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All roads lead home.

xxxxxThe roads of Argentina to the streets of New York; Ion's history has been a little bit helter skelter. That's probably the way he likes it.


xxxxxLean and hard, Ion is not a large man but he /looks/ like a tough one. Large calloused hands suggest a habituation to hard work, and the network of scars drawn over his coppery tan skin adds more weight to this. Ropy muscles fill out his frame, an unimpressive 5'8" of rangy strength. His dark hair is worn short and messy, loose thick waves that hang in feathery layers to just above ear-length. His features are broad, wide nose, wide mouth, thick dark eyebrows, large deep-set brown eyes in a rather plain boyish face.


xxxxxIon is well-known throughout many parts of the mutant and latine immigrant communities, especially among those a bit rougher around the edges. Ion is known to be extremely loud, extremely boisterous, probably likely to be the catalyst for Trouble. He and his Mongrels though, are also known to be there to get all kinds of people out of many a tough spot -- the kind who just turns up with medicine or Thanksgiving dinner or school supplies when your lil cousin needs it or your abuela is sick. Extremely likely to just rope any passing stranger into rambunctious but delicious dinners with his Mongrels if you're hanging around their area of East New York looking vaguely lonely or hungry. They're that kind of family and well known for it.

xxxxxThe Mongrels' business in supplying low-cost medicine and back-alley doctoring to their communities is well known and often relied upon by the poor, mutant, uninsured, those who can't access medical care in traditional routes. Though the shadier aspects of their business are an open secret, a lot of people are more than happy to look the other way given the goodwill they've built up taking care of people who other systems have let fall through the cracks.

xxxxxAlso, within mutant community in New York City, reasonably well-known that Ion was the inspiration for a popular character on the newest Law & Order Spinoff franchise, Law and Order: MID.


xxxxxAbsorbs, stores, and discharges electrical energy. Occasionally murder on electronics.


xxxxxIon's skills, really, have been forged through a chaotic nomad-life prone to upheaval. Shoplifting, pickpocketing, picking locks. Avoiding notice, when he wants to, though he often doesn't want to. Kind of a scrapper in a fight. Getting into trouble, getting back out of it. He's got a keen sense of direction and a pretty good sense of people; drop him in a new city and he'll learn the lay of the land pretty quick. xxxxxHe's had exactly zero schooling in his life so most of his learned skills have been pretty much hands-on OJT. He's dabbled in construction work, spent a short stint as a farmhand, is pretty good with engines and can handle auto repair pretty well. He's an excellent singer and a decent guitarist; used to spend a lot of time busking for money before realizing crime paid better. He's fluent in Spanish and Quechua in addition to his really ghetto English. Actually, his Spanish and Quechua are pretty ghetto too.



Road dogs

Life is a highway


  • ???

Just the scenery

  • From Argentina by nationality but gets annoyed if people call him Argentinian; he is Qulla by ethnicity, an indigenous Quechuan people who mooost Argentinians treat more or less similarly to how Americans treat indigenous people here (if they bother to acknowledge the existence of indigenous Argentinians at all.)
    • This doesn't stop him from rooting for Argentina when the World Cup is on, though.
  • Technically homeless -- technically been homeless his whole life. He'd never say so, though; he came from a family of nomads and that's the way he likes things. So long as he's got family around he kind of always feels like home.
  • Tools around the city on a shiny black and chrome Harley. It's easy to recognize, kind of FLASHY and its license plate says WIRED.
  • Is actually functionally illiterate, though he makes efforts not to tell anyone this.
Marion Alejandro Espino
Codename Ion
Birthdate January 13, 1994
Species Mutant
Affiliation Brotherhood of Mutants
Alignment Energized
Powers Electrokinetic
Occupation Ruffian
Registration Status n/a
RP Hooks
Life is a Highway - Active member of the Mutant Mongrels Motorcycle Club, not widely known for their calm and retiring demeanors. Might be willing to take you for a ride.
Brothers in Arms - One of the Brotherhood of Mutants; tends to be AGGRESSIVE in his support of mutants and mutant rights.
Greasemonkey - Handy with mechanics. If it's got wheels and an engine he can probably fix it for you.
The Mean Streets - Well used to life on the streets. When it comes to tapping into the mutant underground, he usually knows a guy (who knows a guy.)
Black Market - The Mongrels have their fingers in a lot of business, but are especially active in weapons dealing and selling prescription pharmaceuticals to people who can't get a hold of them otherwise. Need a fix? Can't get a doctor to get it for you? He'll maybe hook you up.


