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I form the light, and create darkness

xxxxxThe littlest Allred.


xxxxxA small East Asian teenager with very dark brown eyes and black hair that's just a little longer on the top than most Mormons would consider entirely Proper.


xxxxxNote: Dallen is transitioning but has not come out at school, so unless we've discussed otherwise, please refer to her ICly with he/him pronouns even if I'm using she/her in exposition.

xxxxxBest known for being a painfully nice Mormon kid who is extremely attached to her (slightly) older brother Bryce, and also for being the youngest sibling of both Flicker and Lily who are differently (in)famous. In person Most people find her shy and demure and a little strange, and seems much more confident talking scripture than just about anything else, despite which she is frankly very bad at evangelization. She is autistic, and while she's unlikely to bring it up proactively she exhibits well-known autistic traits and will openly discuss her "condition" if asked.


xxxxxDallen was born just outside of Nanjing and given up for adoption as an infant by their teenaged birth mother. she did not spend very long in foster care before being adopted by a Mormon family in Salt Lake City, Utah and becoming the youngest of 13 siblings. An outside observer might look at this and see White Saviorism at work, and they would be correct, but there was more at play.

xxxxxYears before Dallen was born, the Allreds kicked out their eldest son, Dawson, when his newly manifested and uncontrolled teleportation caused difficulties with their ward. Dallen's adoption and the birth of the next youngest sibling, Bryce, were both in some way their parents' subconscious attempts to atone for rejecting Dawson...without ever actually talking about it with their kids.

xxxxxWhether because of this weirdly shared origin or proximity in age, Dallen and Bryce were inseparable through childhood. Though they were both lavished with love and attention -- not just out of guilt but also just for being The Babies of such a sprawling clan -- they were treated differently in ways both subtle and not and which weren't all due to racism. The racism was a big part of it, though their parents insist and maybe even believe they do not "see race" and Dallen is just like the rest of their kids!

xxxxxShe has always been smaller and less athletic than most boys of the same age in their community, had more difficulties in certain social situations, and even worse, she was...kind of feminine. Here racism might actually have saved her from worse abuse, since their parents, other adults, and even their more thoughtful peers attributed many of her perceived shortcomings to the deficits of her blood and therefore outside of her control. That didn't necessarily stop her being compared (unfavorably) to Bryce, though.

xxxxxTo Dallen, all of this was normal and hardly even noticeable. Even when she noticed it, she didn't resent her brother, mostly because it was clearly not his doing but a little because she also believed he was in fact more deserving. But for the most part she had a happy childhood relatively free from want.

xxxxxAnd then one day, the shadows started misbehaving. It was only noticeable to Dallen at first, but the darkness gathering around her quickly became very obvious and very impossible to hide. In this, as in many things, Bryce was ahead of her, having manifested first though he was able to conceal it, telling only Dallen. But when Dallen faced the daunting prospect of talking to their parents (who once rejected their own firstborn over *his* mutant powers), Bryce came out as a mutant in solidarity.

xxxxxTheir parents actually stood up for her in their community and ward, probably less due to Bryce's bluster and more the attention that Dawson's death (and the protests it sparked) brought a couple of years before. That didn't make school any easier, but luckily it came to their attention there's a whole school for children with such difficulties out in New York City (it's not actually in New York City): Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.


xxxxxShe's a photokinetic, but her photokinesis is focused around the absence of light, and effectively manifests as manipulation of shadows. She uses it mostly as shadow puppetry, but she can also pull shadows off of surfaces as concealment, and is slowly working on 3D shadow puppets.


xxxxxLike all Good Mormon Boys (or children their parents think are boys), Dallen is a Boy Scout, though not as good a Boy Scout as her parents and Scout leaders would probably prefer. Her campsite and orienteering skills are adequate, her first aid and emergency survival skills are solid, and for her age and experience she is pretty good at plant identification, foraging, and tracking in bioregions she's familiar with.

xxxxxAlongside Bryce, she learned woodworking and gardening from their parents (she's much better at the gardening), and knows her way around both hand and power tools. She has a pretty wide range of basic competence with household repairs, sewing/mending, troubleshooting technology both high and low, and organizing storage. She is a reasonably good cook within a limited range of Very White American Cuisine.

xxxxxShe is an excellent student and does especially well in English (through intensive study) and math (through some innate gift though also a lot of study). She used to enjoy a wide variety of sports, but has never had any great success in any of them and has gradually participated less and less. She plays the piano, and while her skill at reciting pieces is decent, she improvise splendidly in a way that's startling to people who have only heard her pick their uninspired way through sheet music.



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

And everything in between

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  • Random facts you think are worth knowing about your character.
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  • And more.

