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Latest revision as of 23:26, 9 May 2014

Dramatis Personae

B, Rasa


Perfectus Aftermath


<XS> Rasa and B's Dorm - FL2

A standard, if comfortable, dorm room. Two beds, two closets, two desks.

Rasa's side of the room is colorful. Ze's hung up scarves and veils from all over the world, most of them with gorgeous embroidery and rich colors. A couple from Japan and China have animals on them, but that half of the room is definitely more reminiscent of a tent from the middle east. Hir bed is also covered with satiny Egyptian cotton sheets, duvet cover and pillow shams. There is a lot of red and russet browns with some gold highlights in between.

Sebastian's half is -- fairly boring. Plain blue sheets on the bed; his desk tends to carry a large assortment of books (tidily stacked) at any given time, as well as a large assortment of clean white bones, often in the process of being rearranged into some sculpture or other. There's often a guitar in its case resting up against the side of the desk. His closet and dresser tend towards mess, comfortable hiking-type clothes in a fairly drab assortment of blacks and greys and neutral earth-tones spilling out of them. It is brightened up somewhat by the artwork on the walls, a handful of paintings in the same whimsically surreal style.

Classes have ended for the day; though there's gymnastics practice going on in the gym right now that B is usually a participant in, today she's headed straight back to the dorm rather than to the gymnasium. There's a bit of /fret/ in her expression, brows furrowed and gills fluttering, and a bit of bustle in her movements. A large gold dragonfly robot sits on her desk, a map projected into the air -- a section of forested mountain ridge that has a few moving dots lit on it.

She's dressed at the moment in purple capris with a wealth of pockets and straps, black platform sandals, a strappy black-and-silver tank top, but is frowning into her closet with teeth dragging over her lower lip. One hand is resting on the closet door, claws clicking against it; the other hand wraps around her midsection, fingers and elbow pressed against her sides where her gills threaten to rise as well.

Rasa comes back to the shared door room with hir books, dawdling, perhaps, in getting changed for the afternoon's activities. Ze hasn't had the best attendance record with hir extracurriculars, so it's anyone's guess if ze is going to charge on ahead or simply stay in. Rasa hasn't made up hir own mind yet. Ze tosses hir stuff onto hir bed as ze enters, kicking hir feet out of hir tennis shoes and turning slowly to look at what B has projected. Hir clothes are a little drab today, tail ready baggy jeans with no tail and a long sleeved XS tee, gloves covering hir hands. Hir hair appears to be a shaggy and over grown pixie cut in brown and green, hir skin the color of the peach crayon. Ze looks at the map, hir eyes narrowing slightly as ze picks out familiar features before asking, "Going camping this weekend? Your pa feeling up to it, or is it something to take his mind off of things?"

B turns from the closet, weight leaning up against the door kind of incidentally to swing it halfway back shut as she looks over at Rasa. Her head shakes, the gills at her neck fluttering faster. "I don't think Pa's in any shape to -- no. I don't think he's coming -- I don't think it'd be good for him even if, um." Her cheeks flush darker and she straightens, moving away from the closet back to her desk to pull the map bigger, holographic projection taking up a large portion of the space now between their two beds. "Do you, um, do you have plans this weekend?"

"No. No plans. Kind of been laying low lately." Rasa considers, hir expression laced with concern. Ze inhales and moves to settle back into a sitting position on the corner of hir bed. "You don't seem like you're heading out for a fun, climbing filled weekend, B. What's going on?" Ze pulls hir legs up to hir chest and scoots back a little.

"I'm -- we're not? I don't know, I --" B reaches into the map to tap at one of the dots; it switches from a map view to a camera view, currently moving -- in flight through the trees. B closes her eyes after a moment, the dragonfly's projected view slightly disorienting in three-dimensions around her; she dismisses it a moment later with a swipe of hand. "Dusk. Dusk's missing, Shane and I want to go." She waves a hand at the map, still frowning. "Go out and find him. It's -- it's stupid, I guess, maybe he's not /missing/, he ran off. But he was a mess, he's not -- he /shouldn't/ be alone."

Rasa begins to reverse motion, moving forward instead of backward on hir mattress. Soon hir feet are touching the floor again and hir hands are gripping the edge of the mattress. "I'll come, too. We have to try." Ze inhales deeply and scans the map as well. "You've already got your bugs out looking for him? THat should help narrow down a search grid, maybe." Ze gnaws on a lip.

