ArchivedLogs:Sweet Returns

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Sweet Returns
Dramatis Personae

Ghost, Jackson

In Absentia




<XS> Rec Room - FL2

School this may be, but life for Xavier's students certainly isn't all studying. Outside classes, this is a popular spot to find students in their downtime. An enormous tribute to slacking off, this room is a wealth of fun and relaxation.

Comfortable armchairs, couches, and beanbags offer plentiful seating scattered throughout the room, and the cushioned windowseats by the high windows offer a cozy nook to curl up and look out on the grounds.

The room is often filled with the noises of gaming -- whether it comes from the big-screen television (tall racks of DVDs beside it, if nothing can be found on the multitude of cable channels), tricked out with consoles from retro to the latest releases, or the less electronic clatter and thump of the pool table, air hockey, or foosball. For those a little more subdued in their gaming, the cabinets hold stacks and stacks of board and card games, ranging as classic as chess and go to as esoteric as Dixit, Catan, and Gloom.

More days than not, there's some variety of snacks to be found on a table beside the gaming cabinet -- quite often in the form of fresh-baked desserts.

It's lunchtime around Xavier's. Jackson actually /has/ been bustling around the school since early-morning, more-or-less back on his usual timetable -- at least, he was back here in the morning to drop the /twins/ off in time to get /them/ to class. His own morning hasn't been /quite/ filled with its usual schedule, moreso meeting with the administration, trying to work /out/ his classes so that he can get back into the swing of things.

But here come lunchtime he's found doing something so-very-normal for him as he delivers a spiralling stand of mini-cupcakes to the rec rom, laden with tiny frosted chocolate-cinnamon cakes, piped with spiced buttercream frosting, garnished with crushed candied maple walnuts. He's hard to miss even in the more-or-less busy lunchtime room, as brightly colourful a bird as he ever is. Brilliantly peacocky purple-yellow-blue shaggy mop of hair. Sparkling nails shimmering liquidy oilslick rainbow-on-black. Smoky-dark eyeshadow and lipstick in a similar oilslick shine. Shiny purple Doc Martins with silvery leggings tucked into them. Black subtly patterned crushed-velvet skirt over that. Green cow-hugger t-shirt, rainbow striped sweatshirt, bright mismatched armwarmers, bright mismatched socks pulled up over the leggings.

It's hard for him to /move/ through the school much even after a morning in it without collecting a stray assortment of hugs. Ines's comes with a cheerful comment -- "So I hear you're like, a /secondhand/ rockstar now?" as she collects a cupcake en route back to her gossiping in the corner, Taylor's comes without even moving from his videogaming as he streeeetches out a /pair/ of tentacles, one to snag a cupcake and one to wrap around Jax's shoulder for squeeze. Jax's smile has been so bright all day his /cheeks/ are probably starting to hurt. It gets even brighter.

Having heard that Jax is back, Ghost is heading /straight/ for the Rec Room, to both see him, and the spoils he has brought. Dressed in a gray t-shirt, baggy pants, barefoot as usual, sadly nowhere as stylish as Jax, as soon as Ghost reaches him, she's going for a HUG. And also maybe a cupcake. "Jaaax! Welcome home! What was prison like, oh man, are you alright? How is everything?". Her face shows both glee and sympathy, as she bites into the cupcake. "Oh man this is delicious you have /no/ idea how much you've been missed.".

Jackson turns aside from the table, /trying/ to let his smile dim so that his cheeks can have a /break/. It doesn't work, his grin stretches wide again. He wraps his arms around Ghost, squeezing in a firm tight hug once he has extricated himself from the /other/ hugs. "Ohgosh! Hi! Wow. /Hi/." He releases her to lean back against the table, palms braced on it. "Prison was /really boring/," he answers her with a wrinkle of his nose. "I mean really and everything was /grey/ and they didn't have a /single/ cupcake, not even /once/. But bein' out has been /amazin'/ an' I've had so many hugs my arms've been gettin' a proper /workout/. How've things been /here/, ohgosh I've /missed/ you guys."

