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We are not your cautionary tale

xxxxxNot many Genoshan mutants manage to get out of Genosha, but she's ready to go back and help free her people.


xxxxxA tall, muscular young woman with brown skin, dark brown eyes, short wavy black hair, and black abstract geometric tattoos on her arms, torso, and legs. Like most of her people, she is of mixed heritage, and even Genoshans only sometimes reliably clock her as a highlander unless they see her tattoos, while outsiders with little exposure to Genosha (which is most of them) are unlikely to place her ethnicity at all. She speaks English with a Genoshan accent, which is not common enough in the west for most people to clock, and Americans are likely to think she sounds British, but weird.


xxxxxOne of the Brotherhood of Mutants' newest recruits, she is known among them as a member of the Genoshan resistance who was stranded in the U.S. while escorting a group of mutant refugees.


xxxxxYour character's background.


xxxxxKiri controls gravity in her surroundings. She is capable of doing it subtly, with great care, but in many situations it is easier if more dangerous for her to be showy. This power is useful in a variety of situations, but the aspect most relevant to her life currently is that it is devastatingly effective in combat.


xxxxxHer native language is Highland Genoshan, but she also speaks Genoshan Creole and English fluently. She is conversant in Lowland Genoshan and speaks a little Arabic and Swahili. She does not read or write English particularly well, and is not particularly adept with computers, though she is learning with enthusiasm. Her memorization skills are impressive by western standards if mediocre by the standards of her culture. She is a fairly good singer and a decent dancer. She is adept at backcountry navigation and survival in the Genoshan high desert, and has a pretty good sense of direction and space generally.

xxxxxShe is a skilled horseback rider but a poor driver, and has some basic knowledge of handling marine small craft. She has fairly extensive knowledge of animal husbandry (largely goats, but also an eclectic selection of other domestic animals), and dog handling. Though she knows how to spin, weave, and cook, she is considered fairly poor at these and other homemaking skills by the standards of her people. She is a good shot with rifles, recurve bows, and slings, and a decent one with pistols. She is an experienced brawler both unarmed and with knives, but even better at intimidating her way out of potential fights. She is competent at some basic first aid and nursing for humans, goats, horses, and dogs.



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

And everything in between

  • Coming soon.
  • Random facts you think are worth knowing about your character.
  • And more random facts!
  • And more.

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Kiriemalikinaina Kahinu
Codename None
Birthdate Kiriemalikinaina Kahinu
Birthplace Eastern Highlands, Genosha
Species Mutant
Affiliation Brotherhood of Mutants
Alignment Soft mutant supremacist
Powers Gravity control
Occupation Freedom fighter
Registration Status None
Faceclaim None
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2024-08-29)
Fear and Roving in Florida Heather, Kiri
  • (2024-08-13)
Blood/Lust Ion, Kiri Dusk