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Latest revision as of 03:11, 6 March 2014


And frozen bananas.

Dramatis Personae

Lia, Jeremy

5 March 2014

Really, completely non-suggestive and innocent post-exams celebration. With a lot of food plans. XD


<XS> Rec Room – FL2

School this may be, but life for Xavier's students certainly isn't all studying. Outside classes, this is a popular spot to find students in their downtime. An enormous tribute to slacking off, this room is a wealth of fun and relaxation.

Comfortable armchairs, couches, and beanbags offer plentiful seating scattered throughout the room, and the cushioned windowseats by the high windows offer a cozy nook to curl up and look out on the grounds.

The room is often filled with the noises of gaming -- whether it comes from the big-screen television (tall racks of DVDs beside it, if nothing can be found on the multitude of cable channels), tricked out with consoles from retro to the latest releases, or the less electronic clatter and thump of the pool table, air hockey, or foosball. For those a little more subdued in their gaming, the cabinets hold stacks and stacks of board and card games, ranging as classic as chess and go to as esoteric as Dixit, Catan, and Gloom.

More days than not, there's some variety of snacks to be found on a table beside the gaming cabinet -- quite often in the form of fresh-baked desserts.

Lia has been drawn to the rec room like any good subject of behavioural conditioning, and is rewarded as anticipated by baked goods. Baked goods with chocolate and spice! She has a chocolate chai cupcake in hand and is slowly licking the icing into a swirlier pattern with a little pink triangle of tongue. She has on a full-sized ladies top hat in aubergine crushed velvet burnout fabric with a rich satin band of matching colour. A matching satin bow tie is worn like a necklace on her bare neck, over a flowing black shirt with bell sleeves brushing against black fingerless stretch velvet gloves, grey fleece-lined leggings, a black openwork crochet skirt, and black-and-purple knee high socks. The outfit was clearly constructed /around/ the top hat and bow tie that were taken off of her magical snowman friend who, sadly, went dormant again leaving her only with nifty accessories after several days.

Freedom! Jeremy no longer worries about exams, and may or may not be caring overly much about the results of the exams that he has already taken. In comfortable sweat pants with the Xavier logo on the leg, and worn out hoodie with a power symbol on it, though the decal is slightly cracked from age and wear. Holding a mug of something that smells vaguely chocolatey with a straw in it, he acquires a seat amidst those who have already come to start the movie watching. He looks longingly at solid baked goods for a moment, but resists the bad idea that it is, and sips from the straw of safety.

Vaguely amused at the pretty clothing Lia has acquired, he gives her a wave before signing 'Hello. Celebration time begins. Do you like the movie?' he gestures to the television screen with his head. It is apparently been vote-fiated to Disney movies and is currently on Tangled, with cute animals, magic hair, and accompanying amusement.

With a warm and slightly chocolatey smile, Lia waves one hand to Jeremy. “Hello. I have seen this one before. I have liked Disney movies and some of the girls in the dorms helped me catch up on all the ones I missed. I like the singing and the dancing and the magic. I danced with clothes once, on a roof. It was like Sleeping Beauty only there wasn't a prince or magic animals, just mutants. Did you know that Sleeping Beauty is also a ballet? The music is very pretty.” As Jeremy draws closer, Lia reaches out and taps the power button symbol on his stomach. “I had a test in my computer class. That was on it. It should turn you on. Or...oh no, you were already running! Did I turn you off?” Her brown eyes go wide with real concern. “I did not use a proper shut down procedure.” She balls up a hand into a fist, circling it over her heart in apology.

Jeremy makes a squinchy smile face at Lia's commentary as he replies 'Yes, I missed a few too. Stitch was my favorite. Not much singing, or dancing. Except for Elvis and Hula'. Nodding a bit, he takes another sip through straw, followed by chewing. 'Instant ice cream. Just add me.' He makes a snorting contained laugh as she pokes the power symbol and offers worries. 'I am not a robot, I am okay. I think the computer teacher is one though. She said she isn't but she totally is,' he signs then makes a little worry frown. 'Also also, people may make comments if you talk about turning people on and off. It has other meanings for flesh people,' he signs, with a very serious face, but much amusement.

