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you can die later!


xxxxxNosy no-goodnik (recovering.)


xxxxxRoscoe is an unassuming Vietnamese-American teenager -- five foot five, skinny, twitchy. He wears almost exclusively athletic clothes, usually with his hood up and earbuds in, looking deceptively like he doesn’t want attention. He has olive-toned skin, thick black hair he's been growing out again, dimples when he smiles, and prominent front teeth.


xxxxxAt Xavier's, Roscoe is one of many Nu-Metheans of the post-Lassiter age -- in fact, he was at Lassiter for much of his tenure as a labrat, so he seems to know half of everybody who passed through while he was there, though whether he likes them is another question entirely. Though he's relatively well-known in those circles, he keeps a slightly lower profile with the rest of school -- he's a smart but lazy student, highly sociable but habitually rude. If you don't already know he's from Boston, you will soon.


xxxxxRaised with very high standards and very little supervision, Roscoe Vo spent the first eleven years of his life figuring out how to overachieve without actually doing any of the requisite work. This worked smoothly for everyone involved until Roscoe developed a mutation. Nobody took this well. At some point in the ensuing collapse of his entire life, Roscoe started acting out a little too destructively and ended up detained in the Prometheus Project, where he remained until its collapse. Not long after that, he turned up at Xavier's.


xxxxxX-ray vision, like Superman but without the super stuff.


xxxxxPlaying dumb, playing possum, playing poker. Minecraft. Fairly good at chess, even better at mind games. Audiovisual tech support and troubleshooting, picking up some basics of computer coding. Reading upside-down and backward, reading really fast. Limited conversational Vietnamese. Cheating at a respectable number of card games, both with and without X-ray vision. Neat but unartistic stick-poke tattoos. Hiding things and then remembering where he hid them.

Xavier's Schedule
Freshman year (2023-2024)

Fall 2023

  • English: Expository Writing
  • History: U.S.: Colonialism - 1861
  • Mathematics: Geometry (no credit)
  • Science: Biology (no credit)
  • Phys Ed: Swimming
  • Health: Teen Health Matters
  • Extracurriculars: Chess Club

Winter 2024

  • History: U.S.: 1861 - 1941
  • Mathematics: Transitional Mathematics
  • Art: Drawing 1: Methods & Materials
  • Phys Ed: Running
  • Comp Sci: Fundamentals of Computer Science
  • Social Studies: Intro to Psychology
  • Extracurriculars: Chess Club, Martial Arts Club

Spring 2024

  • English: American Immigrant Literature
  • History: The 20th Century
  • Mathematics: Transitional Mathematics
  • Phys Ed: Psionic Self-Defense
  • Philosophy & Ethics: Paganism Through History
  • Comp Sci: Fundamentals of Computer Science
  • Extracurriculars: Chess Club, Martial Arts Club

Summer 2024

  • Mathematics: Geometry
  • Science: Biology
  • Phys Ed: Swimming
Sophomore year (2024-2025)

Fall 2024

  • Mathematics: Trigonometry & Precalculus
  • Mathematics: Integrated Mathematics
  • Language: Japanese I
  • Science: Chemistry
  • Philosophy & Ethics: Bioethics: Humanity in the Post-Genomic Era
  • Comp Sci: Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Extracurriculars: Chess Club, Martial Arts Club

  • Has three sisters (Geraldine, Sharon, and Antoinette, who are twelve, ten, and eight years older than him) and one kind-of-brother-in-law (Sharon's boyfriend James, who has been around since Roscoe was about two.)
  • If you look very closely at his eyes you can see a lot of odd discoloration, scarring, damage, so on from infections, medical interventions to treat the infections, complications from the medical interventions, you get the picture. He probably won't let you look very closely at his eyes; for some reason he's kinda twitchy about that.
  • Roscoe has stabbed three people with pens, which maybe isn't a lot, but it's a lot to have had a fairly negligible impact on his reputation.
  • Roscoe is very online; though he has some fairly milquetoast social media presence he spends a lot more time gaming or lurking on image boards and troll forums. He's been permanently banned from r/mutants, but he's a prolific poster on r/prometheus, r/Xgene, r/Lassiter, and various Boston sports subreddits, and he is the sole moderator of the meme page r/Assiter. He also lurks in a bunch of Discord servers, and moderates one for teenage ex-labrats. He is by far most active in online ex-labrat communities, especially but not exclusively those that trend younger. There's a fair chance he knows someone who knows someone who knows where your friends wound up after being transferred out of Van Leeuwenhoek.
  • Actually Roscoe has been very online since he was nine years old, mostly to his detriment, and it's not hard to find the vestiges of his pre-Prometheus life all over the web. All of his own accounts have been deleted, but there are still scattered throwaway accounts and forum threads that were made specifically to bully or impersonate him that have never been taken down. Also not hard to find his doxx.
  • However, the first web result for "Roscoe Vo" is an Instagram pug.

