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Revision as of 21:52, 31 March 2014

Start Looking
Dramatis Personae

Jackson, Sage

In Absentia




<XS> Command and Control Center - B2

Here is the heart of the Xavier Institute's true operations, the room most central to its purpose, where the Institute's most adventuresome and powerful individuals gather to receive exposition. The room is dominated by an oversized viewscreen on one wall, presently displaying an intricate diagram of the planet Earth, as well as a large central holographic projector and a handful of computer terminals along the periphery. Curiously, the whole place is rather dimly lit, as though its designers prioritized dramatic lighting over being able to find anything.

It's lunchtime on Monday and Jackson looks /wired/, bright-energetic as though he's had /way/ too much caffeine. C&C is brightly lit from the photokinetic's presence; there's a myriad of tiny leathery-winged dragon-creatures flitting about the room in a host of different softly-glowing colours. Jackson /himself/ is brightly colourful too; there's a panoply of new tattoos gracing his skin, intricate stained-glass looking mosaic creatures that shift and prowl across the surface of his arms and shaved-smooth skull in a way that real tattoos would /hopefully/ never do. On the back of his head there's some sort of tentacled water-creature currently wrestling a spiky goblin-esque demon down into its maw. His /clothing/ is, in contrast, blandly uncolourful. Pale bluejeans, a Xavier's tee; his X-Man jacket (/non/-leather, for him, with Funshine Bear's smiley-sun tummy symbol beadazzled onto its back) is thrown on over top. Likely because it's kind of cool down here.

He is at the moment not bothering with sitting down -- he's bouncing lightly on his toes instead as he stands and leans over the table to type on his shinynew laptop. He's also humming cheerfully to himself -- "Revolting Children" from Matilda: the Musical.

Sage on the other hand, is just like she normally is. Kind an android really. Walking into the C&C, she's dressed in a gray t-shirt, a pair of gray jeans herself, and her own X-Man jacket, which is unedited and leather. A thermos in her hand, and her red tinted ATHENA on her face, her first order of business once she gets in is to take a seat, and a sip of her drink, before she speaks. "Hello, Jackson. How are you?". She takes a brief look at the dragon creatures, before back into..nothing, probably watching something on her glasses. "I have been meaning to ask you a few questions about your email from the 5th, I apologize for not. It has been a hectic month."

A pair of the little firelizards swoop over to perch on Sage's shoulders, chasing each other down and around her neck and scurrying off to tumble-wrestle each other over the table. Jax glances up, wide-eyed, a bit of a startled-tension to his abruptly straightening posture before he looks back down at his computer. "Oh. Oh gosh, Sage. Hi." He passes a hand across his eye, and looks up again. "I'm -- I'm. Okay." He doesn't /actually/ sound exactly sure, but his smile is wide. Until the mention of the email, at which point he looks back to his computer a little uncertainly. "Oh -- gosh. There's a lot of -- email which email is that? Apologies, it -- it /has/ been a /real/ hectic month."

"Apologies. 'I don't know if anyone's noticed the police blotters lately, but there's been some CREEPY things turning up. Like bodies dismembered?'. That is the email I am speaking of.". As the firelizards swoop over, Sage is paying them no mind, speaking again. "I must apologize again for everything that happened to you, your family, and your neighbors. I hope for you, your husband, your sons, Mr. Black and his roommates, Araceli, and everyone else who was harmed by this, that the perpetrators are captured.". And then, topic swap. "I have a feeling that the bodies being dismembered may be connected to Anole's disappearance, yes?"

Jackson shivers faintly as the email is read out, and then quiets. He gives Sage a long thoughtful look as she speaks, his head tipping in a slight nod. ""I hope so, too," he answers her softly. "An' I'm sorry, too. I don't even know where to /start/ looking with -- with all of that."

He looks back down to his computer, and then takes a seat beside it on the table. His sneakers rest down on a chair, one knee bouncing restlessly up and down. "I think they might be, yes. Not sure -- but it seems likely. They lopped of his /arm/. An' the other girl that was found with him -- she didn't make it," he says regretfully, "but they'd started choppin' up her too. If there's /multiple/ people dismemberin' mutants out there we're in trouble. One of my friends was --" A twitch of guilt crosses Jax's face. "-- was lookin' into this but he's. Hurt now an'. Think we'll just have to take over lookin' on our own."

