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(Paige -> Mai): "My feet feel weird."
(Paige -> Mai): "My feet feel weird."

Two hours later. Ears twitching in curiosity, a half-awake (mostly -asleep-) Paige watches as the small dinosaurs parade upon and across the coffee table. Pure awe and fascination. Quiet dictation, do not want to upset the dinosaurs, tiny little stegosauruses and triceratops especially. So cute!
Two hours later. Ears twitching in curiosity, a half-awake (mostly -asleep-) Paige watches as the small dinosaurs parade upon and across the coffee table. Pure awe and fascination. Quiet dictation, do not want to disturb the dinosaurs, tiny little stegosauruses and triceratops especially. So cute!

(Paige -> Fiona): "Dinosaurs are in the living room."
(Paige -> Fiona): "Dinosaurs are in the living room."
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(Paige -> Fiona): "Why did you burn down the forest?"
(Paige -> Fiona): "Why did you burn down the forest?"

Itchy. Hand scratches, rubs at arm. !!! Ears perk. Arm feels different...odd... Soft. Fuzzy. Furry? Looking down, a sharp gasp. Ears flick up and back in surprise. Fur! Pulling out phone, pressing buttons. Dictation. -Immediately-.
Itchy. Hand scratches, rubs at arm. Ears perk. Alarm! Arm feels different...odd... Soft. Fuzzy. Furry? Looking down, a sharp gasp. Ears flick up and back in surprise. Fur! Pulling out phone, pressing buttons. Dictation. -Immediately-.

(Paige -> Steve): "My arms are soft."
(Paige -> Steve): "My arms are soft."

Revision as of 00:21, 9 January 2017

Vignette - Fevered Texts
Dramatis Personae

Paige & Company

In Absentia

1/5/17 - 1/6/17



<NYC> Mai's Apartment - Chinatown

Waking up only a few hours after the early morning incident. Head slightly clear. Only dull headache. Soon, worry for Mai. Squids. Ears press down, sadness. Poor Mai. So sad. Poor Mai. Someone else needs to help her help Mai. Someone else might know about the squids. Maybe they can help. But who? Oh!

(Paige -> Marinov): "Did you hear about the squids?"

A dream. A very intense dream. Much struggle dream. A journey, much fighting. Friends. Sometimes foes, fought valiantly, join the party, revealed to actually be friends. Heather in it. Or someone who eventually becomes Heather by the end. Remembered as Heather. What happened to the wizard? When he went out the window, they all thought he was done for. But now he's back. Whoa. This mis-alignment in dream logic causes the goat girl to stir, wake up.

(Paige -> Heather): "did you save the wizard"

(Heather -> Paige): "I did, once."

The response is -much- too fast. Ears twitch, brows furrow, frown. This is a lie. Can't be so fast. Cheating.

(Paige -> Heather): "WHY ARE YOU SO FAST"

(Heather -> Paige): "It Is because I stopped be so slow."

Again waking up. Calling out something about feet. Ears flick. No response. Must try another way.

(Paige -> Mai): "My feet feel weird."

Two hours later. Ears twitching in curiosity, a half-awake (mostly -asleep-) Paige watches as the small dinosaurs parade upon and across the coffee table. Pure awe and fascination. Quiet dictation, do not want to disturb the dinosaurs, tiny little stegosauruses and triceratops especially. So cute!

(Paige -> Fiona): "Dinosaurs are in the living room."

The dinosaurs seem to enjoy their time in her vision, but eventually they fade away. She continues to stare vacantly, blinking. Then thought occurs again. Mai is so nice to her. Letting her stay in her apartment, letting her sleep on her couch. Taking care of her in her time of injury and need. Sniffling. Almost tears.

(Paige -> Steve): "I like mai"

Another dream. Wandering through a forest, warped and distorted by unconscious and delirium. Strange creatures hiding in the corners of her eyes. The wood seems familiar. Something she read? But suddenly everything is hot. She is sweating. Why is it so hot? Looking around, she discovers everything is on fire. But why?! Eyes soon find a friend. Fiona. Why. Blurry consciousness, still so hot. Must be because of fire. Murmured dictation. Sent. Falling asleep again.

(Paige -> Fiona): "Why did you burn down the forest?"

Itchy. Hand scratches, rubs at arm. Ears perk. Alarm! Arm feels different...odd... Soft. Fuzzy. Furry? Looking down, a sharp gasp. Ears flick up and back in surprise. Fur! Pulling out phone, pressing buttons. Dictation. -Immediately-.

