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Revision as of 21:02, 18 November 2012


Hard and lean and tough as nails, Jane looks every inch the fighter. Though her average height of 5'5" is hardly imposing, her forceful carriage makes up for what she lacks in size. Her dark-brown hair is kept neat and practical in a close-cropped bowl, and below it her features are clean and symmetrical: light hazel eyes and a long straight nose, high-boned cheeks and a hard square jaw. She carries herself strong and confident, a militaristic economy of movement to her motions.


A hard-ass with a somewhat vicious personality streak, Jane is dedicated to the point of obsession. A clear product of her time in the military, organization and some level of paranoia are integrated through her entire life. Have her as an ally, and she'll defend you to the death. Have her as an enemy, and it might be wise to just give up now.


The military child of a military family, Jane was army from birth. The oldest of three children born to a pair of career army officers, Jane and her siblings had a strict upbringing. As an army brat, Jane did not have a lot of stability in her early life, the family moving from base to base as her parents' assignments changed. Even so, there is a certain kind of familiarity from one base to another, and even with the constant shifting her family was a solid presence in her life.

In between all the base-hopping and disciplinarianism, Jane's childhood was largely uneventful. Routine, even, as might be expected living from military base to military base. That routine was rather shaken up halfway through her high school career, though, when her mutation first began to manifest. Destructive as her powers were, her manifestation jeopardized her parents' careers as officers. Though not inclined to be overly supportive of their mutant daughter, her parents recognized the danger of having an uncontrolled mutant around and, at least, gave her enough support to get her powers under control so that she didn't end up getting them all thrown off base. As with many things in her life, this support came in the form of additional discipline: you had /better/ learn to control yourself. Or else.

With two military parents, there was always a lot of pressure for Jane and her siblings to follow in their footsteps and join the Army as well. Throughout school, Jane always worked hard, and her exemplary academic record let to an acceptance at West Point by the end of high school. The acceptance pleased her parents, earning her their rare and coveted pride -- up until the point where she chose not to join the military academy, instead enlisting straight out of high school. It was the army path, for sure, but certainly not the one her parents had expected for her.

Jane's military career was characterized by the same diligence she had applied to her studies up until this point. With her impeccable record, when she applied for the MOS of Explosives and Ammunition, she was assigned there immediately. Distinguishing herself during her deployments to Iraq, Bosnia and Afghanistan, she rose through the ranks, becoming a Master Sergeant by her mid-twenties.

Even so, despite her outstanding services, the military is not the most tolerant of institutions. When her mutation came to the notice of her superior officers, it put an end to her military career. Quietly honorably discharged for unsuitability, Jane was forced, for the first time in her life, to join the ranks of civilians and find a place for herself in the regular world. Recently discharged and looking for a job, Jane has made her way to New York City, hopeful that in a city so large there will be some niche in which her years of training can be put to good use.