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Latest revision as of 23:16, 24 April 2014

No Silliness
Dramatis Personae

Micah, Flicker

23 April 2014

Visiting Hive and Flicker at the hospital.


<NYC> Mount Sinai Hospital – Harlem

On the cutting edge of many medical technologies, Mount Sinai Hospital is often ranked as one of the nation's best hospitals. The medical school attached is one of the best in the world, meaning that even your med students know what they are doing. Chin up, then -- when you come in here badly mutilated after the latest terrible catastrophe in Times Square, you're in good hands.

It is still rather early in the morning when Micah arrives at the hospital, having driven straight there from dropping Spencer off at school. He is dressed as expected for a work day: TARDIS blue polo shirt over long-sleeved navy tee and khakis, work shoes, hair somewhat neatened. His messenger bag hangs by one hip and a small canvas bag off the other. Upon reaching the appropriate room, he knocks lightly at the door, peeking in to make sure he's been directed to the right place by the folks at the desk.

Cancer wards are always terribly cheery places. Flicker is certainly looking, at the moment, terribly cheery, slumped exhausted and half-asleep in a chair beside Hive's bed, dressed rather similarly to Micah in blue polo shirt and khakis though he looks fairly rumpled in his. His backpack is beside his chair, his laptop on his lap though his eyes are drooped mostly closed; he's not really paying his screen any attention until Micah knocks. "Hmwha --" His head jerks upward, eyes snapping open. "Oh." His smile spreads quick and bright across his face, hand dropping to still the laptop that's started sliding off his knees. "Micah. Hey, hi." Beside him, Hive is tucked beneath his sheets, eyes closed and, if not asleep at least not responding to the knocking.

"Ohgosh, honey, did I wake you? Y'don't have t'stay up on my account. I'll be quiet." Micah /is/ going to sneak over for a hug before Flicker potentially gets back to sleep, though. He picks up another chair to bring it closer beside Flicker's chair and Hive's bed. "It isn't food. But I figured somethin' with sugar an' carbonation can be tummy settling." He lifts a few of the bottles out of the bag enough to be seen. Assorted Virgil's sodas and some /real/ ginger ales. "An' if Hive don't want 'em, visitors may well." He bites his lip, but can't manage /not/ to ask in the long run. "The docs said anythin'?"

"Oh -- no? Yes. No. I should be awake anyway," Flicker clarifies with a deep blush, still hanging on to his laptop with one hand as he lifts his other to return the hug, squeezing tight and longer then he normally might otherwise. He drops his hand back to the chair's armrest, settling back and looking back at Hive. "That he should have had surgery a month and a half ago?" His lips set, thin and tired. "And he's scheduled for a whole barrage of tests just to see if anything's -- changed. How are you?"

"Y'got somethin' that /needs/ doin'? Otherwise, sleep's pretty important," Micah observes with a small hint of a smile. "Tryin' t'shut up the worry-voice in m'head that's just frettin' over what's t'be done 'bout Hive an' Dusk, honestly." He tugs one of his thin grey gloves on a little tighter, a gesture that is rapidly becoming habitual. "Has he been talkin' enough t'even say what he wants t'do at this point?"

"Studying? I'll have class later if I don't skip it." Flicker sounds a little bit torn on this question. He glances down to Micah's glove, dropping his own hand off the armrest to his laptop keyboard. "Joshua's still with Dusk. I'm just not sure --" His brows pull together, head bowing. "He's really hurt." He looks up, to Hive's face and then to Micah's, green eyes opening just a little bit wider. "Oh, man, he doesn't actually shut up?" One of his eyes scrunches up, his smile a little bit lopsided. Though it quickly fades when he actually /answers/: "He says once Dusk's better he'll be fine." His tone is /more/ than a little skeptical.

"Ugh. I'd offer y'one of the sodas with caffeine t'help, but. Well. I'm /still/ not sure how y'go without it." Another mostly-tired smile makes an appearance. "I'm's pretty serious. I still can't fathom why they thought it was a good plan t'/burn/ the wounds back open, of all things. I was just hopin' against hope with the antibiotics an' all..." Micah's head shakes slightly, his expression quite clearly matching Flicker's skepticism. "He wasn't doin' well /before/ Dusk went in the hospital."

"Oh, I put a lot of dots into stamina," Flicker explains seriously. He sucks his cheeks in between his teeth, giving his head a small shake. "I didn't mean physically hurt." Though after this his smile is returning, small and a little tired as he tips his head back to look up at the ceiling. His shoulders lift, and fall again. "I don't think anyone's ever accused /any/ of my roommates of a surplus of common sense? But Dusk least. And he wasn't in his right mind already. And with /Kay/. Kind of stacking the negative modifiers there."

Micah just arches a brow at the stamina comment, coupled with an upward tug of the corner of his mouth on the same side. "I know," he agrees on the clarification of hurt. "It just. Don't help much." His lips puff out with a heavy exhalation. "Yeah, they don't. Usually do a whole /lotta/ stoppin' an' thinkin'. I hope...somethin'. Works out. Somehow. For someone. It's got to eventually, don't it? Just. Eventually."

"Eventually." Flicker's agreement is very quiet, his eyes fixed upwards, still, at some indeterminate point on the ceiling. Quieter still: "For someone." He tips his head back down with a sudden blink, a sudden quick-small smile. "Joshua'll help Dusk, though. Physically, anyway. And Hive can help find him again. Somewhere in there. He's just been hurting a while and got a little lost. But we'll find him. And come on. Some things do work out. The Commons are getting built. We've all got a place there. And we're moving Mel into an apartment today until then so there'll be a quieter place for her and the kid, look." He's tapping at his computer, bringing up pictures of an apartment to show to Micah.

"I...hope so. The Commons bein' built is nice, of course, but I'd kinda /rather/ have all the folks as are meant t'live there." Micah's brows knit, eyes drawn down to his hands. They slide back up to regard the pictures Flicker indicates. "Ohwow, that's really...amazin'. Is it crazy-expensive? It looks /big/. Well, New York big, certainly." His head tilts slightly to one side. "Is that a canoe?"

"And Shane's got his coffeeshop and B's -- some kind of crazy /genius/ at Stark. And Mel's daughter is /precious/. There's -- things. That work out. For people." Flicker shrugs, glancing to Hive again. "It's pretty expensive for a two bedroom, yeah. He's paying for it." He frowns down at the picture, leaning in to examine it with long and careful scrutiny. Eventually his head shakes. "No." He declares this decisively. "It's half a canoe."

Micah /might/ be thinking about the coffee shop getting attacked. And Mel getting thrown out of the hospital right after giving birth. He is not in the most optimistic of moods. "I guess... I hope." The proclamation of not-canoe earns a snort. "Smart alec, y'know what I meant. /Why/ is it half a canoe?"

Flicker just turns slightly widened eyes on Micah; he turns one hand upwards to gesture to the laptop screen. "Well where do /you/ keep your wine goblets?"

Micah gives the laptop a squinty look, nose crinkling with the effort of trying to make out tiny details. “Oh. Oh, of course. Half a canoe, exactly what's necessary for a half a dozen wine goblets. Sure. That makes perfect sense.”

"Well, c'mon, a /yacht/ would've been overkill. We don't want to be pretentious or anything, Micah." Flicker's expression is very serious, save for the amusement lighting his green eyes. "Maybe if it were a dozen goblets. Otherwise you're just being silly."

Micah snorts at that, leaning over in his chair enough to rest his forehead on Flicker's shoulder. “Oh, of course. We can't stand for any silliness here.”