ArchivedLogs:All Apologies

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All Apologies
Dramatis Personae

Peter, She-Hulk, Faelan

In Absentia




<XS> Back Porch

The back patio is a restful place to sit and relax, in most weather. Ample seating comes in the form of umbrella'd deck chairs and a cushioned porch swing, and the neighboring gardens attract butterflies and hummingbirds to make the viewing pleasant. The hot tub is usually open for use, though in snowy weather the transition in and out is a shivery one!

The weather was starting to become more spring like as the clouds and rain that had been glooming up the area had finally buggered off. There were a few students scattered here and there, mostly sitting to themselves and reading with headphones blocking out the rest of the world. It was as isolated an open area as was to be found, and oddly quieter than the library on general days, with mostly bird songs being heard, outside the occassional headphone leaking its music to the area around.

One of the students sitting in the shade of an umbrella'd deck chair is Faelan, lost in his own world like the other students seemed to be. The assigned english reading assignment was resting in his hands, as his attention kept drawn to it. His face was showing the strain of the past day though, between the stress and additional counciling sessions, he had the marks of lack of sleep, and his sweat shirt and jeans were what he had been wearing the day before.

"Hey. Hey." This is from above Faelan, now. Emerging from somewhere in that bright blue sky. "Hey." Again. Above the umbrella, just out on the edge of the roof. "Hey, Faelan. Hey. HEY." Peter, clad in a red hoodie, blue jeans, nylon backpack... and perched on the edge of the roof. Hands clenching it, peering down at him. "HEY. FAELAN."

Cringing in on himself, Faelan glanced up at the yelling of his name, and then it being Peter, he curled in on himself more. "Go away," he said murmuring to himself, but without enhanced hearing it would have required being right on top of him to even hear him. Still with the body language, it was pretty unmistakable that he was not happy, and it that wasn't enough putting the book closer to his face to hide it should get through.

"HEY. FAELAN. FAELAN HELLO FAELAN I AM TALKING TO YOU CAN YOU HEAR ME FAELAN. FAELAN." Peter might be just a /smidge/ oblivious. And just in case Faelan's wondering if Peter's gotten the message yet - he /jumps/. Off the roof edge, over the umbrella - /spinning/ like some mad little twirling jack-knife - somehow managing to /reverse/ his position in mid-air. When he lands, he's standing atop of a chair opposite of Faelan's table, arms held out to balance himself, the chair wobbling back and forth - one sneaker sole on the seat's edge, the other on the top of the chair, keeping it teetering on its two back legs. Like he's surfing.

"FAELAN. It's me, Peter," Peter tells him, staring at the ground, working hard to keep himself upright. "I wanted to say I'm sorry about all the stuff that happened the other day--" Balance, balance. "--and sorry we didn't come and get you right away--Ivan's spider was in trouble--" Balance, balance.

Not too far from the two is one of the teachers. Jennifer has decided to keep a watchful eye on Faelan for the next few days to ensure the safety of both those who come in contact with him and Faelan himself. Of course, she let him know as much. Currently, she by the door leading back indoors, leaning against the wall with her thighs crossed. At the same time, she is enjoying the spring weather, clad in tight jeans and a white T-shirt with purple sleeves. With her arms crossed and a half-expectant, half-judging look on her face, she quietly watched the scene unravel before her.

Looking terribly embarassed as other students looked towards the two before turning up the volume of their music devices, Faelan looked over the top of his book to Peter. "Go away. I'm still sore from all the shaking." There was something in his eyes, as if it couldn't decide whether to be sad, afraid or angry at Peter. "I get scared, and then shaken, and then I get detention, and its both of your faults." Pulling the book back up to hide his eyes, since if he couldn't see him, he couldn't get in trouble again.

"I'm sorry dude it freaked me out I thought Ivan might be in the /Atlantic/," Peter explains, still balanced on the back-and-front of that chair, arms still on either side of him. Wobble, balance, wobble. "I mean I probably shouldn't have shook you like that but I was kinda desperate and scared I thought he might be /drowning/ and you'd need to send me to him cuz I could swim."

If Peter finds the stares of other students embarassing, he's long gotten over it; those students who observe Peter's antics in the past have probably gotten used to the boy pulling random acrobatic stunts. He backflips off the chair - which proceeds to right itself with a THWUNK - and lands behind it, on his feet. TA-DA! He even holds his hands out, as if for applause. "Anyway Ivan got detention too! For scaring you."