"They're just -- looking in the places -- down the trails and campsites and climbing places that he and Pa and. Ian and Flicker and Hive liked to go the most? But I'm hoping if they see /something/ it might at least give us a place to start from, you know? Because the Catskills are. Kind of big and he's -- not big and /we're/ not big and --" B's words are spilling out a little quick, a little jittery, hand lifting to tuck one thumb claw between her teeth and chew with a quiet clicking sound. "And maybe he doesn't even want to /be/ found but. But then we could just leave again I just I don't want. That's not a time to be alone, right? I mean after we were in the labs or -- or in the fight -- we might've run off /too/ but that would've, would've ended bad if --" Her shoulders tighten, eyes locked for a while on the map before she looks over to Rasa. "Would you have wanted to -- to be. Alone -- after -- we should find him, right?"

"I did. Part of me still does." Rasa moves over to B's side, even if that means stepping through the projection. Ze offers hir arms for a hug. "We should find him. Being alone is not good. Makes things worse even if it feels like the most right thing in the world. We'll find him and we'll take it from there." As ze speaks, hir skin begins to darken, murky threads of blue swirling in and over taking the peachy color, drowning it out to gray. "Gotta at least let him know we care."

"Yeah -- yeah. It's -- I mean I ran away to the ocean." The tension in B's shoulders hasn't left, even as she returns the hug in a tight squeeze, tipping her face in to press against Rasa's shoulder, burying against the tee shirt. "And sometimes I just want the world to go away but it seems really dangerous. We -- gotta pack hiking -- camping things. And food and. Probably some blood."

"There's no guarantee of just dying or the world actually going away when we want that. It's... better to have people around, even if they are respectfully keeping their distance." Rasa's hands gently rub against B's back, hir head dipping so that hir hair is closer to B's skin than hirs. "We getting the blood from the medlab with permission or are we sneaking it?" Hir body temperature is a little cool on the surface, but hir breathing is steady. Hir pulse is running a little quick, letting on ze might not be as calm as hir exterior.

"Oh -- I. Didn't think that far ahead yet. I should -- I should ask Dr. Saavedro. Dusk usually. Got blood from him, he'd probably. Know." B leans in against Rasa, fingers clenching and then unclenching, palms pressing flat against Rasa's back as her head tips up slightly. She rubs gently against Rasa's back, brows furrowed faintly. "I guess there's not a guarantee of much. Just --" She closes her eyes again, fingers pressing against Rasa's shoulders. "Hold on to the good people when you can. The rest of the world's kind of a mess."

Rasa nods slowly, hands moving to the small of B's back, hir eyes closing as ze keeps hir roommate close. Ze is quiet for a long while, weight shifting from hir left side to hir right as time goes on, arms remaining constant. "People - good people - they're the only thing that makes the world livable." Ze exhales and nods a little faster. "Okay. So we'll call Dr. Saavedro - and remember to donate to pay him back."

B bonks her head up against Rasa's shoulder, eventually stepping back. "Right. Ok. You should pack -- hikey -- things. I should -- find my Pa. And call Dr. Saavedro -- he'll need to know I'm going away for the weekend /anyway/ or he'll probably forget how to /dress/ himself umm." She runs her hand against her hair, gills rippling again. "Food. Food. You want to go grocery shopping with me?"

"Bastian, hon. My time is yours for as long as you want it. Grocery shopping, hiking and climbing, blood collecting, you name it. Hell, we can even play jenga if it'd help." Rasa reaches over and brushes hir hand against B's gills, frowning a little. "I know this isn't a comfortable situation, but you need to find a way to get some calm, B. We're going to be strong for him."

B's gills settle back down, flat against her neck. She pulls in a deep breath, nodding as she moves over towards the bed to grab her Herbivore sweatshirt off of it. "Right. It'll be okay. It'll be okay once we get out there. C'mon. Let's -- let's." She frowns at the gold dragonfly briefly. "Frith, you can shut that off." The map projection vanishes. B scrubs a hand across her face. "Let's -- get ready."

Rasa nods and heads to hir closet, starting to get ready as well.