Logs:Fear and Roving in Florida

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Fear and Roving in Florida
Dramatis Personae

Heather, Kiri

In Absentia


"I do not think it is the least normal thing I have ever seen."


<MOJ> Brotherhood House - Mojoverse

This is a largish house that has been very unevenly appointed, its decorator gone somewhat heavy-handed with red and purple color theming in all the decor. The ground floor has a spacious kitchen that is nearly empty of any equipment or food. The adjacent sitting room has a very comfortable eclectic range of seating, though no tables; there is a truly enormous television setup taking up the entirety of one wall that plays nothing but Mojo's own baffling network all day. There is an extremely well furnished gym on the basement level, as well as a small library that is entirely stocked with hundreds of copies of "The Pop-Up Book of Phobias", except for one singular copy of the NFT Guide to Manhattan. There's a small yard tucked out behind the basement door.

There are enough bedrooms split across the top two levels for everyone to pair up, though they haven't been "furnished" so much as someone has hastily chucked mattresses and bedding into them. The sheets and blankets are extremely soft and comfortable, at least. Though there are two bathrooms on each level with excessively luxurious soaking tubs and capacious showers, there do not seem to be toilets in any of them.

A couple of pop-up books are now resting open to the pages of 'Dentophobia' and 'Mysophobia' on one of the chairs, along with a smattering of various kinds of batteries that were brought back from the opening ceremonies. A blur of motion has been taking stock of the situation, and of the supplies that are available to the Brothers, in this particular house. She wears what can only be described as a carnival-core jumper, with bright purple, yellow and teal, with the pattern down one of the legs resembling a harlequin's mask. If that were not sufficient to establish the colourfulness of her outfit, the sweater she wears underneath bears red and yellow horizontal stripes, as if Waldo and Odlaw had a secret lovechild and gifted them with this shirt, before donating to the thrift store where Heather found it when said child went inevitably missing.

Once her initial search of the premises has concluded, she stops suddenly next to the chair that she has been using as a makeshift table to pick up some of the batteries contemplatively as she looks towards the ad that plays on TV for 'Genuine Non-Toxic Human Food' (not meant for consumption, human or otherwise, followed by a series of disclaimers and side effects played at rapid speed). "I do not think it is the least normal thing I have ever seen," the speedster allows to nobody in particular.

Kiri has been investigating the house, slower and more cursory than Heather, poking into cupboards and cabinets. Now she has wandered back to the sitting room with yet another copy of "The Pop-Up Book of Phobias" in her hands. She wears a black "I ❤️ NY" shirt a couple of sizes too large and cropped above the waist, slouching off one shoulder to frame the wide pink strap of the athletic top she wears underneath, and faded cutoff blue jean shorts that are only a little too loose, riding low on her hips with a doubled length of nautical rope for a belt. She looks from Heather to the TV and then back again. "Ay, I don't know anymore what is normal." She drops into a hemispherical bamboo and rattan armchair that starts slowly rotating from her slightly uneven sit until she sets a bare foot down to stop it. "One Sister tells me this is 'Florida', which is one of the countries in America. I don't think we're in America anymore."

Heather nods a couple of times rapidly and then sits down on the chair next to 'her' things. "Florida is an ok guess," her recorded voice plays, "in that it is cosmically equidistant from us as any other earthly guess." She furrows her eyebrows as she watches the pictures on the screen thoughtfully. "I do not know what to make of it. Maybe we can get footage from volume one. And also a toilet. The latter will become important sooner than the former." She crosses one leg over the other at a tight angle and puts her goggles up on her forehead, so that her eyes are visible. Her focus is rapidly bouncing all over the place in a way that would be totally natural if stretched over a longer period of time. "At least we have a lot of books. Even if they are all the same."

"Have you gone to 'Florida'?" The quotation marks are still audible in Kiri's careful pronunciation of the state's name. "All I know is Disney Land. Or Disney World. I don't know which one." She opens the book in her lap at random and a colorful smiling clown lunges out at her while another looks on from of the edge of the page, uncomfortably foreshortened. "Is not a very good book." This sounds more like an observation than a complaint. "We can also dig." She jerks her head toward the unseen backyard. "Toilet, out there. What is 'volume one'?" She hesitates a moment, then. "Was it from that presentation, when we first got here? This is all confusing."

"It is an okay book. It does have words in it," says Heather, with a lack of conviction in her defence. "I have not been to Florida. I have lived in St. Louis. And New York City. And then did not travel much except on 'business'." She shrugs helplessly at that and taps at the toilet popping out of the book on mysophobia. "During the introduction. We are the weirdos from planet earth. Volume 2. Another set of weirdos must have come through before. A rerun might provide some insight. It is not a good sign that our producers had not realized our predecessors poop."

"Ah, yes. Thank you." Kiri nods, comprehension settling in as she slots Heather's points into what she did get out of the introduction. "Then volume one were the people slug-man said 'rolled over and died'. Maybe were not here long enough for them to think, not having toilets was a problem." Despite this conclusion she doesn't seem particularly demoralized. At least not any more than she had been before. "Maybe the others will find more information, out in the." She waves a hand indicative toward "Times Square". Her mouth twists into a kind of smile, grim but not at all unamused. "Maybe find some toilets, too."

Heather nods a few times rapidly in confirmation at Kiri's summary. "The strange spider robot man goo slug person. He seemed disappointed by the previous results." She rubs her eyes for a few moments and then lowers her goggles again. "Once we figure out how the rules of this game work. Perhaps we can rework them. But for now information is key." She claps both of the books that she claimed shut. "You are right. There is more to find out there. Would you like to explore?"

"I like breaking rules." Kiri shuts the clowns back inside her copy of the pop-up book and pops herself up out of her weird bamboo cup chair. Rolls her head one way, then the other as if this information-gathering mission requires stretching. "Auwright! Let's go." Her grin curves wider. "See what Florida has to offer eh!"