And when Peter manages that successful flip off the chair, Jennifer lifts a brow in mild surprise. This may be only her second encounter of the wild Petericus Parcericus, but the boy is yet to prove to be able to not confuse her.

But Pete's antics do not hold her attention for very long. Instead, she looks over to Faelan, feeling as though she stands on the very brink of intervening. Although the itch to school the two is there, at least Peter is trying to make up for his mistakes by trying to apologise to Faelan. Inhale. Exhale. Continue watching.

Still hiding his face behing the book, Faelan was beginning to figure that Peter would do whatever he wanted no matter what you told him. "I told you guys I didn't have control over where. I couldn't have sent you where he had gone if I tried. With how bad you were shaking me, you probably would have been sent even farther if I hadn't tried Not to send you. I had my eyes closed, and you kept shaking me, and I don't know where half the trees went. At least I hadn't seen you clearly." There was a consternation there in his voice. "I'm dangerous, someone could have gotten hurt real bad. I'd been doing really good. I haven't teleported anyone else in months, and now this."

"Well, nobody's dead," Peter states, as if this settled everything; he smacks his hands together. Smack, smack, smack. "So, no biggy. 'Sides you could send me anywhere I'd be /fine/ I am basically made of awesomantium. I /am/ sorry I shook you but I was scared so, anyway. /Everybody/ here's dangerous," Peter adds, hopping in /front/ of the chair - into it - with a little 'hup'. "I mean dude Ivan controls /bugs/ have you ever seen a dude eaten by a swarm of cockroaches? I haven't but Ivan totally could do that. He lost control of his bees once and it was like BEE-TOWN, population: XAVIER'S. It was totes cray cray. Anyway you'll be fine I mean you'll probably teleport somebody else too a couple of times by accident that's why you're here to learn not how to do this stuff." All so blanche, all so blithe; like there's absolutely nothing in the world wrong with anything at all.

With yet another sigh, the teacher finally pushes herself off the wall. "The difference, Peter, is whether you /choose/ to be dangerous or someone else makes that choice for you." Her heels, low as they might be, are still prominent enough to form rhythmic clicks as she draws nearer the two teenagers. "It is your responsibility as much as anyone else's to know the abilities of your friends and to not coax them to surface. Even if their power is to make ice-cream or cancel classes."

Pausing to stand besides Peter and Falen, Jennifer burrows her thumbs into the pockets of her jeans. "I was bullied in school", she announces. However, she does not voice the fact that it is something Faelan shares, whether or not this information was already shared with Peter. "My ability is directly tied to my mood. And yet I tried my best - without the luxury of great teachers that you two have - to control it. But one day, one boy tried too hard. I broke more of his bones than I care to count. That was not /his/ fault. That was /my/ fault." Not that she believes that entirely, but, eh, the things you tweak a bit to teach children.

Shaking his head at Peter, Faelan figured the easiest way to deal with it was to just get steam rolled and then maybe things would get back to normal. "Fine whatever. " Letting out a sigh, and lowering the book, he twitched as the teacher showed up beside him. Facing her, even if his eyes were closed, he looked contrite at that. "Yes ma'am, I remember what the class said. It would have been safer for all of us if I jumped myself instead." He lowered his head in guilt.

Peter blinkblinks as Jennifer emerges and starts to speak; well, at least he didn't jump thirty feet in the air. "Oooh... oh hi, um. Oh --" He looks to Faelan, then back to Jennifer, and then, back to Faelan: "--yeah I figured that's why Ivan's getting detention and all, I mean I guess I used to deal with bullies a lot too, like, before I came to /this/ school I mean, and sometimes I really wanted to punch them, but--" He peers at Faelan. "Would it? I mean - safer for all of us? You'd just be in some random place instead of /Ivan/."

After sending a cursory glance to Peter, Jennifer looks back to Faelan. Mild confusion does not stay on her features long, instead replaces with casual disapproval. In this regard, it looks like Peter and the teacher see eye to eye. "/Jennifer/. I am no 'ma'am'. And no, that's not exactly what I meant. Peter's right, y'know. Amazingly. It would have been safer if you did not jump /at all/. Now, if you had total confidence in where you would end up, then you could teleport." A bit of a smirk desperately tugs at a corner of her lips. "After making sure you signed off with a faculty member, first, and came back before curfew."