Sage takes another sip of her drink, nodding. "This is quite worrisome. The email said it was other mutants. Was there anything found on their motives? Anything to know about them? The more information we have, I believe the easier it would be for us to try and track them down. Where were they located in the Bronx? I could possibly go with someone else sometime soon and see what I can find at the area, if it has not been cleaned out. What are your theories?". Sage takes another sip after she begins speaking, before she twists her head in curiosity and questioning. "The whole thing is puzzling."

"I got the address -- goin' there an' tracin' back what we can find might be the best next stop. See if there's anything /left/ at the house -- see who /owns/ it, see what we can learn. 'Cuz when it comes to motive I'm jus' plain stumped." The colours on the dragons around the room are darkening, bleeding into greys and blacks. "I don't even know if I want to /guess/ why someone would steal people an' chop 'em up. I mean, in Prometheus they cut on enough of us but this didn't -- seem quite /medical/. I mean -- could be someone usin' mutant parts for somethin' or -- or it /could/ jus' be some people with some /sick/ fetish. I think could be findin' who owned the house at least would be -- a /start/."

"Perhaps they are attempting to create some sort of creature. A golem, or a real life version of Frankenstein. Mutant powers are strange, there is always the possibility of this being possible.". Sage, even though what she is saying is rather sickening, doesn't change emotionally as she states her theory. "What does Anole remember? Any sort of memorable mutations on the kidnappers? Appearances? He has been through a lot, but anything he knows could help stop other people like him from getting injured.". Sage sighs, before speaking once more. "I can go to the house with you, if you would like. Or if you would rather not go, I could see who else would like to come with me."

"Was a woman who could turn intangible. A man with super-speed of some sort. They both escaped. There was another man with -- with tentacles. He died there. Might be," Jackson says with a small furrow of brow, "worth lookin' into the reports surroundin' his death, too. He'll be the easiest to track /down/ on account'a they keep all sorts'a records when you die. Could look into who he was an' where he done come from. But you're," he says apologetically, "better at the kinda -- computer-research stuff than I am. I'll go to the house with you. You might have to take point on legwork when it comes to huntin' down information on the --" He flicks his fingers towards his computer with an expression that suggests he thinks it is some kind of /magic/.

"Of course. I can see what I can find on the dead mutant. Computers are not that difficult, however. Perhaps you could learn what I know.". Sage nods towards Jackson, another brief sigh. "Once we know who he is, we can see who he was connected with. Perhaps find where he lived. I will begin that tonight, the sooner, the better.". Sage takes another sip of her drink, before another sigh. "Who else do we have assisting us with this? If Benjamin is not already, his senses could be rather useful. Perhaps the Professor, if Anole was completely alright with it, could see what he remembers."

"My kid tries to teach me sometimes an' I think I'm kinda too dumb for computers," Jackson says with a deep blush, head ducking and the dragons disappearing from around the room. His tattoos settle down into place, ceasing their writhing on his skin.

"Tonight. Good. Thank you. Please let me know what's -- goin' on with --" Jax shakes his head, flicking his fingers towards the computer in indication. "Flicker was helpin' out -- he an' his roommates'll probably be able to get back on the hunt now that he's outta the hospital. He only jus' got out t'day. 'Tween Dusk's computer skills an' Hive's telepathy if you /get/ a lead on somethin' we might be pretty good equipped t'follow /up/ on it."

Sage nods her head towards what Jackson says about computers. "'Bastian is very intelligent. The smartest person who has ever stepped for in this school, I would say.". She's taking another sip from her thermos, before setting it back down.

"How is Flicker? I will send an email to the X-Men once I know anything. We must be wary, there is a chance it was not just these three. And there is still much about this we do not know."

The compliment to Bastian puts a warm smile on Jax's face, proud-pleased as though /he/ were the one receiving a compliment. "He's somethin' special. An' he works hard at it on top. Just hope colleges'll see past his skin." The smile fades into a thoughtful expression. "Flicker -- had a friend come help heal him." Jackson's brows furrow deeply here, though. "But I think goin' through this all has been real rough for him. He's been hurt /insane/-bad so /so/ many times this past year it's -- takin' a toll emotionally even if it ain't so much physically after the healin'." His hand skims over the top of his head, teeth scraping against his lip. "We'll just hafta be careful about not overtaxin' people. It gets wearin', you know. Never havin' a break." He shrugs one shoulder, closing his laptop and straightening. "Alright. So if you poke into what you can find about all this records-wise an' maybe -- mnh. Tomorrow's bad but maybe Wednesday we can go down an' check out the house. An' -- yeah. We'll. Be careful."