Logs:Go Time

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Go Time
Dramatis Personae

Nanami, Spencer, M-Kids

In Absentia


"Ready or not --"


<XAV> Kitchen - Xs First Floor

The kitchen staff at Xavier's tends well to the needs of its residents. Always cognizant of its students and faculty's dietary needs alike, the menu has a wide variety of choices, and the longtime cook works wonders in the kitchen. The pantry, too, is kept well stocked for those who want to come prepare themselves their own snacks. The shelf, fridge, and freezer space is ample, though if anyone wants to keep their own food there, they'd better make sure it's labeled clearly, and even that is no guarantee it'll last.

Spencer hasn't been on campus much these last few days, and though he's here now it does not look like he intends to stick around long. His outfit is -- by his standards anyway -- shockingly sensible for the weather: a lightweight gray jacket over a red corduroy button-down and a plain black t-shirt, rugged blue jeans, red and black hiking boots, his kippah styled like Captain America's shield. He's unlocked the kosher pantry and is in the process of packing snacks into a no-nonsense black sling bag with a first aid kit attached to one side for quick access.

Nanami has just come in from the garden door, dressed like she's recently been in the shop -- flecks of sawdust on her black jeans, steel-toed boots, a pink and black jacket tossed on over her similarly dust-flecked purple babydoll tee, twin braids woven with pink and purple ribbons. She's wandering over, heading for the fridge, but stops with her brows lifting curiously as she looks at Spence. "You goin hike?"

Spence freezes in place when Nanami enters, as though he'd just been caught doing something untoward, though he quickly relaxes. Sort of. "Hi!" he says with a smile so bright it edges on manic. And then, half a beat later, "Maybe? Probably not but, I wanted to be prepared." He drops his voice conspiratorially and explains, with barely contained excitement, "I'm going on mission with the M-Kids!"

"Mission?" Nanami's eyes go a little wider, her brows a little higher. "What kine mission they do? You know they take Kelawini go fight some killer robots." Now her eyes are narrowing, though this seems more interested than hostile. "You goin fight killer robots?" is followed almost immediately by, "I go with, ya?"

Spence looks just bursting to sell the mission, but didn't need convince Nanami after all. "Ya -- yeah! I mean no, I mean --" He squints his eyes shut and opens them back up very deliberately. "I mean you can totally come with, but I don't know if there's gonna be killer robots, although that would be..." Awesome? Horrifying? Formulaic? We may never know Spence's opinion of Killer Robots in this particular context. "Wait why do you think there's gonna be killer robots?" He does look fairly excited at the prospect.

Nanami continues her path toward the fridge now, rooting through many bottles in the drinks drawer before grabbing a diet Pepsi. "You don't know if they got some mo killer bots? You definitely need me." She twists the cap open while leaning up against a counter, watching Spence's growing excitement. "Kelawini wen bring hers home. Superhero souvenir."

"Whaaaaat!" There's no questioning in Spence's tone, just the same excitement in his wide-eyed smile. "That's amazing what kind of killer robot is it like are we talking Boston Dynamics or Stark or --" He swallows, then skips right over his killer robot inquiries into, "-- anyway yeah!" Closes the pantry and absolutely forgets to lock it. Zips his pack shut and ducks under the strap. "I brought water and snacks and first aid stuff, a couple of other things. Ready or not --" He frowns. "Nope. Not that. I'm still trying to come up with a good teleporting tagline." He puts his hand on her shoulder and the Xavier's School kitchen is replaced by --

-- a classroom, only dimly lit by a yellow wash of streetlamp-halo drifting in through the windows. What can be seen of it is doggedly cheerful in an early-school kind of way, a wall dedicated to the children's mostly-terrible and sometimes-brilliant poetry, Mrs. Frizzle encouragingly teaching Ocean Facts in bright cartoons on one wall, desks far too small for Spencer or Nanami -- or, for that matter, for Nahida, who is currently perched atop one, thumb flicking at the screen of her phone. She tips her head up in a nod when the others arrive, greeting not with a hello but with a low: "Best not to make too much noise, they have us surrounded." She does not elaborate on who "they" is, but Nanami can feel a whole lot of very weird electrical activity inside the vents.

"I'onno I not a robots expert I don't think it's a cop. Just like, evil." Nanami nods decisively as Spence approaches, standing up straighter and recapping her Pepsi after a swig. "It's go time." Is that a statement or a suggestion? She keeps hold of her soda bottle, evidently all the preparing she's going to do before they disappear-reappear. She returns Nahida's chin-jerk, and is just starting to say -- "Woah is there --" when the M-Kid's warning comes. Softer now, hushed: "... is there killer robots?" She sounds very hopeful.

