Logs:Vignette - Live and In Color!

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Vignette - Live and In Color!
Dramatis Personae


In Absentia

Scott, Jax, Blink, Joshua, Tian-shin, Mystique, Heather, Akihiro, Ion, Egg


"I promise you, we're going to have a season to die for." (part of mojo tp.)


<MOJ> Arena - Mojoverse

It's a bright-bright sunshiney day, which might be a little bit alarming, because wasn't the last thing they remember kicking back in the teachers' lounge together way back in Westchester? Wasn't the last thing they remember the moonlit courtyard at Jenner?

This is definitely not those places, though. It's some kind of park -- like a vast sports stadium set up for no kind of recognizable games -- festive, though. Banners waving, sparkles sparkling, loud music playing, crowd roaring with applause, some unidentifiable species of colorfully-bedecked creatures performing a complicated dancelike ritual on the oddly structured pitch, which there are great views of from the respective (very comfortable! What a thoughtful host they must have!) team boxes.

As the performers finish their routine and file off, the glorious sky above shifts and opens-- not a sky after all but an unbelievably crisp screen; briefly behind it, a sliver of murky grey sky can be seen before the screen closes again. A figure has flown through, and though in the huge arena it's hard to make out in great detail it isn't long before some unseen cameras magnify him stark against the incredibly realistic fake sky. The creature is huge, or looks huge, a large somewhat slug-like thing who seems composed mostly of oily green-grey blob being carted around in a complicated hovering mechanism of myriad spidery mechanical legs. He's got two powerful arms ending in veeery long tapered claws and somewhere in all the skin is a face, forehead craggy and ridged around glowing pupilless yellow eyes that seem to be stitched open, mouth wiiiiiiiide and full of gleaming teeth in a too-bright grin, surrounded by long thick coils of greasy black tentacly locks of hair mixed in with spiky metal wires. The only thing he is wearing is a bold polka-dot bow tie attached to seemingly nothing.

The roar of the crowd gets wilder.

"Helllloooooooooo Mojo World!" It's a hello with energy, really projecting his voice to the crowd. Unfortunately that energy is the kind of enthusiasm of a man who saw a turtle crossing the road on his way over here to day and swerved out of his lane just to run it over and is still riding off the high of that crunch and the voice he's projecting sounds like the yowls of several fighting cats. Still. He's pumped.

"Are you ready? Are you ready? Because we are back and this time it's gonna be better than ever. No more of that rolling over and dying or crying for their mommies or running and hiding that you've seen from Earthlings before. No way. We've been studying Earth much more carefully and we're not just picking any old mutants anymore. This time we've been hard at work to bring you the cream of the crop. The freshest, the brightest, the strongest. These are real fighters, folks. These aren't just freaks, these are freaks with gusto. You're gonna love 'em, folks."

With a flourish his myriad spiderlegs are spinning wide; the sky around him is lighting up in a glimmer of fireworks as a stylized title sequence plays:



The righteous heroes of Earth's downtrodden, doomed to the futile quest for justice... introducing the noble X-MEN.

The stoic leader, PUNCH-EYES.

Below this, an image of Cyclops, hand at his visor as he ricochets a striking beam of red off the side mirror of a Cybertruck.

The brave second-in-command, CYCLOPS.

Below this, The Iconic Photograph of Jax at the gates of Lassiter, yoinked straight from Earth news.

The dynamic duo, LICKETY and SPLIT.

Here there are Blink and Joshua out in Madripoor -- for some reason BOTH of them now have purple portals; someone has done a somewhat exaggerated editing job of highlighting them in the glowing purple and they're both blipping back and forth through the portals, giving exaggerated thumbs ups.

The muscle, RAZOR.

Here, Tian-shin, menacing Akihiro (who is on the ground, clearly in pain, foaming at the mouth) with a sword. The sword is, for some reason, also glowing purple.

This segment hastily finishes "...and FRIENDS" before continuing on to,

and... dedicated to spreading villainy and terror across the planet, introducing the vile miscreants of the BROTHERHOOD OF EVIL MUTANTS.

The shifty spy, BLUE MYSTERY.

Here there is a clip from Law & Order: MID of one of their villains of the week, a human actor in extensive blue makeup, doing an admittedly very badass looking flip kick.

The devastating assassin, SPEED DEMON.

This clip shows Heather, zipping rapidly to slam her hand into Tian-shin's midsection; this has been edited so that it replays the blow several times in rapid succession.

The mad berzerker, HAND KNIVES.

This is suspiciously similar to Tian-shin's shot, but maaaybe a half-second later, Akihiro still foaming but now on all fours, poised to spring.

The brutal tormentor, STORM.

This is a shot of Ion, wild-eyed and bloodied, teeth bared, his limbs wreathed in flickers of lightning as he stands over several frightened-looking bound Genoshan captives.

Their lovable dog, BEAR.

Here is an airborne shot of Egg, talons flexed, teeth bared, snarling.

And of course, their infamous leader, the master of magnetism himself -- MAGNETO!!!

This is the longest shot of all, a rather spectacular thirty seconds with an extraordinarily flashy standoff between Magneto and a number of Sentinels as well as numerous military craft. It's quite impressively theatrical and it is only in the last moment that extremely small text flashes at the bottom: (Footage courtesy of the Genoshan Magistrates. Magneto not appearing in these games.)


As the credits finish rolling (on a hasty "and FRIENDS" again), Mojo's face returns bright and gleamy-smiling up above. "Stick with us, folks, the games are starting live tomorrow and I promise you, we're going to have a season to die for."