ArchivedLogs:Staying Safe

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Staying Safe
Dramatis Personae

Munch, Kira

In Absentia




Munch's offer of a pillow to drop Kira's head against turns out to be an abandoned, boarded up apartment complex on the rougher side of town; some of Munch's friends - surly, scary looking people in black leather jackets - seem to be squatting there, their bikes stashed in the hallway - clustered like a hive of angry, vicious wasps that have claimed some chunk of the urban world for their own. But all it takes is a big smile from Munch - followed by a brief flash of glowy eyes from Kira - and all the scowls and growls and /distrust/ seems to melt away at once; nobody seems /interested/ in her, but nobody seems to want to turn her away. Munch might get a glare or two - someone might ask him if he's gonna keep bringing strays around - but the barrel-chested biker just /frowns/ at them, as if this was sufficient to deflect any complaints.

Munch's bedroom is... well, it qualifies on account of having a /bed/, but not much else. It's filthy; the walls are stained with soot from the fire that's responsible for getting this building condemned - the wiring doesn't work - but there /is/ a mattress, and there /are/ blankets (they, at least, seem clean), and there /is/ privacy. Munch deigns to sleep elsewhere. Kira /might/ notice, though - when he steps out, he squeezes the knob in an unusual way... not just locking the door. But quite literally /fusing/ it shut.

Assuming that doesn't prompt Kira to escape out the window, it's pretty early in the morning when Munch comes back up the steps, thudding away before tinkering with the door - click, click, click - unfusing the lock, then giving a steady knock-knock-knock to see if she's up and about and decent.

Kira is too tired and in too much pain to flee. She probably has at least some cracked ribs if not badly bruised ones from the sharp kick she had gotten earlier in the night and her eye has started to swell a bit, and blacken from the back handed blow she had gotten. She's been running on empty too long and thanks to the food that Kay got to replace her lost food, she's not starving. So sleep comes quickly. She doesn't question Munch's friends or Munch for that matter and if she notices the way he locks the door well, she doesn't react to it.

Soundly sleeping until morning, when there is a knock, Kira sort of rolls out of the bed. She left her clothes on, so decent isn't really an issue. "That you, Munch?" She asks, in response to the knocking. "If so, you can come on in, if not, you better go talk to Munch before coming in here." She says, with a touch of nervousness in her voice. Assuming Munch does open the door he may be in for a wee bit of a surprise. For one Kira isn't wearing her sunglasses, and two there is no sign of the black eye she should be sporting. In fact her face looks completely fine. She's also not favoring her side at all, like she should be if that kick was as bad as it looked. Seems a night of rest did wonders for the girl's health.

It is, indeed, Munch! Dressed in pretty much exactly what he wore yesterday: White t-shirt, leather jacket, jeans, red bandana, and a smile. And carrying - oho. SUPPLIES! In one arm is a small box with 'DUNKIN DOUGHNUTS' written across it; it has the smell of - sweets. Pastries! In the very same hand, he's clutching what apparently is a cup of coffee from the same place! And in the other hand - he's got a bag full of clothes. Just, a black garbage bag stuffed /full/ of various articles of clothing. Munch wasn't particularly careful in his selection; he just snagged anything that looked vaguely Kira's size and stuffed them in there. He approaches her with the bag, the box, and the coffee. His head cocking as he notices her current state. As he sets the items down at the foot of the bed, he points at her eye - as if silently inquiring. Errrooo...?

Kira reaches up and touches her face when Munch points at it. She really had her attention on the food more than the bag to be honest, food seeming to be a higher priority for her at the moment even if her wardrobe could use some freshening up, as could she to be honest. She gives a little shrug, "Ah, yeah.... um, since my... um... change?" She seems unsure how to refer to when her powers became active, "Since then, I go to sleep and... when I wake, I'm pretty much fine. I think that's the worst it's had to heal up, my ribs and all, but seems to work... not sure how, or why." She admits.

"So? Those for me?" She asks as she points to the box marked 'Dunkin Doughnuts', as she gives Munch a little hopeful grin. "I, uh, I really can't pay much you know... for the room or... food or any of that?" She says as she starts to frown. Her eyes are glowing a kind of wary yellow at the moment, a definate change from the whitish blue of last night. Seems her eyes shift color as well.

"!!" Munch perks at the mention of night-time healings, and then proceeds to /grin/. Like this is quite a helpful benefit! His teeth are all very straight, but have a slight off-white tint to them - not /quite/ metallic, but just a little... greyish? He nods at her question when she points at the box; he proceeds to wave a hand dismissively at the mention of money - like she was being a silly billy for even bringing it up! But then, he speaks - his voice once again rumbling - some deep, metallic reverbration that /shakes/ through the floorboards and even manages to make the bed rattle: "You can't stay. But, you can eat, first. Can drop you off someplace, if you want."

Kira ahs and reaches out for the donughts, whatever form of pastery that might be contained in the box is rather set upon by an overly hungry girl. She seems to not really be up to table manners at the moment, seeming ravenous. She nods to Munch's words, and between bites says, "I don't really know where to go...." She admits, "I've just been finding empty alleys and cardboard boxes and stuff, trying to figure out what to do." She goes back to eating as she gives Munch a questioning look, as if she hopes he might have an idea of where she could go. Food really does seem to be her focus, making it pretty clear she had been rationing herself and her limited money up to this point.

"Mmmm." Munch plops down on the floor; it's actually quite silly looking. He is /huge/, and kind of threatening (were it not for that obliviously harmless look he seems to constantly carry), yet his posture is almost /childish/ - legs crossed, fist against his chin, /peering/ past Kira out the window. You can almost hear those metal gears in his head churning away at this problem...!