"I like hula, it is like hand-talking and dancing at the same time and also they tend to have very pretty flowers." Lia finally takes a bite of cupcake, then has to chew it quickly because of another smile fighting its way out. "You're an ice cream maker! Button worked. Turn on for ice cream." Her forehead wrinkles slightly at talk of the computer teacher. "Is she a robot? That would explain a lot. We have trouble talking sometimes." The wrinkles continue into a full-on furrowing of brow. "I didn't shut you down like to kill you. I would not do that. Also, I do not think I could push your tummy hard enough for that to happen. Even with punching. But that would be rude."

'Yes, someone suggested it. It works, though mostly like milkshake.' Jeremy nods as he watches the movie for a moment, then shakes his head vigorously at the brow furrowing. 'Not kill. Other meaning. Sex ed class meaning.' Settling in for comfort to watch movie, watch Lia, and not bump the people nearby, he thinks. 'Just don't want them making comments that are mean to you.' He offers a smile at that, though it is as close lipped as usual, and he pats her friendly like. 'I think I was there least of us, you didn't have to deal with mean kids. Just mean scientists.'

Lia follows Jeremy closer to the movie-watchers, setting her cupcake on a napkin in her lap to free her hands up for signing instead of talking over the show. 'Maybe that makes up a little for the cold hamburgers,' she comments on the instant-milkshakes. 'Oh, I have not taken that class yet. So I don't know as many things, probably. Even if I have my thinking cap on.' She tips her top hat slightly. 'It made my snowman into a thinking person, so imagine what it should do for me! I have been wearing it to take my tests. It does not teach me /new/ things, though. Maybe just helps me think better about things I already know. It was sad the snowmen had to go back to sleep. Maybe they will come back next year like Frosty.' Pausing, she brings her cupcake up for another bite. Conveniently, she can sign and chew at the same time at least! 'Sometimes people tell me that other people are being mean, but I don't always get it. So maybe that is better? No one hurts me here.'

'Makes up a little for it, but I do miss hot food.' Jeremy offers a shrug at his loss, then takes another sup. 'It is mostly boring. The internet teaches it better, but Jax had apparently been really good. But then government took him, and now he's back. It's weird.' He watches her amusedly as she describes the snowman and her hat, and nods assuringly. 'Save the hat till next snow and try again. Or, we can try and make snow when it rains.' He sips from his cup to illustrate the freezing point. 'It is much better here yeah. It is nice so many people know how to talk like this too.'

'Did the class learn sex ed on the internet instead while Mr. Fairyjax was in jail? They said he was a terrorist but he's /actually/ a fairy and an artist and a dancer and that was silly, so they had to give him back.' Lia nods at the plans for the top hat. 'I will try. But if it does not work I may have to wait for next year to try to wake up a snowman again.' Lia's eyes light up at the talk of /making/ snow. 'Oh, you are also a snow-maker! Snow-maker ice cream-maker. Very fancy. Mutli-function.' She giggles at the descriptions. 'I had a whole class in hand-talking. And a test, too. I think I did well with the test.'

'They had another teacher teach it. But everyone prefers Jax.' Nodding, Jeremy hrms a little, though he does it quietly to not disturb movie watching. 'I can also cool down soup. And eat homework, if it is on the computer,' he signs with a proud grin. 'I am very good at eating after all.' Finishing off his cup with a slight sucking noise from the straw, he taps it down into the cup to help make sure it will not drip before he removes the straw for reuse. 'I am glad you did well. You are much faster than when you first learned.'

'It is hard not to prefer Mr. Fairyjax. He has pixie dust and /all/ the colours,' Lia replies with a definitive nod. 'Why would you want to eat homework? It does not sound tasty. Unless you are in a baking class. Then all of the homework should be eaten /and/ tasty.' As if to illustrate, she pops the last of her cupcake into her mouth. 'I would have offered to get you a cupcake, but probably you might make the movie go off trying to bite it. We could put one in a blender! Make a cupcake drink. It is a chai flavour and chai is a drink. It is good cold! We could make hot chai and give it to you and you would not have to put any ice in. So you would get all of the nice warm tea smells and still have frozen chai. You are good at so many things, Jeremy.' Swallowing the cupcake remnants, she smiles. 'My class mostly complains that I go too fast, especially when I am excited. I have to remind myself to slow down for class time. I put a different tempo in my head and sometimes that helps.'

