pass that along and y'all can figure it out between you." He waggles his phone. "If he put you hand back on he could definitely put your ear back on. Or, you know. Make something cool with it." He rocks up onto the balls of his feet, then drops back down. "I do art sometimes." He grins a little crookedly. "I don't think it's what most people would consider 'taking after' my pa, though. Oh! Right, I'm Spence. He/him."

Lumin blinks, then seems to process, “Oh! Yes! I have a phone now! This is so exciting-“ They reach into their pocket, taking out a flip phone. “And I was just piecing it all together is all. I feel silly for not realizing sooner.” They admit with a wave of their hand. They look up curiously, “Oh? What would most people consider it then?” They smile, brightly, and offer a nod, “Ah, where are my manners. It’s been a pleasure to meet you Spence. I’m Lumin. They/Them.”

Spence laughs. "'Being bad at art', probably! But I don't need other people to like my doodles or photos or singing. It's not for them anyway. Nice to meet you! Wow, that is old school." This is probably a commentary on Lumin's flip phone, but it sounds curious rather than derisive. He taps and swipes at his own (smart)phone, then hands it to Lumin. The screen shows a contact form with just the first name "Lumin". "Put in your phone number or email or whatever."

Lumin laughs, and the rainbow scatters of light dance around, “That’s a fantastic outlook. That’s how the best sort of art is made anyway in my opinion.” Their eyes are drawn down to his phone, and then their own, “Charming isn’t it? But ah-” They tap gently against the offered smartphone screen with their glass fingers to demonstrate its unresponsiveness, “Don’t have a stylus on me. Why don’t I just-“ They reach down for their abandoned notebook, slightly crumpled from Horus’ attack from earlier. They quickly write their contact info down in the corner—handwriting neat and swirly—and rip off it off, “You can give this to him, if he needs it.” They neatly fold back closed their notebook, “Thank you, for your help earlier as well. Feel free to reach out too if you or your high flying friend ever need anything—although if he’s looking for another ear he might be out of luck,” They tap their other un-damaged ear with a tink tink sound, “I’ve only got one more to spare.”

Spence frowns, then adds a "hm" sound to indicate it's a thinking frown rather than a disapproving one. He shoves his hand into one of his cargo pockets. Seemingly farther than the pocket is deep, but perhaps it's an optical illusion. He also roots around longer than seems necessary, but perhaps he's just being thorough. "Sorry, I usually only use those for tablets." But by then Lumin has already brought out the low-tech solution. "Super old school." He nods in approval, the motion large and rhythmic and probably longer than most gestures of affirmation. "No problem! I don't think he'll come after your other ear. He knows you're a person now." He accepts the slip of paper and tucks it away. "I guess he might bring you things to trade for other body parts. Hopefully that door hasn't been opened too wide." He glances back toward the ball courts. "I was playing some basketball. Do you wanna join?"

Lumin does a double take when Spence reaches into his pocket, eyebrows rising up in surprise. They watch carefully, as he tucks the paper away, as if that might reveal the trick. They tilt their head, smile shifting amused, “Maybe I should prep some spares for trading, then. I can start a fancy hat collection.” They flick the feather of the one on their head. Their eyes widen a degree at the invitation for basketball, and they glance past Spence towards it, “Me? Oh I-“ they pause their instinctive denial. They look down at the time on their phone, and finally, they nod. “Ah what the hell…One round.”