(Paige -> Steve): "My arms are soft."

(Paige -> Marinov): "There is fur on my body"


(Paige -> Marinov): "Where does fur come from?"

This is new! When did this happen? Astonished, innocent tone of voice used in dictation.

(Paige -> Heather): "Did you know I have fur? I didn't"

(Heather -> Paige): "My mom told me sometimes you grow hair if you hit puberty."

The reply goes unseen as Paige's entire interest is captivated by her own body. More rubbing. Arm. Legs. Other arm. Stomach. Fur is nice. Fur is -soft-. So fuzzy. So nice. Hands find face. Soft. Nose. Soft! Dictation, but voice is slurring with fever.

(Paige -> Steve): "I think I fur did on me on the arms and the face the fur on the nose"

Ears droop. Swaying where she's sitting up. Muscles tiring, giving way. Falling back down to pillow. Falling back asleep.

A flashback to a mention of onions before a holiday party. A -mountain- of onions. The man with the mechanical arm. Nice man, though uneasy. Ears flick, hit cushion. Couch cushion. Should be a pillow. Instead piles of onions on the table. She recalls the man coming by and placing the onions one by one on the table, his haul from the mountain. Must have fallen asleep watching. Took so long. The man with the mechanical arm. Must have taken her pillow by mistake. She doesn't want onions. Not fair. Maybe he took Mai's pillow too. Brief lucidity, but thoughts go unquestioned. Dictation.

(Paige -> Mai): "Did the man with the onions take your pillow?"

(Paige -> Mai): "Why did he have so many onions?"

Tossing, turning. Memory mingling with feverish dreams. Cleaning dishes with Fiona. Conversation. Happiness. Eyes open, wide, horror? Cursing. She forgot to put the dishes away afterwards! Most likely someone else's job in reality, but such does not make it into her thoughts. If she failed to do it, maybe her friend picked up her slack. Fingers typing.

(Paige -> Fiona): "Did you put away the dishes?"

Another flashback. Playing a game. With new friends. Muddled memory. Mind-talking. Music. Music-man! Beautiful, soothing music. Music-man! Lingered. Missed. Wanted. Why is it so quiet? Where is the --- must let him know his music is brilliant. Best music. Lovely music.

(Paige -> Hive): "I like your music"

Mmm. Brain-talker was scary first time. Made her understand too much noise. so much noise. scary. but nice now. must let him know. Too sleepy to continue typing with fingers. Dictation. Speech impaired, stammered, confused, but phone makes it look good. Except for end. Backspace, backspace, backspace, backspa---too many backspacings. Rewrite word, but fingers just touch too many keys. Hive will understand anyways. He can read her mind. Send.

(Paige -> Hive): "You are sometimes scary but not all the always the time always all you have the brain thing and it is aSBWATIasokfmJGalk"

A tone plays. In a moment of light sleeping, Paige wakes up. Groggily moves arms to stretch. Finds phone in hand. Blinks at it curiously. There is a new message.

(Marinov -> Paige): "What are you talking about, squids?"

Frowning. No one is talking about squids. Marinov is being weird. Sighing. Locking the phone. Falling back asleep. An hour later, drifting in and out of sleep. A dream.

(Paige -> Hive): "why do you hate the ocean"

Waking up, not feeling well, feeling...bad. A look about the guest room at the Commons. Looks slightly different. Has a bathroom. Ears flick. Grateful, but confused. Brows furrow. -Very- confused. And -scared-. Bathrooms don't just appear! BATHROOMS DON'T JUST APPEAR!!


Hurry! To the bathroom. Something is not right. Bad stomach. Falling to knees? Legs? Hands flip the toilet seat up, clutch at the sides. HUUURRRRGGGHHHLLLEEEEGURRGLE. Much. Many times. Later, waking up on bathroom floor. Horrible smell. Nauseating. Peek in toilet. Gross. Hand reaches up, flushes toilet. Need to apologize to Commons owner-man. Dictation. She starts talking. Pauses. Ears flick. Doesn't actually remember throwing-up. Was it really her who made the smell? Probably not. Head is foggy.

(Paige -> Hive): "I am sorry for throwing up in the bathroom but it wasn't me."

A hazy moment. Mai bringing laying soup in front of her, instructing her to eat once it's cooled down. Feverish thoughts. How much time has passed? A spoonful of the broth. Hot. She whispers this quietly. Ears flick. Frown. Then it's apparent. Her whole body is hot. Burning from the inside. Hot. A hope - maybe others share in her misery.