xxxxx    Gallery
Rovo230924 1.png Blosco.png

Roscoe Brendan Vo
Birthdate May 20, 2008
Birthplace Boston, Massachusetts
Species Mutant
Affiliation Prometheus, Xavier's
Alignment Amogus
Powers X-ray vision
Occupation Student
Registration Status N/A (Underage)
RP Hooks
Now you see it... Roscoe has a bad case of sticky fingers, mostly for little things: coins, pens, erasers, lighters, snacks, smokes. At least he's staying away from felony larceny this time.
Outstanding move. Roscoe loves games! Please play games with him. He is no longer limited to the games in the rec/wreck at Lassiter. He probably still wants to gamble. He absolutely still wants to trash-talk.
:OmegaLUL: Roscoe is back on the web with a vengeance, armed with a good idea of how easily the Internet can ruin a life and a very long memory for people who've done him wrong.
Legolas, what do your elf eyes see? Roscoe makes a great lookout, spy, conspirator, etc. He’s also really eager to show this off. He’ll do it for free. Please.
1..5051..100(139 total)
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2025-02-13)
Speculative Reflection Avi, Roscoe, Spencer Horus, Sriyani, Jax, Bryce, Dallen, DJ
  • (2025-02-10)
Godliest Of All Time Roscoe, Sammy, Sriyani Bryce, Dallen
  • (2025-02-08)
Foiled Again! Anahita, Jax, Roscoe
  • (2025-02-02)
Prepare For Trouble! And Make It Double! Roscoe, Tok Scott
  • (2025-01-29)
Just a little wish -- / Good fortune. A quiet year. / We aren't asking much. Echo, Natsumi, Roscoe, Sriyani
  • (2025-01-25)
It's a Dangerous Business Avi, Roscoe Echo, Nanami, Sriyani
  • (2025-01-24)
A Little Bird Told Me... Deuce, Roscoe
  • (2025-01-21)
Scientific Progress Goes Boink Bryce, Lydia, Quentin, Roscoe
  • (2025-01-19)
Trust/Verify Halim, Roscoe Joshua, Jax, Charles
  • (2025-01-16)
Love is in the air / Hearts leaping, rosy pink glow -- / no wait, that's fungus Nahida, Sriyani, Avi, Natsumi, Nevaeh, Bryce, Dallen, Echo, Spencer, Quentin, Roscoe, Scott, Sera, Ion, Ford, Horus, Chonk, Moab
  • (2025-01-16)
A Bird in the Hand Horus, Quentin, Roscoe, Spencer Tok, Shane, Jax, Charles
  • (2025-01-13)
Good to Know Roscoe, Tok Bryce, Quentin
  • (2025-01-10)
To: Joshua S. / Subject: Basement Nazi hoard / ... okay, maybe not. Natsumi, Roscoe, Sriyani Charles, Joshua, Avi, Spencer
  • (2025-01-08)
The Fungus Among Us Bryce, Roscoe, Tok, Quentin Jax, Scott, Dallen
  • (2025-01-08)
Lock the doors. Stay cool. / Really gotta thank the labs -- / We're old hat at this. Natsumi, Remi, Roscoe Tok, Leo, Jax
  • (2025-01-07)
Cocoa Diplomacy Avi, Echo, Roscoe, Spencer Nahida, Quentin
  • (2024-12-21)
Squepsi Gaétan, Roscoe Kadar, Sriyani, Avi
  • (2024-12-19)
Last dance of the year / a little bit of normal / Psych! DJ's a bird. Horus, Natsumi, Roscoe Scott, Jax, Avi
  • (2024-12-19)