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1..5051..100(192 total)
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2025-02-06)
Carload of Snek Sammy, Ion, Nick Whipcrack, DJ, Scott
  • (2025-02-02)
And they were roommates Sammy, Whipcrack Ion
  • (2025-02-01)
Polar Boar Plunge Amber, Ion, Karida, Kamil
  • (2025-01-30)
Law Abiding Caffeine Dealer Ion, Glitch Lucien, NPC-Jane
  • (2025-01-25)
Parents kind of suck Sammy, Whipcrack Ion
  • (2025-01-24)
Photo Finish Ion, Tian-shin
  • (2025-01-24)
First Contact Whipcrack, Winona Ion
  • (2025-01-22)
We Talk About Fight Club Cyan, Kamil Ion
  • (2025-01-18)
By insolence the heedless make strife, but wisdom is with those who take advice. Joshua, Leo Tok, Scott, Jax, Horus, Ion, Ford
  • (2025-01-16)
SITREP: Definitely Not Re: That Wedding Debacle Halim, Ion, Jax, Scott Dusk, Tian-shin, Leo
  • (2025-01-16)
Love is in the air / Hearts leaping, rosy pink glow -- / no wait, that's fungus Nahida, Sriyani, Avi, Natsumi, Nevaeh, Bryce, Dallen, Echo, Spencer, Quentin, Roscoe, Scott, Sera, Ion, Ford, Horus, Chonk, Moab
  • (2025-01-16)
Disaster, Inc Prospectus Horus, Tok Ion, Scott, Ryan, Jax, Egg, Avi, Bryce, Dallen, Echo, Nahida, Natsumi, Nevaeh, Quentin, Roscoe, Sera, Spencer, Sriyani
  • (2025-01-16)
Changing of the Minds Charles, Spencer, Tok Horus, Jax, Roscoe, Ion, Shane
  • (2025-01-16)
Call to Arms Jax, Hive, Hive, Hive, Hive, Hive, Hive, Halim, Joshua, Mirror Dusk, Shane, Taylor, Tian-shin, Horus, Ion, Kadar, Lucien, DJ
  • (2025-01-15)
Nightmares and Dreamscapes Amber, Maya, Ion Scott, Dusk
  • (2025-01-13)
Super Soft Birthday Party Ion, Dusk
  • (2025-01-13)
Heart-sparer: A Mongrel's Journey Ion, Kadar, Kim
  • (2025-01-13)
Chaos Vortices Destiny, Mystique Erik, Ion, Dusk
  • (2025-01-13)
(In)Compatible With Life Ion, Tian-shin Dusk, Joshua, Scott
  • (2025-01-12)
Disclaimer of Interest Amber, Ion
  • (2025-01-01)
S: Pt. pairs grandiose claims of own potential w/attempts at insult. O: Claims not borne out in practice. A: Recommend setting aside time to relax, bond with others. P: MDMA still waiting on FDA approval - potential future treatment? Cyan, Gino, Zack Ion
  • (2025-01-01)
Fuel in Your Blood Damien, Ion, Rocket
  • (2024-12-31)
Eleventh Hour Ion, Scott
  • (2024-12-29)
In Your Head (Zombie) Cyan, Hive, Spencer DJ, Ion
  • (2024-12-27)
Book/Cover Ion, Sammy
  • (2024-12-25)
Dubious-shelter-of-sugar: A Christmas Story Kadar, Kamil, Tok Ion
  • (2024-12-25)
A Very Mongrel Christmas Cyan, Ion, Karida, Tian-shin Stretchy K, Extra Eye K
  • (2024-12-16)
Pride and Glory (Holes) Cyan, Ion
  • (2024-12-15)
In the Wings Egg, Horus Ryan, Scott, Ion
  • (2024-12-11)
Unrivaled troll game / I can't even be mad that / this school stays SO weird. Nahida, Natsumi, Sera Horus, Egg, Scott, Ion, Halim
  • (2024-12-08)
Claws, horns, tail, sure. Weird. / But treating bodies like toys? / Yeah, I've seen monsters. Bryce, Natsumi, Roscoe, Joshua, Nahida, Nevaeh, Sera Tok, Ion, Scott, Dallen, Egg
  • (2024-12-06)
Porcupine Handling Bryce, Quentin, Tok Dallen, Ion, Scott
  • (2024-12-05)
Just a Feeling Ion, Chef Jax
  • (2024-12-01)
Of a -- Feather? Bryce, Egg Horus, Kieow, Tok, Ion, Quentin, Scott, Sera, DJ
  • (2024-11-24)
Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, who will only despise the wisdom of your words. Ion, Leo, Ren
  • (2024-11-20)
Offerer-of-the-gold: A Poem of Honest Toil Kadar, Lucien Ion
  • (2024-11-16)
When You Move, Fall Like a Thunderbolt Ion, Jax, Scott Mystique, Cerebro