"No cupcakes? AT ALL? Sounds like torture. Villainous, villainous torture.". Ghost teases, taking another bite of the cupcake. "Well, I don't mean to br- okay maybe I do, but, my article brought forward a ton of stuff, like we had a whole week of seminars and stuff. I feel proud.". Ghost grins at the acknowledgement of her superwork. "But, mostly, it's been hell, we've /all/ missed you..and your baked goods.".

"No cookies either." Jackson says this with a longsuffering sigh. "Took my lawyers a hard enough fight to win out for --" He wrinkles his nose. "Some. Horrible energy bars. Don't ever go to prison, Ghost. They took my Care Bear away, too. Wasn't no fun at all." He brightens again at the news. "Oh, wow! That's amazin' news, honey-honey. M'so glad to hear it. So things've been gettin' better around here? They really took that t'heart? You /should/ be proud, sweetie. That's the kinda thing journalists /do/." Though he laughs, nudging her in the shoulder for that last comment. "/I/ see how it is. Y'only love me for m'cupcakes."

"Oh man, I am never going to prison, if I can help it. No sweets, no stuffed animals? That's inhumane.". Ghost chuckles, as she nods. "Maybe. I kid, the cupcakes are just an added bonus.". As the thing about journalists, Ghost sighs, nodding. "About that. I actually..don't know if I'd be a good journalist. Okay, I would, but I doubt anyone would hire me and..I've kinda considered another route after graduation, if possible. One that'll keep me at the school.".

Jackson leans a little bit more heavily against the table, teeth scraping in slow wiggle at his lip ring. "You know you can freelance," he muses, slowly, "which might be a good route given that there /will/ be more difficulty findin' places that'll hire you. But writin' articles from wherever you like an' /selling/ them to places, that you can do." His head tips slightly, gaze flicking over Ghost with a crooked twitch of smile. "Yeah? Sometimes I feel like we're the Hotel California."

"Yeah, I know I can. But, maybe there's something better I can do?". Ghost finishes her cupcake, as she smiles back. "Like. Being an X-Man. Helping people. I graduate this year, or atleast, I think I do, I've been doing my credits, so.". She sighs, stretching back. "But, anyways, it's good to have you back.".

"Better," Jackson says with a laugh, shaking his head slightly. "Not really a question of /better/, you kinda have to do both. I mean, being an X-Men sadly doesn't really pay rent. It's like a sucky extra job that -- takes time and, uh, doesn't. Pay you." His nose wrinkles. "But if you're interested I can start taking you into the DR for extra sessions. I mean more /focused/ sessions than what we do. Stretch your legs a little more. Metaphorically. Or -- not metaphorically even." A faint blush dusts his cheeks.

He rolls his head back, considering the ceiling for a moment as he thinks. Nods. "You do," he confirms, with regards to her credits. "Graduate, I mean. We could sit down and talk about it. X-Men stuff. And not-X-Men stuff. I know a person who does journalism things who'd probably be good for you to talk to just about options, if you were interested in seeing what kinda options you could look into that direction, too."

Ghost nods, taking it in. "Yeah, that' great. And hell, if I can do both, that sounds alright too.". She grins, stretching back, looking around the room, ears perking at all the sounds. "Woah wait you know a journalist person? Are they famous? Is it. J. Jonah Jameson?". Ghost grins at this thought. "Wait no I think he's a bigot, nevermind.".

"No, not -- him." Jax's nose wrinkles. "Jus' the person who's been helpin' get all this Prometheus stuff out there. I don't know if Jameson is actually a bigot I think he's more like a troll but I ain't sure that's much better," Jax admits with a grimace. "But I know someone who's been involved in journalism in kinda a -- freelance mode so that might help. Help y'figure out how t'get started I mean." He nods, half to himself like making a note. "'kay. I'll look over your schedule an' figure out when might be good for workin' in extra sessions. It's -- kinda a crazy time commitment," he warns, "and -- kinda a crazy /life/ commitment. But -- we can have that whole bit it'll-change-your-life-an'-you-might-die talk later. For now there's cupcakes."

Ghost nods, grinning. "He looks like a troll, too. Though, anyone who can help me would be pretty great.". At the death thing, Ghost nods quietly. "I know the risks and commitment. Though, yes, right now, delicious, delicious sweets.". Ghost is then maybe grabbing another cupcake and heading off into the direction of some students to /chat/.