"The class of Power and Social Responsibility is going to see a few changes with me around, I'm afraid. I believe it's not how often you use your ability that hones it. I believe it's /not relying/ on your powers in the first place is what will teach you self-control. You will have to learn to deal with difficult situations using your human brain and your human hands. I imagine that task is going to be more difficult for some more than others--" Jennifer pauses deliberately to look at Peter with a meaningfully cocked brow, before looking back to Faelan. "But I will make damn sure all of you manage."

"I'm used to it Peter, and so is the school." Sighing and shaking his head, Faelan at least opened his eyes, but still wasn't looking at anyone. "I'm not a hero, I can't fight, heal, or anything that a lot of the other guys are trained at. They trained me to /Survive/. I can tread water for a long time, I know how to find food and shelter. I learned all the ways to tell where you are by the animals, and plants and the stars. I can ask for help and where is a phone in a dozen languages." Lifting his over baggy shirt, it showed his scrawny stomach, until his hand touched something, removing the invisibility of a small survival pack strapped there. "As she said, the school teaches us what we need most."

"I don't have a human brain or human hands," Peter says, eyebrows /scrunched/. "I've got a /mutant/ brain and /mutant/ hands I mean /look/--" He produces his phone, sets it on the table, and *SMACK* goes his hand on the back - when he lifts it up, the phone is /sticking/ to the hand. Peter waves it back and forth; the phone continues to stick!

Peter /peers/ at the survival pack that suddenly turns visible. "You can turn things /invisible/," Peter says. "And you can /teleport/ dude come on once you figure that stuff out it'll be awesome. And I mean even if you don't figure it out, you can just figure out how to keep it off and stuff and that'd be cool."

Faelan's dismissal of her words only irks Jennifer. In a truly sassy fashion, she crosses her arms, her palms and fingers pressing fiercely against her strong upper arms. Peter's display does not help. "I will make things work", she ominously warns Peter.

"Focusing her attention on Faelan once more, Jennifer remains silent a moment longer, perhaps to ponder how best to approach this. Fortunately, Peter speaks her mind just as well, albeit perhaps a bit more chaotically. "Faelan, you are a /gold/ mine for infiltration and defense. Should Xavier's School ever come under heavy attack from anti-mutant activists, /you/ will be the one to lead evacuation efforts. If someone ever points a gun at me, I will be powerless to stop them, while /you/ would be able to protect me."

"Yes m," Faelan paused before he said ma'am, but went to the best catch, "iss Jennifer. I know we're here to learn to learn how best to use, or not use our powers in a safe and enriching environment. I'm sorry." There was definitely embarassment from him due to the praise of his powers from both of them. "They have hopes that once my psychological issues have been seen to I will be an important and useful member of the Institute. Its just depressing when I compare myself with others. I know its not a matter of comparison, we're all unique and gifted in our own way." There was definitely the feeling he was quoting that last one at least. "I'll do better."

"Okay so I'm sorry Faelan again and maybe I can get Ivan and he can tell you sorry too? If that's okay?" And then, regardless of the answer, Peter's flipping out of his chair, the phone pocketed; on his feet, he shoves his hands deep into his pockets and announces: "I've gotta go check on classes."


Jennifer sneers as she looks down at Faelan.

""Faelan, you don't have to feed me those cookie-cutter responses. I don't know what teachers you were tutored by, but I sure don't expect /my/ students to give me that treatment. Tsh." Despite the scoff and the harsh attitude, her tone is not too strict, nor is it condemning. "Fae, you are an ambitious chess player complaining that he is not going to make it to NBA. That is how ridiculous you sound. Focus on your strengths, because only /then/ you will learn to control them."

As Peter departs, jennifer sighs softly, watching him bounce off. "Nh, that kid has a busier head than a bee hive."

Blinking as Peter mentions classes, Faelan pulled out his phone checking the time. "Oh no, I'm going to be late. Um, I need to run too." Picking up his book and groping around on the ground for a backpack that came into sight as he grabbed it, he looked to Jennifer. "Thank you for looking out for me. I'm sorry, for everything." If nothing else, he did seem to mean what he said in that statement.