  • (2024-11-16)
Asueto Ion, Jax Scott, Ryan
  • (2024-11-16)
All Warfare Is Based on Deception Heather, Ion, Mystique, Buttercup Jax, Scott
  • (2024-11-11)
Ceci n'est pas une work call Hive, Scott Cerebro, Ion, Jax
  • (2024-10-30)
Cup-stream: A Song of New Beginnings Ion, Kadar, Kamil Khalil, Joshua, Scramble
  • (2024-10-29)
Scary Season DJ/Dawson, Hive, Polaris Egg, Ion, Dusk, Tony, Mirror, Fury, Shane
  • (2024-10-24)
Hear Those Church Bells Ringing Tian-shin, Wolfcub, Crazy Train, Thing ∅, Ion Thing 2
  • (2024-10-24)
Cleansing Fire Odin?, Muninn?? Huginn?!, Crazy Train, Ion, Wolfcub Thing ∅, Tian-shin
  • (2024-10-21)
Last Ride Ion, Scramble Scott, Shane
  • (2024-10-20)
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart Egg, DJ, Sera Shane, Ion, Dusk, Hive
  • (2024-10-20)
Open Enrollment Ion, Scott Egg, Shane, Dusk
  • (2024-10-19)
Homegoing/Homecoming Egg, Ion Shane, B, Dusk
  • (2024-10-17)
Hot Dogs, With Relish Budi, Ion Lucien, Shane
  • (2024-10-12)
I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak, but the fat and the strong I will destroy. I will feed them with justice. Joshua, Ion, Jax, Scott, Amo, Kiri, Regan, Leo, Charles, Ryan Hive, Sriyani
1..5051..100(192 total)
xxxxx    Mentions
1..5051..100(192 total)
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2025-02-02)
And they were roommates Sammy, Whipcrack Ion
  • (2025-01-25)
Parents kind of suck Sammy, Whipcrack Ion
  • (2025-01-24)
First Contact Whipcrack, Winona Ion
  • (2025-01-22)
We Talk About Fight Club Cyan, Kamil Ion
  • (2025-01-18)
By insolence the heedless make strife, but wisdom is with those who take advice. Joshua, Leo Tok, Scott, Jax, Horus, Ion, Ford
  • (2025-01-16)
Disaster, Inc Prospectus Horus, Tok Ion, Scott, Ryan, Jax, Egg, Avi, Bryce, Dallen, Echo, Nahida, Natsumi, Nevaeh, Quentin, Roscoe, Sera, Spencer, Sriyani
  • (2025-01-16)
Changing of the Minds Charles, Spencer, Tok Horus, Jax, Roscoe, Ion, Shane
  • (2025-01-16)
Call to Arms Jax, Hive, Hive, Hive, Hive, Hive, Hive, Halim, Joshua, Mirror Dusk, Shane, Taylor, Tian-shin, Horus, Ion, Kadar, Lucien, DJ
  • (2025-01-13)
Chaos Vortices Destiny, Mystique Erik, Ion, Dusk
  • (2025-01-01)
S: Pt. pairs grandiose claims of own potential w/attempts at insult. O: Claims not borne out in practice. A: Recommend setting aside time to relax, bond with others. P: MDMA still waiting on FDA approval - potential future treatment? Cyan, Gino, Zack Ion
  • (2024-12-29)
In Your Head (Zombie) Cyan, Hive, Spencer DJ, Ion
  • (2024-12-25)
Dubious-shelter-of-sugar: A Christmas Story Kadar, Kamil, Tok Ion
  • (2024-12-15)
In the Wings Egg, Horus Ryan, Scott, Ion
  • (2024-12-11)
Unrivaled troll game / I can't even be mad that / this school stays SO weird. Nahida, Natsumi, Sera Horus, Egg, Scott, Ion, Halim
  • (2024-12-08)
Claws, horns, tail, sure. Weird. / But treating bodies like toys? / Yeah, I've seen monsters. Bryce, Natsumi, Roscoe, Joshua, Nahida, Nevaeh, Sera Tok, Ion, Scott, Dallen, Egg
  • (2024-12-06)
Porcupine Handling Bryce, Quentin, Tok Dallen, Ion, Scott
  • (2024-12-01)
Of a -- Feather? Bryce, Egg Horus, Kieow, Tok, Ion, Quentin, Scott, Sera, DJ
  • (2024-11-20)
Offerer-of-the-gold: A Poem of Honest Toil Kadar, Lucien Ion
  • (2024-11-11)
Ceci n'est pas une work call Hive, Scott Cerebro, Ion, Jax
  • (2024-10-29)
Scary Season DJ/Dawson, Hive, Polaris Egg, Ion, Dusk, Tony, Mirror, Fury, Shane
  • (2024-10-20)
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart Egg, DJ, Sera Shane, Ion, Dusk, Hive