(Paige -> Heather): "it is hot!"

(Heather -> Paige): "Not it isn't."

More frowning. Heather is wrong. She's just plain -wrong-.

Minutes later, as she's eating her soup in a daze, various thoughts pass through her head. Though she has never been in an actual relationship, there are quite a few people she has met or seen that are quite attractive. She should let others know, maybe they share her feelings. The text conversation for heather is already open. Soft dictation.

(Paige -> Heather): "Ryan Gosling is kind of cute"

(Heather -> Paige): "I like goslings, they are cute. I would probably like this Ryan one too."

Eyes widen. There are OTHER cute Goslings in the Gosling family? Fingers swipe to open up a web browser to investigate this claim, but then hover and eventually navigate back to texts. Something has distracted her. Another very handsome individual. It's only a small crush, but---wait. How old is he? Her grandparents liked him, too. Grandparents are old. Some are even dead. Weird. How old? Sleep is pressing at her feverish mind once again, but she manages to type and send the message.

(Paige -> Steve): "arer yuo 100 years old?"

Waking up. Soup bowl still on table. Empty. Time to get up for school. Need to get dressed. Bra? On. Underwear? On. Good. Where are shoes. Need shoes. Fall asleep. Imagine getting shoes on. Wake up. No shoes on! Fall asleep, repeat. Where are shoes? Someone must know.

(Paige -> Hive): "do you have my boots?"

Some more glancing about the floor.

(Paige -> Fiona): "I can't find my boots."

Vague memory.

(Paige -> Heather): "Did I give you my boots"

(Heather -> Paige): "Yes thank you. They are still together."

But the young woman has already fallen back asleep, phone slipping quietly from her hand to land face-down on the floor.

Later, awakening again. A hunger for more soup. Sitting up, but the soup bowl is gone. Why? Where did it go? The goat girl is too tired, too weak, to go looking for it. Steve would know where her soup is. He made it for her, after all.

(Paige -> Steve): "Have you seen my soup?"

Once more a tone urges the sleeping Paige to open her eyes. Holds up hand. Phone glow on. Squint at screen.

(Marinov -> Paige): "Fur? Are you doing okay? Is your body changing more?"

The goat girl frowns. What is Marinov talking about? Fur? She sits herself up, mind clearing somewhat, and glances down at her body. FEET! Her feet! Where did they go? Those are not feet! Feel like feet, but feel like feet -wrong-. Wiggle toes. Not toes.

(Paige -> Marinov): "Did you I don't have feet?"

A verb is missed, but Paige doesn't notice. Instead, after she's hit 'send', she peers at Marinov's message again. Fur? What fu--One hand, idle, has fallen to rest on a leg, briefly brushing against something soft. Awe-struck Paige as she gently rubs her arms and legs, touches her face, pets her chest and sides. Rediscovery of fur. But then blinking, furrowing of brow, changing of expression, snapping out of reverie. This shouldn't be happening. Little hairs do not just grow on your body! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! SHE NEEDS HELP!


Panicking, deep breathes, some pain in left side. Hands have not stopped rubbing arms. Panic...panic...why is she panicking? The petting is soothing. Maybe there is a calmer way to address this problem. Fingers stumble, dictation, sending text.

(Paige -> Hive): "Where does fur come from"

(Paige -> Marinov): "I think I have fur"

(Paige -> Mai): "I think I might have fur."

But it's hot. No, like, REALLY hot. Paige's body feels as if it's on fire. So much heat. -Holy shit-!

(Paige -> Mai): "Did you turn up the heat?"

No response. At least, not quick enough for Paige. But maybe it's not Mai's fault. Mai is so nice to her. Maybe there's another explanation. Doesn't she know someone who can make things fire? And that person was in the Commons with her. So it's only -logical- that they could be here this time, too.

(Paige -> Fiona): "are you sleeping next door? it's really hot"

Again, no response.

(Paige -> Heather): "why is it so hot"

(Heather -> Paige): "Maybe the fur."

Paige blinks at her phone. No tone played when Heather's reply came in since the phone didn't even a chance to lock its display. She nods at the response. Makes sense. Fur. Rubs fur. Rubbing fur. Fur is soft. It is nice. -Feels- nice. From two sides. Very nice. Very soft.

(Paige -> Mai): "Fur is soft."