Spence doesn't let go of Nanami immediately when they arrive. "Hey --" Then immediately lowers his voice at Nahida's suggestion. "-- sorry!" He squints around them into the gloom. "Surrounded? Where I don't see anyone. Anything?" His eyes widen and his voice drops to a whisper. "Are they invisible killer robots?"

"Are there invisible robots? How would that even work?" Nahida considers this a good moment in furrowed-brow contemplation before clarifying, "They're in the walls. Look, watch --" She digs into a pocket, coming up with a quarter -- that soon becomes many quarters as it sits in her palm. She scatters the fistful of change around the floor with a clatter.

In very short order there's a rattling in the grates. A vent opens and a small swarm of boxy little skittering robots pours out, hastening over to collect the quarters. Nahida reaches to try and pluck one back off the floor -- and one of the little bots bleeps almost irritably and zaps at the space where Nahida's hand... just was; clearly anticipating this, she's yanked her hand back already, though there's a very small burn mark now on the floor. "Think they must have about a dragon-cache of kids' lunch money by now."

"Chee!" Despite feeling the robots coming, Nanami startles, wide-eyed, when one attacks Nahida. She sucks disapprovingly at her teeth. "In my hanabata days bully they had get your lunch money work they own two hands, risk catching some cracks for it. What kine cowards now, huh?"

"I don't know of any actual invisible robots yet," Spence hedges, "but there's probably ways of making them invisible. Like by bending light around it or using holograms or something." His excited science lesson is cut short by the invasion of marauding robots. "Whoa! I mean I think a lot of bullies are cowards. Are we trying to find the bullies behind these robots? Man, I should have asked my sister for some tracking devices!"

The robots are starting to flow back into the walls with scratchy little skitterings of their metal feet, the coins all vanished. "For right now, we're trying to rid the school of its infestation so the kids here can stop being harassed. Tracking down the Bad Guy might be a later thing." Nahida stretches one long leg downward, rubbing with a sneakered toe at the burn mark on the floor. "But carefully, yah? These things bite."

One of the robots falls behind the others, sputtering to a stop before it can make it home to the vent. Nanami goes to pick it up after she's short-circuited it, kind of tentative even now though she eases when the stalled bot does not immediately zap her. She's eying it thoughtfully -- then frowning at the other two -- then at the vents. "Spence, you can put da kine anywhere?" she's asking, and right after that, with a lift of chin to Nahida, "you got more change?"

Spence nods, wide-eyed. His eyes don't get any less wide when Nanami (presumably) disables one of the bots for examination. "Yeah! Basically, but it's only really safe to kick things someplace I know isn't gonna be occupied by like, a person." He pauses, awkwardly. "It's safer if I go myself and taken the thing with me, but, where do you want to put..." He looks at the inert robot in Nanami's hands. "...da kine?"

A quick smile flits across Nahida's face. "Always." She shakes her cupped hand idly -- at first mostly soundless but then with a growing clink of loose change. Her brows lift as she looks at Spencer. "Can you put them -- like, six feet under?"

"Bruh coming from you that do not sound right." Nanami is just shaking her head at Spence's awkward foray into Pidgin. Her tongue clicks and she points the robot at Nahida like bam, correct. "You summon, I get 'em on the fritz, he trash 'em, yeah? Though this one," she's waggling the bot in her hand, "mebbe I keep. Show Kelawini my killer robot even more killer."

Spence breaks into a grin. " I sure can!" His fierce blush at Nanami's critique doesn't seem to much dampen his enthusiasm for her plan. In fact, it only seems to make him all the more eager. "Oh man are you guys gonna have sister robowars that is so awesome." To Nahida, now, "Alright, bring 'em on!"

Nahida just confirms Nanami's plot with an upward jerk of chin. There's another rattle as she starts spreading the coins in a farflung mess over the floor around the three of them. From within the vents the skittering grows louder -- a gleaming wave of little robots pouring out of the vents to descend upon the Xavierites.

A sharp hook of smile curls Nanami's lips at the first sound of the skittering. She bumps Spence's shoulder lightly with her own. "Ready or not --"

Spence gives a happy start at the bump, his own smile only going wider when he glances aside at Nanami. "-- it's go time!"