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The world is just awesome.
Spencer Isaac Attali Holland-Zedner
Codename None
Birthdate September 13, 2005
Species Mutant
Affiliation Citizens
Alignment Excitable
Powers Teleportation
Occupation Moral Support

xxxxxYoungest (adopted) son of Jackson and Micah, adopted brother to Shane and B. Often found in the company of one or more of them. Actually, he's found a lot of places. Accidentally.


xxxxxSmall and skinny, with a floppy expanse of mousy brown hair, a faint smattering of freckles, and wide grey-brown eyes. Spencer is an exuberant child, prone to an overabundance of energy and a lot of very bright smiling. His pale skin is generally peppered with a generous sprinkling of scrapes and scars, the byproduct of an overactive childhood.


xxxxxChattery, endlessly curious, brightly exuberant, Spencer is -- well. Nine. He's very fond of science, very short on attention span, and he thinks pretty much all mutant powers are the coolest mutant powers. He might not yet grasp how superlatives work.


xxxxxTeleportation. Rather powerful teleportation. Spencer can teleport himself or things that he touches to -- almost anywhere, much to the chagrin of his father, who frequently wishes to install a GPS tracker under his skin. Unfortunately, his young age means that he's not very /good/ at this; things tend to just /vanish/ every now and then when he's touching them while also being excited or distracted, which is most of the time. He tends to vanish every now and then, like when he's bored at school and decides it's time to drop in on his brothers or father. Even if they're at school. Or work. If he's teleporting to people or places he's familiar with he can usually get there pretty adeptly, but if he's startled or scared or excited or Just Exploring, sometimes he ends up accidentally in strange places. Like across town. Or across the country.

xxxxxHe also has the bad habit of only teleporting part of the things he's touching, which means attempting to teleport other people any great distance, although he is technically capable of it, is usually a rather dire health hazard.

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Archived Logs
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Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2017-05-21)
Something Different Alex, B, Blink, Dakota, Desi, Dusk, Elias, Elliott, Flicker, Heather, Hive, Horus, Ion, Isra, Jax, Joshua, Lucien, Lyric, Marinov, Monsterling, Natalie, Nic, Nick, Paige, Paras, Peter_Old, Ryan, Sam, Scramble, Spencer, Shane, Tag, Taylor
  • (2017-02-09)
Grounds Rules Dusk, Flicker, Hive, Jax, Natalie, Shane, Tag, Horus, Joshua, Spencer, Zombie
  • (2017-02-09)
Camera Lucida Alice, B, Blink, Dusk, Flicker, Heather, Hive, Isra, Jax, Natalie, Paige, Shane, Steve, Dragonling, Horus, Ryan, Spencer, Tola, Zombie
  • (2016-08-10)
Double Dragon Dragonlord, Dusk, Ion, Spence, Steve, Tian-shin
  • (2016-08-05)
Royal Hunt Blink, Clint, Lucien, Spence
  • (2016-05-16)
Familly Time Sarabeth, Shane, Spence, Steve
  • (2016-03-20)
Planeswalkers B, Blink, Spencer
  • (2016-02-14)
Fondue Horus, Jax, Spencer, Steve
  • (2016-01-25)
Dogs of War B, Dusk, Flicker, Jax, Matt, Shane, Steve, Tag, Tian-shin, Joshua, Spence
  • (2016-01-12)
Picky B, Dusk, Flicker, Hive, Isra, Jax, Shane, Spence
  • (2016-01-11)
Not So Different Horus, Jax, Spence, Steve
  • (2016-01-04)
Structurally Unsound Eric, Gwen, Jax, Steve, Spencer
  • (2015-12-05)
In the Real Way Spence, Steve
  • (2015-11-21)
Visiting Hours Hive, Flicker, Spencer, B, Tian-shin, Tag, Steve, Jax, Horus, Ion, Isra, Shane
  • (2015-11-20)
Also, Zombies Ash, B, Daiki, Dusk, Flicker, Hive, Horus, Isra, Jax, Melinda, Shane, Spencer, Steve, Tag, Tian-shin, Tove
  • (2015-11-06)
Strains B, Bruce, Iolaus Lucien, Matt, Melinda, Shane, Sera, Spencer, Sprout
  • (2015-10-31)
Trick-or-Treat Jax, Lucien, Matt, Sera, Spencer
  • (2015-09-07)
Conventionally Speaking B, Dusk, Flicker, Hive, Isra, Jax, Shane, Tag, Tony Stark, Daiki, Joshua, Ryan, Spencer
  • (2015-08-16)
The Usual B, Jack, Sera, Spencer
  • (2015-04-22)
Questions Daken, Jax, Micah, Spencer
  • (2015-01-06)
Sleep Jax, Flicker, Micah, Spencer, Eridani
  • (2015-01-06)
Making Lives Complicated Micah, Lucien, Spencer
  • (2014-12-06)
Tribbles and Teleportation B, Jack, Rasa, Spence, Jax, Micah
  • (2014-11-19)
Compromises Lucien, Micah, Jax, Spencer, Sera
  • (2014-10-01)
Job Search Jerome, Shane, Spencer
  • (2014-09-04)
Teaching Teachers Shane, Micah, Billy, Jax, Dai, Spence
  • (2014-06-01)
Colourful Doom Jax, Micah, Spencer
  • (2014-04-26)
Smoothie Singularity Jax, Micah, Spencer
  • (2014-04-08)
Take the Sky From Me Dusk, Nicoleta, Rasa, Spencer
  • (2014-04-08)
Horrible News Shane, Micah, Jackson, Spencer
  • (2014-03-28)
Mistakes Doug, Jackson, Spencer, The Borg
  • (2014-03-23)
Shovelling Hailey, Jackson, Spencer, Sugar
  • (2014-03-21)
Under the Sea Peter_Old, Spencer
  • (2014-03-18)
Forest Fire Jackson, Jim, Spencer, Flicker
  • (2014-03-18)
Dead On Arrival Peter_Old, Aloke, Spencer, Hank, Karrie
  • (2014-01-07)
Unusual Micah, Sebastian, Shane, Spencer
  • (2013-12-29)
Wrongfully Accused Sebastian, Shane, Jackson, Micah, Eric, Spencer
  • (2013-12-29)
Posthumous Video Sebastian, Micah, Shane, Spencer
  • (2013-12-29)
Guilt Jackson, Sebastian, Shane, Micah, Spencer
  • (2013-12-23)
Belief Systems Shane, Sebastian, Micah, Dusk, Spencer, Daiki
  • (2013-12-16)
Family Time and Action Plans Lucien, Hive, Micah, Jackson, Spencer
  • (2013-12-07)
Smelling Fear Micah, Shane, Sebastian, Tess, Spencer
  • (2013-12-05)
Chopping Things Chelsea, Jackson, Micah, Shane, Flicker, Spencer
  • (2013-11-17)
Not Sharing Sebastian, Shane, Micah, Jackson, Spencer
  • (2013-10-31)
Halloween Parade Jackson, Daniel Bruce, Micah, Spencer
  • (2013-09-28)
Stay Shane, Sebastian, Micah, Jackson, Lucien, Daiki, Spencer
  • (2013-09-22)
Foregone Conclusion Jackson, Sebastian, Shane, Spencer
  • (2013-09-13)
Residence Jackson, Micah, Shane, Sebastian, Spencer
  • (2013-09-07)
Time and Place Jackson, Lucien, Melinda, Micah, Sera, Spencer
  • (2013-09-06)
Where to Start Howl, Jackson, Spencer
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