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Full Name
Codename None
Birthdate May 31, 2011
Birthplace Nanjing, PRC
Species Mutant
Affiliation Xavier's
Alignment Chose the Right
Powers Nega-photokinesis
Occupation Student
Registration Status None
Faceclaim None
RP Hooks
Yet Another Allred - Dallen is the youngest of 13 kids. Her next oldest brother Bryce also goes to Xavier's, and her oldest brother Flicker, her other oldest brother from another universe DJ, and her oldest sister Lily all have some amount of fame in the local community.
"Boy" Scout - She's very outdoorsy, often the best-prepared person in an outing, and eager to help people.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2024-09-17)
Please. Let's get real here. / If it stayed an ugly duck / who would know the tale? Dallen, Natsumi, Tok Bryce, Horus
  • (2024-09-09)
Interdisciplinary Studies Dallen, Quentin, Roscoe Horus, Jax, Charles, Bryce
  • (2024-09-05)
JV Superheroics Avi, Bryce, Nevaeh Quentin, Sriyani, Scott, Jax, Joshua, Kyinha, Dallen
  • (2024-09-03)
Model Teacher Dallen, Horus, Tok Jax, Dawson, Quentin, Bryce
  • (2024-05-31)
Quite Quietly Fierce Dallen, Damien Bryce, Jax, Sugar
  • (2024-05-24)
The Future is Ours AJ, Leonidas, Roscoe Quentin, Dallen, Charles
  • (2024-05-24)
Of Memories and Modesty (Or, Small Blessings) Bryce, Dallen, Kavalam, Nahida, Sriyani
  • (2024-05-24)
M(i/a)croaggressions Ford, Quentin, Roscoe Dallen, Sriyani, Nahida, Sera
  • (2024-05-23)
Just Small Bryce, Dallen, Joshua Hive, Quentin, Nahida, Jax, AJ, Rocket, Sriyani
  • (2024-05-22)
Stimchronization Dallen, Quentin, Tok AJ, Bryce, Joshua
  • (2024-05-22)
In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity. AJ, Leonidas, Quentin, Tok Bryce, Dallen, Nahida, Nevaeh, Avi
  • (2024-05-22)
Hearsay/Theresay AJ, Dallen Bryce, Quentin, Leonidas
  • (2024-05-20)
Your hands are shaking / Mine, too. Eyes wide, hearts pounding. / Fear, or bravery? Natsumi, Roscoe, Sriyani, Falcon-cameo Nahida, Nevaeh, Quentin, Dallen
  • (2024-05-20)
Vignette - The Littlest Avenger Bryce Dallen, Leonidas, AJ, Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, Rocket, Lucien
  • (2024-05-20)
He Protec Dallen Nahida, Quentin
  • (2024-05-14)
Treading Water AJ, Bryce Dallen
  • (2024-04-27)
Escort Missions Nessie, Sriyani, Quentin, Roscoe, Nick, Bryce, Elizabeth, Dallen, Ford, Kurt, Joshua, Emilia, Scott Nevaeh, Taylor, Dawson, DJ, Nahida
  • (2024-04-27)
Doing Something Quentin, Nessie, Bryce, Emilia, Roscoe, Sriyani, Kurt, Kelawini, Dallen, Ford, Scott Taylor, Nick, Shane, B, Jax
  • (2024-04-23)
Make Them Care Quentin, Scott, Sriyani, Roscoe, Kelawini, Ford, Dallen, Nessie, Bryce, Spencer Charles, Jax, Nanami, Ryan
  • (2024-04-23)
Freaks for Freaktown Quentin, Sriyani, Roscoe, Dallen Jax
  • (2024-04-19)
Of Paganism and Pedagogy (Or, Holy Wars) Kavalam, Nahida, Bryce, Roscoe, Quentin, Naomi, Avi, Dallen, Sriyani, Ford
  • (2024-04-08)
Family Proclamations Bryce, Dallen, DJ, Hive, Polaris Jax, Quentin, Dawson
  • (2024-04-07)
Making Wonders Dallen, Jax, Quentin Erik, Sugar, Spencer, Matt, Ryan, Dusk, Scott, Lucien
  • (2024-03-25)
Spin Outs Bryce, Marc Charles, Dallen
  • (2024-03-25)
Let It Grow Dallen, Quentin Ryan
  • (2024-03-04)
SPQX Bryce, Emilia, Naomi Jax, Marinov, Matt, Dallen
  • (2024-02-10)
Strong Words Bryce, Dallen, Lily DJ, Lael
  • (2024-01-25)
Hall of Fame Bryce, Dallen, Roscoe Kyinha, Dawson, Jax, Charles
  • (2023-12-12)
Midnight Sun Charles, Hive Dawson, DJ, Erik, Bryce, Dallen, Cerebro
  • (2023-12-11)
Psychic Visions DJ, Hive, Polaris Erik, Jax, Charles, Bryce, Dallen
  • (2023-11-27)
Scary/Nice Dallen, Roscoe Bryce, Lily, Jax
  • (2023-11-20)
Differently Sheltered Ryan, Skye Hive, Dusk, Dawson, Charles, Dallen, Bryce, Jax, B
  • (2023-11-01)
Come the Raptor Bryce, Dallen, Hive, Matt, an angel Dawson, Elie, Dusk
  • (2023-10-25)
Stiff-Necked People Dallen, Roscoe, Spencer Bryce
  • (2023-10-22)
White Jesus Avi, Bryce, Lael Naomi, Dallen, Roscoe, DJ, Lily, Dawson, Jax, Matt, Joshua
  • (2023-10-21)
Exploratory Mission Bryce, Dallen, Rhydian, Roscoe
  • (2023-10-20)
Suffer the Little Children Hive, Matt, Cerebro Dallen, Bryce, Dawson, DJ, Maya, Joshua, Kyinha, Sera, Scott, Nanami, Charles
  • (2023-06-28)
Proclamation Bryce, Dallen, Heavenly Host, Charles Dawson, Lily, Grace
  • (2023-06-27)
Secret Handshake Bryce, Dallen, DJ