1..5051..100(192 total)
Archived Logs
1..5051..100(171 total)
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2018-10-14)
Costume Bruce, Hulk, Ion, Monsterling
  • (2018-10-02)
Asylum Ion, Isra, Steve
  • (2018-08-24)
Splash Zone Ion, Tian-shin
  • (2018-06-06)
Liberator Ion, Steve
  • (2018-05-04)
Fast Egg, Ion, Isra
  • (2018-04-03)
Classic Ion, Steve
  • (2018-02-20)
The Enemy of my Enemy Ion, Scramble
  • (2018-01-21)
Lesson Ion, Monsterling
  • (2017-11-27)
Real Winter Ion, Ryan, Skye
  • (2017-10-29)
MacGuffin Ion, Isra, Scramble, Dragonlord, Pietro, Wanda
  • (2017-10-13)
Genetic Superiority Ion, Scramble
  • (2017-09-23)
Better Angels Ion, Tian-shin
  • (2017-09-15)
In Which Some Mutants Look For Jobs, Some Mutants Look For Help, and Some Mutants Look For Trouble Blink, Ion, Jax, Lucien, Matt, fakeJoshua, Taylor, Theo
  • (2017-09-01)
Jailbreak Anette, Ion, Isra, Owlet
  • (2017-08-27)
Bloody-minded Dusk, Ion, Steve
  • (2017-08-25)
Odds and Ends Allison, Blink, Flicker, Ion, Mercy
  • (2017-08-21)
Nox Ion, Rasa, Seamonster
  • (2017-08-13)
Half a Shot of Sunday Afternoon, Half a Shot of Excellent New Style, One Percent of Chaos, Serve Chilled Ion, Natalie, Scramble
  • (2017-08-08)
Respect Anette, Ion
  • (2017-08-08)
Consideration Ion, Scramble
  • (2017-08-02)
Equal Opportunity Detention B, Ion, Scramble
  • (2017-07-31)
Old School Ion, Spencer, Dragonling
  • (2017-06-25)
Lifesavers Ion, Lucien, Matt
  • (2017-06-17)
Private Property Ion, Scramble, NPC-Pietro, NPC-Wanda
  • (2017-06-08)
Sibling Bonds B, Ion, Scramble
  • (2017-06-07)
Good Guys B, Dusk, Ion, Isra, Natalie, Regan, Scramble
  • (2017-05-30)
Quite Alright Ion, Lucien
  • (2017-05-21)
Something Different Alex, B, Blink, Dakota, Desi, Dusk, Elias, Elliott, Flicker, Heather, Hive, Horus, Ion, Isra, Jax, Joshua, Lucien, Lyric, Marinov, Monsterling, Natalie, Nic, Nick, Paige, Paras, Peter_Old, Ryan, Sam, Scramble, Spencer, Shane, Tag, Taylor
  • (2017-04-22)
Playtime B, Desi, Eve, Ion, Monsterling
  • (2017-04-03)
Trade Ion, Lucien, Matt, Steve, Dragonlord
  • (2017-03-30)
Bath Time Ion, Scramble, Dragonlord
  • (2017-03-01)
Memento, homo Ion, Jax, Steve
  • (2017-02-01)
Family Time Ion, Egg, Tian-shin
  • (2017-01-13)
Extended Family Anette, B, Ion, Firelord
  • (2017-01-07)
Quandries Anette, Dusk, Ion
  • (2017-01-07)
Experimental Ion, Isra, Scramble
  • (2017-01-02)
In Which Evolve Is Closed For Business But Experiences A Somewhat Abrupt Re-Opening, Not In The Standard Way Ion, Taylor, Marinov, Egg
  • (2016-12-30)
No Easy Options Anette, Ion, Monsterling
  • (2016-12-23)
All Kinds Fiona, Ion, Lucien
  • (2016-12-05)
Light It Up B, Ion, Isra, Natalie, Monsterling
  • (2016-08-10)
Double Dragon Dragonlord, Dusk, Ion, Spence, Steve, Tian-shin
  • (2016-07-20)
Crowd Control Anette, Ion, Isra, Jared, Monsterling
  • (2016-07-03)
Kicks Blink, Dragonlord, Ion
  • (2016-06-11)
Magic in Plenty Blink, Ion, Scramble
  • (2016-05-30)
Some Days Ion, Lucien, Matt
  • (2016-05-06)
Big Breakfast Desi, Ion, Egg
  • (2016-04-05)
Uncivil Disobedience Flicker, Ion, Scramble, Tag, Quiche, Horus
  • (2016-03-20)
Levelheaded Ion, Isra, Savannah, Monsterling
  • (2016-03-17)
Outgunned, Outmanned Ash, B, Dusk, Flicker, Hive, Ion, Jax, Joshua, Matt, Mirror, Rachel, Ryan, Scramble, Shane, Steve, Tian-shin
  • (2016-01-30)
One Part Egg, One Part Loose Interpretation Of Rules, Serve With A Dash Of Totally Responsible Parenting Ion, Matt, Natalie, Frittata
1..5051..100(171 total)