ArchivedLogs:Helping Out

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Helping Out
Dramatis Personae

Paige, Theo

In Absentia


"You may have just created a job for yourself."


<NYC> Chimaera Arts - Brooklyn

This is just one of the many abandoned warehouses in DUMBO, and like many of them it has recently changed hands. /Unlike/ most of those, however, it does not have some corporate developer's sign out front promising a transformation into luxury condominiums or a boutique shopping center or the latest concept restaurant. Instead it's marked by a piece of weathered but wildly colorful plywood propped up on a stack of broken pallets, which reads "Chimaera Art Space!" above "" in smaller letters.

The warehouse is moderately large and decorated with graffiti art in various styles--some of it recognizable as the work of renowned local street artists. A pair of monstrous scrap metal sculptures, perhaps still works in progress, flank the entrance. The building itself has undergone significant renovation recently, complete with wiring, plumbing, and a modular partitioning system. The grounds, too, have been cleaned up, ramshackle fences torn down and rusting detritus removed in favor of reclaimed (and brilliantly repainted) outdoor furniture ringing an impressively engineered

The transformed Arts center is not as hot with activity as it might have been expected, but there are a number of people milling about. Several obvious mutants and humans can be seen in bright orange shirts, advertising "Effective Staffing". There are a few tables with finger foods, veggies, cookies, lemonade, coffee, water. Several different industries are represented, including one table that says "Unique Marketable Talent." Theo himself is at this table now, standing next to a girl with fire engine red skin and blonde hair. Music plays, something contemporary and upbeat, but not overly loud. At the entrance is a sign-in with a number of names written on it already.

One of the names in the sign-in belongs to Paige Alexis Piefer who has managed to a number of carrots and pepper slices, held with a napkin, and a cup of water before making her way over to Theo's booth. It seems she is not exactly /looking/ for Theo, but more happens upon him, ears flicking up in recognition. Though they soon return to an idling position, her ears twitch occasionally at the music and other noises in the Arts Center. As she approaches the booth, she raises the vegetable-holding hand in way of greeting, even wiggling some fingers to the same effect.

Theo, contrastly, wears a blue polo with the same format as the orange ones. "Oh, hi. Paige, wasn't it?" Theo asks. "It's good to see you again, Theo," he introduces his own name, just in cases she didn't remember it. "Glad you could make it. Are you enjoying yourself?"

Nodding to Theo's attempt at recalling her name, she grins softly. "That's right. Kind of surprised you remember with all the, uh, people about." As if to emphasize her point (or to verify it), she casts a glance around the center. "I, uh -- yes, I am. Enjoying myself that is. I mean --" she looks towards the carrots in her hand "-- as far as I can be? I just, really, you know, just want to look for a job or something. Don't get me wrong, I /like/ my current job, but I was kind of hoping to see if I could make at least a little more money? I ... don't really have any 'unique' talents, though." A light frown passes over her face with this admission.

Theo glances up over his shoulder. "Says who? That's my job, you know," he says with a mock criticism. "A lot of time people think only of unique marketable talents as "powers"," he says it in air quotes. "There are other unique talents. Less than one percent of the population have the X gene. They find ways to market themselves every day in unique ways. You can do that, too. I know that the deck is stacked against you, perhaps. I won't pretend to know what it feels like. I could choose to hide the fact that I'm different. People don't usually know until I tell them. It isn't that way for you, I know. There are many who will discriminate against you because of it. But not everyone. My job is to find out what you are able to do that others would be able to see, and find someone who is open enough to see it."

"Yeah..." comes the furred mutant's response as she places her cup of water on the side of the booth and rubs at the back of her neck. "It's ... tough." The arm falls back down to her side. "There's a lot of things they wouldn't even look at me for because I didn't finish college. Or even get my associate's, you know? And then, like, a bunch of places weren't having the fur. Said it was 'unhygienic'. Other places thought hooves would scuff up their floors; my horns would be distracting to patrons. I mean, that's what they /said/, but ... I don't know." She lets out a long sigh, easing the tension that has accumulated out of her body. "I don't know, I mean, I guess I'm okay with people? I really like to help people and, you know, directly, right? I'm working in a thrift store now and I really enjoy being able to interact with customers and help them find what they're looking for or not looking for -- I mean sometimes I help them find /something/ instead of nothing." Paige shrugs and chews on a pepper slice.