"Anger" "Management" Avi, Emilia, Roscoe Jax
  • (2024-12-18)
Chop-Chop Roscoe, Sriyani Kyinha, Quentin, Bryce, Nahida
  • (2024-12-11)
Clown World Roscoe, Tok
  • (2024-12-08)
Claws, horns, tail, sure. Weird. / But treating bodies like toys? / Yeah, I've seen monsters. Bryce, Natsumi, Roscoe, Joshua, Nahida, Nevaeh, Sera Tok, Ion, Scott, Dallen, Egg
  • (2024-12-07)
Sandbox - Markov Process Holden, Roscoe Kyinha
  • (2024-12-05)
Flower Power Abigail, Nahida, Roscoe Dallen, Bryce, DJ, Egg
  • (2024-12-01)
Attention to Detail Dallen, Roscoe Abigail
  • (2024-11-22)
Tilt Warning Roscoe, Tok
  • (2024-11-20)
Backflipping to Conclusions Tok, Asva, Roscoe Emilia
  • (2024-11-18)
Accidentally Incidentally Aspirationally Prepared Roscoe, Spencer Jax, Ryan
  • (2024-11-13)
Unwelcoming Wagon Colin, Halim, Roscoe Jax, Scott
  • (2024-11-05)
Look Ahead VOSCO, Vok Avi, Halim, Jax
  • (2024-11-01)
Snacking While High Quentin, Roscoe Avi, Bryce, Nahida, Sriyani
  • (2024-10-31)
I ❤️ NY Avi, Roscoe Sriyani, Gaétan, Nahida
  • (2024-10-28)
In-Class Exercises Bryce, Halim, Quentin, Roscoe Jax
  • (2024-10-28)
A double edged sword? / It sounds kind of cool, to be / twice as dangerous. Avi, Natsumi, Roscoe Rhydian, Bryce, Quentin, Horus, Halim, Jax
  • (2024-10-20)
Badness Ecosystem Halim, Roscoe Shane
  • (2024-10-18)
Chillsville Ford, Roscoe
  • (2024-10-13)
Of Raids and Remembering (Or, In a Just World) Kavalam, Quentin, Roscoe Scott, Joshua, Jax, Charles, Erik, Malthus
  • (2024-10-07)
Rock/Hard Place Quentin, Roscoe
  • (2024-09-28)
Brain Sugar Celestine, Roscoe, Spencer Jax, Horus
  • (2024-09-27)
Curfew (and Other Religious Obligations) Bryce, Roscoe, Spencer Hive, Ryan, Sriyani, DJ, Jax
  • (2024-09-22)
Depth of Field Roscoe, Tok Spencer
  • (2024-09-16)
Bird School Mr. Horus, Roscoe Joshua
  • (2024-09-12)
How to Hero Avi, Nahida, Roscoe Sriyani, Spencer, Quentin, Natsumi, Jax, Scott, Charles
  • (2024-09-09)
Interdisciplinary Studies Dallen, Quentin, Roscoe Horus, Jax, Charles, Bryce
  • (2024-09-04)
We won't get cocky / that would take having some faith / in, well, anyone. Natsumi, Roscoe Horus, Hive, Scott, Tian-shin, Sriyani, Nahida, Joshua, Quentin
  • (2024-08-19)
Fool Proof Roscoe, Tok Hive, Jax
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xxxxx    Mentions
1..5051..100(139 total)
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2025-02-10)
Messy Breaks Anahita, DJ Jax, Roscoe
  • (2025-01-16)
Disaster, Inc Prospectus Horus, Tok Ion, Scott, Ryan, Jax, Egg, Avi, Bryce, Dallen, Echo, Nahida, Natsumi, Nevaeh, Quentin, Roscoe, Sera, Spencer, Sriyani
  • (2025-01-16)
Changing of the Minds Charles, Spencer, Tok Horus, Jax, Roscoe, Ion, Shane
  • (2024-10-10)
Brand Management Sriyani, Tok Roscoe
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