ArchivedLogs:On the Stairs

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On the Stairs
Dramatis Personae

Hercules and Jack


Herc almost forgets dinner after running into Jack. (Part of Flu Season TP.)


<XS> Foyer

Xavier's foyer provides a suitable introduction to the opulent mansion. Teak-paneled, wood floors immaculately polished, vaulted ceiling ribbed with dark wood boning, there is no doubt this school was built with no expense spared. The hallways branch off to the separate wings, with the grand staircase spiraling upwards to the residential dorms above.

The foyer isn't usually a place people stop, most just passing through. But right now, only a couple people are passing through on their way into the great hall for dinner. One person has taken up a spot in the foyer and isn't in a hurry to go anywhere. Jack's perched on the stairs, sitting quietly. He's dressed in jeans and a school hoodie, gloves on and half a dinner roll floating where one would expect his mouth to me. He's got a small notebook in hand, idly poking at some notes he's been making. They likely won't make too much sense to anyone looking over his shoulder, Jack using a lot of abbreviations and 'creative' spellings to get around writing in English.

The elevator dings, and the doors slide open, and a large teen steps out. Hercules looks around and starts making his way towards the Great Hall. He slows when he spots Jack, and makes his way over casually, settling a few steps down from Jack, and on the opposite side of the stairs. "Privyet.", he says, having inherited a few words of Russian from Marinov.

The sounds of people walking don't get Jack looking up, the invisible teen marking a couple things and chewing on the roll. When Herc speaks up, Jack glances his way. Whole he doesn't speak Russian, he's picked up on context. Putting his pen in his book, Jack lifts one gloved hand to wave hello.

'I am sorry about the other day. Please don't be mad. I'm really not myself, you know?', Hercules signs. 'Can you forgive me?'

It takes Jack a few moments to figure out the signs but when he does, he just makes a confused little noise around the roll he's eating. Making sure his gloves are on, he slips his book into his pocket and carefully signs. 'I wasn't mad.'

Hercules ohs and lets out a bit of a breath. 'Just the way you signed made it seem like you were upset at what I said. And I know it bothered you the other time, so...' He looks away a moment before looking back. 'It's very difficult to keep myself. Has Sergio talked about the illness at all?'

'Teacher says my signs are E-M-O-T-I-O-N-L-E-S-S without a face' Jack signs with a shrug. 'Still better not to say that," he adds. At the mention of Sergio, Jack tenses. He takes a moment to finish his roll, the food just seeming to vanish into thin air a bite at a time. 'S-E-R-G is back in the infirmary.'

Hercules tries hard not to watch the bun disappear, though for a brief moment hs is fascinated. He looks away and nods slowly. 'He's had a relapse or the cure not work?', the larger teen says, looking out of the corners of his eyes at the other teen's clothes.

'Don't know' Jack signs back. 'Think he hit his head on something' he says, not elaborating on how he found Serg exactly.

Hercules' eyes go wide at that small tidbit of information. 'Oh no. Have the doctors said if he's badly hurt?' The tall teen looks very concerned at this piece of news. 'Is he awake?'

'Not awake' at least as far as Jack knows. 'Looked okay but doctors didn't tell me much' he sighs as he signs. 'Going to visit soon' which is saying a lot considering Jack's aversion to the Infirmary and the needles within.

Hercules is quiet for a few moments before nodding. 'Did you want some company?', he asks, glancing at the other teen. 'The infirmary is hard to take, sometimes, yeah?'

Jack takes a breath before replying. 'If you want to come you can' he signs. 'Going later tonight,' is added. There's no comment on the infirmary, just Jack nodding slightly.

Hercules nods. 'So how are you holding up, Jack? I don't mean being sick and stuff, I mean, inside here?' Hercules taps his temple. 'You want to talk about anything? Doesn't have to be here, or now, yeah? I'm willing to listen. I'm willing to offer up what I'm going through in return. Might help us both.'

Jack stays quiet, staring down at his hands for a few moments. 'Can't talk right now' he signs. Which is part of what has his mood so bad. 'Thank you though. Maybe.'

'I understand.' Hercules rubs at a cheek. 'Did you want me to leave you be? It looked like you were writing before I interrupted. Perhaps at some point later we could hang out? Maybe go for a run, or find something to play in the rec room?'

Jack hesitates before signing something. 'Just going over notes' he signs. He takes a deep breath and starts to stand. 'We can hang out later. I should shower,' he glances up the stairs. 'You should probably get food before dinner ends.'

Hercules blinks and stands up fairly quickly. 'I completely forgot. Thanks, Jack! I'll see you later then. Take care.' His stomach growls loudly as he heads down the hall.