Theo nods. "Well, finishing college is probably going to be the biggest hurdle, but not all well paying jobs require college. On the other hand, if you are interested in pursuing a degree, I have placed in the benefits a tuition reimbursement plan for people who qualify. This is more often designed for people who might be brought on as part of the internal staff, rather than as a consultant. All those reasons people have given you sound like excuses more than reasons, Everyone has hair, high heels are surely no less destructive than hooves, and horns, well, they can help draw a customer's attention so they know where you are." He taps his chin a little. "So you like to work with people, you like customers and helping make them happy. That sounds like a nature that would lend you to a sort of sales element, in my humble opinion. How would you feel about that? Does it sound more exciting, or more intimidating?"

Paige begins crunching on a carrot as Theo speaks and it might appear as though her nibbling is more of a nervous habit than something borne out of actual hunger. Her brows pinch together when he finishes. "I mean ... I guess that's okay? That's basically what I do now. It doesn't really sound intimidating /or/ exciting, truth be told. I'd kind of rather work with people even more directly than that, you know? Like, I don't know, helping people with their lives. I, uh, well, I needed a lot of help when I got here." Her ears press back. "In a /lot/ of ways. But I was, uh, lucky -- really lucky -- to meet great people. But not everyone has that luck, you know? I just kind of want to give to the community directly. Like, I don't know, especially in helping out new mutants to the city ... is that even a thing?"

Theo looked like he had planned the next thing he was going to say. He really did! He even started to open his mouth to say it, but then he doesn't. A slightly distant look comes over his eyes. "Help new mutants in the city..." He trails off, and knits his brow, as if he is deeply in thought about the idea. "Help new mutants..." he echoes. He lifts a hand to his chin, and seems to be kissing his index finger as he ponders the idea.

The horned mutant's ears press down and back and she looks quite concerned at Theo's response. "Er ... yes?" she ventures carefully, briefly glancing to the red-skinned woman nearby. "Is that ... is that a problem?" Paige clearly does not know what to make of the young man's pensiveness and starts biting into another baby carrot.

Theo comes back to reality when Paige speaks again, "Oh, I'm sorry, it's just... you may have come up with a brilliant idea. To answer your question, no, I don't know that it is a thing, but it should be. How would you feel about being a pioneer in something like that? Your obvious mutation and gentle disposition are some of your best assets for such a thing. Other mutants know that you know their fears, and if you are as genuine as you have appeared to me, then you could help put a lot of mutants to ease that arrive in the city. This is not really the time for a full interview, but I would love to set a time that we could sit down and discuss this in further depth, and you may have just created a job for yourself."

Paige's ears wilt when she learns that her pitch is not an idea, but soon perk way up when Theo makes his proposition. Her eyes widen in surprise and after a few moments, she shifts awkwardly on her hooves. "I -- I mean, I'd /love/ to. That would just be -- like /that's/ what I /want/ to do, you know? But pioneering it? That seems ... a little tough. I wouldn't know where to start -- I'd /love/ to, though." Perhaps not the completely committed answer a hiring manager might be looking for, but at least a grin has spread on her face. "Do you really think I could? I'd love to," she repeats, "Help others, you know? When could we meet?"

Theo quirks his mouth to one side. Perhaps we will have to work on some diction classes. "I think so. Don't be too nervous, you will have a lot of support from other people who have started other things that can help you with the tricky parts. It won't happen overnight, but if you are hard working and dedicated, we can do it together. What days are you free this week? You can come by the office and we can start looking together at what this role would be like, and you can help me know what would be a pay rate that would match what you would like to see for the work. Does that sound fair?"

At the mention of being nervous, Paige shifts again on her hooves, perhaps becoming a touch more self-conscious. However, she seems very interested in what Theo presents to her. "You mean it?" The hesitant, excited smile still on her face. "I'm off on Thursdays and Saturdays, so probably, you know, Thursday? And, yeah, that sounds completely fair; I'd really like that! I guess I'll see you on Thursday, then?"

Theo nods with satisfaction. “I will see you Thursday.”