"There's places," he tells her, his voice a dull, metallic rumble - his gaze distant. "Heard they're not taking mutants anymore, though." More thinking. Think, think, think. "Kay's friends. Help muties. Maybe," and now he's /really/ thinking, gnawing away on his bottom lip - his brow /folding/ over itself. "Maybe could join us? Uh. Gotta be tough, though." And as if to emphasize this point, Munch reaches - quite suddenly! - for the radiator. Seizing it in his fist. There is a sound, like /creaking/, as he squeezes - leaving the imprint of his fingers in the cast iron.

Kira watches all of this thinking and so on as she finishes the contents of the box, all of it, then switches to the offered coffee to wash things down, "Uh, I'm not... tough like that." She says rather bluntly. "I mean, I get hurt, you saw that. I bleed, I'm not like you and Kay. I can't chase the bad guys away with a look or some fancy power or something. I... well... I can see things sometimes, things about people, inside them, like if they're sick or hurt, or... different. And I can help make people better?" She ventures, "Not... um, I mean I can't /fix/ things that are supposed to be there. But if like one of you broke a bone or got hurt I could probably fix you up?"

Kira offers those suggestions but then sighs and frowns, "But I'm not really... I mean, I don't think I'd fit in with your people, the ones we saw last night? I'm.... it's just not me." She admits, almost sadly. As she says this her eye glow shifts from that yellow from before to a bit of a dark blue glow, that seems to mirror the sense of sadness from her. Depending on how observant Munch is he might start to realize the eye colors are like a glowing mood ring for Kira.

Munch /perks/ avidly when Kira mentions being able to make people 'better' - particularly the notion of fixing broken bones! /That/ definitely catches his interest. But when she goes on to say how she's probably not likely to fit in here, he frowns - not an angryfrown; more of an 'I-Understand' frown. He nods his head, once - curtly - watching her eyes as the color shifts down to a darker blue. Then: "Could really /use/ a doc," he tells her, "but, we're pretty rough. Maybe," he adds, and now he's thinking again: "Kay's friends. Helped him. Help you, maybe? Can take you there." Munch smiles at this prospect. Yes, Kay's friends seem to fix /everything/!

Kira gives a shrug, "Maybe? I don't know Kay but... he seemed like the kind who gets angry easy. Not at you but... I kinda rub some people the wrong way. I think making him mad might be a rather painful experience." She says softly, probably trying to joke to lighten the situation but... her sadness is tinged perhaps with a bit of fear as her eyes shift a bit from that dark blue to more of the white tinged with blue of last night, but perhaps more blue this time. "I'd help anyone here if I could, you know, just... don't think I'm really made for tough stuff. Who are Kay's friends? What do you know about them?" She asks as she reaches for her sunglasses and slips them on, perhaps out of nervous habbit.

Then Kira glances over at the bag of clothes, "What's in the bag? Is it for me?" She ventures as she looks from the bag back to Munch, unsure what to make of all the help this brute of a gentle giant seems to be offering, but glad for it in any case.

Munch nods at her question concerning the clothes. SHOVING the bag at her. Inside are... well, yes. Clothes. Lots of clothes. A couple of jackets, pants, underwear, socks. Even a couple of shoes! All of them a little worn out, but all of them clean. Well, maybe not the shoes. Clean-ish, anyway.

"Nobody'll hurt you here," he tells her. "We /like/ mutants." And then he's /grinning/, wide and broad, his teeth flashing at her. "But, yeah. We're rough." The grin fades, replaced with a frown. Like being rough isn't something Munch is very accustom to. Then again, the guy looks like he could get hit with a semi going 50 and get back up for seconds. "Dunno much about 'em. Helped Kay. Helped others. Helpin' mutants." This, it seems, is sufficient reason for Munch to consider them 'good folks'. "Got th'chip outta Kay's head."

Kira blinkes a bit then tilts her head, "Chip in his head? How did....?" She shakes her head, "Never mind..." She starts to dig through the bag to find a few things, as she really could use a change. Of course a shower might be an even better move but that seems unlikely in the current surroundings. "Thanks, Munch. Really. Those guys... they would have messed me up bad last night. Maybe even killed me. I'm pretty sure I die just as easy as before, and I sure still feel the pain. This is all pretty new to me, and hard to think about. Wish...." She shakes her head and just trails off, not finishing that thought.

She spends some time picking through things then glances back at Munch, "Um, so can I change into some of these things? I mean, clean and all? Or is the whole bag for me or?" She seems unsure just what the situation is and seems to be a bit bumbling at the moment, off balance socially as this isn't really the kind of situation she is used to, that much is clear. "If you think these friends of Kay can help me, then... maybe after I get changed we can go see them? See if they'll talk to me at least?"

Munch nods his head /again/ at her question, but realizing that this is not helpful, he then elaborates: "Bag is yours. Take whatever you want." And then he's getting up on his feet with a looooooong creak, like metal stretching and bending. "Yeah," he tells her, nodding again. "Will ask Kay. But. Know where they are. Take you there, maybe they can help. Find you a place." Crack, crack, snap, pop - he's stretching his arms, now, bones and joints popping like little /shotgun/ blasts. He rumbles, then: "Don't need thanks. Just help muties." Hard to tell if he's describing what he does, or issuing an /order/ to Kira. It doesn't sound very order-y, though. He moves, then - walking toward the door with a clunk, clunk, clunk - apparently to give her whatever privacy she needs to change!