'Was a joke. Like the dog eats homework. Excuse to not have gotten your homework done,' Jeremy signs to explain it, making a little doggie hand puppet to chomp the air. 'Blend cupcake may be good. I like spicy chai too.' He does look over to the baked good tray again sighing slightly through his nose. 'May save one to eat outside before bed. Glad when it is summer, more fun to eat outside.' He seems amused at the class complaining about the speed. 'It is like when you take a language class you grew up learning.'

'Oh.' Lia giggles again at the mime-dog. 'We will make sure to save you one. Though, yes, it will be /extra/ cold out before bedtime.' She snuggles further down into her seat. 'In the summer, we should do that thing where you cook food outside over a fire. And then we will eat outside with you. I wonder what a melty marshmallow is like when /you/ eat it?' Her smile broadens at the language class talk. 'But I had only just started to learn from you before we got here. I guess we did practice /a lot/, though. That one lockdown got /real/ boring.'

'It is a little harder. But tastes good.' Jeremy answers the marshmallow question. 'Gummi bears are really hard,' he adds. Amused by his own mime-dog, he bounces his around chomping on cups and clothing. 'I eat fire too, so I will not sit too close to it. Just eat all the food, then people won't be mad.' When she talks about the lockdown, he frowns. 'I am glad we aren't there. Stupid government jerkfaces.' Shaking his fist, he makes a mad face. 'Hope they fall in a deep hole forever.'

'We had an ice cream sundae party in the kitchens one time. I put some Gummi Bears in my ice cream and they became /rock bears/,' Lia agrees with a half-suppressed titter as she remembers /not/ to laugh too much over the movie. 'People shouldn't get mad if you accidentally eat the fire a little. It's not like you can /break/ fire permanently. Just have to restart it. It isn't like wiping out computer data. If they get mad /they're/ being jerks.' Her nose crinkles at the talk of the lab people. 'I don't care what happens to them as long as they never hurt anyone else ever.'

'Hot fudge is really good. If it gets cold, it's still gooey. Banana is good too, frozen bananas.' Jeremy goes through the tasty things that could be on a sundae in his mind, leaking somewhat to his fingers. 'And the fruits are good. And chocolates and caramel and whipped cream.' Coming back from ice cream land, he nods about not breaking fire permanently. 'Camp fires good. But restarting camp fires take time.' He does shake his head in agreement with the lab people comment.

Lia's eyes shoot wide again at the talk of frozen bananas. 'Jeremy! We should go see if they have bananas. You could make /instant/ frozen bananas and we wouldn't have to wait!' Never mind that the girl just polished off a whole cupcake. There are some blessings to energetic teenage dancer metabolism, after all. 'Maybe they have chocolate we can put on them, too. And if there's chai. We can make a frozen chai. To go with the frozen chocolate bananas. I learned how to make cocoa /and/ tea.' She's a culinary wizard now, apparently. So long as it mostly involves boiling things.

'We can do that yes. I think the movie is almost over.' Jeremy turns to watch the pretty ending of the cute movie. 'But we should probably freeze them outside. So we don't freeze the kitchen,' he nods and checks the time. 'Yeah we can fix thems before it is too late. If it is cold outside, it will freeze faster.' Unsettling from the seat, he wiggles free and offers a hand. 'We can grab some cupcakes too to go with the frozen bananas.'

Lia nods vigorously in agreement. 'You have excellent ideas,' she declares emphatically before reaching for Jeremy's hand to pull herself lightly to her feet. 'Frozen bananas and chai and cupcakes! They did say you're supposed to celebrate when exams are done, didn't they? This will be /perfect/!'

'Yes, this is a good celebration. And then we have time off until next semester.' Jeremy nods with a smile and tugs Lia out from the rec room. 'So we can eat late, and then sleep and wake up late and still get breakfast and not miss classes.' He smiles at that, perhaps the words of a lazy person and a glutton. 'And then we can think of other tasty things to freeze and eat. Like make soda popsicles.'