Emilia "Ember" Adams
“It’s not going to be a battle. All we’re facing here is a fucking paradigm shift. It’s a shakedown. Modalities like battle are so fucking Lao Tzu.”
-- The fat kid, American Gods
"There is no right and wrong. There's only fun and boring."
-- The Plague, Hackers
"Satellite from days of old, lead me to your access code!"
-- Ed, Cowboy Bebop
"Wonderful. I never did like to do anything simple when I could do it ass-backwards."
-- The Flatline, Neuromancer
"That's funny because if anyone actually did prove the existence of God we'd just tell him 'nice proof, Fraa Bly' and start believing in God."
-- Erasmas, Anathem
"Achievement is balanced by fault, by a lack. Can't have one without the other. Everyone who excels is overcompensating. Running from something. Hiding from something."
-- Topher, Dollhouse